Exemple #1
def do_site_search(q, allow_redirect=False, request=None):
    if q.strip() == "":
        return []

    results = []

    from bill.models import Bill
    from vote.models import Vote
    if "pass" in q or "fail" in q or "vote" in q:
            "Tracking Federal Legislation",
            "results": [{
                "href": f.link,
                "label": f.title,
                "obj": f,
                "feed": f,
                "secondary": False
            } for f in (

    from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet
    from events.models import Feed

    from person.models import RoleType
    sqs = SearchQuerySet().using("person")\
            all_role_types__in=(RoleType.representative, RoleType.senator),
    if 'XapianEngine' not in settings.HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS['person']['ENGINE']:
        # Xapian doesn't provide a 'score' so we can't do this when debugging.
        sqs = sqs.order_by('-is_currently_serving', '-score')
        "Members of Congress",
        "Members of Congress",
        "results": [{
            "href": p.object.get_absolute_url(),
            "label": p.object.name,
            "obj": p.object,
            "feed": p.object.get_feed(),
            "secondary": p.object.get_current_role() == None
        } for p in sqs[0:9]]

    import us
            "href": "/congress/members/%s" % s,
            "label": us.statenames[s]
        } for s in us.statenames
                if us.statenames[s].lower().startswith(q.lower())],
               key=lambda p: p["label"])

    # search committees -- name must contain all of the words in the
    # search query (e.g. "rules committee" should match "committee on rules")
    from committee.models import Committee
    committees_qs = Committee.objects.filter(obsolete=False)
    for word in q.split(" "):
        committees_qs = committees_qs.filter(name__icontains=word)
        "Congressional Committees",
        "committees in Congress",
            "href": c.get_absolute_url(),
            "label": c.fullname,
            "feed": c.get_feed(),
            "obj": c,
            "secondary": c.committee != None
        } for c in committees_qs],
               key=lambda c: c["label"])

    from settings import CURRENT_CONGRESS
    from bill.search import parse_bill_citation
    bill = parse_bill_citation(q)
    congress = "__ALL__"
    if not bill or not allow_redirect:
        # query Solr w/ the boosted field
        from haystack.inputs import AutoQuery
        from haystack.query import SQ
        q = SearchQuerySet().using("bill").filter(indexed_model_name__in=["Bill"])\
            .filter( SQ(text=AutoQuery(q)) | SQ(text_boosted=AutoQuery(q)) )

        # restrict to current bills if any (at least 10) bills match
        q1 = q.filter(congress=CURRENT_CONGRESS)
        if q1.count() >= 10:
            q = q1
            congress = str(CURRENT_CONGRESS)

        bills = [\
            {"href": b.object.get_absolute_url(),
             "label": b.object.title,
             "obj": b.object,
             "feed": b.object.get_feed() if b.object.is_alive else None,
             "secondary": b.object.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS }
            for b in q[0:9]]
        url = bill.get_absolute_url()
        if request.GET.get("track"): url += "#track"
        return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
        "title": "Bills and Resolutions",
        "href": "/congress/bills/browse",
        "qsarg": "congress=%s&text" % congress,
        "noun": "federal bills or resolutions",
        "results": bills

    # subject terms, but exclude subject terms that look like committee names because
    # that is confusing to also see with committee results
    from bill.models import BillTerm, TermType
        "Subject Areas",
        "subject areas",
        "results": [{
            "href": p.get_absolute_url(),
            "label": p.name,
            "obj": p,
            "feed": p.get_feed(),
            "secondary": not p.is_top_term()
        } for p in BillTerm.objects.filter(
            name__icontains=q, term_type=TermType.new).exclude(
                name__contains=" Committee on ")[0:9]]

    # in each group, make sure the secondary results are placed last, but otherwise preserve order
    for grp in results:
        for i, obj in enumerate(grp["results"]):
            obj["index"] = i
            key=lambda o: (o.get("secondary", False), o["index"]))

