Exemple #1
from bibliopixel import log
from bibliopixel.led import *
from bibliopixel.animation import StripChannelTest
from bibliopixel.drivers.LPD8806 import *
from bibliopixel import LEDStrip
import bibliopixel.colors as colors
from bibliopixel.animation import BaseStripAnim

import math
import time
import random

#create driver for a 12 pixels
driver = DriverLPD8806(12, c_order=ChannelOrder.GRB)
led = LEDStrip(driver)
    while True:
        led.fillRGB(150, 150, 150)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemple #2
class Bling(object):

    def __init__(self, num_leds, num_segments=None, brightness=255):
        # set the total number of LEDs in the strip
        self.num_leds = num_leds
        self.num_segments = num_segments
        self.brightness = brightness
        # initialize the list of segment overrides to include all, left and right.
        # This segment list is used to override other segment control based on
        # the bling command itself. For example, we may want to apply a pattern to either
        # the left or right side of the robot.
        led_half = int((self.num_leds/2))
        led_quarter = int((self.num_leds/4))
        self.segments = { 'ALL':          ( 0, self.num_leds ),
                          'LEFT':         ( 0, led_half-1 ),
                          'RIGHT':        ( led_half, int(self.num_leds) ),
                          'RIGHT_FRONT':  ( 0, (led_quarter-1) ),
                          'RIGHT_REAR':   ( led_quarter, (led_quarter+led_quarter-1) ),
                          'LEFT_REAR':    ( (led_quarter*2), ((led_quarter*2)+led_quarter-1) ),
                          'LEFT_FRONT':   ( (led_quarter*3), ((led_quarter*3)+led_quarter-1) )

        # initialize the driver with the type and count of LEDs that we are using
        # also, define the correct RGB channel order once you have run the test pattern
        # the other parameters are set based on the controlling application. We're using
        # the RaspberryPi as the controller with the SPI port
        self.driver = DriverLPD8806(num=self.num_leds, c_order = ChannelOrder.GRB, SPISpeed=2, use_py_spi=True, dev='/dev/spidev0.0')

        # we are using the LED strip configuration, other available configurations include an LED matrix,
        # but we have only a single strip at this time
        self.led = LEDStrip(self.driver, threadedUpdate=True, masterBrightness=self.brightness)

        # the frames per second is used to control how fast the animation runs. some of the animations
        # work better when run at a low frames per second
        self.fps = None

        # the pattern variable contains the most recent bling pattern that has been assigned
        self.pattern = None
        # initialize the bling command parameters to provide reasonable default values for each
        # setting
        self.params = {}
        self.bling_patterns = bling_patterns.BlingPatterns(self)

        ###### TODO: remove these variables after converting the menu processing to use #####
        ######       the new patterns                                                   #####
        # animation object containing pattern to apply to the LEDs
        self.anim = None

        # flag to indicate whether the selected mode requires animation. Displaying a solid color across all or a range
        # of LEDs does not require animation
        self.animate = True

    def get_num_leds(self):
        return self.num_leds

    def get_num_segments(self):
        return self.num_segments

    def get_segment_size(self):
        return int(self.num_leds/self.num_segments)

    def get_segment_min_max_led( self, num_segments, segment_index ):
        segment_leds = int(self.num_leds/num_segments)
        min_led = segment_leds*segment_index
        max_led = min_led+segment_leds-1
        return min_led,max_led
    def set_brightness(self, level):
        self.brightness = level

    def stop_animation(self):
        # reset the brightness level back to the default value that was set upon initialization

        if self.pattern is not None:
            if self.anim is not None:

    def get_leds_from_segment(self, segment_str):
        segment_leds = [0,-1]
            segment_def = self.segments[segment_str]
            segment_leds[0] = segment_def[0]
            segment_leds[1] = segment_def[1]
            # if the specified segment doesn't exist, return all LEDs
            segment_leds = [0,-1]
        return segment_leds

    def init_params(self):
        self.params['Pattern'] = 'Error'
        self.params['Segment'] = 'All'
        self.params['Color'] = 'Error'
        self.params['Speed'] = 'Medium'
        self.params['Min'] = '0'
        self.params['Max'] = '100'
        self.params['Brightness'] = str(self.brightness)

    def apply_min_max_params(self, leds):
        # Re-calculate the minimum and maximum LED values by applying any
        # specified min/max percentage parameter setting
        min_param = int(self.params['Min'])
        max_param = int(self.params['Max'])
        if min_param > 100:
            print 'Invalid  Minimum Setting: %d, Must be 0-100' % min_param
            min_param = 0
        if max_param > 100:
            print 'Invalid  Maximum Setting: %d, Must be 0-100' % max_param
            max_param = 100
        led_range = leds[1]-leds[0]
        if min_param is not 0:
            min_adjust = int((float(led_range)*(min_param)/100)+1)
            #min_adjust = int(float((min_param/led_range)*100))
            leds[0] += min_adjust
        if max_param is not 100:
            max_adjust = int((float(led_range)*(100-max_param)/100)+1)
            leds[1] -= max_adjust
        return leds
    def process_cmd(self, cmd_str):
        result = 'OK'

