Exemple #1
	def getProfileId(self):
		pid = self.profileid
		if not host.pmgr_p_get("ai", self.index) and pid == 0:	# Don't bother doing this if player is 'bot
			pid = int(host.pmgr_p_get("profileid", self.index))
			self.profileid = pid
		if pid == 0:
			if pm_backend_pid_manager == 1:	# Try Backend playerID first - idea by ArmEagle
				if g_debug: print "Retrieving Profile ID (%s) via HTTP/1.1 miniclient" % str(host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index))
				# URL for retrieving player ID via internal miniclient
				player_nick = string.replace(str(host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index)), ' ', '%20')
				asp_playerid = '/ASP/getplayerid.aspx?nick=' + player_nick
				if g_debug: print "URI: %s" % (asp_playerid)
				# Fetch Data
				data = http_get( http_backend_addr, http_backend_port, asp_playerid )
				if data and data[0] == 'O':
					if g_debug: print "Received PID data is VALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
					datalines = data.splitlines()
					pidval = datalines[2].split('\t')
					pid = int(pidval[1])
					print "Received PID data is INVALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
			# Use PID.TXT to find PlayerID
			if pid == 0:	# Backend check is disabled or failed
				if g_debug: print "Retrieving Profile ID (%s) via PID file" % str(host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index))
					fh = file(pm_local_pid_txt_file, 'rb')
					line = fh.readlines()
					count = 0
					while count < len(line):
						if line[count].rstrip() == host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index):
							pid = int(line[count + 1].rstrip())
						count += 2
					# create a new PID - idea by FiberLetalis
					if pid == 0:
						if g_debug: print "New player, creating Profile ID..."
						new_pid = int(line[count - 1].rstrip()) + 1
						fh = file(pm_local_pid_txt_file, 'ab')
						fh.write('\r\n' + host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index) + '\r\n' + str(new_pid))
						pid = new_pid
				except IOError:
					print 'PID file not found!'
			self.profileid = pid
			return pid
			return pid
	def getProfileId(self):
		pid = self.profileid
		if not host.pmgr_p_get("ai", self.index) and pid == 0:	# Don't bother doing this if player is 'bot
			pid = int(host.pmgr_p_get("profileid", self.index))
			self.profileid = pid
		if pid == 0:
			if pm_backend_pid_manager == 1:	# Try Backend playerID first - idea by ArmEagle
				if g_debug: print "Retrieving Profile ID (%s) via HTTP/1.1 miniclient" % str(host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index))
				# URL for retrieving player ID via internal miniclient
				player_nick = string.replace(str(host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index)), ' ', '%20')
				asp_playerid = '/ASP/getplayerid.aspx?nick=' + player_nick
				if g_debug: print "URI: %s" % (asp_playerid)
				# Fetch Data
				data = http_get( http_backend_addr, http_backend_port, asp_playerid )
				if data and data[0] == 'O':
					if g_debug: print "Received PID data is VALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
					datalines = data.splitlines()
					pidval = datalines[2].split('\t')
					pid = int(pidval[1])
					print "Received PID data is INVALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
			# Use PID.TXT to find PlayerID
			if pid == 0:	# Backend check is disabled or failed
				if g_debug: print "Retrieving Profile ID (%s) via PID file" % str(host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index))
					fh = file(pm_local_pid_txt_file, 'rb')
					line = fh.readlines()
					count = 0
					while count < len(line):
						if line[count].rstrip() == host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index):
							pid = int(line[count + 1].rstrip())
						count += 2
					# create a new PID - idea by FiberLetalis
					if pid == 0:
						if g_debug: print "New player, creating Profile ID..."
						new_pid = int(line[count - 1].rstrip()) + 1
						fh = file(pm_local_pid_txt_file, 'ab')
						fh.write('\r\n' + host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index) + '\r\n' + str(new_pid))
						pid = new_pid
				except IOError:
					print 'PID file not found!'
			self.profileid = pid
			return pid
			return pid
Exemple #3
    def getProfileId(self):
        # No stats, Then we dont bother fetching Pid from ASP
        if not stats_enable:
            return host.pmgr_p_get("profileid", self.index)

        pid = self.profileid

        # If we are a human player, attempt to get PID from the bf2 server
        if not host.pmgr_p_get("ai", self.index) and pid == 0:
            pid = int(host.pmgr_p_get("profileid", self.index))

