Exemple #1
def solve(n, k):
    tree = FastRBTree()
    tree.insert(n, 1)
    ls = rs = n

    for i in range(k):
        key, val = tree.max_item()

        if val > 1:
            tree.insert(key, val - 1)

        if key % 2 == 1:
            key //= 2
            ls = rs = key
            update_tree(tree, key)
            update_tree(tree, key)
            key //= 2
            ls = key
            rs = key - 1
            update_tree(tree, ls)
            update_tree(tree, rs)

    return str(ls) + " " + str(rs)
Exemple #2
class Node:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.children = {}
        self.visited = False
        self.ancestors = FastRBTree()

    def updateChildren(self, child, nameOfSequence):
        if child in self.children:
            self.children[child] = set()

    def getChild(self, nameOfChild):
        return filter(lambda x: x == nameOfChild, self.children.keys())

    def updateAncestors(self, ancestors, nameOfSequence):
        for ancestor in ancestors:
            if self.name == ancestor.name:
            elementFromTree = self.ancestors.get(ancestor.name, None)
            if elementFromTree != None:
                self.ancestors.__setitem__(ancestor.name, elementFromTree)
            else:  # NIE JE V SEK
                tmpValue = set()
                self.ancestors.insert(ancestor.name, tmpValue)
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.price_map = {}
        self.order_map = {}
        self.received_orders = {}

    def receive(self, order_id, size):
        self.received_orders[order_id] = size

    def create_price(self, price):
        new_list = []
        self.price_tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list

    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

    def insert_order(self, order_id, size, price, initial=False):
        if not initial:
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
        if price not in self.price_map:
        order = {
            'order_id': order_id,
            'size': size,
            'price': price,
            'price_map': self.price_map[price]
        self.order_map[order_id] = order

    def match(self, maker_order_id, match_size):
        order = self.order_map[maker_order_id]
        original_size = order['size']
        new_size = original_size - match_size
        order['size'] = new_size

    def change(self, order_id, new_size):
        order = self.order_map[order_id]
        order['size'] = new_size

    def remove_order(self, order_id):
        if order_id in self.order_map:
            order = self.order_map[order_id]
            self.price_map[order['price']] = [
                o for o in self.price_map[order['price']]
                if o['order_id'] != order_id
            if not self.price_map[order['price']]:
            del self.order_map[order_id]
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
Exemple #4
class Tree(object):
	def __init__(self):
		self.priceTree = FastRBTree()
		self.volume = 0
		self.priceMap = {} # Map from price -> orderList object
		self.orderMap = {} # Order ID to Order object
	def __len__(self):
		return len(self.orderMap)
	def getPrice(self, price):
		return self.priceMap[price]
	def getOrder(self, idNum):
		return self.orderMap[idNum]
	def createPrice(self, price):
		newList = OrderList()
		self.priceTree.insert(price, newList)
		self.priceMap[price] = newList
	def removePrice(self, price):
		del self.priceMap[price]
	def priceExists(self, price):
		return price in self.priceMap
	def orderExists(self, idNum):
		return idNum in self.orderMap
	def insertTick(self, tick):
		if tick.price not in self.priceMap:
		order = Order(tick, self.priceMap[tick.price])
		self.orderMap[order.idNum] = order
		self.volume += order.qty
	def updateOrder(self, tick):
		order = self.orderMap[tick.idNum]
		originalVolume = order.qty
		if tick.price != order.price:
			# Price changed
			orderList = self.priceMap[order.price]
			if len(orderList) == 0:
			# Quantity changed
		self.volume += order.qty - originalVolume
	def removeOrderById(self, idNum):
		order = self.orderMap[idNum]
		self.volume -= order.qty
		if len(order.orderList) == 0:
		del self.orderMap[idNum]
	def max(self):
		return min(self.priceTree)
	def min(self):
		return max(self.priceTree)
Exemple #5
 def _update(self, p, seeds: FastRBTree):
   # since eps is INF, the neighbours are all the points in the dataset.
   for o in range(self.N):
     if self.processed[o]:
     new_reach_dist = max(self.core_dist[p], self.dist_mat[o][p])
     if np.isinf(self.reachability_dist[o]):
       self.reachability_dist[o] = new_reach_dist
       seeds.insert((new_reach_dist, o), o)
       self.predecessor[o] = p
     elif new_reach_dist < self.reachability_dist[o]:
       seeds.remove((self.reachability_dist[o], o))
       self.reachability_dist[o] = new_reach_dist
       seeds.insert((new_reach_dist, o), o)
       self.predecessor[o] = p
def GetLeastNumbers2(l,k):
    count = 0
    tree = FastRBTree()

    for i in l:
        if count <k:
            count += 1
            maxVal = max(tree)
            if i < maxVal:
    datas = [item for item in tree]
    return datas
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.price_map = {}  # Map from price -> order_list object
        self.order_map = {}  # Order ID to Order object
        self.received_orders = {}

    def receive(self, order_id, size):
        self.received_orders[order_id] = size

    def create_price(self, price):
        new_list = OrderList()
        self.price_tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list

    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

    def insert_order(self, order_id, size, price, initial=False):
        if not initial:
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
        if price not in self.price_map:
        order = Order(order_id, size, price, self.price_map[price])
        self.order_map[order.order_id] = order

    def match(self, maker_order_id, size):
        order = self.order_map[maker_order_id]
        original_size = order.size
        new_size = original_size - size

    def change(self, order_id, new_size):
        order = self.order_map[order_id]

    def remove_order(self, order_id):
        if order_id in self.order_map:
            order = self.order_map[order_id]
            if len(order.order_list) == 0:
            del self.order_map[order_id]
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.price_map = {}
        self.order_map = {}
        self.received_orders = {}

    def receive(self, order_id, size):
        self.received_orders[order_id] = size

    def create_price(self, price):
        new_list = []
        self.price_tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list

    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

    def insert_order(self, order_id, size, price, initial=False):
        if not initial:
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
        if price not in self.price_map:
        order = {'order_id': order_id, 'size': size, 'price': price, 'price_map': self.price_map[price]}
        self.order_map[order_id] = order

    def match(self, maker_order_id, match_size):
        order = self.order_map[maker_order_id]
        original_size = order['size']
        new_size = original_size - match_size
        order['size'] = new_size

    def change(self, order_id, new_size):
        order = self.order_map[order_id]
        order['size'] = new_size

    def remove_order(self, order_id):
        if order_id in self.order_map:
            order = self.order_map[order_id]
            self.price_map[order['price']] = [o for o in self.price_map[order['price']] if o['order_id'] != order_id]
            if not self.price_map[order['price']]:
            del self.order_map[order_id]
            del self.received_orders[order_id]
Exemple #9
class OrderTree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.price_map = {} 
        self.min_price = None
        self.max_price = None

    def insert_price(self, price, amount):
        self.price_tree.insert(price, amount)
        self.price_map[price] = amount
        if self.max_price == None or price > self.max_price:
            self.max_price = price
        if self.min_price == None or price < self.min_price:
            self.min_price = price

    def update_price(self, price, amount):
        self.price_tree.insert(price, amount) #updates if key exists
        self.price_map[price] = amount
    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

        if self.max_price == price:
                self.max_price = max(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.max_price = None
        if self.min_price == price:
                self.min_price = min(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.min_price = None

    def price_exists(self, price):
        return price in self.price_map

    def max(self):
        return self.max_price

    def min(self):
        return self.min_price
class Hyperedge:
    def __init__(self, hyperkey, col, hlabel):
        self.hyperkey = hyperkey
        self.col = col
        self._alerts = Tree()
        self.insert_alert(hlabel, 1)
        self.nalerts = 1

    def get_alert(self, key):
        return self._alerts.get(key)

    def insert_alert(self, alert_key, count):
        self._alerts.insert(alert_key, count)

    def foreach_alert(self, func):

    def pop_alert(self, key):
        return self._alerts.pop(key)
Exemple #11
class Hyperedge:
    def __init__(self, hyperkey, col, hlabel):
        self.hyperkey = hyperkey
        self.col = col
        self._alerts = Tree()
        self.insert_alert(hlabel, 1)
        self.nalerts = 1

    def get_alert(self, key):
        return self._alerts.get(key)

    def insert_alert(self, alert_key, count):
        self._alerts.insert(alert_key, count)

    def foreach_alert(self, func):

    def pop_alert(self, key):
        return self._alerts.pop(key)
Exemple #12
def test_add_symbol():
    ST = SymbolTable("")
    T = FastRBTree()

    Content = {'Type': "int" , 'Attribute': None , 'TokenLocation': (10,2) }
    ST.InsertSymbol("age", Content)
    T.insert("age", Content)

    Content = {'Type': "float" , 'Attribute': 'static' , 'TokenLocation': (11,2) }
    ST.InsertSymbol("temperature", Content)
    T.insert("temperature", Content)

    Content = {'Type': "char" , 'Attribute': 'const' , 'TokenLocation': (12,2) }
    ST.InsertSymbol("letter", Content)
    T.insert("letter", Content)

    keys = ST.TopScope.keys()
    for key in keys:
        assert(T.get(key) == ST.TopScope.get(key))
        assert(T.get(key) is not ST.TopScope.get(key))

