def sin_test(n=8,text_position='start'): """Test the stuff from the modules""" from bfmplot import pl import bfmplot as bp import numpy as np #bp.set_color_cycle(bp.cccs_colors) #pl.figure(figsize=bp.phys_rev_column()) pl.figure(figsize=bp.golden_ratio(5)) x = np.linspace(1,5*np.pi,100) for i in range(n): pl.plot(x, 1-np.sin(x[::-1]/np.sqrt(i+1)), marker=bp.markers[i],mfc='w',label='$i=%d$'%i) bp.strip_axis(pl.gca()) leg = pl.legend() bp.align_legend_right(leg) bp.arrow(pl.gca(), r'$i$', (3, 1.8), (6, 0.8), text_position=text_position) pl.xlabel('hello') pl.ylabel('hello') bp.set_n_ticks(pl.gca(), 3, 2) #pl.xscale('log') pl.gcf().tight_layout()
def sin_test(n=8,text_position='start'): pl.figure(figsize=bp.golden_ratio(5)) x = np.linspace(0,5*np.pi,100) for i in range(n): pl.plot(x, 1-np.sin(x[::-1]/np.sqrt(i+1)), marker=bp.markers[i],mfc='w',label='$i=%d$'%i) bp.strip_axis(pl.gca()) leg = pl.legend() bp.align_legend_right(leg) bp.arrow(pl.gca(), r'$i$', (14, 0.8), (10, 0.15), text_position=text_position, rad=0.3) pl.xlabel('this is the x-label') pl.ylabel('this is the y-label') pl.gcf().tight_layout()
def sin_test(n=8, text_position='start', with_legend=True): pl.figure(figsize=bp.golden_ratio(5)) x = np.linspace(0, 5 * np.pi, 100) for i in range(n): pl.plot(x, 1 - np.sin(x[::-1] / np.sqrt(i + 1)), marker=bp.markers[i], mfc='w', label='$i=%d$' % i) bp.strip_axis(pl.gca()) if with_legend: leg = pl.legend() bp.align_legend_right(leg) pl.xlabel('this is the x-label') pl.ylabel('this is the y-label') pl.gca().set_title(name) pl.gcf().tight_layout()
start = time() t, result = model.simulate(300, sampling_dt=1) end = time() print("simulation took", end - start, "seconds") from bfmplot import pl for comp, series in result.items(): pl.plot(t, series, label=comp) kw = { 'R0': R0, 'Q0': Q0, 'k0': k0, 'I0': I0 / N, 'waning_quarantine_rate': waning_quarantine_rate, 'recovery_rate': recovery_rate, 'infection_rate': infection_rate, 'app_participation_ratio': 1.0, 't': t, } t, result = mean_field_SIRX_tracing(kw) for comp, series in result.items(): pl.plot(t, series * N, label=comp) pl.legend()
model.set_initial_conditions({S: 1 - I0, I: I0}) import numpy as np from bfmplot import pl as plt import bfmplot as bp t = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000) result = model.integrate(t) plt.figure() for compartment, incidence in result.items(): plt.plot(t, incidence, label=compartment) plt.xlabel('time [days]') plt.ylabel('incidence') plt.legend() bp.strip_axis(plt.gca()) plt.gcf().tight_layout() plt.savefig('SEIRQ.png', dpi=300) N = 1000 I0 = 100 model = epk.EpiModel([S, E, I, R, Q], initial_population_size=N) model.set_processes([ (S, I, infection_rate, E, I), (E, symptomatic_rate, I), (I, recovery_rate, R), (I, quarantine_rate, Q), ])
import bfmplot as bp data = np.array([ (0.0, 2.00), (0.75, 2.68), (1.5, 3.00), (2.25, 2.78), (3.0, 2.14), (3.75, 1.43), (4.5, 1.02), (5.25, 1.14), (6.0, 1.72), ]) times, rates = data[:, 0], data[:, 1] x2 = np.linspace(times[0], times[-1], 1000) interp_modes = ['zero', 'linear', 'nearest', 'quadratic'] pl.figure() pl.plot(times, rates, 's', label='data') for kind in interp_modes: f = interp1d(times, rates, kind=kind) pl.plot(x2, f(x2), label=kind) pl.legend(frameon=False) bp.strip_axis(pl.gca()) pl.xlabel('time') pl.ylabel('value') pl.gcf().tight_layout() pl.gcf().savefig('interp1d.png', dpi=300)
for i in range(200): for j in range(5): t = solve_t(k[j], n) variances[i, j] = variance(t, rho[i], n, NMAX) fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.xlabel(r'$\rho$', size=16) plt.ylabel(r'Var[k]', size=14) for i in range(5): plt.plot(rho, variances[:, i], label=r'$k=$' + str(k[i])) ax.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xscale('log') plt.legend(loc=4) plt.savefig('figures/variance.pdf') ### triangle plots n = 10**5 NMAX = 20 # increase this if needed k = 10**np.linspace(0, 4.99, 20) rho = np.linspace(0, 0.5, 6) triangle_density = np.zeros((20, 6)) for i in range(20): for j in range(6): t = solve_t(k[i], n) triangle_density[i, j] = triangles(t, rho[j], NMAX)
density=True, alpha=1, align='left', color=bp.brewer_qualitative[1], label='data', histtype='step') p = pk(n, t, rho, kmax, X, W) pl.plot(np.arange(kmax), p, lw=1, c=bp.brewer_qualitative[2], label='model fit') pl.xlim(0, 30) ax.text(0.04, 0.95, '(a)', va='top', ha='left', transform=ax.transAxes) bp.strip_axis(ax) leg = pl.legend() bp.align_legend_right(leg) ax.set_ylabel('probability density $p_k$') ax.set_xlabel('node degree $k$') #sys.exit(0) ### collab network print("loading", 'degree_sequences/cond-mat.degree_sequence', '...') k = np.loadtxt('degree_sequences/cond-mat.degree_sequence') k = np.array(k, dtype=int) kmax = np.max(k) + 1 n = len(k) print("fitting...") t = solve_t(np.mean(k), n)