Exemple #1
def phi_iter(atoms):
    """ Iterate over all phi angles in a protein. """
    res_iter1 = struct.residue_iter(atoms)
    res_iter2 = struct.residue_iter(atoms)
    yield None  # No phi for first AS
    for res, prev_res in zip(res_iter1, res_iter2):
        yield prev_res[..., prev_res.atom_name == "C"] \
            + res[..., struct.filter_backbone(res)]
Exemple #2
def psi_iter(atoms):
    """ Iterate over all psi angles in a protein. """
    res_iter1 = struct.residue_iter(atoms)
    res_iter2 = struct.residue_iter(atoms)
    for res, next_res in zip(res_iter1, res_iter2):
        yield res[..., struct.filter_backbone(res)] \
            + next_res[..., next_res.atom_name == "N"]
    yield None  # No psi for last AS
Exemple #3
def test_standardize_order(multi_model, seed):
    original = load_structure(join(data_dir("structure"), "1l2y.mmtf"))
    if not multi_model:
        original = original[0]
    # The box is not preserved when concatenating atom arrays later
    # This would complicate the atom array equality later
    original.box = None

    # Randomly reorder the atoms in each residue
    if multi_model:
        reordered = struc.AtomArrayStack(original.stack_depth(), 0)
        reordered = struc.AtomArray(0)
    for residue in struc.residue_iter(original):
        bound = residue.array_length()
        indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(bound), bound, replace=False)
        reordered += residue[..., indices]

    # Restore the original PDB standard order
    restored = reordered[..., strucinfo.standardize_order(reordered)]

    assert restored.shape == original.shape
    assert restored[..., restored.element != "H"] \
        == original[..., original.element != "H"]
Exemple #4
def test_residue_iter(array):
    centroid = [
        struc.centroid(res).tolist() for res in struc.residue_iter(array)
    ref_centroid = struc.apply_residue_wise(array,
    assert centroid == ref_centroid.tolist()
Exemple #5
def plot_rna(pdb_id, axes):
    # Download the PDB file and read the structure
    pdb_file_path = rcsb.fetch(pdb_id, "pdb", gettempdir())
    pdb_file = pdb.PDBFile.read(pdb_file_path)
    atom_array = pdb.get_structure(pdb_file)[0]
    nucleotides = atom_array[struc.filter_nucleotides(atom_array)]

    # Compute the base pairs and their pseudoknot order
    base_pairs = struc.base_pairs(nucleotides)
    base_pairs = struc.get_residue_positions(
        nucleotides, base_pairs.flatten()
    pseudoknot_order = struc.pseudoknots(base_pairs)[0]

    # Set the linestyle according to the pseudoknot order
    linestyles = np.full(base_pairs.shape[0], '-', dtype=object)
    linestyles[pseudoknot_order == 1] = '--'
    linestyles[pseudoknot_order == 2] = ':'

    # Indicate canonical nucleotides with an upper case one-letter-code
    # and non-canonical nucleotides with a lower case one-letter-code
    base_labels = []
    for base in struc.residue_iter(nucleotides):
        one_letter_code, exact = struc.map_nucleotide(base)
        if exact:

    # Color canonical Watson-Crick base pairs with a darker orange and
    # non-canonical base pairs with a lighter orange
    colors = np.full(base_pairs.shape[0], biotite.colors['brightorange'])
    for i, (base1, base2) in enumerate(base_pairs):
        name1 = base_labels[base1]
        name2 = base_labels[base2]
        if sorted([name1, name2]) in [["A", "U"], ["C", "G"]]:
            colors[i] = biotite.colors["dimorange"]

    # Plot the secondary structure
        axes, base_labels, base_pairs, struc.get_residue_count(nucleotides),
        pseudoknot_order=pseudoknot_order, bond_linestyle=linestyles,
        # Margin to compensate for reduced axis limits in shared axis

