Exemple #1
 def get_next_id_for(self, key):
     """Get a preview of the next number
     portal_type = key.split("-")[0]
     config = get_config(None, portal_type=portal_type)
     id_template = config.get("form", "")
     number = self.storage.get(key) + 1
     spec = {
         "seq": number,
         "alpha": Alphanumber(number),
         "year": get_current_year(),
         "parent_analysisrequest": "ParentAR",
         "parent_ar_id": "ParentARId",
         "sampleType": key.replace(portal_type, "").strip("-"),
     return id_template.format(**spec)
Exemple #2
def get_variables(context, **kw):
    """Prepares a dictionary of key->value pairs usable for ID formatting
    # allow portal_type override
    portal_type = get_type_id(context, **kw)

    # The variables map hold the values that might get into the constructed id
    variables = {
        "context": context,
        "id": api.get_id(context),
        "portal_type": portal_type,
        "year": get_current_year(),
        "yymmdd": get_yymmdd(),
        "parent": api.get_parent(context),
        "seq": 0,
        "alpha": Alphanumber(0),

    # Augment the variables map depending on the portal type
    if portal_type in AR_TYPES:
        now = DateTime()
        sampling_date = context.getSamplingDate()
        sampling_date = sampling_date and DT2dt(sampling_date) or DT2dt(now)
        date_sampled = context.getDateSampled()
        date_sampled = date_sampled and DT2dt(date_sampled) or DT2dt(now)
        test_count = 1

            "clientId": context.getClientID(),
            "dateSampled": date_sampled,
            "samplingDate": sampling_date,
            "sampleType": context.getSampleType().getPrefix(),
            "test_count": test_count

        # Partition
        if portal_type == "AnalysisRequestPartition":
            parent_ar = context.getParentAnalysisRequest()
            parent_ar_id = api.get_id(parent_ar)
            parent_base_id = strip_suffix(parent_ar_id)
            partition_count = get_partition_count(context)
                "parent_analysisrequest": parent_ar,
                "parent_ar_id": parent_ar_id,
                "parent_base_id": parent_base_id,
                "partition_count": partition_count,

        # Retest
        elif portal_type == "AnalysisRequestRetest":
            # Note: we use "parent" instead of "invalidated" for simplicity
            parent_ar = context.getInvalidated()
            parent_ar_id = api.get_id(parent_ar)
            parent_base_id = strip_suffix(parent_ar_id)
            # keep the full ID if the retracted AR is a partition
            if context.isPartition():
                parent_base_id = parent_ar_id
            retest_count = get_retest_count(context)
            test_count = test_count + retest_count
                "parent_analysisrequest": parent_ar,
                "parent_ar_id": parent_ar_id,
                "parent_base_id": parent_base_id,
                "retest_count": retest_count,
                "test_count": test_count,

        # Secondary
        elif portal_type == "AnalysisRequestSecondary":
            primary_ar = context.getPrimaryAnalysisRequest()
            primary_ar_id = api.get_id(primary_ar)
            parent_base_id = strip_suffix(primary_ar_id)
            secondary_count = get_secondary_count(context)
                "parent_analysisrequest": primary_ar,
                "parent_ar_id": primary_ar_id,
                "parent_base_id": parent_base_id,
                "secondary_count": secondary_count,

    elif portal_type == "ARReport":
            "clientId": context.aq_parent.getClientID(),

    # Look for a variables adapter
    adapter = queryAdapter(context, IIdServerVariables)
    if adapter:
        vars = adapter.get_variables(**kw)

    return variables
Exemple #3
def get_variables(context, **kw):
    """Prepares a dictionary of key->value pairs usable for ID formatting

    # allow portal_type override
    portal_type = kw.get("portal_type") or api.get_portal_type(context)

    # The variables map hold the values that might get into the constructed id
    variables = {
        'context': context,
        'id': api.get_id(context),
        'portal_type': portal_type,
        'year': get_current_year(),
        'parent': api.get_parent(context),
        'seq': 0,
        'alpha': Alphanumber(0),