        # start by starting any animation that is already running

        # re-initialize the animation parameters to the default settings
            # Parse command string into parameter list
            print 'Command: %s' % cmd_str
            for param in cmd_params:
                self.params[name.title()] = value.upper()
            if self.params['Pattern'] == 'OFF':
                # if the patter is OFF, then simply return. we have already turned off
                # the LEDs
                return result

            # process the command based on the provided parameters
            # first get the specified pattern
            self.pattern = self.bling_patterns.get_pattern(self.params['Pattern'].upper())
            # process the segment parameter, getting the list of LEDs that will be
            # controlled by this command
            leds = self.get_leds_from_segment( self.params['Segment'])
            leds = self.apply_min_max_params( leds )

            # if the pattern specifies a brightness level, then update the level for the entire strip
                brightness = int(self.params['Brightness'])
            except ValueError:
                print 'Invalid Brightness Value: %d' % brightness
            except KeyError:

            self.pattern.setup( self.led, self.params['Color'], self.params['Speed'], leds[0], leds[1], self.num_segments )

            # run the configured pattern
            # catch any thrown exceptions and generate the error pattern
            print 'Error processing command: %s' % cmd_str
            self.pattern = self.bling_patterns.get_pattern('Error')
            self.pattern.setup(self.led, 'RED')

            result = 'ERROR'

        return result

    # TODO: Most of the following code will be removed once we complete the implementation of the pattern
    # classes and convert the menu over to using the pattern classes insead
    def menu(self):
        menu_str  = '\n'
        menu_str += '                              Available Bling Patterns\n\n'
        menu_str += '(1)  Alternates (two alternating colors)        '
        menu_str += '(14) Linear Rainbow (another variation)\n'
        menu_str += '(2)  Color Chase (one LED moving end to end)    '
        menu_str += '(15) Search Lights (colors moving up/down)\n'
        menu_str += '(3)  Color Fade (one color fading in/out)       '
        menu_str += '(16) Wave (colors moving up/down)\n'
        menu_str += '(4)  Color Pattern (mix of colors)              '
        menu_str += '(17) Solid Red (one color on all LEDs)\n'
        menu_str += '(5)  Color Wipe (one color moving up/down)      '
        menu_str += '(18) Solid Yellow (one color on all LEDs)\n'
        menu_str += '(6)  Fire Flies (colors randomly blinking)      '
        menu_str += '(19) Solid Green (one color on all LEDs)\n'
        menu_str += '(7)  Scanner (one color moving up/down)         '
        menu_str += '(20) Test Strip (test pattern for RGB cal.)\n'
        menu_str += '(8)  Rainbow Scanner (colors moving up/down)    '
        menu_str += '(21) Blinking Green (slow on all LEDs)\n'
        menu_str += '(9)  Ping Pong (colors bouncing around)         '
        menu_str += '(22) Blinking Green (medium on all LEDs)\n'
        menu_str += '(10) Party Mode (colors blinking on/off)        '
        menu_str += '(23) Blinking Green (fast on all LEDs)\n'
        menu_str += '(11) Rainbow Halves (strand divided in two      '
        menu_str += '(24) Blinking Green (medium on left LEDs)\n'
        menu_str += '(12) Rainbow (set of colors moving end to end)  '
        menu_str += '(25) Blinking Green (medium on right LEDs)\n'
        menu_str += '(13) Rainbow Cycles (variation of above)        '
        menu_str += '\n'
        menu_str += '\n'
        menu_str += '\n'
        return menu_str

    def menu_select( self, menu_selection ):
        result = 'OK'

