def prepare_ocp(model_path, phase_time, number_shooting_points): # --- Options --- # # Model path biorbd_model = biorbd.Model(model_path) torque_min, torque_max, torque_init = -500, 500, 0 tau_mapping = BidirectionalMapping(Mapping([-1, -1, -1, 0]), Mapping([3])) # Add objective functions objective_functions = ( { "type": Objective.Mayer.MINIMIZE_PREDICTED_COM_HEIGHT, "weight": -1 }, { "type": Objective.Lagrange.MINIMIZE_TORQUE, "weight": 1 / 100 }, ) # Dynamics problem_type = ProblemType.torque_driven_with_contact # Constraints constraints = () # Path constraint nb_q = biorbd_model.nbQ() nb_qdot = nb_q pose_at_first_node = [0, 0, -0.5, 0.5] # Initialize X_bounds X_bounds = QAndQDotBounds(biorbd_model) X_bounds.min[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot X_bounds.max[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot # Initial guess X_init = InitialConditions(pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot) # Define control path constraint U_bounds = Bounds(min_bound=[torque_min] * tau_mapping.reduce.len, max_bound=[torque_max] * tau_mapping.reduce.len) U_init = InitialConditions([torque_init] * tau_mapping.reduce.len) # ------------- # return OptimalControlProgram( biorbd_model, problem_type, number_shooting_points, phase_time, X_init, U_init, X_bounds, U_bounds, objective_functions, constraints, tau_mapping=tau_mapping, )
def prepare_ocp(biorbd_model_path="cubeSym.bioMod", show_online_optim=False, ode_solver=OdeSolver.RK): # --- Options --- # # Model path biorbd_model = biorbd.Model(biorbd_model_path) # Problem parameters number_shooting_points = 30 final_time = 2 torque_min, torque_max, torque_init = -100, 100, 0 all_generalized_mapping = BidirectionalMapping(Mapping([0, 1, 2, 2], [3]), Mapping([0, 1, 2])) # Add objective functions objective_functions = {"type": Objective.Lagrange.MINIMIZE_TORQUE, "weight": 100} # Dynamics variable_type = ProblemType.torque_driven # Constraints constraints = ( {"type": Constraint.ALIGN_MARKERS, "instant": Instant.START, "first_marker": 0, "second_marker": 1,}, {"type": Constraint.ALIGN_MARKERS, "instant": Instant.END, "first_marker": 0, "second_marker": 2,}, ) # Path constraint X_bounds = QAndQDotBounds(biorbd_model, all_generalized_mapping) for i in range(3, 6): X_bounds.first_node_min[i] = 0 X_bounds.last_node_min[i] = 0 X_bounds.first_node_max[i] = 0 X_bounds.last_node_max[i] = 0 # Initial guess X_init = InitialConditions([0] * all_generalized_mapping.reduce.len * 2) # Define control path constraint U_bounds = Bounds( [torque_min] * all_generalized_mapping.reduce.len, [torque_max] * all_generalized_mapping.reduce.len, ) U_init = InitialConditions([torque_init] * all_generalized_mapping.reduce.len) # ------------- # return OptimalControlProgram( biorbd_model, variable_type, number_shooting_points, final_time, objective_functions, X_init, U_init, X_bounds, U_bounds, constraints, ode_solver=ode_solver, all_generalized_mapping=all_generalized_mapping, show_online_optim=show_online_optim, )
def plot_CoM(x, model_path): m = biorbd.Model(model_path) q_mapping = BidirectionalMapping( Mapping([0, 1, 2, -1, 3, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6], [5]), Mapping([0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9]) ) q_reduced = x[:7, :] q_expanded = from casadi import Function, MX import numpy as np q_sym = MX.sym("q", m.nbQ(), 1) CoM_func = Function("Compute_CoM", [q_sym], [m.CoM(q_sym).to_mx()], ["q"], ["CoM"],).expand() CoM = np.array(CoM_func(q_expanded[:, :])) return CoM[2]