    # Augment the variables map depending on the portal type
    if portal_type == "AnalysisRequest":
            'sampleId': context.getSample().getId(),
            'sample': context.getSample(),

    elif portal_type == "SamplePartition":
            'sampleId': context.aq_parent.getId(),
            'sample': context.aq_parent,

    elif portal_type == "Sample":
        # get the prefix of the assigned sample type
        sample_id = context.getId()
        sample_type = context.getSampleType()
        sampletype_prefix = sample_type.getPrefix()

        date_now = DateTime()
        sampling_date = context.getSamplingDate()
        date_sampled = context.getDateSampled()

        # Try to get the date sampled and sampling date
        if sampling_date:
            samplingDate = DT2dt(sampling_date)
            # No Sample Date?
            logger.error("Sample {} has no sample date set".format(sample_id))
            # fall back to current date
            samplingDate = DT2dt(date_now)

        if date_sampled:
            dateSampled = DT2dt(date_sampled)
            # No Sample Date?
            logger.error("Sample {} has no sample date set".format(sample_id))
            dateSampled = DT2dt(date_now)

            'clientId': context.aq_parent.getClientID(),
            'dateSampled': dateSampled,
            'samplingDate': samplingDate,
            'sampleType': sampletype_prefix,

    elif portal_type == "ARReport":
            'clientId': context.aq_parent.getClientID(),

    return variables
Exemple #4
def get_variables(context, **kw):
    """Prepares a dictionary of key->value pairs usable for ID formatting
    # allow portal_type override
    portal_type = get_type_id(context, **kw)

    # The variables map hold the values that might get into the constructed id
    variables = {
        'context': context,
        'id': api.get_id(context),
        'portal_type': portal_type,
        'year': get_current_year(),
        'parent': api.get_parent(context),
        'seq': 0,
        'alpha': Alphanumber(0),

    # Augment the variables map depending on the portal type
    if portal_type in AR_TYPES:
        now = DateTime()
        sampling_date = context.getSamplingDate()
        sampling_date = sampling_date and DT2dt(sampling_date) or DT2dt(now)
        date_sampled = context.getDateSampled()
        date_sampled = date_sampled and DT2dt(date_sampled) or DT2dt(now)
        test_count = 1

            "clientId": context.getClientID(),
            "dateSampled": date_sampled,
            "samplingDate": sampling_date,
            "sampleType": context.getSampleType().getPrefix(),
            "test_count": test_count,
            # BHP-specific
            "studyId": context.aq_parent.getTaxNumber(),

        # Partition
        if portal_type == "AnalysisRequestPartition":
            # 09202AAJ60
            # + 09202AAJ6002
            #   + 09202AAJ600201
            # {studyId}{sampleType}{parent_alpha}{partition_count}
            #     09        20         AAJ60          02
            parent_ar = context.getParentAnalysisRequest()
            parent_ar_id = api.get_id(parent_ar)
            parent_base_id = strip_suffix(parent_ar_id)
            partition_count = get_partition_count(context)
            parent_alpha = get_sample_alpha(parent_ar)
            parent_part_num = get_sample_partition_number(parent_ar)
                # BHP-specific
                "{:02d}".format(partition_count + 1),
                "{}{}".format(parent_alpha, parent_part_num),

        # Retest
        elif portal_type == "AnalysisRequestRetest":
            # Note: we use "parent" instead of "invalidated" for simplicity
            parent_ar = context.getInvalidated()
            parent_ar_id = api.get_id(parent_ar)
            parent_base_id = strip_suffix(parent_ar_id)
            # keep the full ID if the retracted AR is a partition
            if context.isPartition():
                parent_base_id = parent_ar_id
            retest_count = get_retest_count(context)
            test_count = test_count + retest_count
                "parent_analysisrequest": parent_ar,
                "parent_ar_id": parent_ar_id,
                "parent_base_id": parent_base_id,
                "retest_count": retest_count,
                "test_count": test_count,

        # Secondary
        elif portal_type == "AnalysisRequestSecondary":
            primary_ar = context.getPrimaryAnalysisRequest()
            primary_ar_id = api.get_id(primary_ar)
            parent_base_id = strip_suffix(primary_ar_id)
            secondary_count = get_secondary_count(context)
                "parent_analysisrequest": primary_ar,
                "parent_ar_id": primary_ar_id,
                "parent_base_id": parent_base_id,
                "secondary_count": secondary_count,

    elif portal_type == "ARReport":
            "clientId": context.aq_parent.getClientID(),

    return variables