Exemple #1
    def test_compile_crn(self):
        from biocrnpyler import ChemicalReactionNetwork
        from biocrnpyler import Species
        from biocrnpyler import Reaction
        from biocrnpyler import Mixture

        a = Species(name='a')
        b = Species(name='b')

        species_list = [a, b]

        def mock_update_reactions():
            rxn = Reaction(inputs=[a], outputs=[b], k=0.1)
            return [rxn]

        rxn = Reaction(inputs=[a], outputs=[b], k=0.1)

        CRN = ChemicalReactionNetwork(species_list, [rxn])

        mixture = Mixture(species=species_list)
        mixture.update_reactions = mock_update_reactions

        crn_from_mixture = mixture.compile_crn()
        self.assertEqual(CRN.species, crn_from_mixture.species)
        self.assertEqual(CRN.reactions, crn_from_mixture.reactions)
Exemple #2
    def test_update_reactions(self):
        mixture = Mixture()
        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AttributeError, 'Mixture.crn_species not defined.'):

        component = Component(name='test_component')

        # creating a mock update function to decouple the update process from the rest of the code
        def mock_update_reactions():
            rxn = Reaction(inputs=[], outputs=[], k=0.1)
            return [rxn]

        component.update_reactions = mock_update_reactions

        crn_rxn = mixture.update_reactions()
        crn_rxn_mock = mock_update_reactions()
        self.assertEqual(crn_rxn, crn_rxn_mock)
Exemple #3
    def test_update_reactions(self):
        from biocrnpyler import Mixture
        from biocrnpyler import Reaction
        from biocrnpyler import Component

        mixture = Mixture()
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        component = Component(name='test_component')

        def mock_update_reactions():
            rxn = Reaction(inputs=[], outputs=[], k=0.1)
            return [rxn]

        component.update_reactions = mock_update_reactions

        crn_rxn = mixture.update_reactions()
        crn_rxn_mock = mock_update_reactions()
        self.assertEqual(crn_rxn, crn_rxn_mock)
Exemple #4
    def test_compile_crn(self):
        a = Species(name='a')
        b = Species(name='b')

        species_list = [a, b]

        # creating a mock update function to decouple the update process from the rest of the code
        def mock_update_reactions():
            rxn = Reaction(inputs=[a], outputs=[b], k=0.1)
            return [rxn]

        rxn = Reaction(inputs=[a], outputs=[b], k=0.1)

        CRN = ChemicalReactionNetwork(species_list, [rxn])

        mixture = Mixture(species=species_list)
        mixture.update_reactions = mock_update_reactions

        crn_from_mixture = mixture.compile_crn()
        # test that the mixture has the same species as the manually build CRN object
        self.assertEqual(CRN.species, crn_from_mixture.species)
        # test that the mixture has the same reactions as the manually build CRN object
        self.assertEqual(CRN.reactions, crn_from_mixture.reactions)