Exemple #1
    def test_tools_clw_transaction_with_script(self):
        cmd_wlt_create = '%s %s test2 --passphrase "emotion camp sponsor curious bacon squeeze bean world ' \
                         'actual chicken obscure spray" -r -n bitcoinlib_test -d %s' % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        cmd_wlt_update = "%s %s test2 -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        cmd_wlt_transaction = "%s %s test2 -d %s -t 21HVXMEdxdgjNzgfERhPwX4okXZ8WijHkvu 50000000 -f 100000 -p" % \
                              (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        cmd_wlt_delete = "%s %s test2 --wallet-remove -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        output_wlt_create = "21GPfxeCbBunsVev4uS6exPhqE8brPs1ZDF"
        output_wlt_transaction = 'Transaction pushed to network'
        output_wlt_delete = "Wallet test2 has been removed"

        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_create, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'y')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(poutput[0]))

        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_update, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)

        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_transaction, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate()
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_transaction, normalize_string(poutput[0]))

        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_delete, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'test2')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_delete, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
Exemple #2
    def test_tools_clw_create_wallet(self):
        cmd_wlt_create = "echo y | %s %s test --passphrase 'emotion camp sponsor curious bacon squeeze bean world " \
                         "actual chicken obscure spray' -r -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, DATABASEFILE_UNITTESTS)
        cmd_wlt_delete = "echo test | %s %s test --wallet-remove -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, DATABASEFILE_UNITTESTS)
        output_wlt_create = "Receive address(es):\n14guS7uQpEbgf1e8TDo1zTEURJW3NGPc9E"
        output_wlt_delete = "Wallet test has been removed"

        self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(check_output(cmd_wlt_create, shell=True)))
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_delete, normalize_string(check_output(cmd_wlt_delete, shell=True)))
Exemple #3
    def test_tools_clw_create_litecoin_segwit_wallet(self):
        cmd_wlt_create = '%s %s ltcsw --passphrase "lounge chief tip frog camera build trouble write end ' \
                         'sword order share" -r -d %s -y segwit -n litecoin' % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        cmd_wlt_delete = "%s %s ltcsw --wallet-remove -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        output_wlt_create = "ltc1qgc7c2z56rr4lftg0fr8tgh2vknqc3yuydedu6m"
        output_wlt_delete = "Wallet ltcsw has been removed"

        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_create, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'y')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_delete, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'ltcsw')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_delete, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
Exemple #4
    def test_tools_clw_create_wallet(self):
        cmd_wlt_create = '%s %s test --passphrase "emotion camp sponsor curious bacon squeeze bean world ' \
                         'actual chicken obscure spray" -r -d %s' % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        cmd_wlt_delete = "%s %s test --wallet-remove -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        output_wlt_create = "14guS7uQpEbgf1e8TDo1zTEURJW3NGPc9E"
        output_wlt_delete = "Wallet test has been removed"

        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_create, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'y')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_delete, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'test')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_delete, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
Exemple #5
 def test_tools_clw_create_multisig_wallet_error(self):
     cmd_wlt_create = "%s %s testms2 -m 2 a -d %s" % \
                      (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
     output_wlt_create = "Number of signatures required (second argument) must be a numeric value"
     process = Popen(cmd_wlt_create, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
     poutput = process.communicate(input=b'y')
     self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
Exemple #6
    def detect_language(words):
        Detect language of given phrase

        >>> Mnemonic().detect_language('chunk gun celery million wood kite tackle twenty story episode raccoon dutch')
        :param words: List of space separated words
        :type words: str
        :return str: Language 
        words = normalize_string(words)
        if isinstance(words, TYPE_TEXT):
            words = words.split(' ')

        wlcount = {}
        for fn in os.listdir(BCL_WORDLIST_DIR):
            if fn.endswith(".txt"):
                with open(os.path.join(BCL_WORDLIST_DIR, fn)) as f:
                    wordlist = [w.strip() for w in f.readlines()]
                    language = fn.split('.')[0]
                    wlcount[language] = 0
                    for word in words:
                        if sys.version < '3':
                            word = word.encode('utf-8')
                        if word in wordlist:
                            wlcount[language] += 1
        detlang = max(wlcount.keys(), key=(lambda key: wlcount[key]))
        if not wlcount[detlang]:
            raise Warning("Could not detect language of Mnemonic sentence %s" %
        return detlang
Exemple #7
    def to_mnemonic(self, data, add_checksum=True, check_on_curve=True):
        Convert key data entropy to Mnemonic sentence