    #write test to prove that the returned item is a pointer

Exemple #13
        alert = []
        for y in range(0, 6):
            alert.append(repr(randint(0, 8 - 1)) + "test")
        for c in hcombinations:
            label = []
            key = alert[:]
            for x in range(2):
                key[c[x]] = '*'

            hyperkey = tuple(key)
            hlabel = tuple(label)
            if hyperkey in hyper_dict:
                hyper_dict[hyperkey].nalerts += 1
                result = hyper_dict[hyperkey].get_alert(hlabel)
                if result is not None:
                    hyper_dict[hyperkey].insert_alert(hlabel, result + 1)
                    hyper_dict[hyperkey].insert_alert(hlabel, 1)
                hyper_dict[hyperkey] = Hyperedge(key, c, hlabel)

    for hyperedge in hyper_dict.values():
        hypersize_list.insert((hyperedge.nalerts, hyperedge.hyperkey),

    while not hypersize_list.is_empty():
        (key, hyperedge) = hypersize_list.pop_max()
    print("Completed iteration %d of 10" % z)
class OrderQueue(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.Orders = FastRBTree()

        self.totalAmount = 0.0

    def append(self,order):
        k = order.timestamp
        self.totalAmount += self.Orders[k].amount

    def count(self):
        return self.Orders.count

    def min_item(self):
        return self.Orders.min_item()

    def eat(self,amount):
        use this only if amount <= self.amount
        return OrderToPop,RestAmount
        current_amount = amount
        to_pop_orders = []
        while self.totalAmount>0 and current_amount>0:
            if not self.Orders or self.Orders.count==0:
                #print "amount:%.4f" % self.totalAmount
                self.totalAmount = 0.0
                return []

            min_item = self.Orders.min_item()
            min_i = min_item[1]
            # 1.enough
            # 2.not enough
            if min_i.amount <= current_amount:
                current_amount -= min_i.amount
                self.totalAmount -= min_i.amount
            # this is a hard case , need to take care of
            # first we split the order , take amount from current order
            # and make
            elif min_i.amount > current_amount:
                new_order = min_i.copy()
                new_order.amount = current_amount
                min_i.amount -= current_amount
                self.totalAmount -= current_amount
                current_amount = 0
        # return:
        # 1.orders
        # 2.amount to trade
        # 3.amount left
        return to_pop_orders

    def remove(self,order):
        k = order.timestamp
        self.totalAmount -= self.Orders[k].amount

    def get_price_depth(self):
        return self.totalAmount

    def is_empty(self):
        return self.Orders.count == 0
Exemple #15
class TDigest(object):
    def __init__(self, delta=0.01, K=25):
        self.C = RBTree()
        self.n = 0
        self.delta = delta
        self.K = K

    def __add__(self, other_digest):
        data = list(chain(self.C.values(), other_digest.C.values()))
        new_digest = TDigest(self.delta, self.K)

        if len(data) > 0:
            for c in pyudorandom.items(data):
                new_digest.update(c.mean, c.count)

        return new_digest

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.C)

    def __repr__(self):
        return """<T-Digest: n=%d, centroids=%d>""" % (self.n, len(self))

    def _add_centroid(self, centroid):
        if centroid.mean not in self.C:
            self.C.insert(centroid.mean, centroid)
            self.C[centroid.mean].update(centroid.mean, centroid.count)

    def _compute_centroid_quantile(self, centroid):
        denom = self.n
        cumulative_sum = sum(
            for c_i in self.C.value_slice(-float('Inf'), centroid.mean))
        return (centroid.count / 2. + cumulative_sum) / denom

    def _update_centroid(self, centroid, x, w):
        centroid.update(x, w)

    def _find_closest_centroids(self, x):
            ceil_key = self.C.ceiling_key(x)
        except KeyError:
            floor_key = self.C.floor_key(x)
            return [self.C[floor_key]]

            floor_key = self.C.floor_key(x)
        except KeyError:
            ceil_key = self.C.ceiling_key(x)
            return [self.C[ceil_key]]

        if abs(floor_key - x) < abs(ceil_key - x):
            return [self.C[floor_key]]
        elif abs(floor_key - x) == abs(ceil_key -
                                       x) and (ceil_key != floor_key):
            return [self.C[ceil_key], self.C[floor_key]]
            return [self.C[ceil_key]]

    def _theshold(self, q):
        return 4 * self.n * self.delta * q * (1 - q)

    def update(self, x, w=1):
        Update the t-digest with value x and weight w.

        self.n += w

        if len(self) == 0:
            self._add_centroid(Centroid(x, w))

        S = self._find_closest_centroids(x)

        while len(S) != 0 and w > 0:
            j = choice(list(range(len(S))))
            c_j = S[j]

            q = self._compute_centroid_quantile(c_j)

            # This filters the out centroids that do not satisfy the second part
            # of the definition of S. See original paper by Dunning.
            if c_j.count + w > self._theshold(q):

            delta_w = min(self._theshold(q) - c_j.count, w)
            self._update_centroid(c_j, x, delta_w)
            w -= delta_w

        if w > 0:
            self._add_centroid(Centroid(x, w))

        if len(self) > self.K / self.delta:


    def batch_update(self, values, w=1):
        Update the t-digest with an iterable of values. This assumes all points have the 
        same weight.
        for x in values:
            self.update(x, w)

    def compress(self):
        T = TDigest(self.delta, self.K)
        C = list(self.C.values())
        for c_i in pyudorandom.items(C):
            T.update(c_i.mean, c_i.count)
        self.C = T.C

    def percentile(self, p):
        Computes the percentile of a specific value in [0,100].

        if not (0 <= p <= 100):
            raise ValueError("p must be between 0 and 100, inclusive.")

        t = 0
        p = float(p) / 100.
        p *= self.n

        for i, key in enumerate(self.C.keys()):
            c_i = self.C[key]
            k = c_i.count
            if p < t + k:
                if i == 0:
                    return c_i.mean
                elif i == len(self) - 1:
                    return c_i.mean
                    delta = (self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean -
                             self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean) / 2.
                return c_i.mean + ((p - t) / k - 0.5) * delta

            t += k
        return self.C.max_item()[1].mean

    def quantile(self, q):
        Computes the quantile of a specific value, ie. computes F(q) where F denotes
        the CDF of the distribution. 

        t = 0
        N = float(self.n)

        for i, key in enumerate(self.C.keys()):
            c_i = self.C[key]
            if i == len(self) - 1:
                delta = (c_i.mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean) / 2.
                delta = (self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - c_i.mean) / 2.
            z = max(-1, (q - c_i.mean) / delta)

            if z < 1:
                return t / N + c_i.count / N * (z + 1) / 2

            t += c_i.count
        return 1

    def trimmed_mean(self, p1, p2):
        Computes the mean of the distribution between the two percentiles p1 and p2.
        This is a modified algorithm than the one presented in the original t-Digest paper. 

        if not (p1 < p2):
            raise ValueError("p1 must be between 0 and 100 and less than p2.")

        s = k = t = 0
        p1 /= 100.
        p2 /= 100.
        p1 *= self.n
        p2 *= self.n
        for i, key in enumerate(self.C.keys()):
            c_i = self.C[key]
            k_i = c_i.count
            if p1 < t + k_i:
                if i == 0:
                    delta = self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - c_i.mean
                elif i == len(self) - 1:
                    delta = c_i.mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean
                    delta = (self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean -
                             self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean) / 2.
                nu = ((p1 - t) / k_i - 0.5) * delta
                s += nu * k_i * c_i.mean
                k += nu * k_i

            if p2 < t + k_i:
                return s / k
            t += k_i

        return s / k
Exemple #16
class TradeTree(object):
    '''A red-black tree used to store TradeLists in price trade
    The exchange will be using the TradeTree to hold bid and ask data (one TradeTree for each side).
    Keeping the information in a red black tree makes it easier/faster to detect a match.
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.trade_map = {}
        self.num_trades = 0  # Contains count of Orders in tree
        self.depth = 0  # Number of different prices in tree (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/trade_book_(trading)#Book_depth)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.trade_map)

    def get_price_list(self, price):
        return self.price_tree.get(price, [])

    def get_trade(self, trade_id):
        return self.trade_map[trade_id] if trade_id in self.trade_map else None

    def create_price(self, price):
        self.depth += 1  # Add a price depth level to the tree
        new_list = LinkedList()
                               new_list)  # Insert a new price into the tree

    def remove_price(self, price):
        self.depth -= 1  # Remove a price depth level

    def price_exists(self, price):
        return self.price_tree.__contains__(price)

    def trade_exists(self, trade_id):
        return trade_id in self.trade_map

    def insert_trade(self, xtrade):
        if self.trade_exists(xtrade.id):
        self.num_trades += 1
        if not self.price_exists(xtrade.limit_price):
            )  # If price not in Price Map, create a node in RBtree
            trade.id] = self.price_tree[xtrade.limit_price].append_item(
            )  # Add the trade to the TradeList in Price Map return the reference

    def remove_trade(self, xtrade):
        self.num_trades -= 1
        trade_node = self.trade_map[trade.id]
        if len(self.price_tree[trade.limit_price]) == 0:
        self.trade_map.pop(trade.id, None)

    def max_price(self):
        if self.depth > 0:
            return self.price_tree.max_key()
            return None

    def min_price(self):
        if self.depth > 0:
            return self.price_tree.min_key()
            return None

    def max_price_list(self):
        if self.depth > 0:
            return self.get_price_list(self.max_price())
            return None

    def min_price_list(self):
        if self.depth > 0:
            return self.get_price_list(self.min_price())
            return None
Exemple #17
class BookSide(object):
    A side of the lmit order book representation
    def __init__(self, s_side, fr_data, i_member=None):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes

        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        :param fr_data: ZipExtFile object. data to read
        :param i_member*: integer. Member number to be used as a filter
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.i_member = i_member
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.fr_data = fr_data
        self.parser = parser_data.LineParser(s_side)
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.

    def how_many_rows_read(self):
        Return the number of rows processed
        return self._i_idx

    def update(self, d_data, s_last_ident):
        Update the state of the order book given the data pased

        :param d_data: dict. data from the last row
        :param s_last_ident: string. last identification
        # check if the information should be processed
        if s_last_ident != 'MSG':
            return False
        # check if should filter out member
        if not self._should_use_it(d_data):
            return False
        # update the book information
        order_aux = Order(d_data)
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        b_sould_update = True
        # treat Bovespa files at the begining f the day
        if s_status != 'New':
                i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            except KeyError:
                if s_status == 'Canceled' or s_status == 'Filled':
                    b_sould_update = False
                    s_status = 'Invalid'
                elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                    s_status = 'New'
        # process
        if s_status == 'New':
            b_sould_update = self._new_order(order_aux)
        elif s_status != 'Invalid':
            i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            f_old_pr = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price']
            i_old_q = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty']
            # hold the last traded price
            if s_status in ['Partially Filled', 'Filled']:
                self.last_price = order_aux['order_price']
            # process message
            if s_status in ['Canceled', 'Expired', 'Filled']:
                b_sould_update = self._canc_expr_filled_order(order_aux,
            elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                b_sould_update = self._replaced_order(order_aux,
            elif s_status == 'Partially Filled':
                b_sould_update = self._partially_filled(order_aux,
        # remove from order map
        if s_status not in ['New', 'Invalid']:
        # update the order map
        if b_sould_update:
            f_qty = int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
            self.d_order_map[order_aux] = {}
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price'] = d_data['order_price']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['sec_order'] = order_aux.sec_order_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty'] = f_qty
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id'] = order_aux.main_id

        # return that the update was done
        return True

    def _should_use_it(self, d_data):
        Check if should use the passed row to update method

        :param d_data: dict. data from the last row
        if self.i_member:
            if d_data['member'] != self.i_member:
                return False
        return True

    def _canc_expr_filled_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed canceled, expried or filled orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):
        # remove from order map
        return False

    def _replaced_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed replaced orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # remove from the old price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # insert the order in the due price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _partially_filled(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed partially filled orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # delete old price, if it is needed
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # add/modify order
        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _new_order(self, order_obj):
        Update price_tree when passed new orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        # if it was already in the order map
        if order_obj in self.d_order_map:
            i_old_sec_id = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['main_id']
            f_old_price = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['price']
            i_old_qty = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['qty']
            this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_price)
            # remove from order map
            if this_price.delete(i_old_sec_id, i_old_qty):
        # insert a empty price level if it is needed
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # add the order
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)

        return True

    def get_n_top_prices(self, n):
        Return a dataframe with the N top price levels

        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_n_botton_prices(self, n=5):
        Return a dataframe with the N botton price levels

        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _readline(self):
        Return a line from the fr_data file if available. Return false
        row = self.fr_data.readline()
        if row == '':
            return False, False
        self._i_idx += 1
        d_aux = self.parser(row)
        return d_aux, self.parser.last_identification

    def __iter__(self):
        Return the self as an iterator object. Use next() to check the rows
        return self

    def next(self):
        Return the next item from the fr_data in iter process. If there are no
        further items, raise the StopIteration exception
        d_rtn, last_identification = self._readline()
        if not d_rtn:
            raise StopIteration
        return d_rtn, last_identification
Exemple #18
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.ptree = FastRBTree()
        self.vol = 0
        self.prmp = {}
        self.order_map = {}
        self.mip = None
        self.mxp = None

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.order_map)

    def get_pri(self, pri):
        return self.prmp[pri]

    def get_order(self, id_num):
        return self.order_map[id_num]

    def create_pri(self, pri):
        new_list = OrderList()
        self.ptree.insert(pri, new_list)
        self.prmp[pri] = new_list
        if self.mxp == None or pri > self.mxp:
            self.mxp = pri
        if self.mip == None or pri < self.mip:
            self.mip = pri

    def remove_pri(self, pri):
        del self.prmp[pri]

        if self.mxp == pri:
                self.mxp = max(self.ptree)
            except ValueError:
                self.mxp = None
        if self.mip == pri:
                self.mip = min(self.ptree)
            except ValueError:
                self.mip = None

    def pri_exists(self, pri):
        return pri in self.prmp

    def order_exists(self, id_num):
        return id_num in self.order_map

    def insert_tick(self, tick):
        if tick.pri not in self.prmp:
        order = Order(tick, self.prmp[tick.pri])
        self.order_map[order.id_num] = order
        self.vol += order.qty

    def update_order(self, tick):
        order = self.order_map[tick.id_num]
        original_vol = order.qty
        if tick.pri != order.pri:
            order_list = self.prmp[order.pri]
            if len(order_list) == 0:
            self.vol -= original_vol
            order.update_qty(tick.qty, tick.pri)
            self.vol += order.qty - original_vol

    def remove_order_by_id(self, id_num):
        order = self.order_map[id_num]
        self.vol -= order.qty
        if len(order.order_list) == 0:
        del self.order_map[id_num]

    def max(self):
        return self.mxp

    def min(self):
        return self.mip
class PriceLevel(object):
    A representation of a Price level in the book
    def __init__(self, f_price):
        A representation of a PriceLevel object
        self.f_price = f_price
        self.i_qty = 0
        self.order_tree = FastRBTree()

    def add(self, order_aux):
        Insert the information in the tree using the info in order_aux. Return
        is should delete the Price level or not
        :param order_aux: Order Object. The Order message to be updated
        # check if the order_aux price is the same of the self
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        if order_aux['order_price'] != self.f_price:
            raise DifferentPriceException
        elif s_status in ['New', 'Replaced', 'Partially Filled']:
            self.order_tree.insert(order_aux.main_id, order_aux)
            self.i_qty += int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
        # check if there is no object in the updated tree (should be deleted)
        return self.order_tree.count == 0

    def delete(self, i_last_id, i_old_qty):
        Delete the information in the tree using the info in order_aux. Return
        is should delete the Price level or not
        :param i_last_id: Integer. The previous secondary order id
        :param i_old_qty: Integer. The previous order qty
        # check if the order_aux price is the same of the self
            self.i_qty -= i_old_qty
        except KeyError:
            raise DifferentPriceException
        # check if there is no object in the updated tree (should be deleted)
        return self.order_tree.count == 0

    def __str__(self):
        Return the name of the PriceLevel
        return '{:,.0f}'.format(self.i_qty)

    def __repr__(self):
        Return the name of the PriceLevel
        return '{:,.0f}'.format(self.i_qty)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        Return if a PriceLevel has equal price from the other
        :param other: PriceLevel object. PriceLevel to be compared
        # just to make sure that there is no floating point discrepance
        f_aux = other
        if not isinstance(other, float):
            f_aux = other.f_price
        return abs(self.f_price - f_aux) < 1e-4

    def __gt__(self, other):
        Return if a PriceLevel has a gerater price from the other.
        Bintrees uses that to compare nodes
        :param other: PriceLevel object. PriceLevel to be compared
        # just to make sure that there is no floating point discrepance
        f_aux = other
        if not isinstance(other, float):
            f_aux = other.f_price
        return (f_aux - self.f_price) > 1e-4

    def __lt__(self, other):
        Return if a Order has smaller order_id from the other. Bintrees uses
        that to compare nodes
        :param other: Order object. Order to be compared
        f_aux = other
        if not isinstance(other, float):
            f_aux = other.f_price
        return (f_aux - self.f_price) < -1e-4

    def __ne__(self, other):
        Return if a Order has different order_id from the other
        :param other: Order object. Order to be compared
        return not self.__eq__(other)
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.priceTree = FastRBTree()
        self.volume = 0
        self.priceMap = {}  # Map from price -> orderList object
        self.orderMap = {}  # Order ID to Order object

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.orderMap)

    def getPrice(self, price):
        return self.priceMap[price]

    def getOrder(self, idNum):
        return self.orderMap[idNum]

    def createPrice(self, price):
        newList = OrderList()
        self.priceTree.insert(price, newList)
        self.priceMap[price] = newList

    def removePrice(self, price):
        del self.priceMap[price]

    def priceExists(self, price):
        return price in self.priceMap

    def orderExists(self, idNum):
        return idNum in self.orderMap

    def insertTick(self, tick):
        if tick.price not in self.priceMap:
        order = Order(tick, self.priceMap[tick.price])
        self.orderMap[order.idNum] = order
        self.volume += order.qty

    def updateOrder(self, tick):
        order = self.orderMap[tick.idNum]
        originalVolume = order.qty
        if tick.price != order.price:
            # Price changed
            orderList = self.priceMap[order.price]
            if len(orderList) == 0:
            # Quantity changed
            order.updateQty(tick.qty, tick.price)
        self.volume += order.qty - originalVolume

    def removeOrderById(self, idNum):
        order = self.orderMap[idNum]
        self.volume -= order.qty
        if len(order.orderList) == 0:
        del self.orderMap[idNum]

    def max(self):
        return min(self.priceTree)

    def min(self):
        return max(self.priceTree)
    for x in range(0, 3000):
        alert = []
        for y in range(0, 6):
            alert.append(repr(randint(0, 8 - 1)) + "test")
        for c in hcombinations:
            label = []
            key = alert[:]
            for x in range(2):
                key[c[x]] = "*"

            hyperkey = tuple(key)
            hlabel = tuple(label)
            if hyperkey in hyper_dict:
                hyper_dict[hyperkey].nalerts += 1
                result = hyper_dict[hyperkey].get_alert(hlabel)
                if result is not None:
                    hyper_dict[hyperkey].insert_alert(hlabel, result + 1)
                    hyper_dict[hyperkey].insert_alert(hlabel, 1)
                hyper_dict[hyperkey] = Hyperedge(key, c, hlabel)

    for hyperedge in hyper_dict.values():
        hypersize_list.insert((hyperedge.nalerts, hyperedge.hyperkey), hyperedge)

    while not hypersize_list.is_empty():
        (key, hyperedge) = hypersize_list.pop_max()
    print("Completed iteration %d of 10" % z)
Exemple #22
class BookSide(object):
    A side of the lmit order book representation
    def __init__(self, s_side):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes
        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.