def CoM_dot_Z_last_node_positivity(ocp, nlp, t, x, u, p): from casadi import Function, MX q_reduced = x[0][:nlp["nbQ"]] qdot_reduced = x[0][nlp["nbQ"]:] q_mapping = BidirectionalMapping( Mapping([0, 1, 2, -1, 3, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6], [5]), Mapping([0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9]) ) q_expanded = qdot_expanded = q_sym = MX.sym("q", q_expanded.size()[0], 1) qdot_sym = MX.sym("q_dot", qdot_expanded.size()[0], 1) CoM_dot_func = Function( "Compute_CoM_dot", [q_sym, qdot_sym], [nlp["model"].CoMdot(q_sym, qdot_sym).to_mx()], ["q", "q_dot"], ["CoM_dot"], ).expand() CoM_dot = CoM_dot_func(q_expanded, qdot_expanded) return CoM_dot[2]
def plot_CoM_dot(x, model_path): m = biorbd.Model(model_path) q_mapping = BidirectionalMapping( Mapping([0, 1, 2, -1, 3, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6], [5]), Mapping([0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9])) q_reduced = x[:7, :] qdot_reduced = x[7:, :] q_expanded = qdot_expanded = q_sym = MX.sym("q", m.nbQ(), 1) qdot_sym = MX.sym("q_dot", m.nbQdot(), 1) CoM_dot_func = Function( "Compute_CoM_dot", [q_sym, qdot_sym], [m.CoMdot(q_sym, qdot_sym).to_mx()], ["q", "q_dot"], ["CoM_dot"], ).expand() CoM_dot = np.array(CoM_dot_func(q_expanded[:, :], qdot_expanded[:, :])) return CoM_dot[2]
def prepare_ocp(model_path, phase_time, number_shooting_points, direction, boundary): # --- Options --- # # Model path biorbd_model = biorbd.Model(model_path) tau_min, tau_max, tau_ini = -500, 500, 0 tau_mapping = BidirectionalMapping(Mapping([-1, -1, -1, 0]), Mapping([3])) # Add objective functions objective_functions = ObjectiveList() objective_functions.add(Objective.Mayer.MINIMIZE_PREDICTED_COM_HEIGHT, weight=-1) # Dynamics dynamics = DynamicsTypeList() dynamics.add(DynamicsType.TORQUE_DRIVEN_WITH_CONTACT) # Constraints constraints = ConstraintList() constraints.add( Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_INEQUALITY, direction=direction, instant=Instant.ALL, contact_force_idx=1, boundary=boundary, ) constraints.add( Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_INEQUALITY, direction=direction, instant=Instant.ALL, contact_force_idx=2, boundary=boundary, ) # Path constraint nb_q = biorbd_model.nbQ() nb_qdot = nb_q pose_at_first_node = [0, 0, -0.75, 0.75] # Initialize X_bounds x_bounds = BoundsList() x_bounds.add(QAndQDotBounds(biorbd_model)) x_bounds[0].min[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot x_bounds[0].max[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot # Initial guess x_init = InitialConditionsList() x_init.add(pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot) # Define control path constraint u_bounds = BoundsList() u_bounds.add([[tau_min] * tau_mapping.reduce.len, [tau_max] * tau_mapping.reduce.len]) u_init = InitialConditionsList() u_init.add([tau_ini] * tau_mapping.reduce.len) # ------------- # return OptimalControlProgram( biorbd_model, dynamics, number_shooting_points, phase_time, x_init, u_init, x_bounds, u_bounds, objective_functions, constraints, tau_mapping=tau_mapping, )
