Exemple #1
import zipfile
from bin.configloader import ConfigLoader  # @UnresolvedImport
import bin.errors as err  # @UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport
from bin.ostype import is_windows
from bin.utils import is_hidden_file_utils, is_folder_utils, append_list_to_list
from bin.vartype import VarTypedClass
from config import DIR_CONFIG  # @UnresolvedImport
from data import DIR_UPLOADS  # @UnusedImport

if is_windows():  # Se define el ejecutable de unrar para Windows
    from bin.binpath import DIR_BIN

        import bin.rarfile as rarfile  # @UnresolvedImport
    except Exception, e:
        err.st_error(err.ERROR_RARNOTINSTALLED_WIN, True, "rarfile", e)
    rarfile.UNRAR_TOOL = DIR_BIN + "unrar.exe"
else:  # Si no es windows se utiliza la librería patool
    import bin.rarfile as rarfile  # @UnresolvedImport @Reimport
    # try:
    #    from pyunpack import Archive  # @UnusedImport @UnresolvedImport
    # except Exception, e:
    #    err.st_error(err.ERROR_RARNOTINSTALLED_NOTWIN, True, "pyunpack", e)

# Constantes
_FILEMANAGER_Y_EXTRACT_COMPRSD_FILE = "_inspect_files extrajo el archivo '{0}' a pesar de que ya existe como carpeta."
_FILEMANAGER_NO_EXTRACT_COMPRSD_FILE = "_inspect_files no extrajo el archivo '{0}' dado que este ya existe."

Exemple #2
        def _inspect(rootpath, filename, filelist, extracted_folders, depth):
            Inspecciona todos los archivos de un paquete.

            :param rootpath: Carpeta contenedora
            :type rootpath: str
            :param filename: Nombre del archivo a analizar
            :type filename: str, unicode
            :param filelist: Lista de archivos actuales a agregar
            :type filelist: list
            :param extracted_folders: Lista de carpetas extraídas durante el proceso
            :type extracted_folders: list
            :param depth: Profundidad de búsqueda
            :type depth: int

            :return: void
            :rtype: None
            if not is_valid_file(filename):  # Si el archivo no es válido

            if self._is_folder(rootpath, filename) and is_valid_folder_name(filename):  # Si el archivo es una carpeta
                path_to_inspect = rootpath + filename
                for filef in os.listdir(path_to_inspect.decode(self._fileEncoding)):
                    _inspect(rootpath + filename + "/", filef, filelist, extracted_folders, depth + 1)

            elif self._is_zip(rootpath, filename) and self._autoExtract:  # Si el archivo es paquete zip
                newfilename = filename.replace(".zip", "").replace(".ZIP", "")
                file_already_exists = False
                do_extract = True
                    file_already_exists = newfilename in os.listdir(rootpath.decode(self._fileEncoding))
                if file_already_exists:
                    do_extract = do_extract and self._extractIfFolderAlreadyExists
                    if self._verbose:
                        if do_extract:
                            print _FILEMANAGER_Y_EXTRACT_COMPRSD_FILE.format(newfilename)
                            print _FILEMANAGER_NO_EXTRACT_COMPRSD_FILE.format(newfilename)
                if do_extract:
                    zipfile.ZipFile(rootpath + filename).extractall(rootpath + newfilename + "/")
                    if self._removeOnExtract:
                        os.remove(rootpath + filename)
                    extracted_folders.append(rootpath + newfilename + "/")
                    if is_valid_folder_name(newfilename):
                        _inspect(rootpath, newfilename, filelist, extracted_folders, depth + 1)

            elif self._is_rar(rootpath, filename) and self._autoExtract:  # Si el archivo es paquete rar
                newfilename = filename.replace(".rar", "").replace(".RAR", "")
                file_already_exists = False
                do_extract = True
                    file_already_exists = newfilename in os.listdir(rootpath.decode(self._fileEncoding))
                if file_already_exists:
                    do_extract = do_extract and self._extractIfFolderAlreadyExists
                    if self._verbose:
                        if do_extract:
                            print _FILEMANAGER_Y_EXTRACT_COMPRSD_FILE.format(newfilename)
                            print _FILEMANAGER_NO_EXTRACT_COMPRSD_FILE.format(newfilename)
                if do_extract:
                    # Si el sistema operativo huésped es Windows
                    if is_windows():
                            # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault
                            rarfile.RarFile(rootpath + filename, 'r', 'utf8').extractall(rootpath + newfilename + "/")
                        except Exception, ex:
                            print ""
                            err.st_error(err.ERROR_RARUNCOMPRESS, True, "rarfile", ex)
                    # Para sistemas basados en POSIX - OSX
                        # Para linux y con Archive/pyunpack
                        # try:
                        #    os.mkdir(rootpath + newfilename + "/")
                        # except:
                        #    pass
                            # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault
                            rarfile.RarFile(rootpath + filename, 'r', 'utf8').extractall(rootpath + newfilename + "/")
                            # Archive(rootpath + filename).extractall(rootpath + newfilename + "/") # Para linux con Archive/pyunpack
                        except Exception, ex:
                            print ""
                            # err.st_error(err.ERROR_RARUNCOMPRESS, True, "pyunpack", e) # Para linux con Archive/pyunpack
                            err.st_error(err.ERROR_RARUNCOMPRESS_LINUX, True, "rarfile", ex)
                    if self._removeOnExtract:
                        os.remove(rootpath + filename)
                    extracted_folders.append(rootpath + newfilename + "/")
                    if is_valid_folder_name(newfilename):
                        _inspect(rootpath, newfilename, filelist, extracted_folders, depth + 1)
Exemple #3
        x = ""
        # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault
        rsltFile = open(DIR_TEST_RESULTS + RESULT_FILE, 'r')
        for line in rsltFile:
            x = line
        tstNumber = str(int(x.split(" ")[0]) + 1)
    except Exception, e:
        tstNumber = "1"
    msgg = tstNumber + " " + msgg
        with open(DIR_TEST_RESULTS + RESULT_FILE, "a") as resfile:
            resfile.write(msgg + "\n")
    except Exception, e:
        if verbose:
            # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault
            st_error(ERROR_RUNTESTS_SAVE_RESULTS, False, "runtests.py", e)

if doSaveLogFile:  # Se guarda el log
        logname = msgg.replace(":", "-") + ".txt"
        logfile = open(DIR_TEST_RESULTS_LOGGING + logname, "w")
    except Exception, e:
        if verbose:
            # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault
            st_error(ERROR_RUNTESTS_SAVE_LOG, False, "runtests.py", e)

if verbose:  # Se imprime el consola el estado final
    print result