        if menu_selection == 1:
            # Alternates
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Alternates,Color=TEAMCOLORS,Speed=MEDIUM,Segment=ALL')
        elif menu_selection == 2:
            # Color Chase
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=ColorChase,Color=GREEN,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 3:
            # Color Fade
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=ColorFade,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 4:
            # Color Pattern
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=ColorPattern,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 5:
            # Color Wipe
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=ColorWipe,Color=GREEN,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 6:
            # Fire Flies
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=FireFLies,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 7:
            # Scanner
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Scanner,Color=BLUE,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 8:
            # Rainbow Scanner
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=RainbowScanner,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 9:
            # Ping Pong
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=PingPong,Color=BLUE,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 10:
            # Party Mode
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=PartyMode,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 11:
            # Rainbow Halves
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=RainbowHalves,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 12:
            # Rainbow
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Rainbow,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 13:
            # Rainbow Cycle
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=RainbowCycle,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 14:
            # Linear Rainbow
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=LinearRainbow,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 15:
            # Search Lights
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=SearchLights,Color=RAINBOW,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 16:
            # Wave
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Wave,Color=BLUE,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 17:
            # Solid Red
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Solid,Color=RED')
        elif menu_selection == 18:
            # Solid Yellow
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Solid,Color=YELLOW')
        elif menu_selection == 19:
            # Solid Green
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Solid,Color=GREEN')
        elif menu_selection == 20:
            # Test Pattern
            # This animation is used to test the strip and the color order
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Test,Color=TEST,Speed=MEDIUM')
        elif menu_selection == 21:
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Blinking,Color=PURPLE,Speed=SLOW,Segment=ALL')
        elif menu_selection == 22:
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Blinking,Color=GREEN,Speed=MEDIUM,Segment=ALL')
        elif menu_selection == 23:
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Blinking,Color=GREEN,Speed=FAST,Segment=ALL')
        elif menu_selection == 24:
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Blinking,Color=GREEN,Speed=MEDIUM,Segment=LEFT')
        elif menu_selection == 25:
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=Blinking,Color=GREEN,Speed=MEDIUM,Segment=RIGHT')
        elif menu_selection == 99:
            # All off
            result = self.process_cmd('Pattern=OFF')
            raise ValueError
            result = 'ERROR'

        return result
from bibliopixel import LEDStrip, colors
from bibliopixel.drivers.serial_driver import DriverSerial, LEDTYPE, ChannelOrder
import time
from bibliopixel import log

driver = DriverSerial(LEDTYPE.NEOPIXEL, 350, c_order=ChannelOrder.RGB)
led = LEDStrip(driver, threadedUpdate=False)

    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemple #4
class LEDClock:

	debug = True
	shadow = True
	totalLED = 25 
	startLED = 1
	endLED = 25

	hour = 0
	min = 0
	sec = 0

	hColor = (255, 255, 255)
	mColor = (128, 0, 0)
	sColor = (0, 0, 64)
	def __init__(self):
		driver = DriverWS2801(self.totalLED, c_order = ChannelOrder.RGB)
		self.LEDStrip = LEDStrip(driver)
		self.aLEDs =[]
	def setHourLEDs(self):
		idx = self.startLED + self.hour * 2
		if (self.hour>=12): idx = idx - self.endLED + 1
		if (idx > self.endLED): idx =  idx - self.endLED
		self.aLEDs.append(LED(idx, self.hColor, "h")) 

	def setMinLEDs(self):
		idx = self.startLED + self.min * 24/60
		if (idx >= self.endLED): idx =  idx - self.endLED
		self.aLEDs.append(LED(idx, self.mColor, "m"))

	def setSecLEDs(self):
		idx = self.startLED + self.sec * 24/60
		if (idx >= self.endLED): idx =  idx - self.endLED
		self.aLEDs.append(LED(idx, self.sColor, "s"))        

	def updateLEDs(self):
		del self.aLEDs[:]


		if (self.debug):
			print self.hour,":", self.min,":",self.sec
		for led in self.aLEDs:
			if (self.shadow):
				print "original: ",led.index
			led.index = self.endLED-led.index
			self.LEDStrip.set(led.index, led.color)
			if (self.debug):
				print led.type,":", led.index

	def updateTime(self): 
		t = time.localtime(time.time())
		self.hour = t.tm_hour
		self.min = t.tm_min
		self.sec = t.tm_sec
	def update(self):

# In[10]:

print ('Starting Display')
print ('Press \'control + c\' to stop' )

year = 2014
months = ['January','February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']

# In[11]:

led.all_off() # All LEDs off.
while True: 
    for i, month in enumerate(months):
        print month, year

        #Set bottom panel
        led.fill((0,0,0),start=FirstLed_bottom, end=FinalLed_bottom)
        #print ((0,0,0),FirstLed_bottom, FinalLed_bottom)
        led_set(FirstLed_bottom, np.int(ledON[i]), color_gn_rd[np.int(color_disp[i])]) 
        print(FirstLed_bottom, np.int(ledON[i]), color_gn_rd[np.int(color_disp[i])]) 

        #ledON gives the number of LED's that will be turned on
        #color_disp specifies color

# In[10]:

print('Starting Display')
print('Press \'control + c\' to stop')

year = 2014
months = [
    'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
    'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'

# In[11]:

led.all_off()  # All LEDs off.

while True:
    for i, month in enumerate(months):
        print month, year

        #Set bottom panel
        led.fill((0, 0, 0), start=FirstLed_bottom, end=FinalLed_bottom)
        #print ((0,0,0),FirstLed_bottom, FinalLed_bottom)
        led_set(FirstLed_bottom, np.int(ledON[i]),
        print(FirstLed_bottom, np.int(ledON[i]),

        #ledON gives the number of LED's that will be turned on