        >>> Mnemonic().to_mnemonic('28acfc94465fd2f6774759d6897ec122')
        'chunk gun celery million wood kite tackle twenty story episode raccoon dutch'

        :param data: Key data entropy
        :type data: bytes, hexstring
        :param add_checksum: Included a checksum? Default is True
        :type add_checksum: bool
        :param check_on_curve: Check if data integer value is on secp256k1 curve. Should be enabled when not testing and working with crypto
        :type check_on_curve: bool
        :return str: Mnemonic passphrase consisting of a space seperated list of words
        data = to_bytes(data)
        data_int = change_base(data, 256, 10)
        if check_on_curve and not 0 < data_int < secp256k1_n:
            raise ValueError(
                "Integer value of data should be in secp256k1 domain between 1 and secp256k1_n-1"
        if add_checksum:
            binresult = change_base(data_int, 10, 2,
                                    len(data) * 8) + self.checksum(data)
            wi = change_base(binresult, 2, 2048)
            wi = change_base(data_int, 10, 2048,
                             len(data) // 1.375 + len(data) % 1.375 > 0)
        return normalize_string(' '.join([self._wordlist[i] for i in wi]))
Exemple #8
    def detect_language(words):
        Detect language of given phrase
        :param words: List of space seperated words
        :type words: str
        :return str: Language 
        words = normalize_string(words)
        if isinstance(words, (str, unicode if sys.version < '3' else bytes)):
            words = words.split(' ')

        wlcount = {}
        for fn in os.listdir(WORDLIST_DIR):
            if fn.endswith(".txt"):
                with open('%s/%s' % (WORDLIST_DIR, fn), 'r') as f:
                    wordlist = [w.strip() for w in f.readlines()]
                    language = fn.split('.')[0]
                    wlcount[language] = 0
                    for word in words:
                        if sys.version < '3':
                            word = word.encode('utf-8')
                        if word in wordlist:
                            wlcount[language] += 1
        detlang = max(wlcount.keys(), key=(lambda key: wlcount[key]))
        if not wlcount[detlang]:
            raise Warning("Could not detect language of Mnemonic sentence %s" %
        return detlang
Exemple #9
    def sanitize_mnemonic(self, words):
        Check and convert list of words to utf-8 encoding.

