Exemple #1
def app(environ, start_response):
    from StringIO import StringIO
    stdout = StringIO()
    q = cgi.parse_qs(environ['QUERY_STRING'])

    EMPTY = ('',)
    new = q.get('new', EMPTY)[0]
    gnubgid = q.get('gnubgid', EMPTY)[0]
    move = q.get('move', EMPTY)[0]
    cube = q.get('cube', EMPTY)[0]
    pickupdice = q.get('pickupdice', EMPTY)[0]
    dice= q.get('dice', EMPTY)[0]

    print >>sys.stderr, 'got: new=%s, gnubgid=%s, move=%s, cube=%s pickupdice=%s dice=%s'%(new, gnubgid, move, cube, pickupdice,  dice)
    if new:
      print 'setting initial position for game with', new
      to_action, score = new.split(':')
      score, length = score.split('/')
      print score, length
      X_score, O_score = score.split('-')
      print X_score, O_score
      a = int(to_action)
      b = BoardEditor(
        game_state = ON_GOING,
        score=(int(X_score), int(O_score)),
        crawford=('*' in score),
      p, m = encode(b)

    else :
      pid, mid = gnubgid.split(':')
      print >>sys.stderr, pid, mid
      assert len(pid) == 14
      assert len(mid) == 12

      b = BoardEditor()
      decode(b, pid, mid)
      print b
      if b.is_leagal_to_move(b.on_action):
        #ugh! can be empty, DANCE ! assert move 
        moves = move.split(' ')
        mf = MoveFactory(b)
        for mv in moves:
          print >>sys.stderr, mv
          if mv:
            m = moveRegExp.search(mv)
            if not m:
            d = m.groupdict()
            print d
            n = int(d['multi'] or '1')
            while n > 0:
              print d['src'], d['dest']
              found = mf.guess_your_multiple_pms(move_pton(d['src']),
              assert found
              #assert not d['hitting'] or n!=1 or found.is_hitting 
              n = n -1;
        assert mf.is_leagal_to_pickup_dice()
        if pickupdice:
          print 'pickupdice', pickupdice
        print mf.board
        p, m = encode(mf.board)
      elif b.is_leagal_to_roll(b.on_action):
        if cube == 'no double' and dice:
          b.rolled = (int(dice[0]), int(dice[1]))
        elif 'Double' in cube:
        print b
        p, m = encode(b)
        assert False
      pass #else case of if new:

    assert len(p) == 14
    assert len(m) == 12

    value = {"status": True, "gnubgid": "%s:%s"%(p, m)}
    j = '%s(%s);'%(q['callback'][0], simplejson.dumps(value))
    print >>stdout, j
    print >>sys.stderr, 'sending:' ,j
    start_response("200 OK", [('Content-Type','text/javascript')])
    return [stdout.getvalue()]
Exemple #2
 def __hash__(self):
   pid, mid = encode(self)
   return hash(pid +':'+ mid)