    # sort categories first by whether all results are secondary results, then by number of matches (fewest first, if greater than zero)
    results.sort(key=lambda c: (len([
        d for d in c["results"] if d.get("secondary", False) == False
    ]) == 0, len(c["results"]) == 0, len(c["results"])))

    return results
Exemple #2
def do_site_search(q, allow_redirect=False):
    if q.strip() == "":
        return []

    results = []

    from bill.models import Bill
    from vote.models import Vote
    if "pass" in q or "fail" in q or "vote" in q:
            "Tracking Federal Legislation",
            "results": [{
                "href": f.link,
                "label": f.title,
                "obj": f,
                "feed": f,
                "secondary": False
            } for f in (

    from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet
    from events.models import Feed

        "Members of Congress, Presidents, and Vice Presidents",
        "Members of Congress, Presidents, or Vice Presidents",
        "results": [{
            "href": p.object.get_absolute_url(),
            "label": p.object.name,
            "obj": p.object,
            "feed": p.object.get_feed(),
            "secondary": p.object.get_current_role() == None
        } for p in SearchQuerySet().using("person").filter(
            indexed_model_name__in=["Person"], content=q).order_by(
                '-is_currently_serving', '-score')[0:9]]

    # Skipping states for now because we might want to go to the district maps or to
    # the state's main page for state legislative information.
    #import us
    #results.append(("States", "/congress/members", "most_recent_role_state", "states",
    #    sorted([{"href": "/congress/members/%s" % s, "label": us.statenames[s] }
    #        for s in us.statenames
    #        if us.statenames[s].lower().startswith(q.lower())
    #        ], key=lambda p : p["label"])))

    from committee.models import Committee
        "Congressional Committees",
        "committees in Congress",
            "href": c.get_absolute_url(),
            "label": c.fullname,
            "feed": c.get_feed(),
            "obj": c,
            "secondary": c.committee != None
        } for c in Committee.objects.filter(name__icontains=q, obsolete=False)
               key=lambda c: c["label"])

    from settings import CURRENT_CONGRESS
    from bill.search import parse_bill_citation
    bill = parse_bill_citation(q)
    if not bill or not allow_redirect:
        from haystack.inputs import AutoQuery
        bills = [\
            {"href": b.object.get_absolute_url(),
             "label": b.object.title,
             "obj": b.object,
             "feed": b.object.get_feed() if b.object.is_alive else None,
             "secondary": b.object.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS }
            for b in SearchQuerySet().using("bill").filter(indexed_model_name__in=["Bill"], content=AutoQuery(q)).order_by('-current_status_date')[0:9]]
        #bills = [{"href": bill.get_absolute_url(), "label": bill.title, "obj": bill, "secondary": bill.congress != CURRENT_CONGRESS }]
        return HttpResponseRedirect(bill.get_absolute_url())
        "title": "Bills and Resolutions (Federal)",
        "href": "/congress/bills/browse",
        "qsarg": "congress=__ALL__&text",
        "noun": "federal bills or resolutions",
        "results": bills

    if "states" in settings.HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS:
            "State Legislation",
            "state legislation",
            "results": [{
                "href": p.object.get_absolute_url(),
                "label": p.object.short_display_title,
                "obj": p.object,
                "feed": Feed(feedname="states_bill:%d" % p.object.id),
                "secondary": True
            } for p in SearchQuerySet().using('states').filter(
                indexed_model_name__in=["StateBill"], content=q)[0:9]]

    # subject terms, but exclude subject terms that look like committee names because
    # that is confusing to also see with committee results
    from bill.models import BillTerm, TermType
        "Subject Areas (Federal Legislation)",
        "subject areas",
        "results": [{
            "href": p.get_absolute_url(),
            "label": p.name,
            "obj": p,
            "feed": p.get_feed(),
            "secondary": not p.is_top_term()
        } for p in BillTerm.objects.filter(
            name__icontains=q, term_type=TermType.new).exclude(
                name__contains=" Committee on ")[0:9]]

    # in each group, make sure the secondary results are placed last, but otherwise preserve order
    for grp in results:
        for i, obj in enumerate(grp["results"]):
            obj["index"] = i
            key=lambda o: (o.get("secondary", False), o["index"]))

    # sort categories first by whether all results are secondary results, then by number of matches (fewest first, if greater than zero)
    results.sort(key=lambda c: (len([
        d for d in c["results"] if d.get("secondary", False) == False
    ]) == 0, len(c["results"]) == 0, len(c["results"])))

    return results