Exemple #1
def create_hist_list(hdf, model, stat):
    """ Create a list of Rhist (histogram) objects for <model> and 
    <stat> in the given <hdf>. 
    If <stat> has only one entry (as is the case for 'aic') the list will have 
    only one entry.  If however <stat> has n entries per model (like't') 
    the list will have n-1 entries. As n matches the number of columns in
    the design matrix, the rightmost will always correspond to the dummy 
    predictor and is therefore discarded. """

    hist_list = []  ## A list of RHist objects.
    meta = get_model_meta(hdf, model)  ## metadata for naming

    # A handle on the hdf data
    hdfdata = read_hdf(hdf, '/' + model + '/' + stat)

    # Loop over the nodes, adding the data
    # for each to a RHist.
    for node in hdfdata:
        # Some data will be list-like
        # so try to iterate, if that fails
        # assume the data is a single number
            for ii in range(len(node) - 1):
                # Init entries in hist_list as needed
                except IndexError:
                    hist_list.append(RHist(name=meta['dm'][ii], decimals=2))
        except TypeError:
            # Assume a number so hist_list has only one
            # entry (i.e. 0).
            # Init entries in hist_list as needed
            except IndexError:
                hist_list.append(RHist(name=stat, decimals=2))

    return hist_list
Exemple #2
def hist_t(hdf, model, name=None):
    Plot histograms of the t values in <hdf> for each condition in 
    If <name> is not None the plot is saved as <name>.pdf.

    meta = get_model_meta(hdf, model)
    hist_list = []
    for dm_col in meta['dm']:
        # Make an instance RHist for the list.
        hist = RHist(name=dm_col, decimals=1)

    # read_hdf_inc returns a generator so....
    tdata = read_hdf_inc(hdf, '/' + model + '/t')
    for ts in tdata:
        # get the tvals for each instance of model
        # and add them to the hist_list,
        [hist_list[ii].add(ts[ii]) for ii in range(len(ts) - 1)]
        ## The last t in ts is the constant, which we
        ## do not want to plot.

    # Create a fig, loop over the hist_list
    # plotting each on fig.axes = 0.
    fig = plt.figure()
    colors = itertools.cycle(
        ['DarkGray', 'DarkBlue', 'DarkGreen', 'MediumSeaGreen'])
    ## Using html colors...

    [h.plot(fig=fig, color=colors.next(), norm=True) for h in hist_list]

    # Prettify the plot
    ax = fig.axes[0]

    # Add vetical lines representing significance tresholds
    ax.axvline(x=1.7822, label='p < 0.05', color='red', linewidth=4)
    ax.axvline(x=2.6810, label='p < 0.01', color='red', linewidth=3)
    ax.axvline(x=3.0545, label='p < 0.005', color='red', linewidth=2)
    ax.axvline(x=4.3178, label='p < 0.0005', color='red', linewidth=1)
    ## tval lines assume N=12 subjects

    plt.xlim(-10, 15)
    plt.title('{0} -- BOLD: {1}'.format(model, meta['bold']))

    if name != None:
        plt.savefig(name, format="pdf")