        Raises an error if unrecognised word is found

        :param words: List of space separated words
        :type words: str

        :return str: Sanitized list of words
        words = normalize_string(words)
        language = self.detect_language(words)
        if isinstance(words, TYPE_TEXT):
            words = words.split(' ')
        # TODO: Path(BCL_INSTALL_DIR, 'wordlist', '%s.txt' % language).open() as f:
        with open(
                os.path.join(str(BCL_INSTALL_DIR), 'wordlist',
                             '%s.txt' % language)) as f:
            wordlist = [w.strip() for w in f.readlines()]
            for word in words:
                if sys.version < '3':
                    word = word.encode('utf-8')
                if word not in wordlist:
                    raise Warning("Unrecognised word %s in mnemonic sentence" %
        return ' '.join(words)
Exemple #10
 def to_mnemonic(self, data, add_checksum=True, check_on_curve=True):
     Convert key data entropy to Mnemonic sentence
     :param data: Key data entropy
     :type data: bytes, hexstring
     :param add_checksum: Included a checksum? Default is True
     :type add_checksum: bool
     :param check_on_curve: Check if data integer value is on secp256k1 curve. Should be enabled when not testing and working with crypto
     :type check_on_curve: bool
     :return str: Mnemonic passphrase consisting of a space seperated list of words
     data = to_bytes(data)
     data_int = change_base(data, 256, 10)
     if check_on_curve and not 0 < data_int < secp256k1_n:
         raise ValueError(
             "Integer value of data should be in secp256k1 domain between 1 and secp256k1_n-1"
     if add_checksum:
         binresult = change_base(data_int, 10, 2,
                                 len(data) * 8) + self.checksum(data)
         wi = change_base(binresult, 2, 2048)
         wi = change_base(data_int, 10, 2048)
     return normalize_string(' '.join([self._wordlist[i] for i in wi]))
Exemple #11
    def test_tools_clw_create_multisig_wallet(self):
        key_list = [
        cmd_wlt_create = "echo y | %s %s testms -m 2 %s -r -n testnet -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, ' '.join(key_list), DATABASEFILE_UNITTESTS)
        cmd_wlt_delete = "echo testms | %s %s testms --wallet-remove -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, DATABASEFILE_UNITTESTS)
        output_wlt_create = "Receive address(es):\n2N7QSKcsmWPP9anG7cdZvzBUbgTVrAK2MZ9"
        output_wlt_delete = "Wallet testms has been removed"

        self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(check_output(cmd_wlt_create, shell=True)))
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_delete, normalize_string(check_output(cmd_wlt_delete, shell=True)))
Exemple #12
    def test_tools_clw_create_multisig_wallet_one_key(self):
        key_list = [
        cmd_wlt_create = "%s %s testms1 -m 2 2 %s -r -n testnet -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, ' '.join(key_list), self.DATABASE_URI)
        cmd_wlt_delete = "%s %s testms1 --wallet-remove -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        output_wlt_create = "if you understood and wrote down your key: Receive address(es):"
        output_wlt_delete = "Wallet testms1 has been removed"

        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_create, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'y\nyes')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_delete, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'testms1')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_delete, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
Exemple #13
    def test_tools_clw_transaction(self):
        cmd_wlt_create = "echo y | %s %s test2 --passphrase 'emotion camp sponsor curious bacon squeeze bean world " \
                         "actual chicken obscure spray' -r -n bitcoinlib_test -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, DATABASEFILE_UNITTESTS)
        cmd_wlt_update = "%s %s test2 -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, DATABASEFILE_UNITTESTS)
        cmd_wlt_transaction = "%s %s test2 -d %s -t 21HVXMEdxdgjNzgfERhPwX4okXZ8WijHkvu 50000000 -f 100000 -p" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, DATABASEFILE_UNITTESTS)
        cmd_wlt_delete = "echo test2 | %s %s test2 --wallet-remove -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, DATABASEFILE_UNITTESTS)
        output_wlt_create = "Receive address(es):\n21GPfxeCbBunsVev4uS6exPhqE8brPs1ZDF"
        output_wlt_transaction = b'Transaction pushed to network'
        output_wlt_delete = "Wallet test2 has been removed"

        self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(check_output(cmd_wlt_create, shell=True)))
        print(check_output(cmd_wlt_update, shell=True))
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_transaction, check_output(cmd_wlt_transaction, shell=True))
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_delete, normalize_string(check_output(cmd_wlt_delete, shell=True)))
Exemple #14
    def test_tools_clw_create_multisig_wallet(self):
        key_list = [
        cmd_wlt_create = "%s %s testms -m 2 2 %s -r -n testnet -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, ' '.join(key_list), self.DATABASE_URI)
        cmd_wlt_delete = "%s %s testms --wallet-remove -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        output_wlt_create = "2NBrLTapyFqU4Wo29xG4QeEt8kn38KVWRR"
        output_wlt_delete = "Wallet testms has been removed"