def generate_data(biorbd_model, final_time, nb_shooting): # Aliases nb_q = biorbd_model.nbQ() nb_qdot = biorbd_model.nbQdot() nb_tau = biorbd_model.nbGeneralizedTorque() nb_mus = biorbd_model.nbMuscleTotal() nb_markers = biorbd_model.nbMarkers() dt = final_time / nb_shooting # Casadi related stuff symbolic_states = MX.sym("x", nb_q + nb_qdot + nb_mus, 1) symbolic_controls = MX.sym("u", nb_tau + nb_mus, 1) nlp = { "model": biorbd_model, "nbTau": nb_tau, "nbQ": nb_q, "nbQdot": nb_qdot, "nbMuscle": nb_mus, "q_mapping": BidirectionalMapping(Mapping(range(nb_q)), Mapping(range(nb_q))), "q_dot_mapping": BidirectionalMapping(Mapping(range(nb_qdot)), Mapping(range(nb_qdot))), "tau_mapping": BidirectionalMapping(Mapping(range(nb_tau)), Mapping(range(nb_tau))), } markers_func = [] for i in range(nb_markers): markers_func.append( Function( "ForwardKin", [symbolic_states], [biorbd_model.marker(symbolic_states[:nb_q], i).to_mx()], ["q"], ["marker_" + str(i)], ).expand()) dynamics_func = Function( "ForwardDyn", [symbolic_states, symbolic_controls], [ Dynamics.forward_dynamics_muscle_excitations_and_torque_driven( symbolic_states, symbolic_controls, nlp) ], ["x", "u"], ["xdot"], ).expand() def dyn_interface(t, x, u): u = np.concatenate([np.zeros(2), u]) return np.array(dynamics_func(x, u)).squeeze() # Generate some muscle excitations U = np.random.rand(nb_shooting, nb_mus) # Integrate and collect the position of the markers accordingly X = np.ndarray( (biorbd_model.nbQ() + biorbd_model.nbQdot() + nb_mus, nb_shooting + 1)) markers = np.ndarray((3, biorbd_model.nbMarkers(), nb_shooting + 1)) def add_to_data(i, q): X[:, i] = q for j, mark_func in enumerate(markers_func): markers[:, j, i] = np.array(mark_func(q)).squeeze() x_init = np.array([0] * nb_q + [0] * nb_qdot + [0.5] * nb_mus) add_to_data(0, x_init) for i, u in enumerate(U): sol = solve_ivp(dyn_interface, (0, dt), x_init, method="RK45", args=(u, )) x_init = sol["y"][:, -1] add_to_data(i + 1, x_init) time_interp = np.linspace(0, final_time, nb_shooting + 1) return time_interp, markers, X, U
def prepare_ocp(model_path, phase_time, number_shooting_points, use_actuators=False): # --- Options --- # # Model path biorbd_model = biorbd.Model(model_path) if use_actuators: tau_min, tau_max, tau_init = -1, 1, 0 else: tau_min, tau_max, tau_init = -500, 500, 0 tau_mapping = BidirectionalMapping(Mapping([-1, -1, -1, 0]), Mapping([3])) # Add objective functions objective_functions = ObjectiveList() objective_functions.add(Objective.Mayer.MINIMIZE_PREDICTED_COM_HEIGHT, weight=-1) objective_functions.add(Objective.Lagrange.MINIMIZE_TORQUE, weight=1 / 100) # Dynamics dynamics = DynamicsTypeList() if use_actuators: dynamics.add(DynamicsType.TORQUE_ACTIVATIONS_DRIVEN_WITH_CONTACT) else: dynamics.add(DynamicsType.TORQUE_DRIVEN_WITH_CONTACT) # Path constraint nb_q = biorbd_model.nbQ() nb_qdot = nb_q pose_at_first_node = [0, 0, -0.5, 0.5] # Initialize X_bounds x_bounds = BoundsList() x_bounds.add(QAndQDotBounds(biorbd_model)) x_bounds[0].min[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot x_bounds[0].max[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot # Initial guess x_init = InitialConditionsList() x_init.add(pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot) # Define control path constraint u_bounds = BoundsList() u_bounds.add([[tau_min] * tau_mapping.reduce.len, [tau_max] * tau_mapping.reduce.len]) u_init = InitialConditionsList() u_init.add([tau_init] * tau_mapping.reduce.len) # ------------- # return OptimalControlProgram( biorbd_model, dynamics, number_shooting_points, phase_time, x_init, u_init, x_bounds, u_bounds, objective_functions, tau_mapping=tau_mapping, )
