Exemple #1
def ParseCtx_test3():
    """Tests the following methods of bmisc.ParseCtx:
    __bool__, __len__, __iter__"""

    # Build a list of ParseCtx's to use as test input, out of other
    # tests' vectors.
    inputs = []
    for (i, x) in ParseCtx_tv1:
        if type(x) is tuple:
    for t in ParseCtx_tv2:

    # See what bool(), len(), iter() give us for them, which correspond
    # to what bytes() does.
    for i in inputs:
        print("ParseCtx_test3() operating on: "+i.dump(), file=stderr)
        b = bytes(i)
        if len(b) != len(i):
            raise TestFailureError("len() mismatch", len(i), len(b))
        if bool(b) != bool(i):
            raise TestFailureError("bool() mismatch", len(i), len(b))
        bl = list(iter(b))
        il = list(iter(i))
        if bl != il:
            raise TestFailureError("iter() mismatch", il, bl)
        if len(i) > 0:
            raise TestFailureError("iter() left it non-empty")
    print("ParseCtx_test3 completed ok", file=stderr)
Exemple #2
def ParseCtx_test2():
    """Tests the following methods of bmisc.ParseCtx:
    __repr__, __bytes__, dump, and the nonexistent __str__"""

    for (i, xr, xb, xd) in ParseCtx_tv2:
        i = bmisc.ParseCtx(i)
        xs = xr

        gr = repr(i)
        print("repr("+i.dump()+") => "+str(gr)+" exp "+str(xr),
        if gr != xr: raise TestFailureError()

        gb = bytes(i)
        print("bytes("+i.dump()+") => "+str(gb)+" exp "+str(xb),
        if gb != xb: raise TestFailureError()

        gs = str(i)
        print("bytes("+i.dump()+") => "+str(gs)+" exp "+str(xs),
        if gs != xs: raise TestFailureError()

        gd = i.dump()
        print(i.dump()+".dump() => "+str(gd)+" exp "+str(xd),
        if gd != xd: raise TestFailureError()
    print("ParseCtx_test2 completed ok", file=stderr)
Exemple #3
def ParseCtx_test4():
    """Tests the following methods of bmisc.ParseCtx:
    get_byte(), get_bytes(), get_be2(), get_be4()"""

    # Test vector: parallel lists of byte values, how to try reading them,
    # and what to expect to get.
    tv = [
        ([97], "get_byte", (), 97),
        ([98, 99], "get_bytes", (2,), b"bc"),
        ([100, 101], "get_be2", (), 25701),
        ([102, 103, 104], "get_bytes", (3,), b"fgh"),
        ([], "get_bytes", (0,), b""),
        ([7, 250], "get_be2", (), 2042),
        ([250, 7], "get_be2", (), 64007),
        ([1, 3, 5, 7], "get_be4", (), 16975111),
        ([200, 100, 50, 25], "get_be4", (), 3362009625),
        ([0], "get_byte", (), 0),
        ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "get_bytes", (5,), b"\000\000\000\000\000"),
        ([], "get_bytes", (0,), b""),
        ([1, 1, 0, 255, 1], "get_bytes", (5,), b"\001\001\000\377\001"),
        ([254, 0], "get_be2", (), 65024),
        ([0, 254], "get_be2", (), 254),
        ([0, 0], "get_be2", (), 0),
        ([0, 0, 0, 0], "get_be4", (), 0),
        ([0, 0, 253, 252], "get_be4", (), 65020),
        ([0, 251, 0, 250], "get_be4", (), 16449786),
        ([0, 249, 248, 0], "get_be4", (), 16381952),
        ([247, 0, 0, 246], "get_be4", (), 4143972598),
        ([245, 0, 244, 0], "get_be4", (), 4110480384),
        ([243, 242, 0, 0], "get_be4", (), 4092723200)

    # Build the ParseCtx out of all the lists of bytes
    bs = []
    for t in tv: bs += t[0]
    pc = bmisc.ParseCtx(bytes(bs))

    print("ParseCtx_test4() test input:", file=stderr)
    print("    "+pc.dump(), file=stderr)

    # Go through the parsing
    for t in tv:
        fn = t[1]
        fa = t[2]
        x = t[3]
        g = eval("bmisc.ParseCtx."+fn)(pc, *fa)
        print("pc."+fn+str(fa)+" => "+repr(g)+" exp "+repr(x), file=stderr)
        if type(g) is bytes: raise TestFailureError("got bytes")
        if type(g) is bmisc.ParseCtx: g = bytes(g)
        if g != x: raise TestFailureError(g = g, e = x)

