Exemple #1
def delete_axis(block, axis):
    """Remove a unitary dimension from the frame

    E.g., if the shape is [-1, 1, 3, 2], then
    selecting axis=1 would change the shape to be
    [-1, 3, 2].

    Axis may be negative, or a string corresponding to an existing axis label.
    def header_transform(hdr, axis=axis):
        tensor = hdr['_tensor']
        specified_axis = axis
        if isinstance(axis, str):
            specified_axis = "'%s'" % specified_axis
            axis = tensor['labels'].index(axis)
        if axis < 0:
            axis += len(tensor['shape']) + 1
        if tensor['shape'][axis] != 1:
            raise ValueError("Cannot delete non-unitary axis %s with shape %i"
                             % (specified_axis, tensor['shape'][axis]))
        del tensor['shape'][axis]
        if 'labels' in tensor:
            del tensor['labels'][axis]
        if 'scales' in tensor:
            del tensor['scales'][axis]
        if 'units' in tensor:
            del tensor['units'][axis]
        return hdr
    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #2
def rename_axis(block, old, new):
    def header_transform(hdr, old=old, new=new):
        axis = hdr['_tensor']['labels'].index(old)
        hdr['_tensor']['labels'][axis] = new
        return hdr

    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #3
def add_axis(block, axis, label=None, scale=None, units=None):
    """Add an extra dimension to the frame at position 'axis'

    E.g., if the shape is [-1, 3, 2], then
    selecting axis=1 would change the shape to be
    [-1, 1, 3, 2].

    Axis may be negative, or a string corresponding to an existing axis label,
    in which case the new axis is inserted after the referenced axis.
    def header_transform(hdr, axis=axis, label=label, scale=scale, units=units):
        tensor = hdr['_tensor']
        if isinstance(axis, str):
            axis = tensor['labels'].index(axis) + 1
        if axis < 0:
            axis += len(tensor['shape']) + 1
        tensor['shape'].insert(axis, 1)
        if 'labels' in tensor:
            tensor['labels'].insert(axis, label)
        if 'scales' in tensor:
            tensor['scales'].insert(axis, scale)
        if 'units' in tensor:
            tensor['units'].insert(axis, units)
        return hdr
    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #4
def split_axis(block, axis, n, label=None):
    # Set function attributes to enable capture in nested function (closure)
    def header_transform(hdr, axis=axis, n=n, label=label):
        tensor = hdr['_tensor']
        if isinstance(axis, str):
            axis = tensor['labels'].index(axis)
        shape = tensor['shape']
        if shape[axis] == -1:
            # Axis is frame axis
            # TODO: Should assert even division here instead?
            # ***TODO: Why does pipeline deadlock when this doesn't divide?
            hdr['gulp_nframe'] = (hdr['gulp_nframe'] - 1) // n + 1
            # Axis is not frame axis
            if shape[axis] % n:
                raise ValueError("Split does not evenly divide axis (%i // %i)" %
                                 (tensor['shape'][axis], n))
            shape[axis] //= n
        shape.insert(axis + 1, n)
        if 'units' in tensor:
            tensor['units'].insert(axis + 1, tensor['units'][axis])
        if 'labels' in tensor:
            if label is None:
                label = tensor['labels'][axis] + "_split"
            tensor['labels'].insert(axis + 1, label)
        if 'scales' in tensor:
            tensor['scales'].insert(axis + 1, [0, tensor['scales'][axis][1]])
            tensor['scales'][axis][1] *= n
        return hdr
    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #5
def reverse_scale(block, axis):
    """ Manually reverse the scale factor on a given axis"""
    def header_transform(hdr, axis=axis):
        tensor = hdr['_tensor']
        if isinstance(axis, str):
            axis = tensor['labels'].index(axis)
            tensor['scales'][axis][1] *= -1
        return hdr
    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #6
def astype(block, dtype):
    def header_transform(hdr, new_dtype=dtype):
        tensor = hdr['_tensor']
        old_dtype = tensor['dtype']
        old_itemsize = DataType(old_dtype).itemsize
        new_itemsize = DataType(new_dtype).itemsize
        old_axissize = old_itemsize * tensor['shape'][-1]
        if old_axissize % new_itemsize:
            raise ValueError("New type not compatible with data shape")
        tensor['shape'][-1] = old_axissize // new_itemsize
        tensor['dtype'] = dtype
        return hdr
    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #7
def reinterpret_axis(block, axis, label, scale=None, units=None):
    """ Manually reinterpret the scale and/or units on an axis """
    def header_transform(hdr, axis=axis, label=label, scale=scale, units=units):
        tensor = hdr['_tensor']
        if isinstance(axis, str):
            axis = tensor['labels'].index(axis)
        if label is not None:
            tensor['labels'][axis] = label
        if scale is not None:
            tensor['scales'][axis] = scale
        if units is not None:
            tensor['units'][axis] = units
        return hdr
    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #8
def merge_axes(block, axis1, axis2, label=None):
    merge_axes.axis1 = axis1
    merge_axes.axis2 = axis2
    merge_axes.label = label