def prepare_ocp(model_path, phase_time, number_shooting_points, use_symmetry=True, use_actuators=True): # --- Options --- # # Model path biorbd_model = [biorbd.Model(elt) for elt in model_path] nb_phases = len(biorbd_model) if use_actuators: tau_min, tau_max, tau_init = -1, 1, 0 else: tau_min, tau_max, tau_init = -500, 500, 0 if use_symmetry: q_mapping = BidirectionalMapping( Mapping([0, 1, 2, -1, 3, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6], [5]), Mapping([0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9])) q_mapping = q_mapping, q_mapping tau_mapping = BidirectionalMapping( Mapping([-1, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], [5]), Mapping([4, 7, 8, 9])) tau_mapping = tau_mapping, tau_mapping else: q_mapping = BidirectionalMapping( Mapping([i for i in range(biorbd_model[0].nbQ())]), Mapping([i for i in range(biorbd_model[0].nbQ())])) q_mapping = q_mapping, q_mapping tau_mapping = q_mapping # Add objective functions objective_functions = ObjectiveList() objective_functions.add(Objective.Mayer.MINIMIZE_PREDICTED_COM_HEIGHT, weight=-1, phase=1) # Dynamics dynamics = DynamicsTypeList() if use_actuators: dynamics.add(DynamicsType.TORQUE_ACTIVATIONS_DRIVEN_WITH_CONTACT) dynamics.add(DynamicsType.TORQUE_ACTIVATIONS_DRIVEN_WITH_CONTACT) else: dynamics.add(DynamicsType.TORQUE_DRIVEN_WITH_CONTACT) dynamics.add(DynamicsType.TORQUE_DRIVEN_WITH_CONTACT) # --- Constraints --- # constraints = ConstraintList() # Positivity constraints of the normal component of the reaction forces contact_axes = (1, 2, 4, 5) for i in contact_axes: constraints.add(Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_INEQUALITY, phase=0, direction="GREATER_THAN", instant=Instant.ALL, contact_force_idx=i, boundary=0) contact_axes = (1, 3) for i in contact_axes: constraints.add(Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_INEQUALITY, phase=1, direction="GREATER_THAN", instant=Instant.ALL, contact_force_idx=i, boundary=0) # Non-slipping constraints # N.B.: Application on only one of the two feet is sufficient, as the slippage cannot occurs on only one foot. constraints.add(Constraint.NON_SLIPPING, phase=0, instant=Instant.ALL, normal_component_idx=(1, 2), tangential_component_idx=0, static_friction_coefficient=0.5) constraints.add(Constraint.NON_SLIPPING, phase=1, instant=Instant.ALL, normal_component_idx=1, tangential_component_idx=0, static_friction_coefficient=0.5) # Custom constraints for contact forces at transitions # constraints_second_phase.append( # {"type": Constraint.CUSTOM, "function": from_2contacts_to_1, "instant": Instant.START} # ) # Custom constraints for positivity of CoM_dot on z axis just before the take-off constraints.add(CoM_dot_Z_last_node_positivity, phase=1, instant=Instant.END, min_bound=0, max_bound=np.inf) # TODO: Make it works also with no symmetry (adapt to refactor) # if not use_symmetry: # first_dof = (3, 4, 7, 8, 9) # second_dof = (5, 6, 10, 11, 12) # coef = (-1, 1, 1, 1, 1) # for i in range(len(first_dof)): # for elt in [ # constraints_first_phase, # constraints_second_phase, # ]: # elt.append( # { # "type": Constraint.PROPORTIONAL_STATE, # "instant": Instant.ALL, # "first_dof": first_dof[i], # "second_dof": second_dof[i], # "coef": coef[i], # } # ) # constraints = ( # constraints_first_phase, # constraints_second_phase, # ) # # Time constraint # for i in range(nb_phases): # constraints.add(Constraint.TIME_CONSTRAINT, phase=i, minimum=time_min[i], maximum=time_max[i]) # --- Path constraints --- # if use_symmetry: nb_q = q_mapping[0].reduce.len nb_qdot = nb_q pose_at_first_node = [0, 0, -0.5336, 1.4, 0.8, -0.9, 0.47] else: nb_q = q_mapping[0].reduce.len