    # Now the ParseCtx should be empty.  Check that.  One might expect
    # to also test that get_*() all handle an empty/exhausted ParseCtx()
    # properly, with exceptions; but ParseCtx() isn't really meant to
    # be used that way.
    if len(pc):
        raise TestFailureError("pc is not empty at end")

    print("ParseCtx_test4 completed ok", file=stderr)
Exemple #4
def ParseCtx_test5():
    """Test bmisc.ParseCtx.__getitem__()"""

    # a ParseCtx to use for testing; and the bytes it contains
    pc = bmisc.ParseCtx(b"This is a test. This is only a test."+
                        b" What else would it be?")
    if len(pc) != 59: raise Error("internal error")
    pc = bmisc.ParseCtx(pc, pos = 3, end = 54)
    bs = bytes(pc)

    # a bunch of indexes/slices to try
    ixs = []
    for i in range(-60, 60, 5): ixs.append(i)
    ixs.append(None) # intentionally bogus
    ixs.append(1.5)  # intentionally bogus
    for i in range(-63, 63, 7):
        for j in range(-64, 64, 8):
            ixs.append(slice(i, j))

    # try those indexes/slices to see if they get the same results for
    # pc & bs (ParseCtx & bytes)
    for i in ixs:
        # collect results
            g = [False, pc[i]]
            if type(i) is slice: g[1] = bytes(g[1])
        except Exception as e: g = [True, e]
        try: x = [False, bs[i]]
        except Exception as e: x = [True, e]

        # and results as appropriate to comparison
        for l in [g, x]:
            if l[0]:
                # an exception, only compare the type, not the text
                # a result, compare exactly

        # report & check
        print("index "+repr(i)+": got "+repr(g[1])+" exp "+repr(x[1]),
        if g[2] != x[2]:
            raise TestFailureError()

    print("ParseCtx_test5 completed ok", file=stderr)
Exemple #5
def ParseCtx_test1():
    """Test the ParseCtx class constructor"""
    # test vector: input & expected exception / buf, pos, end, as4 values
    for (i, x) in ParseCtx_tv1:
        gx = g = "weird failure"
            gg = bmisc.ParseCtx(*i)
            g = (gg.buf, gg.pos, gg.end)
            gx = x
        except Exception as e:
            g = type(e)
            gx = e
        print("ParseCtx"+str(i), file=stderr)
        print("   => "+repr(gx), file=stderr)
        print("  exp "+str(x), file=stderr)
        if g != x: raise TestFailureError()

    print("ParseCtx_test1 completed ok", file=stderr)
Exemple #6

    # read messages that we've received
    while True:
        if c.wrpsok is None:
            # no connection, can't have received any
            msg = c.wrpsok.recv()
        except Exception as e:
            bmisc.stamprint("Recv err: " + repr(e))
            if dbg.estk:
                for line in format_exc().split("\n"):
                    if line != "":
                        bmisc.stamprint("    " + line)
        if msg is None:
            break  # no more messages
        elif msg.type == brepr.msg_type.OPEN:
            # received an Open message -- keep track of it
            if c.open_recv is None: c.open_recv = msg
            for open_parm in msg.parms:
                if open_parm.type == brepr.bgp_parms.Capabilities:
                    for cap in open_parm.caps:
                        if cap.code == brepr.capabilities.as4:
                            as4_num = bmisc.ParseCtx(cap.val).get_be4()
                            c.env.as4 = c.as4_us
                            bmisc.stamprint("Peer advertised 4-byte AS (" +
                                            str(as4_num) + ")")
                        if cap.code == brepr.capabilities.refr:
                            bmisc.stamprint("Peer advertised route-refresh")
Exemple #7
def ParseCtx_test():
    """Test the ParseCtx class and the main stuff it has"""
    print("ParseCtx_test completed ok", file=stderr)

# test vector for ParseCtx_test1(): input to constructor; expected
# exception / buf, pos, end, as4 values
ParseCtx_tv1 = [
     (b"one", 0, 3)),
     (b"two", 0, 3)),
    ((bmisc.ParseCtx(b"three", 1, 3),),
     (b"three", 1, 3)),
    ((b"four", 2, 2),
     (b"four", 2, 2)),
    ((bmisc.ParseCtx(b"five-six", 2, 4), None, 1),
     (b"five-six", 2, 3)),
    ((bmisc.ParseCtx(b"seven-eight", 3, 8), 1, None),
     (b"seven-eight", 4, 8)),
    ((bmisc.ParseCtx(b"nine-ten", 2), 1.5),
    ((bmisc.ParseCtx(b"nine-ten", 2), None, 1.5),