    def header_transform(hdr):
        axis1 = merge_axes.axis1
        axis2 = merge_axes.axis2
        label = merge_axes.label
        tensor = hdr['_tensor']
        if isinstance(axis1, basestring):
            axis1 = tensor['labels'].index(axis1)
        if isinstance(axis2, basestring):
            axis2 = tensor['labels'].index(axis2)
        axis1, axis2 = sorted([axis1, axis2])
        if axis2 != axis1 + 1:
            raise ValueError("Merge axes must be adjacent")
        n = tensor['shape'][axis2]
        if n == -1:
            # Axis2 is frame axis
            raise ValueError("Second merge axis cannot be frame axis")
        elif tensor['shape'][axis1] == -1:
            # Axis1 is frame axis
            tensor['gulp_nframe'] *= n
            # Neither axis is frame axis
            tensor['shape'][axis1] *= n
        del tensor['shape'][axis2]
        if 'scales' in tensor and 'units' in tensor:
            scale1 = tensor['scales'][axis1][1]
            scale2 = tensor['scales'][axis2][1]
            units1 = tensor['units'][axis1]
            units2 = tensor['units'][axis2]
            scale2 = convert_units(scale2, units2, units1)
            if not isclose(scale1, n * scale2):
                raise ValueError("Scales of merge axes do not line up: "
                                 "%f != %f" % (scale1, n * scale2))
            tensor['scales'][axis1][1] = scale2
            del tensor['scales'][axis2]
        if 'labels' in tensor:
            if label is not None:
                tensor['labels'][axis1] = label
            del tensor['labels'][axis2]
        return hdr

    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #9
def expand_dims(block, axis, label, scale=None, units=None):
    expand_dims.axis = axis
    expand_dims.label = label
    expand_dims.scale = scale
    expand_dims.units = units

    def header_transform(hdr):
        axis = expand_dims.axis
        label = expand_dims.label
        scale = expand_dims.scale
        units = expand_dims.units
        tensor = hdr['tensor']
        if isinstance(axis, basestring):
            axis = tensor['labels'].index(axis)
        tensor['shape'].insert(axis, 1)
        tensor['labels'].insert(axis, label)
        tensor['scales'].insert(axis, scale)
        tensor['units'].insert(axis, units)
        return hdr

    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #10
def expand_dims(block, axis, label, scale=None, units=None):
    """Add an extra dimension to the frame

	As in, if the shape is [-1, 3, 2], then
	selecting axis=1 would change the shape to be
	[-1, 3, 1, 2].
    def header_transform(hdr,
        tensor = hdr['tensor']
        if isinstance(axis, basestring):
            axis = tensor['labels'].index(axis)
        tensor['shape'].insert(axis, 1)
        tensor['labels'].insert(axis, label)
        tensor['scales'].insert(axis, scale)
        tensor['units'].insert(axis, units)
        return hdr

    return block_view(block, header_transform)
Exemple #11
def custom(block, hdr_transform):
    """An alias to `bifrost.pipeline.block_view`
    return block_view(block, hdr_transform)
Exemple #12
def custom(block, hdr_transform):
    return block_view(block, header_transform)