Exemple #1
def upgrade(tool):
    portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(tool))
    setup = portal.portal_setup
    ut = UpgradeUtils(portal)
    ver_from = ut.getInstalledVersion(product)

    if ut.isOlderVersion(product, version):
        logger.info("Skipping upgrade of {0}: {1} > {2}".format(
            product, ver_from, version))
        # The currently installed version is more recent than the target
        # version of this upgradestep
        return True

    logger.info("Upgrading {0}: {1} -> {2}".format(product, ver_from, version))

    # Required because of a mismatch between the view and workflow states
    # selector in Analysis Services view. See @93109be
    setup.runImportStepFromProfile('profile-bika.lims:default', 'typeinfo')

    # Remove indexes no longer used as per @daf57e3 and PR#307
    ut.delIndexAndColumn('bika_setup_catalog', 'getSortKey')
    ut.delIndexAndColumn('bika_setup_catalog', 'sortKey')

    # Add sortable_title index in analyses catalog, so analyses get sorted
    # automatically based on the same rules as Analysis Services do (PR#307):
    #   sortkey + title ascending
    ut.addIndex(CATALOG_ANALYSIS_LISTING, 'sortable_title', 'FieldIndex')

    # Do nothing, we just only want the profile version to be 1.0.0
    logger.info("{0} upgraded to version {1}".format(product, version))
    return True
Exemple #2
def upgrade(tool):
    portal = tool.aq_inner.aq_parent
    ut = UpgradeUtils(portal)
    ver_from = ut.getInstalledVersion(product)

    if ut.isOlderVersion(product, version):
        logger.info("Skipping upgrade of {0}: {1} > {2}".format(
            product, ver_from, version))
        return True

    logger.info("Upgrading {0}: {1} -> {2}".format(product, ver_from, version))

    # -------- ADD YOUR STUFF HERE --------
    ut.delIndexAndColumn(CATALOG_ANALYSIS_REQUEST_LISTING, 'getPatient')
    ut.delIndexAndColumn(CATALOG_ANALYSIS_REQUEST_LISTING, 'getDoctor')

    ut.addColumn(CATALOG_ANALYSIS_REQUEST_LISTING, 'getPatientID')
    ut.addIndexAndColumn(CATALOG_ANALYSIS_REQUEST_LISTING, 'getPatientTitle',

    # In case if upgrade was already run after PR #72 got accepted
    ut.addColumn(CATALOG_ANALYSIS_REQUEST_LISTING, 'getClientPatientID')
    ut.addIndexAndColumn(CATALOG_ANALYSIS_REQUEST_LISTING, 'getDoctorTitle',

    # In case if upgrade was already run after PR #72 got accepted
    ut.addIndex(CATALOG_PATIENTS, 'listing_searchable_text', 'TextIndexNG3')
    logger.info("{0} upgraded to version {1}".format(product, version))

    return True
Exemple #3
def upgrade(tool):
    portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(tool))
    setup = portal.portal_setup
    ut = UpgradeUtils(portal)
    ver_from = ut.getInstalledVersion(product)

    if ut.isOlderVersion(product, version):
        logger.info("Skipping upgrade of {0}: {1} > {2}".format(
            product, ver_from, version))
        # The currently installed version is more recent than the target
        # version of this upgradestep
        return True

    logger.info("Upgrading {0}: {1} -> {2}".format(product, ver_from, version))

    # Required because of a mismatch between the view and workflow states
    # selector in Analysis Services view. See @93109be
    setup.runImportStepFromProfile('profile-bika.lims:default', 'typeinfo')

    # Remove indexes no longer used as per @daf57e3 and PR#307
    ut.delIndexAndColumn('bika_setup_catalog', 'getSortKey')
    ut.delIndexAndColumn('bika_setup_catalog', 'sortKey')

    # Add sortable_title index in analyses catalog, so analyses get sorted
    # automatically based on the same rules as Analysis Services do (PR#307):
    #   sortkey + title ascending
    ut.addIndex(CATALOG_ANALYSIS_LISTING, 'sortable_title', 'FieldIndex')

    # Do nothing, we just only want the profile version to be 1.0.0
    logger.info("{0} upgraded to version {1}".format(product, version))
    return True