Exemple #1
def process_bill(bill_id, options):
    fdsys_xml_path = _path_to_billstatus_file(bill_id)
    logging.info("[%s] Processing %s..." % (bill_id, fdsys_xml_path))

    # Read FDSys bulk data file.
    xml_as_dict = read_fdsys_bulk_bill_status_file(fdsys_xml_path, bill_id)
    bill_data = form_bill_json_dict(xml_as_dict)

    # Convert and write out data.json and data.xml.
        unicode(json.dumps(bill_data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)),
        os.path.dirname(fdsys_xml_path) + '/data.json')

    from bill_info import create_govtrack_xml
    with open(os.path.dirname(fdsys_xml_path) + '/data.xml', 'wb') as xml_file:
        xml_file.write(create_govtrack_xml(bill_data, options))

    if options.get("amendments", True):
        process_amendments(bill_id, xml_as_dict, options)

    # Mark this bulk data file as processed by saving its lastmod
    # file under a new path.
        utils.read(_path_to_billstatus_file(bill_id).replace(".xml", "-lastmod.txt")),
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fdsys_xml_path), "data-fromfdsys-lastmod.txt"))

    return {
        "ok": True,
        "saved": True,
Exemple #2
def process_bill(bill_id, options):
    fdsys_xml_path = _path_to_billstatus_file(bill_id)
    logging.info("[%s] Processing %s..." % (bill_id, fdsys_xml_path))

    # Read FDSys bulk data file.
    xml_as_dict = read_fdsys_bulk_bill_status_file(fdsys_xml_path, bill_id)
    bill_data = form_bill_json_dict(xml_as_dict)

    # Convert and write out data.json and data.xml.
        unicode(json.dumps(bill_data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)),
        os.path.dirname(fdsys_xml_path) + '/data.json')

    from bill_info import create_govtrack_xml
    with open(os.path.dirname(fdsys_xml_path) + '/data.xml', 'wb') as xml_file:
        xml_file.write(create_govtrack_xml(bill_data, options))

    if options.get("amendments", True):
        process_amendments(bill_id, xml_as_dict, options)

    # Mark this bulk data file as processed by saving its lastmod
    # file under a new path.
        utils.read(_path_to_billstatus_file(bill_id).replace(".xml", "-lastmod.txt")),
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fdsys_xml_path), "data-fromfdsys-lastmod.txt"))

    return {
        "ok": True,
        "saved": True,
Exemple #3
def reparse_actions(bill_id, options):
    # Load an existing bill status JSON file.
    data_json_fn = output_for_bill(bill_id, 'json')
    source = utils.read(data_json_fn)
    bill_data = json.loads(source)

    # Munge data.
    from bill_info import parse_bill_action
    title = bill_info.current_title_for(bill_data['titles'], 'official')
    old_status = None
    for action in bill_data['actions']:
      new_action, new_status = parse_bill_action(action, old_status, bill_id, title)
      if new_status:
        old_status = new_status
        action['status'] = new_status
      # clear out deleted keys
      for key in ('vote_type', 'how', 'where', 'result', 'roll', 'suspension', 'calendar', 'under', 'number', 'committee', 'pocket', 'law', 'congress'):
        if key in action and key not in new_action:
          del action['key']

    status, status_date = bill_info.latest_status(bill_data['actions'], bill_data['introduced_at'])
    bill_data['status'] = status
    bill_data['status_at'] = status_date

    # Show user a diff on the console to accept changes.
    def show_diff_ask_ok(source, revised, fn):
      if source == revised: return False # nothing to do
      def split_lines(s): return [l+"\n" for l in s.split("\n")]
      import sys
      from difflib import unified_diff
      sys.stdout.writelines(unified_diff(split_lines(source), split_lines(revised), fromfile=fn, tofile=fn))
      return raw_input("Apply change? (y/n) ").strip() == "y"

    wrote_any = False

    # Write new data.json file.
    revised = json.dumps(bill_data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
    if show_diff_ask_ok(source, revised, data_json_fn):
      utils.write(revised, data_json_fn)
      wrote_any = True

    # Write new data.xml file.
    from bill_info import create_govtrack_xml
    data_xml_fn = data_json_fn.replace(".json", ".xml")
    with open(data_xml_fn, 'r') as xml_file:
        source = xml_file.read()
    revised = create_govtrack_xml(bill_data, options)
    if show_diff_ask_ok(source, revised.decode("utf8"), data_xml_fn):
      with open(data_xml_fn, 'wb') as xml_file:
      wrote_any = True

    return {
        "ok": True,
        "saved": wrote_any,
        "reason": "no changes or changes skipped by user",
Exemple #4
def process_bill(bill_id, options):
    fdsys_xml_path = _path_to_billstatus_file(bill_id)
    logging.info("[%s] Processing %s..." % (bill_id, fdsys_xml_path))

    # Read FDSys bulk data file.
    xml_as_dict = read_fdsys_bulk_bill_status_file(fdsys_xml_path, bill_id)
    bill_data = form_bill_json_dict(xml_as_dict)

    # Convert and write out data.json and data.xml.
    utils.write(unicode(json.dumps(bill_data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)),
                os.path.dirname(fdsys_xml_path) + '/data.json')

        formatted = convert_congress_bill(bill_data)
        formatted = json.loads(formatted)

        utils.write(unicode(json.dumps(formatted, indent=2, sort_keys=True)),
                    os.path.dirname(fdsys_xml_path) + '/formatted.json')
        # maybe a logging.info call instead
        print("Formatted and inserted %s" % fdsys_xml_path)
        print("FAILED FORMATTING %s" % fdsys_xml_path)

    from bill_info import create_govtrack_xml
    with open(os.path.dirname(fdsys_xml_path) + '/data.xml', 'wb') as xml_file:
        xml_file.write(create_govtrack_xml(bill_data, options))

    if options.get("amendments", True):
        process_amendments(bill_id, xml_as_dict, options)

    # Mark this bulk data file as processed by saving its lastmod
    # file under a new path.
            _path_to_billstatus_file(bill_id).replace(".xml", "-lastmod.txt")),

    return {
        "ok": True,
        "saved": True,