    def update(self, d_data):
        Update the state of the order book given the data pased. Return if the
        message was handle successfully
        :param d_data: dict. data related to a single order
        # dont process aggresive trades
        if d_data['agressor_indicator'] == 'Agressive':
            return True
        # update the book information
        order_aux = Order(d_data)
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        b_sould_update = True
        b_success = True
        # check the order status
        if s_status != 'New':
                i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            except KeyError:
                if s_status == 'Canceled' or s_status == 'Filled':
                    b_sould_update = False
                    s_status = 'Invalid'
                elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                    s_status = 'New'
        # process the message
        if s_status == 'New':
            b_sould_update = self._new_order(order_aux)
        elif s_status != 'Invalid':
            i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            f_old_pr = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price']
            i_old_q = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty']
            # hold the last traded price
            if s_status in ['Partially Filled', 'Filled']:
                self.last_price = order_aux['order_price']
            # process message
            if s_status in ['Canceled', 'Expired', 'Filled']:
                b_sould_update = self._canc_expr_filled_order(
                    order_aux, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q)
                if not b_sould_update:
                    b_success = False
            elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                b_sould_update = self._replaced_order(order_aux, i_old_id,
                                                      f_old_pr, i_old_q)
            elif s_status == 'Partially Filled':
                b_sould_update = self._partially_filled(
                    order_aux, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q)
        # remove from order map
        if s_status not in ['New', 'Invalid']:
        # update the order map
        if b_sould_update:
            f_qty = int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
            self.d_order_map[order_aux] = {}
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price'] = d_data['order_price']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['order_id'] = order_aux.order_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty'] = f_qty
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id'] = order_aux.main_id

        # return that the update was done
        return True

    def _canc_expr_filled_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed canceled, expried or filled orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):
        # remove from order map
        return False

    def _replaced_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed replaced orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # remove from the old price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # insert the order in the due price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _partially_filled(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed partially filled orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # delete old price, if it is needed
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # add/modify order
        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _new_order(self, order_obj):
        Update price_tree when passed new orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        # if it was already in the order map
        if order_obj in self.d_order_map:
            i_old_sec_id = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['last_order_id']
            f_old_price = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['price']
            i_old_qty = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['qty']
            this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_price)
            # remove from order map
            if this_price.delete(i_old_sec_id, i_old_qty):

        # insert a empty price level if it is needed
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # add the order
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)

        return True

    def get_n_top_prices(self, n):
        Return a dataframe with the N top price levels
        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_n_botton_prices(self, n=5):
        Return a dataframe with the N botton price levels
        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError
class OrderQueue(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.Orders = FastRBTree()

        self.totalAmount = 0.0

    def append(self, order):
        k = order.timestamp
        self.Orders.insert(k, order)
        self.totalAmount += self.Orders[k].amount

    def count(self):
        return self.Orders.count

    def min_item(self):
        return self.Orders.min_item()

    def eat(self, amount):
        use this only if amount <= self.amount
        return OrderToPop,RestAmount
        current_amount = amount
        to_pop_orders = []
        while self.totalAmount > 0 and current_amount > 0:
            if not self.Orders or self.Orders.count == 0:
                #print "amount:%.4f" % self.totalAmount
                self.totalAmount = 0.0
                return []

            min_item = self.Orders.min_item()
            min_i = min_item[1]
            # 1.enough
            # 2.not enough
            if min_i.amount <= current_amount:
                current_amount -= min_i.amount
                self.totalAmount -= min_i.amount
            # this is a hard case , need to take care of
            # first we split the order , take amount from current order
            # and make
            elif min_i.amount > current_amount:
                new_order = min_i.copy()
                new_order.amount = current_amount
                min_i.amount -= current_amount
                self.totalAmount -= current_amount
                current_amount = 0
        # return:
        # 1.orders
        # 2.amount to trade
        # 3.amount left
        return to_pop_orders

    def remove(self, order):
        k = order.timestamp
        self.totalAmount -= self.Orders[k].amount

    def get_price_depth(self):
        return self.totalAmount

    def is_empty(self):
        return self.Orders.count == 0
Exemple #24
class TDigest(object):

    def __init__(self, delta=0.01, K=25):
        self.C = RBTree()
        self.n = 0
        self.delta = delta
        self.K = K

    def __add__(self, other_digest):
        C1 = list(self.C.values())
        C2 = list(other_digest.C.values())
        data = C1 + C2
        new_digest = TDigest(self.delta, self.K)
        for c in data:
            new_digest.update(c.mean, c.count)

        return new_digest

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.C)

    def __repr__(self):
        return """<T-Digest: n=%d, centroids=%d>""" % (self.n, len(self))

    def _add_centroid(self, centroid):
        if centroid.mean not in self.C:
            self.C.insert(centroid.mean, centroid)
            self.C[centroid.mean].update(centroid.mean, centroid.count)

    def _compute_centroid_quantile(self, centroid):
        denom = self.n
        cumulative_sum = sum(
            c_i.count for c_i in self.C.value_slice(-float('Inf'), centroid.mean))
        return (centroid.count / 2. + cumulative_sum) / denom

    def _update_centroid(self, centroid, x, w):
        centroid.update(x, w)

    def _find_closest_centroids(self, x):
            ceil_key = self.C.ceiling_key(x)
        except KeyError:
            floor_key = self.C.floor_key(x)
            return [self.C[floor_key]]

            floor_key = self.C.floor_key(x)
        except KeyError:
            ceil_key = self.C.ceiling_key(x)
            return [self.C[ceil_key]]

        if abs(floor_key - x) < abs(ceil_key - x):
            return [self.C[floor_key]]
        elif abs(floor_key - x) == abs(ceil_key - x) and (ceil_key != floor_key):
            return [self.C[ceil_key], self.C[floor_key]]
            return [self.C[ceil_key]]

    def _theshold(self, q):
        return 4 * self.n * self.delta * q * (1 - q)

    def update(self, x, w=1):
        Update the t-digest with value x and weight w.

        self.n += w

        if len(self) == 0:
            self._add_centroid(Centroid(x, w))

        S = self._find_closest_centroids(x)

        while len(S) != 0 and w > 0:
            j = choice(list(range(len(S))))
            c_j = S[j]

            q = self._compute_centroid_quantile(c_j)

            # This filters the out centroids that do not satisfy the second part
            # of the definition of S. See original paper by Dunning. 
            if c_j.count + w > self._theshold(q):

            delta_w = min(self._theshold(q) - c_j.count, w)
            self._update_centroid(c_j, x, delta_w)
            w -= delta_w

        if w > 0:
            self._add_centroid(Centroid(x, w))

        if len(self) > self.K / self.delta:


    def batch_update(self, values, w=1):
        Update the t-digest with an iterable of values. This assumes all points have the 
        same weight.
        for x in values:
            self.update(x, w)

    def compress(self):
        T = TDigest(self.delta, self.K)
        C = list(self.C.values())
        for c_i in C:
            T.update(c_i.mean, c_i.count)
        self.C = T.C

    def percentile(self, q):
        Computes the percentile of a specific value in [0,1], ie. computes F^{-1}(q) where F^{-1} denotes
        the inverse CDF of the distribution. 

        if not (0 <= q <= 1):
            raise ValueError("q must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.")

        t = 0
        q *= self.n

        for i, key in enumerate(self.C.keys()):
            c_i = self.C[key]
            k = c_i.count
            if q < t + k:
                if i == 0:
                    return c_i.mean
                elif i == len(self) - 1:
                    return c_i.mean
                    delta = (self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean) / 2.
                return c_i.mean + ((q - t) / k - 0.5) * delta

            t += k
        return self.C.max_item()[1].mean

    def quantile(self, q):
        Computes the quantile of a specific value, ie. computes F(q) where F denotes
        the CDF of the distribution. 

        t = 0
        N = float(self.n)

        for i, key in enumerate(self.C.keys()):
            c_i = self.C[key]
            if i == len(self) - 1:
                delta = (c_i.mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean) / 2.
                delta = (self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - c_i.mean) / 2.
            z = max(-1, (q - c_i.mean) / delta)

            if z < 1:
                return t / N + c_i.count / N * (z + 1) / 2

            t += c_i.count
        return 1

    def trimmed_mean(self, q1, q2):
        Computes the mean of the distribution between the two percentiles q1 and q2.
        This is a modified algorithm than the one presented in the original t-Digest paper. 