        # If we don't have a PID up to this point, fetch it from ASP back end
        if pid == 0:
            if g_debug:
                print "Retrieving Profile ID (%s) via HTTP/1.1 miniclient" % str(
                    host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index))

            # URL for retrieving player ID via internal miniclient
            player_nick = string.replace(
                str(host.pmgr_p_get("name", self.index)), ' ', '%20')
            asp_playerid = '/ASP/getplayerid.aspx?nick=' + player_nick + '&ai=' + str(
                host.pmgr_p_get("ai", self.index))
            if g_debug: print "URI: %s" % (asp_playerid)

            # Fetch Data using miniclient
            data = http_get(http_backend_addr, http_backend_port, asp_playerid)
            if data and data[0] == 'O':
                if g_debug:
                    print "Received PID data is VALID, length %d" % int(
                datalines = data.splitlines()
                pidval = datalines[2].split('\t')
                pid = int(pidval[1])
                print "Received PID data is INVALID, length %d" % int(

        self.profileid = pid
        return pid
def onPlayerConnect(aPlayer):

    # Ignore AI players
    if aPlayer.isAIPlayer():

    #if g_debug:
    player_nick = string.replace(aPlayer.getName(), ' ', '%20')
    asp_URI = '/ASP/verifyplayer.aspx?pid=%d&nick=%s' % (int(
        aPlayer.getProfileId()), player_nick)

    # Run check
    print "Running CSE Verification Check on Player (%s)" % str(
    if g_debug: print "URI: %s" % (asp_URI)
    data = http_get(http_backend_addr, http_backend_port, asp_URI)

    if data and data[0] == 'O':

        # Split the response into an array
        datalines = data.splitlines()

        # Parse result and message
        items = datalines[2].split('\t')
        result = str(items[1])
        message = str(items[2])

        #if g_debug:
        print "Backend CSE Response on Player (%s): %s - %s " % (str(
            aPlayer.getName()), str(result), str(message))

        # Is player OK?
        if (result == "NOK"):
            host.rcon_invoke('admin.kickPlayer ' + str(aPlayer.index))

        print "Backend CSE Response on Player (%s) is INVALID, length %d" % int(
Exemple #5
def getPlayerListData(asp_URI):
	playerListData = []
	data = http_get( http_backend_addr, http_backend_port, asp_URI )
	if data and data[0] == 'O':
		if g_debug: print "Received Clan list data is VALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
		datalines = data.splitlines()
		skip = True
		i = 0
		for dataline in datalines:
			# the first dataline retrieved only contains count and timestamp,
			# do nothing and mark the skip flag to false.
			# all subsequent datalines will be processed normally
			if dataline[0] == 'D' and skip:
				skip = False
			elif dataline[0] == 'D':
				items = dataline.split('\t')
				playerListData += [int(items[1])]
				if g_debug: print "List Member: %s (%s)" % (str(items[2]), str(items[1]))
		print "Received list Member data is INVALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
	return playerListData
Exemple #6
def getPlayerListData(asp_URI):
	playerListData = []
	data = http_get( http_backend_addr, http_backend_port, asp_URI )
	if data and data[0] == 'O':
		if g_debug: print "Received Clan list data is VALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
		datalines = data.splitlines()
		skip = True
		i = 0
		for dataline in datalines:
			# the first dataline retrieved only contains count and timestamp,
			# do nothing and mark the skip flag to false.
			# all subsequent datalines will be processed normally
			if dataline[0] == 'D' and skip:
				skip = False
			elif dataline[0] == 'D':
				items = dataline.split('\t')
				playerListData += [int(items[1])]
				if g_debug: print "List Member: %s (%s)" % (str(items[2]), str(items[1]))
		print "Received list Member data is INVALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
	return playerListData
Exemple #7
def onPlayerConnect(player):
	global updateTimer
	id = player.stats.connectionOrderNr
	# Check if player already in MedalMap, if so reconnect them
	reconnect = id in sessionPlayerMedalMap

	if id in sessionPlayerMedalMap:
		if g_debug: print "Player id=%d found in sessionPlayerMedalMap" % int(id)
	if not reconnect:
		newMedalSet = MedalSet()
		sessionPlayerMedalMap[id] = newMedalSet

	player.medals = sessionPlayerMedalMap[id]

	if not reconnect:	
		player.score.rank = 0

		# Added by Chump - for bf2statistics stats
		#if g_debug: print "Added player %d to medal checking" % (player.index)
		if g_debug: print "Added player %d, %s (%s) to medal/rank checking" % ( player.index, player.getName(), str(player.getProfileId()) )

		player.score.rank = player.stats.rank

		# Added by Chump - for bf2statistics stats
		#if g_debug: print "Readded player %d to medal checking" % (player.index)
		if g_debug: print "Readded player %d to medal/rank checking" % player.index
		# This code is used to reduce the "request storm" generated at the start of a round. 
		#	Check if this player's STATS were updated in the last 30 seconds
		#	We only need to do this at the start of a round, just ignore otherwise
		if player.getGlobalUpdateTime() > 30 and player.stats.wasHereAtStart == 1:
			# STATS are a bit stale, force gamespy request (this should only occur ONCE per round)
			# Final check just to make sure player isn't reconnecting mid-round due to a CTD
			if player.stats.timeOnLine < 30:
				reconnect = False

	if player.getProfileId() > 2000 and not reconnect:
		if g_debug: print "Getting Stats..."
		# get persistant stats from gamespy

		# Added by Chump - for bf2statistics stats (plus de-indenting)
		#if host.ss_getParam('ranked'):
		player.score.rank = player.stats.rank
		success = False
		if not player.isAIPlayer():
			if g_debug: print "Requesting player STATS"
			success = host.pers_plrRequestStats(player.index, 1, globalKeyString)
		# Player is either AI or Offline, so we will manually get STATS
		if not success:
			if g_debug: print "Retrieving player STATS via HTTP/1.1 miniclient"
			# URL for retrieving player's awards and stats records via internal miniclient
			asp_playerinfo = '/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx?pid=' + str(player.getProfileId()) + globalKeyString
			# Fetch Data
			data = http_get( http_backend_addr, http_backend_port, asp_playerinfo )
			if data and data[0] == 'O':
				print "Received STATS data is VALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
				stats = {}
				datalines = data.splitlines()
				keys = datalines[3].split('\t')
				vals = datalines[4].split('\t')
				if (len(keys) == len(vals)):
					if g_debug:	print "Assembling STATS dictionary with %d keys" % int(len(keys))
					for idx in range(1,len(keys)):
						stats[keys[idx]] = vals[idx]
				# eventually reattach persistent stats records to this player
				print "ERROR: Received STATS data is NOT VALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
		success = False
		if not player.isAIPlayer():
			if g_debug: print "Requesting player AWARDS"
			success = host.pers_plrRequestAwards(player.index, 1, "")
		# Player is either AI or Offline, so we will manually get AWARDS
		if not success:
			if g_debug: print "Retrieving player AWARDS via HTTP/1.1 miniclient"
			# URL for retrieving player's awards and stats records via internal miniclient
			asp_awardsinfo = '/ASP/getawardsinfo.aspx?pid=' + str(player.getProfileId())
			# Fetch Data
			data = http_get( http_backend_addr, http_backend_port, asp_awardsinfo )
			if data and data[0] == 'O':
				print "Received AWARDS data is VALID, lenght %d" % int(len(data))
				awards = {}
				datalines = data.splitlines()
				skip = True
				for dataline in datalines:
					# the first dataline retrieved only contains pid and nick,
					# do nothing and mark the skip flag to false.
					# all subsequent datalines will be processed normally
					if dataline[0] == 'D' and skip:
						skip = False
					elif dataline[0] == 'D':
						items = dataline.split('\t')
						medalkey = items[1]
						medallev = items[2]
						awards[medalkey] = medallev
				# eventually reattach persistent awards records to this player
				print "ERROR: Received AWARDS data is NOT VALID, length %d" % int(len(data))
		# Record STATS update time
Exemple #8
def onPlayerConnect(player):
    global updateTimer

    id = player.stats.connectionOrderNr

    # Check if player already in MedalMap, if so reconnect them
    reconnect = id in sessionPlayerMedalMap

    if id in sessionPlayerMedalMap:
        if g_debug:
            print "Player id=%d found in sessionPlayerMedalMap" % int(id)

    if not reconnect:
        newMedalSet = MedalSet()
        sessionPlayerMedalMap[id] = newMedalSet

    player.medals = sessionPlayerMedalMap[id]

    if not reconnect:
        player.score.rank = 0

        # Added by Chump - for bf2statistics stats
        #if g_debug: print "Added player %d to medal checking" % (player.index)
        if g_debug:
            print "Added player %d, %s (%s) to medal/rank checking" % (
                player.index, player.getName(), str(player.getProfileId()))

        player.score.rank = player.stats.rank

        # Added by Chump - for bf2statistics stats
        #if g_debug: print "Readded player %d to medal checking" % (player.index)
        if g_debug:
            print "Readded player %d to medal/rank checking" % player.index

        # This code is used to reduce the "request storm" generated at the start of a round.
        #	Check if this player's STATS were updated in the last 30 seconds
        #	We only need to do this at the start of a round, just ignore otherwise
        if player.getGlobalUpdateTime(
        ) > 30 and player.stats.wasHereAtStart == 1:
            # STATS are a bit stale, force gamespy request (this should only occur ONCE per round)
            # Final check just to make sure player isn't reconnecting mid-round due to a CTD
            if player.stats.timeOnLine < 30:
                reconnect = False

    if player.getProfileId() > 2000 and not reconnect:
        if g_debug: print "Getting Stats..."
        # get persistant stats from gamespy

        # Added by Chump - for bf2statistics stats (plus de-indenting)
        #if host.ss_getParam('ranked'):
        player.score.rank = player.stats.rank

        # STATS
        success = False
        if not player.isAIPlayer():
            if g_debug: print "Requesting player STATS"
            success = host.pers_plrRequestStats(player.index, 1,

        # Player is either AI or Offline, so we will manually get STATS
        if not success:
            if g_debug: print "Retrieving player STATS via HTTP/1.1 miniclient"

            # URL for retrieving player's awards and stats records via internal miniclient
            asp_playerinfo = '/ASP/getplayerinfo.aspx?pid=' + str(
                player.getProfileId()) + globalKeyString

            # Fetch Data
            data = http_get(http_backend_addr, http_backend_port,

            if data and data[0] == 'O':
                print "Received STATS data is VALID, length %d" % int(

                stats = {}
                datalines = data.splitlines()
                keys = datalines[3].split('\t')
                vals = datalines[4].split('\t')

                if (len(keys) == len(vals)):
                    if g_debug:
                        print "Assembling STATS dictionary with %d keys" % int(

                    for idx in range(1, len(keys)):
                        stats[keys[idx]] = vals[idx]

                # eventually reattach persistent stats records to this player
                attachPlayerStats(player, stats)

                print "ERROR: Received STATS data is NOT VALID, length %d" % int(

        # AWARDS
        success = False
        if not player.isAIPlayer():
            if g_debug: print "Requesting player AWARDS"
            success = host.pers_plrRequestAwards(player.index, 1, "")

        # Player is either AI or Offline, so we will manually get AWARDS
        if not success:
            if g_debug:
                print "Retrieving player AWARDS via HTTP/1.1 miniclient"

            # URL for retrieving player's awards and stats records via internal miniclient
            asp_awardsinfo = '/ASP/getawardsinfo.aspx?pid=' + str(

            # Fetch Data
            data = http_get(http_backend_addr, http_backend_port,

            if data and data[0] == 'O':
                print "Received AWARDS data is VALID, lenght %d" % int(

                awards = {}
                datalines = data.splitlines()
                skip = True
                for dataline in datalines:
                    # the first dataline retrieved only contains pid and nick,
                    # do nothing and mark the skip flag to false.
                    # all subsequent datalines will be processed normally
                    if dataline[0] == 'D' and skip:
                        skip = False

                    elif dataline[0] == 'D':
                        items = dataline.split('\t')
                        medalkey = items[1]
                        medallev = items[2]
                        awards[medalkey] = medallev

                # eventually reattach persistent awards records to this player
                attachPlayerAwards(player, awards)

                print "ERROR: Received AWARDS data is NOT VALID, length %d" % int(

        # Record STATS update time