def _denominator(self, case):
        def afn(a):
            return self._action_within_timeframe(a, 30) and a.updated_known_properties.get('mother_alive', None) == "no"

        if is_pregnant_mother(case):
            action = _get_action(case, action_filter=afn)
            return 1 if action else 0
        return 0
def _newborn(case, days=None): # :(
    def af(action):
        if not days:
            return True
        now =
        return now - dt.timedelta(days=days) <= <= now

    def recently_delivered(case):
        return _get_form(case, action_filter=af, form_filter=lambda f: f.form.get('recently_delivered', "") == 'yes')

    return is_pregnant_mother(case) and\
           (recently_delivered(case) or get_related_prop(case, 'birth_status') == "live_birth")
def _mother_delivered_in_window(case, days):
    get_visitduedate = lambda case: case.add + dt.timedelta(days=days) + GRACE_PERIOD
    return is_pregnant_mother(case) and get_add(case) and _in_last_month(get_visitduedate(case))
 def _denominator(self, case):
     return 1 if is_pregnant_mother(case) else 0
def _expecting_soon(case):
    return is_pregnant_mother(case) and get_edd(case) and _in_timeframe(case.edd, -30)
def delivered_in_timeframe(case, days):
    return is_pregnant_mother(case) and get_add(case) and _in_timeframe(case.add, days)