    # Use the PDB ID to label each plot
    axes.set_title(pdb_id, loc="left")
def test_base_pairs_reverse_no_hydrogen(nuc_sample_array, basepairs):
    Remove the hydrogens from the sample structure. Then reverse the 
    order of residues in the atom_array and then test the function 
    nuc_sample_array = nuc_sample_array[nuc_sample_array.element != "H"]
    # Reverse sequence of residues in nuc_sample_array
    reversed_nuc_sample_array = struc.AtomArray(0)
    for residue in reversed_iterator(struc.residue_iter(nuc_sample_array)):
        reversed_nuc_sample_array = reversed_nuc_sample_array + residue

    computed_basepairs = base_pairs(reversed_nuc_sample_array)
def test_base_pairs_reverse(nuc_sample_array, basepairs, unique_bool):
    Reverse the order of residues in the atom_array and then test the
    function base_pairs.

    # Reverse sequence of residues in nuc_sample_array
    reversed_nuc_sample_array = struc.AtomArray(0)
    for residue in reversed_iterator(struc.residue_iter(nuc_sample_array)):
        reversed_nuc_sample_array = reversed_nuc_sample_array + residue

    computed_basepairs = base_pairs(reversed_nuc_sample_array,
Exemple #8
def test_base_pairs_reordered(nuc_sample_array, seed):
    Test the function base_pairs with structure where the atoms are not
    in the RCSB-Order.
    # Randomly reorder the atoms in each residue
    nuc_sample_array_reordered = struc.AtomArray(0)

    for residue in struc.residue_iter(nuc_sample_array):
        bound = residue.array_length()
        indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(bound), bound, replace=False)
        nuc_sample_array_reordered += residue[..., indices]

    assert (np.all(
        struc.base_pairs(nuc_sample_array) == struc.base_pairs(
Exemple #9
def test_mass():
    Test whether the mass of a residue is the same as the sum of the
    masses of its contained atoms.
    array = load_structure(join(data_dir, "1l2y.mmtf"))[0]
    _, res_names = struc.get_residues(array)
    water_mass = strucinfo.mass("H") * 2 + strucinfo.mass("O")
    # Mass of water must be subtracted
    masses = [strucinfo.mass(res_name) - water_mass for res_name in res_names]
    # C-terminus normally has additional oxygen atom
    masses[-1] += strucinfo.mass("O")
    ref_masses = [strucinfo.mass(res) for res in struc.residue_iter(array)]
    # Up to three additional/missing hydrogens are allowed
    # (protonation state)
    mass_diff = np.abs(
            [mass - ref_mass for mass, ref_mass in zip(masses, ref_masses)]))
    assert (mass_diff // strucinfo.mass("H") <= 3).all()
    assert np.allclose((mass_diff % strucinfo.mass("H")), 0, atol=5e-3)
Exemple #10
# Download the PDB file and read the structure
pdb_file_path = rcsb.fetch("6ZYB", "pdb", gettempdir())
pdb_file = pdb.PDBFile.read(pdb_file_path)
atom_array = pdb.get_structure(pdb_file)[0]
nucleotides = atom_array[struc.filter_nucleotides(atom_array)]

# Compute the base pairs and the Leontis-Westhof nomenclature
base_pairs = struc.base_pairs(nucleotides)
glycosidic_bonds = struc.base_pairs_glycosidic_bond(nucleotides, base_pairs)
edges = struc.base_pairs_edge(nucleotides, base_pairs)
base_pairs = struc.get_residue_positions(
    nucleotides, base_pairs.flatten()).reshape(base_pairs.shape)

# Get the one-letter-codes of the bases
base_labels = []
for base in struc.residue_iter(nucleotides):

# Color canonical Watson-Crick base pairs with a darker orange and
# non-canonical base pairs with a lighter orange
colors = np.full(base_pairs.shape[0], biotite.colors['brightorange'])
for i, (base1, base2) in enumerate(base_pairs):
    name1 = base_labels[base1]
    name2 = base_labels[base2]
    if sorted([name1, name2]) in [["A", "U"], ["C", "G"]]:
        colors[i] = biotite.colors["dimorange"]

# Use the base labels to indicate the Leontis-Westhof nomenclature
for bases, edge_types, orientation in zip(base_pairs, edges, glycosidic_bonds):
    for base, edge in zip(bases, edge_types):
        if orientation == 1: