def buffer_image(self, image_path, Xi, Yi, Xt, Yt, color=False): """buffer_image Load and image and store in buffer This method loads an image and stores it in the appropriate position based on the stitching vector coordinates within a large tile of the output image. It is intended to be used as a thread to increase the reading component to assembling the image. Args: image_path ([str]): Path to image to load Xi ([list]): Xmin and Xmax of pixels to load from the image Yi ([list]): Ymin and Ymax of pixels to load from the image Xt ([list]): X position within the buffer to store the image Yt ([list]): Y position within the buffer to store the image """ # Load the image br = BioReader(image_path, max_workers=2) image = br.read_image(X=Xi, Y=Yi) # only get the first z,c,t layer # Put the image in the buffer if color != None: image_temp = ( 255 * (image[..., 0, 0].astype(np.float32) - self.bounds[0]) / (self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0])) image_temp[image_temp > 255] = 255 image_temp[image_temp < 0] = 0 image_temp = image_temp.astype(np.uint8) self._image[Yt[0]:Yt[1], Xt[0]:Xt[1], ...] = 0 self._image[Yt[0]:Yt[1], Xt[0]:Xt[1], self.color] = image_temp else: self._image[Yt[0]:Yt[1], Xt[0]:Xt[1], ...] = image[:, :, :, 0, 0]
def process_image(input_img_path, output_img_path, projection, method): # Grab a free process with ProcessManager.process(): # initalize biowriter and bioreader with BioReader(input_img_path, max_workers=ProcessManager._active_threads) as br, \ BioWriter(output_img_path, metadata=br.metadata, max_workers=ProcessManager._active_threads) as bw: # output image is 2d bw.Z = 1 # iterate along the x,y direction for x in range(0, br.X, tile_size): x_max = min([br.X, x + tile_size]) for y in range(0, br.Y, tile_size): y_max = min([br.Y, y + tile_size]) ProcessManager.submit_thread(projection, br, bw, (x, x_max), (y, y_max), method=method) ProcessManager.join_threads()
def main( input_dir: Path, ball_radius: int, light_background: bool, output_dir: Path, ) -> None: """ Main execution function Args: input_dir: path to directory containing the input images. ball_radius: radius of ball to use for the rolling-ball algorithm. light_background: whether the image has a light or dark background. output_dir: path to directory where to store the output images. """ for in_path in input_dir.iterdir(): in_path = Path(in_path) out_path = Path(output_dir).joinpath( # Load the input image with BioReader(in_path) as reader:'Working on {} with shape {reader.shape}') # Initialize the output image with BioWriter(out_path, metadata=reader.metadata, max_workers=cpu_count()) as writer: rolling_ball( reader=reader, writer=writer, ball_radius=ball_radius, light_background=light_background, ) return
def _get_resized_image_stack(flist): """ Load all images in a list and resize to OPTIONS['size'] When files are parsed, the variables are used in an index to provide a method to reference a specific file name by its dimensions. This function returns the variable index based on the input filename pattern. Inputs:ed th flist - Paths of list of images to load and resize Outputs: img_stack - A 3D stack of 2D images X - width of image Y - height of image """ #Initialize the output br = BioReader(str(flist[0])) X = br.num_x() Y = br.num_y() C = len(flist) img_stack = np.zeros((OPTIONS['size'], OPTIONS['size'], C), dtype=np.float32) # Load every image as a z-slice for ind, fname in zip(range(len(flist)), flist): br = BioReader(str(fname)) I = np.squeeze(br.read_image()) img_stack[:, :, ind] = cv2.resize( I, (OPTIONS['size'], OPTIONS['size']), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR).astype(np.float32) return img_stack, X, Y
def validate_and_copy( file: Path, outDir: Path, ) -> None: # Enter context manager to verify the file is a tiled tiff with BioReader(file['file'], backend='python') as br: shutil.copy2(file['file'], outDir.joinpath(file['file'].name))
def image_to_zarr(inp_image: Path, out_dir: Path) -> None: with ProcessManager.process(): with BioReader(inp_image) as br: # Loop through timepoints for t in range(br.T): # Loop through channels for c in range(br.C): extension = "".join([ suffix for suffix in inp_image.suffixes[-2:] if len(suffix) < 5 ]) out_path = out_dir.joinpath(, FILE_EXT)) if br.C > 1: out_path = out_dir.joinpath(, f"_c{c}" + FILE_EXT)) if br.T > 1: out_path = out_dir.joinpath(, f"_t{t}" + FILE_EXT)) with BioWriter( out_path, max_workers=ProcessManager._active_threads, metadata=br.metadata, ) as bw: bw.C = 1 bw.T = 1 bw.channel_names = [br.channel_names[c]] # Loop through z-slices for z in range(br.Z): # Loop across the length of the image for y in range(0, br.Y, TILE_SIZE): y_max = min([br.Y, y + TILE_SIZE]) bw.max_workers = ProcessManager._active_threads br.max_workers = ProcessManager._active_threads # Loop across the depth of the image for x in range(0, br.X, TILE_SIZE): x_max = min([br.X, x + TILE_SIZE]) bw[y:y_max, x:x_max, z:z + 1, 0, 0] = br[y:y_max, x:x_max, z:z + 1, c, t]
def main( input_dir: Path, file_pattern: str, output_dir: Path, ): fp = filepattern.FilePattern(input_dir, file_pattern) files = [Path(file[0]['file']).resolve() for file in fp] files = list(filter( lambda file_path:'.ome.tif') or'.ome.zarr'), files )) executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor if utils.USE_GPU else ProcessPoolExecutor)(utils.NUM_THREADS) processes: List[Future[bool]] = list() for in_file in files: with BioReader(in_file) as reader: x_shape, y_shape, z_shape = reader.X, reader.Y, reader.Z metadata = reader.metadata ndims = 2 if z_shape == 1 else 3 out_file = output_dir.joinpath(utils.replace_extension(in_file, extension='_flow.ome.zarr')) init_zarr_file(out_file, ndims, metadata) tile_count = 0 for z in range(0, z_shape, utils.TILE_SIZE): z = None if ndims == 2 else z for y in range(0, y_shape, utils.TILE_SIZE): for x in range(0, x_shape, utils.TILE_SIZE): coordinates = x, y, z device = (tile_count % utils.NUM_THREADS) if utils.USE_GPU else None tile_count += 1 # flow_thread(in_file, out_file, coordinates, device) processes.append(executor.submit( flow_thread, in_file, out_file, coordinates, device, )) done, not_done = wait(processes, 0) while len(not_done) > 0:'Percent complete: {100 * len(done) / len(processes):6.3f}%') for r in done: r.result() done, not_done = wait(processes, 5) executor.shutdown() return
def _merge_layers(input_dir, input_files, output_dir, output_file): zs = [z for z in input_files.keys()] # sorted list of filenames by z-value zs.sort() # Initialize the output file br = BioReader( str(Path(input_dir).joinpath(input_files[zs[0]][0]).absolute())) bw = BioWriter(str(Path(output_dir).joinpath(output_file).absolute()), metadata=br.read_metadata()) bw.num_z(Z=len(zs)) del br # Load each image and save to the volume file for z, i in zip(zs, range(len(zs))): br = BioReader( str(Path(input_dir).joinpath(input_files[z][0]).absolute())) bw.write_image(br.read_image(), Z=[i, i + 1]) del br # Close the output image and delete bw.close_image() del bw
# Set up the number of threads for each task read_workers = max([cpu_count()//3,1]) write_workers = max([cpu_count()-1,2]) loop_workers = max([3*cpu_count()//4,2]) # extract filenames from registration_string and similar_transformation_string registration_set=registration_string.split() similar_transformation_set=similar_transformation_string.split() filename_len=len(template) # seperate the filename of the moving image from the complete path moving_image_name=registration_set[1][-1*filename_len:] # read and downscale reference image br_ref = BioReader(registration_set[0],max_workers=write_workers) scale_factor=get_scale_factor(br_ref.num_y(),br_ref.num_x())'Scale factor: {}'.format(scale_factor)) # intialize the scale factor and scale matrix(to be used to upscale the transformation matrices) if method == 'Projective': scale_matrix = np.array([[1,1,scale_factor],[1,1,scale_factor],[1/scale_factor,1/scale_factor,1]]) else: scale_matrix = np.array([[1/scale_factor,1/scale_factor,1],[1/scale_factor,1/scale_factor,1]])'Reading and downscaling reference image: {}'.format(Path(registration_set[0]).name)) reference_image_downscaled,max_val,min_val = get_scaled_down_images(br_ref,scale_factor,get_max=True) br_ref.max_workers = read_workers # read moving image'Reading and downscaling moving image: {}'.format(Path(registration_set[1]).name))
def main( _opName: str, _in1: Path, _sigma: str, _calibration: str, _out: Path, ) -> None: """Initialize ImageJ""" # Bioformats throws a debug message, disable the loci debugger to mute it def disable_loci_logs(): DebugTools = scyjava.jimport("loci.common.DebugTools") DebugTools.setRootLevel("WARN") scyjava.when_jvm_starts(disable_loci_logs) # This is the version of ImageJ pre-downloaded into the docker container"Starting ImageJ...") ij = imagej.init("sc.fiji:fiji:2.1.1+net.imagej:imagej-legacy:0.37.4", headless=True) # ij_converter.ij = ij"Loaded ImageJ version: {}".format(ij.getVersion())) """ Validate and organize the inputs """ args = [] argument_types = [] arg_len = 0 # Validate opName opName_values = [ "DefaultTubeness", ] assert _opName in opName_values, "opName must be one of {}".format( opName_values) # Validate in1 in1_types = { "DefaultTubeness": "RandomAccessibleInterval", } # Check that all inputs are specified if _in1 is None and _opName in list(in1_types.keys()): raise ValueError("{} must be defined to run {}.".format( "in1", _opName)) elif _in1 != None: in1_type = in1_types[_opName] # switch to images folder if present if _in1.joinpath("images").is_dir(): _in1 = _in1.joinpath("images").absolute() args.append([f for f in _in1.iterdir() if f.is_file()]) arg_len = len(args[-1]) else: argument_types.append(None) args.append([None]) # Validate sigma sigma_types = { "DefaultTubeness": "double", } # Check that all inputs are specified if _sigma is None and _opName in list(sigma_types.keys()): raise ValueError("{} must be defined to run {}.".format( "sigma", _opName)) else: sigma = None # Validate calibration calibration_types = { "DefaultTubeness": "double[]", } # Check that all inputs are specified if _calibration is None and _opName in list(calibration_types.keys()): raise ValueError("{} must be defined to run {}.".format( "calibration", _opName)) else: calibration = None for i in range(len(args)): if len(args[i]) == 1: args[i] = args[i] * arg_len """ Set up the output """ out_types = { "DefaultTubeness": "IterableInterval", } """ Run the plugin """ try: for ind, (in1_path, ) in enumerate(zip(*args)): if in1_path != None: # Load the first plane of image in in1 collection"Processing image: {}".format(in1_path)) in1_br = BioReader(in1_path) # Convert to appropriate numpy array in1 = ij_converter.to_java(ij, np.squeeze(in1_br[:, :, 0:1, 0, 0]), in1_type) metadata = in1_br.metadata fname = dtype = if _sigma is not None: sigma = ij_converter.to_java(ij, _sigma, sigma_types[_opName], dtype) if _calibration is not None: calibration = ij_converter.to_java(ij, _calibration, calibration_types[_opName], dtype)"Running op...") if _opName == "DefaultTubeness": out = ij.op().filter().tubeness(in1, sigma, calibration)"Completed op!") if in1_path != None: in1_br.close() # Saving output file to out"Saving...") out_array = ij_converter.from_java(ij, out, out_types[_opName]) bw = BioWriter(_out.joinpath(fname), metadata=metadata) bw.Z = 1 bw.dtype = out_array.dtype bw[:] = out_array.astype(bw.dtype) bw.close() except: logger.error("There was an error, shutting down jvm before raising...") raise finally: # Exit the program"Shutting down jvm...") del ij jpype.shutdownJVM()"Complete!")
def _parse_stitch(self, stitchPath, imagePath): """ Load and parse image stitching vectors This function creates a list of file dictionaries that include the filename and pixel position and dimensions within a stitched image. It also determines the size of the final stitched image and the suggested name of the output image based on differences in file names in the stitching vector. This method originally appeared in the image assembler plugin: Inputs: stitchPath - A path to stitching vectors imagePath - A path to tiled tiff images timepointName - Use the vector timeslice as the image name Outputs: out_dict - Dictionary with keys (width, height, name, filePos) """ # Initialize the output out_dict = {'width': int(0), 'height': int(0), 'filePos': []} # Set the regular expression used to parse each line of the stitching vector line_regex = r"file: (.*); corr: (.*); position: \((.*), (.*)\); grid: \((.*), (.*)\);" # Get a list of all images in imagePath images = [ for p in Path(imagePath).iterdir()] # Open each stitching vector fpath = str(Path(stitchPath).absolute()) name_pos = {} with open(fpath, 'r') as fr: # Read the first line to get the filename for comparison to all other filenames line = fr.readline() stitch_groups = re.match(line_regex, line) stitch_groups = { key: val for key, val in zip(STITCH_VARS, stitch_groups.groups()) } name = stitch_groups['file'] name_ind = [i for i in range(len(name))] # reset to the first line # Read each line in the stitching vector for line in fr: # Read and parse values from the current line stitch_groups = re.match(line_regex, line) stitch_groups = { key: get_number(val) for key, val in zip(STITCH_VARS, stitch_groups.groups()) } # If an image in the vector doesn't match an image in the collection, then skip it if stitch_groups['file'] not in images: continue # Get the image size stitch_groups['width'], stitch_groups[ 'height'] = BioReader.image_size( str( Path(imagePath).joinpath( stitch_groups['file']).absolute())) if out_dict['width'] < stitch_groups['width'] + stitch_groups[ 'posX']: out_dict['width'] = stitch_groups['width'] + stitch_groups[ 'posX'] if out_dict['height'] < stitch_groups[ 'height'] + stitch_groups['posY']: out_dict['height'] = stitch_groups[ 'height'] + stitch_groups['posY'] # Set the stitching vector values in the file dictionary out_dict['filePos'].append(stitch_groups) return out_dict
files = list({% for inp,val in cookiecutter._inputs.items() if val.type=='collection' -%} {% if loop.first %}{{ inp }}{% endif %} {%- endfor -%}.iterdir()) for file in files: {%- endif %} {#- Use bfio if requested #} {%- if cookiecutter.use_bfio == "True" %} {%- filter indent(level2,True) %}'Processing image: {file["file"]}') # Load the input image logger.debug(f'Initializing BioReader for {file["file"]}') with BioReader(file['file']) as br: input_extension = ''.join([s for s in file['file'].suffixes[-2:] if len(s) < 5]) out_name = file['file'].name.replace(input_extension,POLUS_EXT) out_path = {{ cookiecutter._outputs.keys()|first }}.joinpath(out_name) # Initialize the output image logger.debug(f'Initializing BioReader for {out_path}') with BioWriter(out_path,metadata=br.metadata) as bw: # This is where the magic happens, replace this part with your method bw[:] = awesome_function(br[:]) {%- endfilter %} {%- endif %} if __name__=="__main__":
datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S') logger = logging.getLogger("do_flat") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Set up the FilePattern object images = FilePattern(inpDir, filepattern) ''' Start the javabridge '''"Starting the javabridge...") log_config = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("") jutil.start_vm(args=[ "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:{}".format(str(log_config.absolute())) ], class_path=bioformats.JARS) ''' Load the flatfielding data '''"Loading the flatfield data...") flat_br = BioReader(brightfield) flat_image = np.squeeze(flat_br.read_image()) del flat_br # Normalize the brightfield image if it isn't done already flat_image = flat_image.astype(np.float32) flat_image = np.divide(flat_image, np.mean(flat_image)) # Load the darkfield and photobleach offsets if they are specified if darkfield != None: dark_br = BioReader(darkfield) dark_image = np.squeeze(dark_br.read_image()) del dark_br else: dark_image = np.zeros(flat_image.shape, dtype=np.float32) if photobleach != None:
def flow_thread( file_name: Path, zarr_path: Path, coordinates: Tuple[int, int, Optional[int]], device: Optional[int], ) -> bool: x, y, z = coordinates ndims = 2 if z is None else 3 z = 0 if z is None else z # Load the data with BioReader(file_name) as reader: x_shape, y_shape, z_shape = reader.X, reader.Y, reader.Z x_min = max(0, x - utils.TILE_OVERLAP) x_max = min(x_shape, x + utils.TILE_SIZE + utils.TILE_OVERLAP) y_min = max(0, y - utils.TILE_OVERLAP) y_max = min(y_shape, y + utils.TILE_SIZE + utils.TILE_OVERLAP) z_min = max(0, z - utils.TILE_OVERLAP) z_max = min(z_shape, z + utils.TILE_SIZE + utils.TILE_OVERLAP) masks = numpy.squeeze(reader[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max, z_min:z_max, 0, 0]) masks = masks if ndims == 2 else numpy.transpose(masks, (2, 0, 1)) masks_shape = masks.shape # Calculate index and offsets x_overlap = x - x_min x_min, x_max = x, min(x_shape, x + utils.TILE_SIZE) cx_min, cx_max = x_overlap, x_max - x_min + x_overlap y_overlap = y - y_min y_min, y_max = y, min(y_shape, y + utils.TILE_SIZE) cy_min, cy_max = y_overlap, y_max - y_min + y_overlap z_overlap = z - z_min z_min, z_max = z, min(z_shape, z + utils.TILE_SIZE) cz_min, cz_max = z_overlap, z_max - z_min + z_overlap # Save the mask before transforming if ndims == 2: masks_original = masks[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, :, :] else: masks_original = masks[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, :, :] masks_original = masks_original[:, :, cz_min:cz_max, cy_min:cy_max, cx_min:cx_max] # noinspection PyTypeChecker zarr_root =[0] zarr_root[0:1, 0:1, z_min:z_max, y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = numpy.asarray(masks_original != 0, dtype=numpy.float32) zarr_root[0:1, ndims + 1:ndims + 2, z_min:z_max, y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = numpy.asarray(masks_original, dtype=numpy.float32) if not numpy.any(masks): logger.debug(f'Tile (x, y, z) = {x, y, z} in file {} has no objects. Setting flows to zero...') flows = numpy.zeros((ndims, *masks.shape), dtype=numpy.float32) else: # Normalize labels, masks = numpy.unique(masks, return_inverse=True) if len(labels) == 1: logger.debug(f'Tile (x, y, z) = {x, y, z} in file {} has only one object.') masks += 1 masks = numpy.reshape(masks, newshape=masks_shape) flows = dynamics.masks_to_flows(masks, device=device) logger.debug(f'Computed flows on tile (x, y, z) = {x, y, z} in file {}') # Zarr axes ordering should be (t, c, z, y, x). Add missing t, c, and z axes if ndims == 2: flows = flows[numpy.newaxis, :, numpy.newaxis, :, :] else: flows = flows[numpy.newaxis, :, :, :] flows = flows[:, :, cz_min:cz_max, cy_min:cy_max, cx_min:cx_max] zarr_root[0:1, 1:ndims + 1, z_min:z_max, y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = flows return True
def extract_fovs(file_path: Path, out_path: Path): """ Extract individual FOVs from a czi file When CZI files are loaded by BioFormats, it will generally try to mosaic images together by stage position if the image was captured with the intention of mosaicing images together. At the time this function was written, there was no clear way of extracting individual FOVs so this algorithm was created. Every field of view in each z-slice, channel, and timepoint contained in a CZI file is saved as an individual image. Args: file_path (Path): Path to CZI file out_path (Path): Path to output directory """ with ProcessManager.process('Starting extraction from ' + str(file_path) + '...') if Path(file_path).suffix != '.czi': TypeError("Path must be to a czi file.") base_name = Path( # Load files without mosaicing czi = czifile.CziFile(file_path,detectmosaic=False) subblocks = [s for s in czi.filtered_subblock_directory if s.mosaic_index is not None] ind = {'X': [], 'Y': [], 'Z': [], 'C': [], 'T': [], 'Row': [], 'Col': []} # Get the indices of each FOV for s in subblocks: scene = [dim.start for dim in s.dimension_entries if dim.dimension=='S'] if scene is not None and scene[0] != 0: continue for dim in s.dimension_entries: if dim.dimension=='X': ind['X'].append(dim.start) elif dim.dimension=='Y': ind['Y'].append(dim.start) elif dim.dimension=='Z': ind['Z'].append(dim.start) elif dim.dimension=='C': ind['C'].append(dim.start) elif dim.dimension=='T': ind['T'].append(dim.start) row_conv = {y:row for (y,row) in zip(np.unique(np.sort(ind['Y'])),range(0,len(np.unique(ind['Y']))))} col_conv = {x:col for (x,col) in zip(np.unique(np.sort(ind['X'])),range(0,len(np.unique(ind['X']))))} ind['Row'] = [row_conv[y] for y in ind['Y']] ind['Col'] = [col_conv[x] for x in ind['X']] with BioReader(file_path) as br: metadata = br.metadata chan_names = br.cnames for s,i in zip(subblocks,range(0,len(subblocks))): Z = None if len(ind['Z'])==0 else ind['Z'][i] C = None if len(ind['C'])==0 else ind['C'][i] T = None if len(ind['T'])==0 else ind['T'][i] out_file_path = out_path.joinpath(_get_image_name(base_name, row=ind['Row'][i], col=ind['Col'][i], Z=Z, C=C, T=T)) dims = [_get_image_dim(s,'Y'), _get_image_dim(s,'X'), _get_image_dim(s,'Z'), _get_image_dim(s,'C'), _get_image_dim(s,'T')] data = s.data_segment().data().reshape(dims) write_thread(out_file_path, data, metadata, chan_names[C])
"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:{}".format(str(log_config.absolute())) ], class_path=bioformats.JARS) # Make the output directory image = Path(input_dir).joinpath(image) if pyramid_type == "Neuroglancer": out_dir = Path(output_dir).joinpath( elif pyramid_type == "DeepZoom": out_dir = Path(output_dir).joinpath('{}_files'.format(image_num)) out_dir.mkdir() out_dir = str(out_dir.absolute()) # Create the BioReader object'Getting the BioReader...') bf = BioReader(str(image.absolute())) # Create the output path and info file if pyramid_type == "Neuroglancer": file_info = utils.neuroglancer_info_file(bf, out_dir) elif pyramid_type == "DeepZoom": file_info = utils.dzi_file(bf, out_dir, image_num) else: ValueError("pyramid_type must be Neuroglancer or DeepZoom")"data_type: {}".format(file_info['data_type']))"num_channels: {}".format(file_info['num_channels']))"number of scales: {}".format(len(file_info['scales'])))"type: {}".format(file_info['type'])) # Create the classes needed to generate a precomputed slice"Creating encoder and file writer...")
for files in fp.iterate(group_by='c'): # Get the filenames in the channel order paths = [] for c in channelOrder: for file in files: if file['c'] == c: paths.append(file) break # make sure that files were found in the current loop if len(paths) == 0: continue # Initialize the output file br = BioReader(paths[0]['file']) file_name = filepattern.output_name( filePattern, paths, {c: paths[0][c] for c in fp.variables if c != 'c'})'Writing: {}'.format(file_name)) bw = BioWriter(str(Path(outDir).joinpath(file_name)), metadata=br.read_metadata()) del br # Modify the metadata to make sure channels are written correctly bw.num_c(len(paths)) bw._metadata.image().Pixels.channel_count = bw.num_c() # Process the data in tiles threads = []
def flow_thread(input_path: Path, zfile: Path, use_gpu: bool, dev: torch.device, x: int, y: int, z: int) -> bool: """ Converts labels to flows This function converts labels in each tile to vector field. Args: input_path(path): Path of input image collection zfile(path): Path where output zarr file will be saved x(int): Start index of the tile in x dimension of image y(int): Start index of the tile in y dimension of image z(int): Z slice of the image """ logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)-8s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S') logger = logging.getLogger("flow") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) root =[0] with BioReader(input_path) as br: x_min = max([0, x - TILE_OVERLAP]) x_max = min([br.X, x + TILE_SIZE + TILE_OVERLAP]) y_min = max([0, y - TILE_OVERLAP]) y_max = min([br.Y, y + TILE_SIZE + TILE_OVERLAP]) # Normalize I = br[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max, z:z + 1, 0, 0].squeeze() _, image = np.unique(I, return_inverse=True) image = image.reshape(y_max - y_min, x_max - x_min) flow = dynamics.masks_to_flows(image, use_gpu, dev)[0] logger.debug('Computed flows on slice %d tile(y,x) %d:%d %d:%d ', z, y, y_max, x, x_max) flow_final = flow[:, :, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis].transpose(1, 2, 3, 0, 4) x_overlap = x - x_min x_min = x x_max = min([br.X, x + TILE_SIZE]) y_overlap = y - y_min y_min = y y_max = min([br.Y, y + TILE_SIZE]) root[0:1, 0:1, z:z + 1, y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max, ] = ( I[y_overlap:y_max - y_min + y_overlap, x_overlap:x_max - x_min + x_overlap, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] > 0).transpose( 4, 3, 2, 0, 1) root[0:1, 1:3, z:z + 1, y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = flow_final[y_overlap:y_max - y_min + y_overlap, x_overlap:x_max - x_min + x_overlap, ...].transpose(4, 3, 2, 0, 1) root[0:1, 3:4, z:z + 1, y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max, ] = I[y_overlap:y_max - y_min + y_overlap, x_overlap:x_max - x_min + x_overlap, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis].astype( np.float32).transpose(4, 3, 2, 0, 1) return True
def main(inpDir: Path, outDir: Path, filePattern: str = None) -> None: """ Turn labels into flow fields. Args: inpDir: Path to the input directory outDir: Path to the output directory """ # Use a gpu if it's available use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available() if use_gpu: dev = torch.device("cuda") else: dev = torch.device("cpu")'Running on: {dev}') # Determine the number of threads to run on num_threads = max([cpu_count() // 2, 1])'Number of threads: {num_threads}') # Get all file names in inpDir image collection based on input pattern if filePattern: fp = filepattern.FilePattern(inpDir, filePattern) inpDir_files = [file[0]['file'].name for file in fp()]'Processing %d labels based on filepattern ' % (len(inpDir_files))) else: inpDir_files = [ for f in Path(inpDir).iterdir() if f.is_file()] # Loop through files in inpDir image collection and process processes = [] if use_gpu: executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(num_threads) else: executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(num_threads) for f in inpDir_files: br = BioReader(Path(inpDir).joinpath(f).absolute()) out_file = Path(outDir).joinpath( f.replace('.ome', '_flow.ome').replace('.tif', '.zarr')).absolute() bw = BioWriter(out_file, metadata=br.metadata) bw.C = 4 bw.dtype = np.float32 bw.channel_names = ['cell_probability', 'x', 'y', 'labels'] bw._backend._init_writer() for z in range(br.Z): for x in range(0, br.X, TILE_SIZE): for y in range(0, br.Y, TILE_SIZE): processes.append( executor.submit(flow_thread, Path(inpDir).joinpath(f).absolute(), out_file, use_gpu, dev, x, y, z)) bw.close() br.close() done, not_done = wait(processes, 0)'Percent complete: {100 * len(done) / len(processes):6.3f}%') while len(not_done) > 0: for r in done: r.result() done, not_done = wait(processes, 5) f'Percent complete: {100 * len(done) / len(processes):6.3f}%') executor.shutdown()
log_config = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("") jutil.start_vm(args=["-Dlog4j.configuration=file:{}".format(str(log_config.absolute()))],class_path=bioformats.JARS) {% endif -%} {% for inp,val in cookiecutter._inputs|dictsort -%} {% if val.type=="collection" -%} # Get all file names in {{ inp }} image collection {{ inp }}_files = [ for f in Path({{ inp }}).iterdir() if f.is_file() and "".join(f.suffixes)=='.ome.tif'] {% endif %} {% endfor -%} {% for inp,val in cookiecutter._inputs|dictsort -%} {% for out,n in cookiecutter._outputs|dictsort -%} {% if val.type=="collection" and cookiecutter.use_bfio -%} # Loop through files in {{ inp }} image collection and process for i,f in enumerate({{ inp }}_files): # Load an image br = BioReader(Path({{ inp }}).joinpath(f)) image = np.squeeze(br.read_image()) # initialize the output out_image = np.zeros(image.shape,dtype=br._pix['type']) """ Do some math and science - you should replace this """'Processing image ({}/{}): {}'.format(i,len({{ inp }}_files),f)) out_image = awesome_math_and_science_function(image) # Write the output bw = BioWriter(Path({{ out }}).joinpath(f),metadata=br.read_metadata()) bw.write_image(np.reshape(out_image,(br.num_y(),br.num_x(),br.num_z(),1,1))) {%- endif %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %} finally:
def make_tile(self, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, color=None): """make_tile Create a supertile This method identifies images that have stitching vector positions within the bounds of the supertile defined by the x and y input arguments. It then spawns threads to load images and store in the supertile buffer. Finally it returns the assembled supertile to allow the main thread to generate the write thread. Args: x_min ([int]): Minimum x bound of the tile x_max ([int]): Maximum x bound of the tile y_min ([int]): Minimum y bound of the tile y_max ([int]): Maximum y bound of the tile stitchPath ([str]): Path to the stitching vector Returns: [type]: [description] """ self._X_offset = x_min self._Y_offset = y_min # Get the data type br = BioReader( str( Path(self._file_path).joinpath( self._file_dict['filePos'][0]['file']))) dtype = br._pix['type'] # initialize the image if color != None: self._image = np.full((y_max - y_min, x_max - x_min, 4), color, dtype=dtype) else: self._image = np.zeros((y_max - y_min, x_max - x_min, 1), dtype=dtype) # get images in bounds of current super tile with ThreadPoolExecutor(max([self._max_workers, 2])) as executor: for f in self._file_dict['filePos']: if (f['posX'] >= x_min and f['posX'] <= x_max) or ( f['posX'] + f['width'] >= x_min and f['posX'] + f['width'] <= x_max): if (f['posY'] >= y_min and f['posY'] <= y_max) or ( f['posY'] + f['height'] >= y_min and f['posY'] + f['height'] <= y_max): # get bounds of image within the tile Xt = [max(0, f['posX'] - x_min)] Xt.append( min(x_max - x_min, f['posX'] + f['width'] - x_min)) Yt = [max(0, f['posY'] - y_min)] Yt.append( min(y_max - y_min, f['posY'] + f['height'] - y_min)) # get bounds of image within the image Xi = [max(0, x_min - f['posX'])] Xi.append(min(f['width'], x_max - f['posX'])) Yi = [max(0, y_min - f['posY'])] Yi.append(min(f['height'], y_max - f['posY'])) # self.buffer_image(str(Path(self._file_path).joinpath(f['file'])),Xi,Yi,Xt,Yt,color) executor.submit( self.buffer_image, str(Path(self._file_path).joinpath(f['file'])), Xi, Yi, Xt, Yt, color)