        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_create, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'y')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_delete, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'testms')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_delete, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
    def test_tools_clw_create_multisig_wallet_p2sh_segwit(self):
        key_list = [
        cmd_wlt_create = "%s %s testms-p2sh-segwit -m 3 2 %s -r -y p2sh-segwit -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, ' '.join(key_list), self.DATABASE_URI)
        cmd_wlt_delete = "%s %s testms-p2sh-segwit --wallet-remove -d %s" % \
                         (self.python_executable, self.clw_executable, self.DATABASE_URI)
        output_wlt_create = "3MtNi5U2cjs3EcPizzjarSz87pU9DTANge"
        output_wlt_delete = "Wallet testms-p2sh-segwit has been removed"

        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_create, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'y')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_create, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
        process = Popen(cmd_wlt_delete, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
        poutput = process.communicate(input=b'testms-p2sh-segwit')
        self.assertIn(output_wlt_delete, normalize_string(poutput[0]))
Exemple #16
 def to_mnemonic(self, data, add_checksum=True):
     Convert key data entropy to Mnemonic sentence
     :param data: Key data entropy
     :type data: bytes, hexstring
     :param add_checksum: Included a checksum? Default is True
     :type add_checksum: bool
     :return str: Mnemonic passphrase consisting of a space seperated list of words
     data = to_bytes(data)
     if add_checksum:
         binresult = change_base(data, 256, 2, len(data) * 8) + self.checksum(data)
         wi = change_base(binresult, 2, 2048)
         wi = change_base(data, 256, 2048)
     return normalize_string(' '.join([self._wordlist[i] for i in wi]))
Exemple #17
    def to_seed(self, words, passphrase=''):
        Use Mnemonic words and passphrase to create a PBKDF2 seed (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2)
        First use 'sanitize_mnemonic' to determine language and validate and check words

        :param words: Mnemonic passphrase as string with space seperated words
        :type words: str
        :param passphrase: A password to protect key, leave empty to disable
        :type passphrase: str
        :return bytes: PBKDF2 seed
        words = self.sanitize_mnemonic(words)
        mnemonic = normalize_string(words)
        passphrase = passphrase.encode()
        return PBKDF2(mnemonic,
                      b'mnemonic' + passphrase,
Exemple #18
 def sanitize_mnemonic(self, words):
     Check and convert list of words to utf-8 encoding.
     Raises an error if unrecognised word is found
     :param words: List of space seperated words
     :type words: str
     :return str: Sanitized list of words
     words = normalize_string(words)
     language = self.detect_language(words)
     if isinstance(words, (str, unicode if sys.version < '3' else bytes)):
         words = words.split(' ')
     with open('%s/%s.txt' % (WORDLIST_DIR, language), 'r') as f:
         wordlist = [w.strip() for w in f.readlines()]
         for word in words:
             if sys.version < '3':
                 word = word.encode('utf-8')
             if word not in wordlist:
                 raise Warning("Unrecognised word %s in mnemonic sentence" % word.encode('utf8'))
     return ' '.join(words)
Exemple #19
print("\n=== Convert DER encoded signature ===")

print("\n=== Varbyte Int conversions ===")
print("Number 1000 as Varbyte Integer (hexstring): %s" % to_hexstring(int_to_varbyteint(1000)))
print("Converted back (3 is size in bytes: 1 size byte + integer in bytes): ", varbyteint_to_int(to_bytes('fde803')))

# Normalize data
print("\n=== Normalizations ===")
data = [
    u"guion cruz envío papel otoño percha hazaña salir joya gorra íntimo actriz",
    "あじわう ちしき たわむれる おくさま しゃそう うんこう ひてい みほん たいほ てのひら りこう わかれる かいすいよく こもん ねもと",

for dt in data:
    print("\nInput data", dt)
    print("Normalized unicode string (normalize_string): ", normalize_string(dt))
    print("Normalized variable (normalize_var): ", normalize_var(dt))

# Convert Bech32 address to Public key hash
pkh = "0014751e76e8199196d454941c45d1b3a323f1433bd6"
pkh_converted = addr_bech32_to_pubkeyhash(address, prefix='bc', include_witver=True, as_hex=True)
print(pkh, " == ", pkh_converted)
addr = pubkeyhash_to_addr_bech32(pkh_converted, address[:2].lower())