j = 0
	for txin in txins:
		signature = from_privkey.sign_input( tx, j, redeem_script )
		txin.script_sig = Script( [signature, from_pubkey.to_hex(), redeem_script.to_hex()] )
		j += 1

#  9) display the raw signed transaction

	if i:
		print( "raw signed transaction:\n" + tx.serialize() )

	fee = int(tx.get_size() * satoshi_per_byte)

# 10) display the transaction id

print( "   transaction id: " + tx.get_txid() )

# 11) verify that the transaction is valid and will be accepted by the Bitcoin nodes 

isvalid = proxy.testmempoolaccept( [tx.serialize()] )[0]['allowed']
print( "transaction valid: " + str(isvalid) )
amount = Decimal(btc_to_send) - Decimal(fee)
print("Amount:", amount)

txout = TxOutput(amount, to_address.to_script_pub_key())

# 15. Create the transaction using the input and output.
tx = Transaction([txin], [txout])

# 16. Sign the input.
sig = priv.sign_input(tx, 0, redeem_script)

# 17. Create the signature.
txin.script_sig = Script([sig, pub.to_hex(), redeem_script.to_hex()])

signed_tx = tx.serialize()
print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())

# 18. Print the raw transaction.


# 19. Submit the transaction to the blockchain. What happens?

def main():

    #Connect to the regtest network
    proxy = NodeProxy('user', 'bitcoin').get_proxy()

    #Accept absolute future block amount User
    current_blocks = proxy.getblockcount()
    absolute_blocks = int(
            f'\nPlease input the future block height. The current block height is: {current_blocks}.\nIt must match the one in the redeem script from which the P2SH address (with the locked funds) was derived\n'

    #Accept the Private Key from User
    sk = PrivateKey(
            '\nPlease enter your Private Key (used to create the address from which the P2SH Address was derived)\n'

    #Accept the P2SH Address with the funds
    p2sh_addr = input(
        '\nPlease enter the P2SH address which has the locked funds\n')

    #Import the address into the wallet
        f'\nThe P2SH address {p2sh_addr} has been imported into the wallet.\n')

    #Get all UTXOs for this address
    all_utxos = proxy.listunspent(1, 9999999, [f'{p2sh_addr}'])
    print(f'\nAll the UTXO Objects for this address are:\n{all_utxos}\n')

    #Calculate total funds available. Aggregate all UTXO amounts.
    def totalFunds():
        total = Decimal(0)
        for utxo in all_utxos:
            total += Decimal(utxo["amount"])
        return total

    total_funds = totalFunds()
    print("Total funds available: ", total_funds)

    #Instantiate the timelock sequence
    seq = Sequence(TYPE_ABSOLUTE_TIMELOCK, absolute_blocks)

    #Create an array of inputs from these UTXOs
    def getInputs():
        inputs = []
        count = 0
        for utxo in all_utxos:
            #create inputs and append them into an array
            #First, create an input
            utxo = all_utxos[count]
            txin = TxInput(utxo["txid"],
            #then, append it to the array
        return inputs

    inputs = getInputs()

    print(f'The inputs created from these outputs are:\n {inputs}')

    #Use User's Secret Key (Accepted above) to recreate the Public Key
    pk = sk.get_public_key()

    #We recreate the P2PKH Addr to recreate the other half of the redeemScript
    p2pkh_addr = pk.get_address()

    #We recreate the redeem script
    redeem_script = Script([
        absolute_blocks, 'OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY', 'OP_DROP', 'OP_DUP',
        p2pkh_addr.to_hash160(), 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG'

    #Confirm that the P2SH address is the same one to which funds were sent by receating the P2SH from this redeem script
    addr = P2shAddress.from_script(redeem_script).to_string()
        f'\nCheck if this is the address with the locked funds:\n{addr} vs what you input above {p2sh_addr}'

    #Accept the receiving P2PKH from User
    destination_addr = P2pkhAddress(
            '\nPlease enter the address you want to send the locked funds to:\n'

    #Calculate txn size to estimate fee from inputs only so we subtract it from funds
    tx_test = Transaction(inputs, [],
    tx_size = tx_test.get_size()
    # 0.0001 is an appropriate fee per byte so we use that
    est_tx_fee = tx_size / 1000 * 0.0001

    #Create a txout transferring total locked funds (minus estimated fees).
    txout = TxOutput(to_satoshis(total_funds - Decimal(est_tx_fee)),

    #Create Txn. Passing in the inputs, output, and the future absolute lock time
    tx = Transaction(inputs, [txout],

    #Print the newly created txn
    print(f'\nThe raw unsigned txn is: {tx.serialize()}\n')

    #Calulate the Appropriate Transaction Fee According to Txn Size.
    #First, get the fee estimate from network. Useful only for mainnet and testnet.
    def getFee():
        fee = proxy.estimatesmartfee(5, "ECONOMICAL")
        if fee["errors"]:
                'Network data not enough to calculate fee. Setting default fee: 0.0001 BTC'
            return 0.0001
            return fee["feerate"]

#Then, calculate the size of our Txn and then multiply it by the per-byte fee

    est_fee = getFee()  #per byte
    tx_size = tx.get_size()
    print(f'\nThe transaction size is:\n{tx_size} bytes')
    tx_fee = tx_size / 1000 * est_fee
    print(f'\nThe recommended fee for this transaction is:\n{tx_fee}')

    #Need to sign all inputs
    def signInputs():
        input_index = 0
        for input in inputs:
            #Use the Secret Key corresponding to the P2SH to create the signature for the txn/ sign all inputs
            #Redeem script is passed to replace the scriptSig
            inputSig = sk.sign_input(tx, input_index, redeem_script)
            input.script_sig = Script(
                [inputSig, pk.to_hex(),


    signed_tx = tx.serialize()

    #Print the signed raw txn, ready to be checked for validity
    print(f"\nRaw signed transaction:\n{signed_tx}")
        f"\nTransaction ready to be broadcast. Transaction Id: {tx.get_txid()}"

    #Test for validity
    isValid = proxy.testmempoolaccept([f'{signed_tx}'])
    print(f'\nTransaction validity check result:\n{isValid}')

    #Broadcast txn
    #needs signed_tx
    if isValid[0]["allowed"]:
        if input('\nSend transaction to network? Y / N: ') == 'Y':
            sent_tx_id = proxy.sendrawtransaction(f'{signed_tx}')
                f'\n***The transaction with id {sent_tx_id} has been sent to the network***'
                f'\nUser decided not to send the funds and exited the program.'
        reason = isValid[0]["reject-reason"]
        print(f'\nThe signed raw transaction is invalid. Reason: {reason}')