Exemple #1
def main():
    import random
    cervelo = Bicycle("Cervelo S3", 18, 2700)
    evo = Bicycle("Cannondale SuperSix Evo", 14, 1500)
    dogma = Bicycle("Pinarello Dogma", 16, 4000)
    thunderbolt = Bicycle("Rocky Mountain Thunderbolt", 26, 2000)
    scalpel = Bicycle("Cannondale Scalpel", 25, 3500)
    bolide = Bicycle("Pinarello Bolide", 20, 8000)
    bikes = [cervelo, evo, dogma, thunderbolt, scalpel, bolide]
    the_bike_shop = BikeShop("The Bike Shop", bikes)
    print("Welcome to {}!  This is what we have in our inventory:".format(the_bike_shop.name))
    print(" ")
    for item in the_bike_shop.inventory:
    print(" ")
    mitchell = Customer("Mitchell", 4000, [])
    emily = Customer("Emily", 10000, [])
    lee = Customer("Lee", 6000, [])
    customers = [mitchell, emily, lee]
    for customer in customers:
        print(" ")
        print("*Bikes {} can afford*".format(customer.name))
        print(" ")
        for index, bike in enumerate(customer.potential_bikes(the_bike_shop)):
            print(str(index + 1) + ".", (bike.model + ","), ("$" + str(the_bike_shop.msrp(bike))))
        print(" ")
        available_bikes = customer.potential_bikes(the_bike_shop)
        if len(available_bikes) > 0:
            for item in available_bikes:
                bike = random.choice(available_bikes)
                customer.purchase(bike, the_bike_shop)
                print("{}'s remaining balance: ".format(customer.name), customer.budget)
# creates six bikes that are made of wheels and frames
bike1 = Bike(wheel1, Alu, "bike1", "Triumph Bikes")
bike2 = Bike(wheel2, Carbon, "bike2", "Zelda Bikes")
bike3 = Bike(wheel3, SS, "bike3", "Triumph Bikes")
bike4 = Bike(wheel1, SS, "bike4", "Zelda Bikes")
bike5 = Bike(wheel2, Carbon, "bike5", "Triumph Bikes")
bike6 = Bike(wheel2, Alu, "bike6", "Zelda Bikes")

# a list of the bikes
bikes = [bike1, bike2, bike3, bike4, bike5, bike6]
sam = Customer("Sam", 400)
bill = Customer("Bill", 1000)

# creates a bike shop- with a three bike objects in it.
james_bike_shop = BikeShop("James's bicycle emporium", 1.2, [bike1, bike2, bike3])
print "kawasaki"
print "sam money before", sam.money
james_bike_shop.buy_a_bike(sam, "bike1")
print "honda"
james_bike_shop.buy_a_bike(sam, "bike1")
print "sam money after", sam.money

anthonys_bike_shop = BikeShop("Anthony's racing bicyles", 1.25, [bike4, bike5, bike6])