Exemple #1
def test_from_source_entity_filter():
    # Kinases
    finder = msa.FromSource(Agent('MEK', db_refs={'FPLX': 'MEK'}),
    oa = finder.get_other_agents(block=True)
    oa_names = [a.name for a in oa]
    # RAF1 as a kinase is in the list
    assert 'MAPK1' in oa_names
    # RAS, which normally is in the list should not be since it's not a kinase
    assert 'apoptosis' not in oa_names
    assert 'RAS' not in oa_names

    # Transcription factors
    finder = msa.FromSource(Agent('MEK', db_refs={'FPLX': 'MEK'}),
                            ent_type='transcription factor',
    oa = finder.get_other_agents(block=True)
    oa_names = [a.name for a in oa]
    assert 'ESR1' in oa_names
    assert 'RAF1' not in oa_names

    # Proteins
    finder = msa.FromSource(Agent('MEK', db_refs={'FPLX': 'MEK'}),
    oa = finder.get_other_agents(block=True)
    oa_names = [a.name for a in oa]
    assert 'ERK' in oa_names
    assert 'MAPK1' in oa_names
    assert 'apoptosis' not in oa_names
    assert 'proliferation' not in oa_names
Exemple #2
def test_from_source_agent_filter():
    cdk12 = Agent('CDK12', db_refs={'HGNC': '24224'})
    samhd1 = Agent('SAMHD1', db_refs={'HGNC': '15925'})
    ezh2 = Agent('EZH2', db_refs={'HGNC': '3527'})
    finder = msa.FromSource(cdk12, filter_agents=[samhd1, ezh2])
    stmts = finder.get_statements()
    assert len(stmts)
    exp_ags = {'SAMHD1', 'EZH2'}
    for stmt in stmts:
        ag_names = {ag.name for ag in stmt.agent_list() if ag is not None}
        assert ag_names & exp_ags, ag_names - exp_ags
    summ = finder.summarize()
    assert 'EZH2' in {a.name for a in summ['other_agents']}, summ
    desc = finder.describe()
    assert re.match(r'Overall, I found that CDK12 can affect '
                    r'EZH2. Here are the statements.*', desc), desc