def test_aging(self):
     Test that the animal age increases
     herb = Herbivore(weight=10, age=0)
     carn = Carnivore(weight=10)
     assert herb.age > 0, carn.age > 0
 def test_kill_prey(self):
     Test kill prey. With a high fitness diff the carnivore will always kill the herbivore.
     carn = Carnivore(age=5, weight=30)
     herb_list = [Herbivore(age=100, weight=50) for _ in range(100)]
     mock_sorted_list = [(herb, for herb in herb_list]
     kill_count = 0
     for _ in mock_sorted_list:
         if carn.kill_prey(mock_sorted_list):
             kill_count += 1
     assert kill_count == 100
    def set_animal_parameters(species, params):
        """Set parameters for animal species.

        :param species: String, name of animal species
        :param params: Dict with valid parameter specification for species
        if species == "Herbivore":
        elif species == "Carnivore":
            raise ValueError("species needs to be either Herbivore or Carnivore!")
    def test_sorted_herbivores_and_carnivores(self, highland_cell):
        :method: LandscapeCell.add_animals
        :method: LandscapeCell.sorted_herbivores
        :method: LandscapeCell.sorted_carnivores
        Check that sorting algorithms sort the lists by fitness
        highland_cell.add_animals([Herbivore(weight=50), Herbivore(weight=20)])
        highland_cell.add_animals([Carnivore(weight=25), Carnivore(weight=40)])
        sorted_herbivores = list(
            [herb[0] for herb in highland_cell.sorted_herbivores])
        sorted_carnivores = highland_cell.sorted_carnivores

        assert sorted_herbivores == highland_cell.herbivores[::-1]
        assert sorted_carnivores == highland_cell.carnivores[::-1]
    def procreation(self, cell):
        """Iterates through each animal in the cell and procreates.

        :param cell: Current cell object
        :type cell: object
        new_herbs = []
        new_carns = []
        n_herbs, n_carns = cell.herb_count, cell.carn_count

        for herb in cell.herbivores:  # Herbivores give birth)
            give_birth, birth_weight = herb.give_birth(n_herbs)

            if give_birth:
                new_herbs.append(Herbivore(weight=birth_weight, age=0))

        for carn in cell.carnivores:  # Carnivores give birth
            give_birth, birth_weight = carn.give_birth(n_carns)

            if give_birth:
                new_carns.append(Carnivore(weight=birth_weight, age=0))

        cell.add_animals(new_herbs + new_carns)  # Add new animals to cell

        self._island.count_animals(num_herbs=len(new_herbs), num_carns=len(new_carns))
    def add_population(self, population):
        """Add a population to specific `island` cells by providing a list of dictionaries.

        :param population: List of dictionaries specifying population

            .. code-block:: python

                 example_pop = {
                    'loc': (4,4),
                    'pop': [
                        {'species': 'Herbivore', 'age': 2, 'weight': 60},
                        {'species': 'Herbivore', 'age': 9, 'weight': 30},
                        {'species': 'Herbivore', 'age': 16, 'weight': 14}
        if type(population) == list:
            for loc_dict in population:  # This loop will be replaced with a more elegant iteration
                new_animals = [
                    if animal_dict["species"] == "Herbivore"
                    else Carnivore.from_dict(animal_dict)
                    for animal_dict in loc_dict["pop"]
            raise ValueError(
                f"Pop list needs to be a list of dicts! Was of type " f"{type(population)}."
 def test_constructor(self):
     Animals can be created
     herb = Herbivore(weight=10, age=0)
     carn = Carnivore()
     assert isinstance(herb, Herbivore), isinstance(carn, Carnivore)
    def animals(self):
        create animals of different type, age and weight to use in test of fitness

        animals = [
            Herbivore(age=0, weight=5),
            Herbivore(age=0, weight=1000),
            Herbivore(age=100, weight=5),
            Herbivore(age=100, weight=1000),
            Herbivore(age=0, weight=5),
            Carnivore(age=0, weight=5),
            Carnivore(age=0, weight=1000),
            Carnivore(age=100, weight=5),
            Carnivore(age=100, weight=1000)
        return animals
 def test_weight_gain(self, reset_carnivore_params, reset_herbivore_params,
     Testing weight gain of carnivores. Assuming they have access to more fodder than they
     will eat. Making old heavy herbivores with low fitness. Carnivores should add beta * F
     Assuming fitness diff is larger than DeltaPhiMax such that the carnivore always kills
     the herbivore.
     carn = Carnivore(age=5, weight=40)
     # number of herbivores
     N = 1000
     herb_list = [Herbivore(age=100, weight=200) for _ in range(N)]
     mock_sorted_list = [(herb, for herb in herb_list]
     initial_weight = carn.weight
     _ = carn.kill_prey(mock_sorted_list)
     new_weight = carn.weight
     assert new_weight == initial_weight + carn.p["beta"] * carn.p["F"]
 def test_animal_fitness(self, biosim):
     :property: Island.animal_fitness
     Test that animal fitness property is of correct shape and value
     fixed_herb_fitness = Herbivore(weight=20, age=5).fitness
     fixed_carn_fitness = Carnivore(weight=25, age=4).fitness
     assert biosim._island.animal_fitness == [[
         fixed_herb_fitness, fixed_herb_fitness, fixed_herb_fitness
     ], [fixed_carn_fitness, fixed_carn_fitness]]
 def test_add_remove_animals(self, highland_cell):
     :method: LandscapeCell.add_animals
     :method: LandscapeCell.remove_animals
     :property: LandscapeCell.animal_count
     Test that animals can be added and removed correctly
     animals = [Herbivore(), Carnivore(), Herbivore()]
     highland_cell.remove_animals([animals[0], animals[1]])
     assert highland_cell.herb_count == 1
 def test_reset_animals(self, highland_cell):
     :method: LandscapeCell.add_animal
     :method: LandscapeCell.reset_animals
     :property: LandscapeCell.carnivores
     :property: LandscapeCell.has_moved
     Test that has_moved property is correctly set and reset
     highland_cell.add_animals([Carnivore(), Herbivore()])
     if highland_cell.carnivores[0].has_moved:
     assert not highland_cell.carnivores[0].has_moved
 def test_lose_weight(self, reset_herbivore_params, reset_carnivore_params):
     Test that animals lose weight
     herb, carn = Herbivore(weight=20), Carnivore(weight=20)
     # Decreasing parameters
     herb.p['eta'] = 0.1
     carn.p['eta'] = 0.2
     herb_initial_weight, carn_initial_weight = herb.weight, carn.weight
     herb.lose_weight(), carn.lose_weight()
     # New weight of animal must be less than before
     assert herb.weight < herb_initial_weight
     assert carn.weight < carn_initial_weight
 def carnivore(self):
     return Carnivore()
 def test_constructor(self):
     Test carnivores can be constructed
     carn = Carnivore()
     assert isinstance(carn, Carnivore)
 def test_parameters(self, reset_herbivore_params, reset_carnivore_params):
     Test parameters of herbs and carns
     herb, carn = Herbivore(), Carnivore()
     assert herb.p != carn.p
def reset_carnivore_params():
    Set parameters of carnivores back to defaults
    yield Carnivore.set_params(Carnivore.p)