        if not (q1 < q2):
            raise ValueError("q must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.")

        s = k = t = 0
        q1 *= self.n
        q2 *= self.n
        for i, key in enumerate(self.C.keys()):
            c_i = self.C[key]
            k_i = c_i.count
            if q1 < t + k_i:
                if i == 0:
                    delta = self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - c_i.mean
                elif i == len(self) - 1:
                    delta = c_i.mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean
                    delta = (self.C.succ_item(key)[1].mean - self.C.prev_item(key)[1].mean) / 2.
                nu = ((q1 - t) / k_i - 0.5) * delta
                s += nu * k_i * c_i.mean
                k += nu * k_i

            if q2 < t + k_i:
                return s/k
            t += k_i

        return s/k
Exemple #25
class OrderTree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.min_price = None
        self.max_price = None

    def get_orders_at_price(self, price):
        return self.price_tree.get(price)

    def insert_price(self, price, amount, oid):
        ## ignore market order
        if price == Decimal(0.0):
        prev_val = self.get_orders_at_price(price)
        if prev_val != None:
            ## price exists in local order book
            if oid in prev_val:
                ## update to an existing order at price
                prev_val['total'] = prev_val['total'] - prev_val[oid] + amount
                prev_val[oid] = amount
                ## new order at price
                prev_val['total'] += amount
                prev_val[oid] = amount
            self.price_tree.insert(price, prev_val)
        elif amount != 0.0:
            ## price did not exit in order book
            val = {'total': amount, oid: amount}
            self.price_tree.insert(price, val)

            val = self.price_tree.get(price)
            if val['total'] > 0:
                if self.max_price == None or price > self.max_price:
                    self.max_price = price
                if self.min_price == None or price < self.min_price:
                    self.min_price = price
            elif val['total'] == 0:
                ## price removed from orderbook
                ## something has gone terribly wrong
                    "total amount at price %s went to negative amounts" %

            logging.error("price (%s) does not exist in orderbook" % (price))

    def remove_price(self, price):
        if self.max_price == price:
                self.max_price = max(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.max_price = None
        if self.min_price == price:
                self.min_price = min(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.min_price = None
Exemple #26
class PriceTree(object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.tree = FastRBTree()
        self.name = name
        self.price_map = {}  # Map price -> OrderList
        self.order_map = {}  # Map order_id -> Order
        self.min_price = None
        self.max_price = None

    def insert_price(self, price):
        Add a new price TreedNode and associate it with an orderList
        :param price:
        new_list = OrderList()
        self.tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list
        if self.max_price is None or price > self.max_price:
            self.max_price = price
        if self.min_price is None or price < self.min_price:
            self.min_price = price

    def remove_price(self, price):
        Remove price from the tree structure and the associated orderList
        Update min and max prices if needed
        :param price:
        # Order-map will still contain all Orders emptied (with size 0)
        # as we delete them on the List match_order which is fine for now
        for to_del_order in self.price_map[price]:
            del self.order_map[to_del_order.id]
        # Delete the price from the price-map
        del self.price_map[price]
        if self.max_price == price:
                self.max_price = self.tree.max_key()
            except ValueError:
                self.max_price = None
        if self.min_price == price:
                self.min_price = self.tree.min_key()
            except ValueError:
                self.min_price = None

    def insert_price_order(self, order):
        if order.price not in self.price_map:
        # Add order to orderList
        # Also keep it in the order mapping
        self.order_map[order.id] = order

    def match_price_order(self, curr_order):
        if len(self.price_map) == 0:
            return []
        # if bid -> sell_tree min
        # if ask -> buy_tree max
        best_price = self.min if curr_order.is_bid else self.max
        complete_trades = []
        while ((curr_order.is_bid and curr_order.price >= best_price)
                or (not curr_order.is_bid and curr_order.price <= best_price)) \
                and curr_order.peak_size > 0:
            # Get price OrderList
            matching_orders_list = self.get_price(best_price)
                matching_orders_list.match_order(curr_order, self.order_map))
            # Remove exhausted price
            if matching_orders_list.size == 0:
                if len(self.price_map) == 0:
                # Try to find more price matches using the next price
                best_price = self.min if curr_order.is_bid else self.max

        return complete_trades

    def price_exists(self, price):
        return price in self.price_map

    def order_exists(self, id_num):
        return id_num in self.order_map

    def get_price(self, price):
        return self.price_map[price]

    def get_order(self, id_num):
        return self.order_map[id_num]

    def max(self):
        return self.max_price

    def min(self):
        return self.min_price
Exemple #27
class SymbolTable():
    def __init__(self, SourceFile):
        self.Table = [
        ]  #declare table as a stack (list) containing an empty tree
        self.TopScope = FastRBTree(
        )  # a place where the current top scope is held
        self.ReadMode = False  #Read or lookup mode
        self.DebugMode = False
        self.SourceFile = SourceFile

    #Function: InsertSymbol
    #Desc: Insert a symbol into the current top of the symbol table
    # The symbol key string is a lexeme
    #Content_dict: At present this will contain
    #                       {Type: (the token adjacent to the SymbolKey i.e. >int< <SymbolKey>),
    #                       Attribute: some modifier on the symbol 'static' 'const' etc.
    #                       TokenLocation: tuple(line, char_in_file, char_in_line) }
    def InsertSymbol(self, SymbolKey_str, Content_dict):

            if self.DebugMode == True:
                print("Insert symbol is called: ", "In Read Mode?",
                      self.ReadMode, SymbolKey_str, Content_dict)

            if self.ReadMode == False:
                found = self.FindSymbolInCurrentScope(SymbolKey_str)
                if not found:
                    found = self.FindSymbolInTable(SymbolKey_str)
                    if found:
                        for item in found:
                            for key in list(item.keys()):
                                    "Warning: {0} on line {3} is a shadowded variable. Previous declaration in scope level {1} at line {2}."
                                            abs(key - len(self.Table)),
                    #perform deepcopy on passed in dictionary
                    self.TopScope.insert(SymbolKey_str, deepcopy(Content_dict))
                        '''Error: Redeclaration of existing variable.\nPrior declaration is here at line {0}: \n'''
                        found["TokenLocation"][0], found["TokenLocation"][2])
                    raise Exception(
                        'Redeclaration of exisitng variable in current scope.')
                # do nothing
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
        return True

    #Function: FindSymbolInTable
    #Desc: Search all scopes of the symbol table to find a specific symbol
    #Return: [{Level_int: Content_dict}, False] (list of keys for possibility of many shadowed vars)
    def FindSymbolInTable(self, SymbolKey_str):
        T_list = []
        Level_int = 0

        #search the top of our stack
        if self.FindSymbolInCurrentScope(SymbolKey_str):
        Level_int += 1

        #iterate over all trees
        #add found isntances of symbols to list if present
        for Tree in reversed(
                self.Table):  #reversed so appended items are at the front
            if Tree.__contains__(SymbolKey_str):
                T_list.append({Level_int: Tree.get(SymbolKey_str)})
            Level_int += 1

        if len(T_list) > 0:
            return T_list

        #nothing found case
        return False

    #Function: FindSymbolInCurrentScope
    #Desc: Search only the top level of the symbol table for key
    def FindSymbolInCurrentScope(self, SymbolKey_str):
        return self.TopScope.get(SymbolKey_str, False)

    #Desc: Create a new scope and push it onto the table
    def PushNewScope(self):

    #Function: PushScope
    #Desc: Insert symbol tree (RBTree) onto our table
    def PushScope(self, SymbolTree):
        self.TopScope = SymbolTree

    #Function: PopScope
    #Desc: Remove and return scope (RBtree) from the symbol table
    def PopScope(self):
        TScope = self.TopScope
        if len(self.Table) > 0:
            self.TopScope = self.Table.pop()
            self.TopScope = None
        return TScope

    #Function: WriteSymbolTableToFile
    #Desc: Write the current contents of the symbol table to file
    def WriteSymbolTableToFile(self, FileName_str):
        T_Stack = []
        i = 0

            with open(FileName_str, "w") as File:
                    "\n**** Outputting Contents of Symbol Table **** \n\n")

                while not self.TableIsEmpty():
                    File.write("Items in Tree at Level {}: \n".format(i))
                    self.PrettyPrintScope(self.TopScope, FilePtr=File)
                    i += 1

            while len(T_Stack) > 0:

        except Exception as e:

    def PrettyPrintScope(self, Scope, FilePtr=None):
        for Key in Scope.keys():
            if FilePtr is not None:
                FilePtr.write("\tKey: \"{}\" | Content: {}\n".format(
                    Key, Scope.get(Key)))
                print("\tKey: \"{}\" | Content: {}\n".format(
                    Key, Scope.get(Key)))

    def ToggleDebugMode(self):
        self.DebugMode = not self.DebugMode

    def ReadModeOn(self):
        self.ReadMode = True
        # print("Insert Mode Toggled Off")

    def InsertMode(self):
        self.ReadMode = False
        # print("Insert Mode Toggled On")

    def ToggleReadMode(self):
        self.ReadMode = not self.ReadMode

        if self.ReadMode == False:
            print("Insert Mode Toggled On")
        elif self.ReadMode == True:
            print("Insert Mode Toggled Off")


    def TableIsEmpty(self):
        if self.TopScope is None:
            return True
        return False

    def PrettyErrorPrint(self, Message, Lineno, Column):
        arrow = ""