nb_qdot = nb_q pose_at_first_node = [ 0, 0, -0.5336, 0, 1.4, 0, 1.4, 0.8, -0.9, 0.47, 0.8, -0.9, 0.47 ] # Initialize x_bounds (Interpolation type is CONSTANT_WITH_FIRST_AND_LAST_DIFFERENT) x_bounds = BoundsList() for i in range(nb_phases): x_bounds.add( QAndQDotBounds(biorbd_model[i], all_generalized_mapping=q_mapping[i])) x_bounds[0].min[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot x_bounds[0].max[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot # # Initial guess for states (Interpolation type is CONSTANT) # x_init = InitialConditionsList() # for i in range(nb_phases): # x_init.add(pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot) # Initial guess for states (Interpolation type is CONSTANT for 1st phase and SPLINE with 3 key positions for 2nd phase) x_init = InitialConditionsList() x_init.add(pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot) # x_init phase 0 type CONSTANT t_spline = np.hstack((0, 0.34, phase_time[1])) p0 = np.array([pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot]).T p_flex = np.array( [[-0.12, -0.23, -1.10, 1.85, 2.06, -1.67, 0.55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]).T p_end = p0 key_positions = np.hstack((p0, p_flex, p_end)) x_init.add( key_positions, t=t_spline, interpolation=InterpolationType.SPLINE) # x_init phase 1 type SPLINE # Define control path constraint u_bounds = BoundsList() for tau_m in tau_mapping: u_bounds.add( [[tau_min] * tau_m.reduce.len, [tau_max] * tau_m.reduce.len], interpolation=InterpolationType.CONSTANT ) # This precision of the CONSTANT type is for informative purposes only u_init = InitialConditionsList() for tau_m in tau_mapping: u_init.add( [tau_init] * tau_m.reduce.len) # Interpolation type is CONSTANT (default value) # ------------- # return OptimalControlProgram( biorbd_model, dynamics, number_shooting_points, phase_time, x_init, u_init, x_bounds, u_bounds, objective_functions, constraints, q_mapping=q_mapping, q_dot_mapping=q_mapping, tau_mapping=tau_mapping, nb_threads=2, )
def prepare_ocp(model_path, phase_time, number_shooting_points, direction, boundary): # --- Options --- # # Model path biorbd_model = biorbd.Model(model_path) torque_min, torque_max, torque_init = -500, 500, 0 activation_min, activation_max, activation_init = 0, 1, 0.5 tau_mapping = BidirectionalMapping(Mapping([-1, -1, -1, 0]), Mapping([3])) # Add objective functions objective_functions = ({ "type": Objective.Mayer.MINIMIZE_PREDICTED_COM_HEIGHT, "weight": -1 }, ) # Dynamics problem_type = ProblemType.muscle_excitations_and_torque_driven_with_contact # Constraints constraints = ( { "type": Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_INEQUALITY, "direction": direction, "instant": Instant.ALL, "contact_force_idx": 1, "boundary": boundary, }, { "type": Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_INEQUALITY, "direction": direction, "instant": Instant.ALL, "contact_force_idx": 2, "boundary": boundary, }, ) # Path constraint nb_q = biorbd_model.nbQ() nb_qdot = nb_q nb_mus = biorbd_model.nbMuscleTotal() pose_at_first_node = [0, 0, -0.75, 0.75] # Initialize X_bounds X_bounds = QAndQDotBounds(biorbd_model) X_bounds.concatenate( Bounds([activation_min] * nb_mus, [activation_max] * nb_mus)) X_bounds.min[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot + [0.5] * nb_mus X_bounds.max[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot + [0.5] * nb_mus # Initial guess X_init = [ InitialConditions(pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot + [0.5] * nb_mus) ] # Define control path constraint U_bounds = [ Bounds( min_bound=[torque_min] * tau_mapping.reduce.len + [activation_min] * biorbd_model.nbMuscleTotal(), max_bound=[torque_max] * tau_mapping.reduce.len + [activation_max] * biorbd_model.nbMuscleTotal(), ) ] U_init = [ InitialConditions([torque_init] * tau_mapping.reduce.len + [activation_init] * biorbd_model.nbMuscleTotal()) ] # ------------- # return OptimalControlProgram( biorbd_model, problem_type, number_shooting_points, phase_time, X_init, U_init, X_bounds, U_bounds, objective_functions=objective_functions, constraints=constraints, tau_mapping=tau_mapping, )
def prepare_ocp(biorbd_model_path="cubeSym.bioMod", ode_solver=OdeSolver.RK): # --- Options --- # # Model path biorbd_model = biorbd.Model(biorbd_model_path) # Problem parameters number_shooting_points = 30 final_time = 2 tau_min, tau_max, tau_init = -100, 100, 0 all_generalized_mapping = BidirectionalMapping(Mapping([0, 1, 2, 2], [3]), Mapping([0, 1, 2])) # Add objective functions objective_functions = ObjectiveList() objective_functions.add(Objective.Lagrange.MINIMIZE_TORQUE, weight=100) # Dynamics dynamics = DynamicsTypeList() dynamics.add(DynamicsType.TORQUE_DRIVEN) # Constraints constraints = ConstraintList() constraints.add(Constraint.ALIGN_MARKERS, instant=Instant.START, first_marker_idx=0, second_marker_idx=1) constraints.add(Constraint.ALIGN_MARKERS, instant=Instant.END, first_marker_idx=0, second_marker_idx=2) # Path constraint x_bounds = BoundsList() x_bounds.add(QAndQDotBounds(biorbd_model, all_generalized_mapping)) x_bounds[0].min[3:6, [0, -1]] = 0 x_bounds[0].max[3:6, [0, -1]] = 0 # Initial guess x_init = InitialConditionsList() x_init.add([0] * all_generalized_mapping.reduce.len * 2) # Define control path constraint u_bounds = BoundsList() u_bounds.add([[tau_min] * all_generalized_mapping.reduce.len, [tau_max] * all_generalized_mapping.reduce.len]) u_init = InitialConditionsList() u_init.add([tau_init] * all_generalized_mapping.reduce.len) # ------------- # return OptimalControlProgram( biorbd_model, dynamics, number_shooting_points, final_time, x_init, u_init, x_bounds, u_bounds, objective_functions, constraints, ode_solver=ode_solver, all_generalized_mapping=all_generalized_mapping, )
def prepare_ocp(model_path, phase_time, number_shooting_points, mu): # --- Options --- # # Model path biorbd_model = biorbd.Model(model_path) torque_min, torque_max, torque_init = -500, 500, 0 tau_mapping = BidirectionalMapping(Mapping([-1, -1, -1, 0]), Mapping([3])) # Add objective functions objective_functions = ({"type": Objective.Mayer.MINIMIZE_PREDICTED_COM_HEIGHT, "weight": -1},) # Dynamics problem_type = ProblemType.torque_driven_with_contact # Constraints constraints = ( { "type": Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_INEQUALITY, "direction": "GREATER_THAN", "instant": Instant.ALL, "contact_force_idx": 1, "boundary": 0, }, { "type": Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_INEQUALITY, "direction": "GREATER_THAN", "instant": Instant.ALL, "contact_force_idx": 2, "boundary": 0, }, { "type": Constraint.NON_SLIPPING, "instant": Instant.ALL, "normal_component_idx": (1, 2), "tangential_component_idx": 0, "static_friction_coefficient": mu, }, ) # Path constraint nb_q = biorbd_model.nbQ() nb_qdot = nb_q pose_at_first_node = [0, 0, -0.5, 0.5] # Initialize X_bounds X_bounds = QAndQDotBounds(biorbd_model) X_bounds.min[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot X_bounds.max[:, 0] = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot # Initial guess X_init = InitialConditions(pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot) # Define control path constraint U_bounds = Bounds(min_bound=[torque_min] * tau_mapping.reduce.len, max_bound=[torque_max] * tau_mapping.reduce.len) U_init = InitialConditions([torque_init] * tau_mapping.reduce.len) # ------------- # return OptimalControlProgram( biorbd_model, problem_type, number_shooting_points, phase_time, X_init, U_init, X_bounds, U_bounds, objective_functions, constraints, tau_mapping=tau_mapping, )
def prepare_ocp( show_online_optim=False, use_symmetry=True, ): # --- Options --- # # Model path biorbd_model = ( biorbd.Model("jumper2contacts.bioMod"), biorbd.Model("jumper1contacts.bioMod"), ) nb_phases = len(biorbd_model) torque_min, torque_max, torque_init = -1000, 1000, 0 # Problem parameters number_shooting_points = [8, 8] phase_time = [0.4, 0.2] if use_symmetry: q_mapping = BidirectionalMapping( Mapping([0, 1, 2, -1, 3, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6], [5]), Mapping([0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9])) q_mapping = q_mapping, q_mapping tau_mapping = BidirectionalMapping( Mapping([-1, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], [5]), Mapping([4, 7, 8, 9])) tau_mapping = tau_mapping, tau_mapping else: q_mapping = BidirectionalMapping( Mapping([i for i in range(biorbd_model[0].nbQ())]), Mapping([i for i in range(biorbd_model[0].nbQ())]), ) q_mapping = q_mapping, q_mapping tau_mapping = q_mapping # Add objective functions objective_functions = ( (), ( { "type": Objective.Mayer.MINIMIZE_PREDICTED_COM_HEIGHT, "weight": -1 }, { "type": Objective.Lagrange.MINIMIZE_ALL_CONTROLS, "weight": 1 / 100 }, ), ) # Dynamics problem_type = ( ProblemType.torque_driven_with_contact, ProblemType.torque_driven_with_contact, ) constraints_first_phase = [] constraints_second_phase = [] contact_axes = (1, 2, 4, 5) for i in contact_axes: constraints_first_phase.append({ "type": Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_GREATER_THAN, "instant": Instant.ALL, "idx": i, "boundary": 0, }) contact_axes = (1, 3) for i in contact_axes: constraints_second_phase.append({ "type": Constraint.CONTACT_FORCE_GREATER_THAN, "instant": Instant.ALL, "idx": i, "boundary": 0, }) constraints_first_phase.append({ "type": Constraint.NON_SLIPPING, "instant": Instant.ALL, "normal_component_idx": (1, 2, 4, 5), "tangential_component_idx": (0, 3), "static_friction_coefficient": 0.5, }) constraints_second_phase.append({ "type": Constraint.NON_SLIPPING, "instant": Instant.ALL, "normal_component_idx": (1, 3), "tangential_component_idx": (0, 2), "static_friction_coefficient": 0.5, }) if not use_symmetry: first_dof = (3, 4, 7, 8, 9) second_dof = (5, 6, 10, 11, 12) coeff = (-1, 1, 1, 1, 1) for i in range(len(first_dof)): constraints_first_phase.append({ "type": Constraint.PROPORTIONAL_STATE, "instant": Instant.ALL, "first_dof": first_dof[i], "second_dof": second_dof[i], "coef": coeff[i], }) for i in range(len(first_dof)): constraints_second_phase.append({ "type": Constraint.PROPORTIONAL_STATE, "instant": Instant.ALL, "first_dof": first_dof[i], "second_dof": second_dof[i], "coef": coeff[i], }) constraints = (constraints_first_phase, constraints_second_phase) # Path constraint if use_symmetry: nb_q = q_mapping[0].reduce.len nb_qdot = nb_q pose_at_first_node = [0, 0, -0.5336, 1.4, 0.8, -0.9, 0.47] else: nb_q = q_mapping[0].reduce.len nb_qdot = nb_q pose_at_first_node = [ 0, 0, -0.5336, 0, 1.4, 0, 1.4, 0.8, -0.9, 0.47, 0.8, -0.9, 0.47, ] # Initialize X_bounds X_bounds = [ QAndQDotBounds(biorbd_model[i], all_generalized_mapping=q_mapping[i]) for i in range(nb_phases) ] X_bounds[0].first_node_min = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot X_bounds[0].first_node_max = pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot # Initial guess X_init = [ InitialConditions(pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot), InitialConditions(pose_at_first_node + [0] * nb_qdot), ] # Define control path constraint U_bounds = [ Bounds(min_bound=[torque_min] * tau_m.reduce.len, max_bound=[torque_max] * tau_m.reduce.len) for tau_m in tau_mapping ] U_init = [ InitialConditions([torque_init] * tau_m.reduce.len) for tau_m in tau_mapping ] # ------------- # return OptimalControlProgram( biorbd_model, problem_type, number_shooting_points, phase_time, objective_functions, X_init, U_init, X_bounds, U_bounds, constraints, q_mapping=q_mapping, q_dot_mapping=q_mapping, tau_mapping=tau_mapping, show_online_optim=show_online_optim, )
def generate_data(biorbd_model, final_time, nb_shooting, use_residual_torque=True): # Aliases nb_q = biorbd_model.nbQ() nb_qdot = biorbd_model.nbQdot() nb_tau = biorbd_model.nbGeneralizedTorque() nb_mus = biorbd_model.nbMuscleTotal() nb_markers = biorbd_model.nbMarkers() dt = final_time / nb_shooting if use_residual_torque: nu = nb_tau + nb_mus else: nu = nb_mus # Casadi related stuff symbolic_states = MX.sym("x", nb_q + nb_qdot, 1) symbolic_controls = MX.sym("u", nu, 1) symbolic_parameters = MX.sym("params", 0, 0) markers_func = [] for i in range(nb_markers): markers_func.append( Function( "ForwardKin", [symbolic_states], [biorbd_model.marker(symbolic_states[:nb_q], i).to_mx()], ["q"], ["marker_" + str(i)], ).expand()) nlp = { "model": biorbd_model, "nbMuscle": nb_mus, "q_mapping": BidirectionalMapping(Mapping(range(nb_q)), Mapping(range(nb_q))), "q_dot_mapping": BidirectionalMapping(Mapping(range(nb_qdot)), Mapping(range(nb_qdot))), "parameters_to_optimize": {}, } if use_residual_torque: nlp["nbTau"] = nb_tau nlp["tau_mapping"] = BidirectionalMapping(Mapping(range(nb_tau)), Mapping(range(nb_tau))) dyn_func = DynamicsFunctions.forward_dynamics_torque_muscle_driven else: dyn_func = DynamicsFunctions.forward_dynamics_muscle_activations_driven dynamics_func = Function( "ForwardDyn", [symbolic_states, symbolic_controls, symbolic_parameters], [ dyn_func(symbolic_states, symbolic_controls, symbolic_parameters, nlp) ], ["x", "u", "p"], ["xdot"], ).expand() def dyn_interface(t, x, u): if use_residual_torque: u = np.concatenate([np.zeros(nb_tau), u]) return np.array(dynamics_func(x, u, np.empty((0, 0)))).squeeze() # Generate some muscle activation U = np.random.rand(nb_shooting, nb_mus).T # Integrate and collect the position of the markers accordingly X = np.ndarray((nb_q + nb_qdot, nb_shooting + 1)) markers = np.ndarray((3, biorbd_model.nbMarkers(), nb_shooting + 1)) def add_to_data(i, q): X[:, i] = q for j, mark_func in enumerate(markers_func): markers[:, j, i] = np.array(mark_func(q)).squeeze() x_init = np.array([0] * nb_q + [0] * nb_qdot) add_to_data(0, x_init) for i, u in enumerate(U.T): sol = solve_ivp(dyn_interface, (0, dt), x_init, method="RK45", args=(u, )) x_init = sol["y"][:, -1] add_to_data(i + 1, x_init) time_interp = np.linspace(0, final_time, nb_shooting + 1) return time_interp, markers, X, U