        #print line
        with open(self.SourceFile) as file:
            for i in range(0, Lineno):
                source = file.readline()

        #build arrow
        for i in range(0, Column - 1):
            arrow += " "
        arrow += "^\n"

Exemple #28
class OrderBook(object):
    Uses RBTrees to handle all types of orders and store them in their corresponding bucket
    def __init__(self, product_id: str):
        self._asks = RBTree()
        self._bids = RBTree()
        self._product_id = product_id

    def product_id(self):
        return self._product_id

    def process_snapshot(self, message: Dict):
        Process a snapshot message
        :param message: json

        # If a snapshot is sent reset trees
        self._asks = RBTree()
        self._bids = RBTree()

        # Parse all asks and add them to tree
        for ask in message['asks']:
            price, size = ask
            price = Decimal(price)
            size = Decimal(size)

            self._asks.insert(price, size)

        # Parse all bids and add them to tree
        for bid in message['bids']:
            price, size = bid
            price = Decimal(price)
            size = Decimal(size)

            self._bids.insert(price, size)

    def process_update(self, message: Dict):
        Process a update message
        :param message: json

        # Retrieve changes
        changes = message['changes']

        for change in changes:
            side, price, size = change

            # parse numbers and keep precision
            price = Decimal(price)
            size = Decimal(size)

            if side == 'buy':
                # If it is equal to 0 (or less than) the order no longer exists
                if size <= 0:
                    self._bids.insert(price, size)
            elif side == 'sell':
                # If it is equal to 0 (or less than) the order no longer exists
                if size <= 0:
                    self._asks.insert(price, size)

    def process_message(self, message: Dict):
        Process all messages to identify next parser location
        :param message: json
        # Read type
        msg_type = message['type']

        # dropped - not same product id
        if message.get('product_id', None) != self._product_id:

        if msg_type == 'snapshot':
        elif msg_type == 'l2update':

    def get_asks(self) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
        Provides a list of asks and sizes in order of best price for the buyer

        :return: a list of Tuple's corresponding to ask (price rate), and ask size
        asks = []
        for ask in self._asks:
                size = self._asks[ask]
            except KeyError:
            asks.append([float(ask), float(size)])
        return asks

    def get_bids(self) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
       Provides a list of bids and sizes in order of best price for the seller

       :return: a list of Tuple's corresponding to ask (price rate), and ask size
        bids = []
        for bid in self._bids:
                size = self._bids[bid]
            except KeyError:
            # For bids the best value (for selling) is reversed so inserting at the beginning flips the order
            bids.insert(0, [float(bid), float(size)])
        return bids

    def get_orders(self) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]]:
        Uses get_bids and get_asks to compile all orders

        :return: both bids and asks
        return {'asks': self.get_asks(), 'bids': self.get_bids()}

    def get_ask(self) -> Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]:
        Get the best asking price. If it does not exist it returns a size of 0

        :return: the rate, and the size
        price = self._asks.min_key()

            size = self._asks[price]
        except KeyError:
            return price, Decimal(0)

        return price, size

    def get_bid(self) -> Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]:
        Get the best bid price. If it does not exist it returns a size of 0

        :return: the rate, and the size
        price = self._bids.max_key()

            size = self._bids[price]
        except KeyError:
            return price, Decimal(0)

        return price, size
class BookSide(object):
    A side of the lmit order book representation
    def __init__(self, s_side):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes
        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.

    def update(self, d_data):
        Update the state of the order book given the data pased. Return if the
        message was handle successfully
        :param d_data: dict. data related to a single order
        # dont process aggresive trades
        if d_data['agressor_indicator'] == 'Agressive':
            return True
        # update the book information
        order_aux = Order(d_data)
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        b_sould_update = True
        b_success = True
        # check the order status
        if s_status != 'New':
                i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            except KeyError:
                if s_status == 'Canceled' or s_status == 'Filled':
                    b_sould_update = False
                    s_status = 'Invalid'
                elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                    s_status = 'New'
        # process the message
        if s_status == 'New':
            b_sould_update = self._new_order(order_aux)
        elif s_status != 'Invalid':
            i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            f_old_pr = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price']
            i_old_q = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty']
            # hold the last traded price
            if s_status in ['Partially Filled', 'Filled']:
                self.last_price = order_aux['order_price']
            # process message
            if s_status in ['Canceled', 'Expired', 'Filled']:
                b_sould_update = self._canc_expr_filled_order(order_aux,
                if not b_sould_update:
                    b_success = False
            elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                b_sould_update = self._replaced_order(order_aux,
            elif s_status == 'Partially Filled':
                b_sould_update = self._partially_filled(order_aux,
        # remove from order map
        if s_status not in ['New', 'Invalid']:
        # update the order map
        if b_sould_update:
            f_qty = int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
            self.d_order_map[order_aux] = {}
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price'] = d_data['order_price']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['order_id'] = order_aux.order_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty'] = f_qty
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id'] = order_aux.main_id

        # return that the update was done
        return True

    def _canc_expr_filled_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed canceled, expried or filled orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):
        # remove from order map
        return False

    def _replaced_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed replaced orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # remove from the old price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # insert the order in the due price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _partially_filled(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed partially filled orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # delete old price, if it is needed
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # add/modify order
        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _new_order(self, order_obj):
        Update price_tree when passed new orders
        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        # if it was already in the order map
        if order_obj in self.d_order_map:
            i_old_sec_id = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['last_order_id']
            f_old_price = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['price']
            i_old_qty = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['qty']
            this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_price)
            # remove from order map
            if this_price.delete(i_old_sec_id, i_old_qty):

        # insert a empty price level if it is needed
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # add the order
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)

        return True

    def get_n_top_prices(self, n):
        Return a dataframe with the N top price levels
        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_n_botton_prices(self, n=5):
        Return a dataframe with the N botton price levels
        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError
Exemple #30
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.volume = 0
        self.price_map = {}  # Map from price -> order_list object
        self.order_map = {}  # Order ID to Order object
        self.min_price = None
        self.max_price = None

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.order_map)

    def get_price(self, price):
        return self.price_map[price]

    def get_order(self, id_num):
        return self.order_map[id_num]

    def create_price(self, price):
        new_list = OrderList()
        self.price_tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list
        if self.max_price == None or price > self.max_price:
            self.max_price = price
        if self.min_price == None or price < self.min_price:
            self.min_price = price

    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

        if self.max_price == price:
                self.max_price = max(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.max_price = None
        if self.min_price == price:
                self.min_price = min(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.min_price = None

    def price_exists(self, price):
        return price in self.price_map

    def order_exists(self, id_num):
        return id_num in self.order_map

    def insert_tick(self, tick):
        if tick.price not in self.price_map:
        order = Order(tick, self.price_map[tick.price])
        self.order_map[order.id_num] = order
        self.volume += order.qty

    def update_order(self, tick):
        order = self.order_map[tick.id_num]
        original_volume = order.qty
        if tick.price != order.price:
            # Price changed
            order_list = self.price_map[order.price]
            if len(order_list) == 0:
            self.volume -= original_volume
            # Quantity changed
            order.update_qty(tick.qty, tick.price)
            self.volume += order.qty - original_volume

    def remove_order_by_id(self, id_num):
        order = self.order_map[id_num]
        self.volume -= order.qty
        if len(order.order_list) == 0:
        del self.order_map[id_num]

    def max(self):
        return self.max_price

    def min(self):
        return self.min_price
Exemple #31
class BidBook(object):
	A BidBook is used to store the order book's rates and amounts on the bid side with a defined depth.
	To maintain a sorted order of rates, the BidBook uses a red-black tree to store rates and corresponding amounts.
	For O(1) query of volume at a predetermined rate, the BidBook also uses a dictionary to store rate and amount.
    def __init__(self, max_depth, data):
        # RBTree: maintains sorted order of rates
        # every value inserted to RBTree must be a tuple, so we hard code the second value to be 0
        self.rate_tree = FastRBTree()

        # dict: Uses rate and amount for key value pairs
        self.rate_dict = {}

        # float: amounts summed across all rate levels in tree
        self.volume = 0

        # int: total number of rate levels in tree
        self.depth = len(data)

        # int: maximum number of rate levels in tree
        self.max_depth = max_depth

        # populate rate_tree and rate_dict from public API call data
        # set volume
        for level in data:
            rate = float(level[0])
            amount = float(level[1])
            self.rate_tree.insert(rate, 0)
            self.rate_dict[rate] = amount
            self.volume += amount

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.rate_dict)

    def rate_exists(self, rate):
        return rate in self.rate_dict

    def get_amount_at_rate(self, rate):
        return self.rate_dict.get(rate)

    def max_rate_level(self):
        if self.depth > 0:
            rate = self.rate_tree.max_key()
            amount = self.get_amount_at_rate(rate)
            return rate, amount
            return None

    def min_rate_level(self):
        if self.depth > 0:
            rate = self.rate_tree.min_key()
            amount = self.get_amount_at_rate(rate)
            return rate, amount
            return None

    def modify(self, event):
        # if the event's rate is already in the book, just modify the amount at the event's rate
        rate = float(event[u'data'][u'rate'])
        amount = float(event[u'data'][u'amount'])
        if self.rate_exists(rate):
            # print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  BID MODIFY  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
            self.rate_dict[rate] = amount

        # only rates not already in the book reach this logic
        # if the max depth hasn't been reached, just insert the event's rate and amount
        elif self.depth < self.max_depth:
            # print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  BID MODIFY  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
            self.rate_tree.insert(rate, 0)
            self.rate_dict[rate] = amount
            self.depth += 1

        # only events being handled by a full order tree reach this logic
        # if the event is a bid and the rate is greater than min rate, effectively replace min rate level with event
            min_rate = self.min_rate_level()[0]
            if rate > min_rate:
                # print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  BID MODIFY  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
                del self.rate_dict[min_rate]
                self.rate_tree.insert(rate, 0)
                self.rate_dict[rate] = amount

    def remove(self, event):
        # if the event's rate is in the book, delete it
        rate = float(event[u'data'][u'rate'])
        if self.rate_exists(rate):
            # print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  BID REMOVE  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
            del self.rate_dict[rate]
            self.depth -= 1

    def __str__(self):
        rate_tree_str = '[' + ','.join(rate[0]
                                       for rate in self.rate_tree) + ']'
        return 'BIDS: ' + rate_tree_str
Exemple #32
class BookSide(object):
    A side of the lmit order book representation
    def __init__(self, s_side, fr_data, i_member=None):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes

        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        :param fr_data: ZipExtFile object. data to read
        :param i_member*: integer. Member number to be used as a filter
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.i_member = i_member
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.fr_data = fr_data
        self.parser = parser_data.LineParser(s_side)
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.
        # control other statistics
        self.best_queue = (None, None)
        self.i_qty_rel = 0
        self.i_cum_rel = 0

    def set_last_best_queue(self, t_best):
        Set the best queue of this side
        self.best_queue = t_best

    def update(self, d_data):
        Update the state of the order book given the data pased

        :param d_data: dict. data from the last row
        # update the book information
        order_aux = Order(d_data)
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        b_sould_update = True
        i_rel_price = 0
        # treat Bovespa files at the begining f the day
        if s_status != 'New':
                i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            except KeyError:
                # is not securing changes, also change part. filled status
                l_check = ['Canceled', 'Filled']
                if not self.b_secure_changes:
                    l_check = ['Canceled', 'Filled', 'Partially Filled']
                # change order status when it is not found
                if s_status in l_check:
                    b_sould_update = False
                    s_status = 'Invalid'
                elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                    s_status = 'New'
        # process
        if s_status == 'New':
            b_sould_update = self._new_order(order_aux)
            i_rel_price = get_relative_price(self.best_queue, order_aux)
        elif s_status != 'Invalid':
            i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            f_old_pr = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price']
            i_old_q = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty']
            i_rel_price = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['relative_price']
            # hold the last traded price
            if s_status in ['Partially Filled', 'Filled']:
                self.last_price = order_aux['order_price']
            # process message
            if s_status in ['Canceled', 'Expired', 'Filled']:
                b_sould_update = self._canc_expr_filled_order(order_aux,
            elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                i_rel_price = get_relative_price(self.best_queue, order_aux)
                b_sould_update = self._replaced_order(order_aux,
            elif s_status == 'Partially Filled':
                b_sould_update = self._partially_filled(order_aux,
        # remove from order map
        if s_status not in ['New', 'Invalid']:
        # update the order map
        if b_sould_update:
            f_qty = int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
            f_prior_time = d_data['priority_seconds']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux] = {}
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price'] = d_data['order_price']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['sec_order'] = order_aux.sec_order_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty'] = f_qty
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id'] = order_aux.main_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['priority_seconds'] = f_prior_time
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['relative_price'] = i_rel_price
            if s_status in ['New', 'Replaced']:
                self.i_qty_rel += f_qty * 1.
                self.i_cum_rel += i_rel_price * 1. * f_qty

        # return that the update was done
        return True

    def _canc_expr_filled_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed canceled, expried or filled orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        b_break = False
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):
        # remove from order map
        if b_break:
            raise NotImplementedError
        return False

    def _replaced_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed replaced orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # remove from the old price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):
        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # insert the order in the due price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _partially_filled(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed partially filled orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # delete old price, if it is needed
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # add/modify order
        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _new_order(self, order_obj):
        Update price_tree when passed new orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        # if it was already in the order map
        if order_obj in self.d_order_map:
            i_old_sec_id = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['main_id']
            f_old_price = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['price']
            i_old_qty = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['qty']
            this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_price)
            # remove from order map
            if this_price.delete(i_old_sec_id, i_old_qty):
        # insert a empty price level if it is needed
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # add the order
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)

        return True

    def get_n_top_prices(self, n):
        Return a dataframe with the N top price levels

        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_n_botton_prices(self, n=5):
        Return a dataframe with the N botton price levels

        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _readline(self):
        Return a line from the fr_data file if available. Return false
        row = self.fr_data.readline()
        if row == '':
            return False, False
        self._i_idx += 1
        d_aux = self.parser(row)
        # treat when the line is zero
        # TODO: I should move it to preprocessment step
        if 'order_price' in d_aux:
            if d_aux['order_price'] == 0.:
                while True:
                    row = self.fr_data.readline()
                    d_aux = self.parser(row)
                    if d_aux['order_price'] != 0.:
        return d_aux, self.parser.last_identification

    def __iter__(self):
        Return the self as an iterator object. Use next() to check the rows
        return self

    def next(self):
        Return the next item from the fr_data in iter process. If there are no
        further items, raise the StopIteration exception
        d_rtn, last_identification = self._readline()
        if not d_rtn:
            raise StopIteration
        return d_rtn, last_identification
Exemple #33
class Tdigest(object):

    def __init__(self, delta=0.01, K=25, CX=1.1):
        self.delta = delta
        self.K = K
        self.CX = CX
        self.centroids = RBTree()
        self.nreset = 0

    def reset(self):
        self.n = 0
        self.nreset += 1
        self.last_cumulate = 0
        self.compressing = False

    def push(self, x, n=1):
        if not isinstance(x, list):
            x = [x]
        for item in x:
            self._digest(item, n)

    def percentile(self, p):
        if self.size() == 0:
            return None
        cumn = self.n * p
        lower = self.centroids.min_item()[1]
        upper = self.centroids.max_item()[1]
        for c in self.centroids.values():
            if c.cumn <= cumn:
                lower = c
                upper = c
        if lower == upper:
            return lower.mean
        return lower.mean + (cumn - lower.cumn) * (upper.mean - lower.mean) / \
            (upper.cumn - lower.cumn)

    def serialize(self):
        result = '%s~%s~%s~' % (self.delta, self.K, self.size())
        if self.size() == 0:
            return result
        means = []
        counts = []
        for c in self.centroids.values():
        return '%s%s~%s' % (result, '~'.join(means), '~'.join(counts))

    def deserialize(cls, serialized_str):
        if not isinstance(serialized_str, basestring):
            raise Exception(u'serialized_str must be str')
        data = serialized_str.split('~')
        t = Tdigest(delta=float(data[0]), K=int(data[1]))
        size = int(data[2])
        for i in xrange(size):
            t.push(float(data[i + 3]), int(data[size + i + 3]))
        return t

    def _digest(self, x, n):
        if self.size() == 0:
            self._new_centroid(x, n, 0)
            _min = self.centroids.min_item()[1]
            _max = self.centroids.max_item()[1]
            nearest = self.find_nearest(x)
            if nearest and nearest.mean == x:
                self._addweight(nearest, x, n)
            elif nearest == _min:
                self._new_centroid(x, n, 0)
            elif nearest == _max:
                self._new_centroid(x, n, self.n)
                p = (nearest.cumn + nearest.n / 2.0) / self.n
                max_n = int(4 * self.n * self.delta * p * (1 - p))
                if max_n >= nearest.n + n:
                    self._addweight(nearest, x, n)
                    self._new_centroid(x, n, nearest.cumn)
        if self.K and self.size() > self.K / self.delta:

    def find_nearest(self, x):
        if self.size() == 0:
            return None
            lower = self.centroids.ceiling_item(x)[1]
        except KeyError:
            lower = None

        if lower and lower.mean == x:
            return lower

            prev = self.centroids.floor_item(x)[1]
        except KeyError:
            prev = None

        if not lower:
            return prev
        if not prev:
            return lower
        if abs(prev.mean - x) < abs(lower.mean - x):
            return prev
            return lower

    def size(self):
        return len(self.centroids)

    def compress(self):
        if self.compressing:
        points = self.toList()
        self.compressing = True
        for point in sorted(points, key=lambda x: random()):
            self.push(point['mean'], point['n'])
        self.compressing = False

    def _cumulate(self, exact):
        if self.n == self.last_cumulate:
        if not exact and self.CX and self.last_cumulate and \
                self.CX > (self.n / self.last_cumulate):
        cumn = 0
        for c in self.centroids.values():
            cumn = c.cumn = cumn + c.n
        self.n = self.last_cumulate = cumn

    def toList(self):
        return [dict(mean=c.mean, n=c.n, cumn=c.cumn) for
                c in self.centroids.values()]

    def _addweight(self, nearest, x, n):
        if x != nearest.mean:
            nearest.mean += n * (x - nearest.mean) / (nearest.n + n)
        nearest.cumn += n
        nearest.n += n
        self.n += n

    def _new_centroid(self, x, n, cumn):
        c = Centroid(x, n, cumn)
        self.centroids.insert(x, c)
        self.n += n
        return c
Exemple #34
class PriceLevel(object):
    A representation of a Price level in the book
    def __init__(self, f_price):
        A representation of a PriceLevel object
        self.f_price = f_price
        self.i_qty = 0
        self.order_tree = FastRBTree()

    def add(self, order_aux):
        Insert the information in the tree using the info in order_aux. Return
        is should delete the Price level or not

        :param order_aux: Order Object. The Order message to be updated
        :param i_old_sec_order: Integer. The previous secondary order id
        :param i_old_qty: Integer. The previous order qty
        # check if the order_aux price is the same of the self
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        if order_aux['order_price'] != self.f_price:
            raise DifferentPriceException
        elif s_status in ['New', 'Replaced', 'Partially Filled']:
            self.order_tree.insert(order_aux.main_id, order_aux)
            self.i_qty += int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
        # check if there is no object in the updated tree (should be deleted)
        return self.order_tree.count == 0

    def delete(self, i_old_sec_order, i_old_qty):
        Delete the information in the tree using the info in order_aux. Return
        is should delete the Price level or not

        :param order_aux: Order Object. The Order message to be updated
        :param i_old_sec_order: Integer. The previous secondary order id
        :param i_old_qty: Integer. The previous order qty
        # check if the order_aux price is the same of the self
            self.i_qty -= i_old_qty
        except KeyError:
            raise DifferentPriceException
        # check if there is no object in the updated tree (should be deleted)
        return self.order_tree.count == 0

    def __str__(self):
        Return the name of the PriceLevel
        return '{:,.0f}'.format(self.i_qty)

    def __repr__(self):
        Return the name of the PriceLevel
        return '{:,.0f}'.format(self.i_qty)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        Return if a PriceLevel has equal price from the other

        :param other: PriceLevel object. PriceLevel to be compared
        # just to make sure that there is no floating point discrepance
        f_aux = other
        if not isinstance(other, float):
            f_aux = other.f_price
        return abs(self.f_price - f_aux) < 1e-4

    def __gt__(self, other):
        Return if a PriceLevel has a gerater price from the other.
        Bintrees uses that to compare nodes

        :param other: PriceLevel object. PriceLevel to be compared
        # just to make sure that there is no floating point discrepance
        f_aux = other
        if not isinstance(other, float):
            f_aux = other.f_price
        return (f_aux - self.f_price) > 1e-4

    def __lt__(self, other):
        Return if a Order has smaller order_id from the other. Bintrees uses
        that to compare nodes

        :param other: Order object. Order to be compared
        f_aux = other
        if not isinstance(other, float):
            f_aux = other.f_price
        return (f_aux - self.f_price) < -1e-4

    def __ne__(self, other):
        Return if a Order has different order_id from the other

        :param other: Order object. Order to be compared
        return not self.__eq__(other)
Exemple #35
class Tree(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self.volume = 0
        self.price_map = {}  # Map from price -> order_list object
        self.order_map = {}  # Order ID to Order object
        self.min_price = None
        self.max_price = None

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.order_map)

    def get_price(self, price):
        return self.price_map[price]

    def get_order(self, id_num):
        return self.order_map[id_num]

    def create_price(self, price):
        new_list = OrderList()
        self.price_tree.insert(price, new_list)
        self.price_map[price] = new_list
        if self.max_price == None or price > self.max_price:
            self.max_price = price
        if self.min_price == None or price < self.min_price:
            self.min_price = price

    def remove_price(self, price):
        del self.price_map[price]

        if self.max_price == price:
                self.max_price = max(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.max_price = None
        if self.min_price == price:
                self.min_price = min(self.price_tree)
            except ValueError:
                self.min_price = None

    def price_exists(self, price):
        return price in self.price_map

    def order_exists(self, id_num):
        return id_num in self.order_map

    def insert_tick(self, tick):
        if tick.price not in self.price_map:
        order = Order(tick, self.price_map[tick.price])
        self.order_map[order.id_num] = order
        self.volume += order.qty

    def update_order(self, tick):
        order = self.order_map[tick.id_num]
        original_volume = order.qty
        if tick.price != order.price:
            # Price changed
            order_list = self.price_map[order.price]
            if len(order_list) == 0:
            self.volume -= original_volume
            # Quantity changed
            order.update_qty(tick.qty, tick.price)
            self.volume += order.qty - original_volume

    def remove_order_by_id(self, id_num):
        order = self.order_map[id_num]
        self.volume -= order.qty
        if len(order.order_list) == 0:
        del self.order_map[id_num]

    def max(self):
        return self.max_price

    def min(self):
        return self.min_price
Exemple #36
class BookSide(object):
    A side of the lmit order book representation
    def __init__(self, s_side, fr_data, i_member=None):
        Initialize a BookSide object. Save all parameters as attributes

        :param s_side: string. BID or ASK
        :param fr_data: ZipExtFile object. data to read
        :param i_member*: integer. Member number to be used as a filter
        if s_side not in ['BID', 'ASK']:
            raise InvalidTypeException('side should be BID or ASK')
        self.i_member = i_member
        self.s_side = s_side
        self.price_tree = FastRBTree()
        self._i_idx = 0
        self.fr_data = fr_data
        self.parser = parser_data.LineParser(s_side)
        self.d_order_map = {}
        self.last_price = 0.

    def how_many_rows_read(self):
        Return the number of rows processed
        return self._i_idx

    def update(self, d_data, s_last_ident):
        Update the state of the order book given the data pased

        :param d_data: dict. data from the last row
        :param s_last_ident: string. last identification
        # check if the information should be processed
        if s_last_ident != 'MSG':
            return False
        # check if should filter out member
        if not self._should_use_it(d_data):
            return False
        # update the book information
        order_aux = Order(d_data)
        s_status = order_aux['order_status']
        b_sould_update = True
        # treat Bovespa files at the begining f the day
        if s_status != 'New':
                i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            except KeyError:
                if s_status == 'Canceled' or s_status == 'Filled':
                    b_sould_update = False
                    s_status = 'Invalid'
                elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                    s_status = 'New'
        # process
        if s_status == 'New':
            b_sould_update = self._new_order(order_aux)
        elif s_status != 'Invalid':
            i_old_id = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id']
            f_old_pr = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price']
            i_old_q = self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty']
            # hold the last traded price
            if s_status in ['Partially Filled', 'Filled']:
                self.last_price = order_aux['order_price']
            # process message
            if s_status in ['Canceled', 'Expired', 'Filled']:
                b_sould_update = self._canc_expr_filled_order(
                    order_aux, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q)
            elif s_status == 'Replaced':
                b_sould_update = self._replaced_order(order_aux, i_old_id,
                                                      f_old_pr, i_old_q)
            elif s_status == 'Partially Filled':
                b_sould_update = self._partially_filled(
                    order_aux, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q)
        # remove from order map
        if s_status not in ['New', 'Invalid']:
        # update the order map
        if b_sould_update:
            f_qty = int(order_aux['total_qty_order'])
            self.d_order_map[order_aux] = {}
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['price'] = d_data['order_price']
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['sec_order'] = order_aux.sec_order_id
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['qty'] = f_qty
            self.d_order_map[order_aux]['main_id'] = order_aux.main_id

        # return that the update was done
        return True

    def _should_use_it(self, d_data):
        Check if should use the passed row to update method

        :param d_data: dict. data from the last row
        if self.i_member:
            if d_data['member'] != self.i_member:
                return False
        return True

    def _canc_expr_filled_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed canceled, expried or filled orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):
        # remove from order map
        return False

    def _replaced_order(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed replaced orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # remove from the old price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # insert the order in the due price
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _partially_filled(self, order_obj, i_old_id, f_old_pr, i_old_q):
        Update price_tree when passed partially filled orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        :param i_old_id: integer. Old id of the order_obj
        :param f_old_pr: float. Old price of the order_obj
        :param i_old_q: integer. Old qty of the order_obj
        # delete old price, if it is needed
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_pr)
        if this_price.delete(i_old_id, i_old_q):

        # add/modify order
        # insert in the new price
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)
        return True

    def _new_order(self, order_obj):
        Update price_tree when passed new orders

        :param order_obj: Order Object. The last order in the file
        # if it was already in the order map
        if order_obj in self.d_order_map:
            i_old_sec_id = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['main_id']
            f_old_price = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['price']
            i_old_qty = self.d_order_map[order_obj]['qty']
            this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_old_price)
            # remove from order map
            if this_price.delete(i_old_sec_id, i_old_qty):
        # insert a empty price level if it is needed
        f_price = order_obj['order_price']
        if not self.price_tree.get(f_price):
            self.price_tree.insert(f_price, PriceLevel(f_price))
        # add the order
        this_price = self.price_tree.get(f_price)

        return True

    def get_n_top_prices(self, n):
        Return a dataframe with the N top price levels

        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_n_botton_prices(self, n=5):
        Return a dataframe with the N botton price levels

        :param n: integer. Number of price levels desired
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _readline(self):
        Return a line from the fr_data file if available. Return false
        row = self.fr_data.readline()
        if row == '':
            return False, False
        self._i_idx += 1
        d_aux = self.parser(row)
        return d_aux, self.parser.last_identification

    def __iter__(self):
        Return the self as an iterator object. Use next() to check the rows
        return self

    def next(self):
        Return the next item from the fr_data in iter process. If there are no
        further items, raise the StopIteration exception
        d_rtn, last_identification = self._readline()
        if not d_rtn:
            raise StopIteration
        return d_rtn, last_identification