def __init__(self) -> None:"Initializing bot as: {subprocess.check_output('id', text=True).rstrip()}") # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg instance = config.INSTANCE self._active = True self._outgoing_msg_lock = threading.Lock() # Used for rate limiting across multiple channels. self._db = Database() self._url_shortener = bitlyshortener.Shortener( tokens=[token.strip() for token in os.environ["BITLY_TOKENS"].strip().split(",")], max_cache_size=config.CACHE_MAXSIZE__BITLY_SHORTENER ) self._publishers = [getattr(getattr(publishers, p), "Publisher")() for p in dir(publishers) if ((not p.startswith("_")) and (p in (instance.get("publish") or {})))] self._searchers = {s: getattr(getattr(searchers, s), "Searcher")() for s in dir(searchers) if ((not s.startswith("_")) and (s in (instance.get("publish") or {})))} # Setup miniirc log.debug("Initializing IRC client.") config.runtime.nick_casefold = instance["nick"].casefold() # Prevents AttributeError if RPL_LOGGEDIN (900) is not sent by server, but is not always an accurate value. config.runtime.channel_topics = {} self._irc = miniirc.IRC( ip=instance["host"], port=instance["ssl_port"], nick=instance["nick"], channels=instance["feeds"], ssl=True, if instance.get("log", {}).get("irc") else False, ns_identity=(instance["nick"], os.environ["IRC_PASSWORD"]), connect_modes=instance.get("mode"), quit_message="", ping_interval=30, )"Initialized IRC client.") self._setup_alerter() self._setup_channels() self._log_config() threading.Thread(target=self._search, name="Searcher").start() self._exit() # Blocks.
def __init__(self) -> None:'Initializing bot as: %s', subprocess.check_output('id', text=True).rstrip()) instance = config.INSTANCE self._outgoing_msg_lock = threading.Lock( ) # Used for rate limiting across multiple channels. self._db = Database() self._url_shortener = bitlyshortener.Shortener( tokens=[ token.strip() for token in os.environ['BITLY_TOKENS'].strip().split(',') ], max_cache_size=config.BITLY_SHORTENER_MAX_CACHE_SIZE) # Setup miniirc log.debug('Initializing IRC client.') self._irc = miniirc.IRC( ip=instance['host'], port=instance['ssl_port'], nick=instance['nick'], channels=instance['feeds'], ssl=True, debug=False, ns_identity=(instance['nick'], os.environ['IRC_PASSWORD']), connect_modes=instance.get('mode'), quit_message='', ping_interval=30, ) config.runtime.alert = lambda *args: _alert(self._irc, *args)'Initialized IRC client.') self._setup_channels() self._log_config()
async def google(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = "", *args): try: mention = member.mention except: mention = "" url = str("" + '+'.join(args) + "&iie=1") if BITLY_API: shortener = bitlyshortener.Shortener(tokens=[BITLY_API], max_cache_size=256) short_url = shortener.shorten_urls([url]) await ctx.send(mention + " " + short_url[0]) else: await ctx.send(mention + " " + url) await ctx.message.delete()
class ShourURL(Cog_Extension): with open('setting.json', 'r', encoding='utf8') as jfile: jdata = json.load(jfile) GUILD_ID = jdata['guild_id'] tokens_pool = ['1182b14ca4b313491d3643c897a868e7877d87ca'] shortener = bitlyshortener.Shortener(tokens=tokens_pool, max_cache_size=256) @cog_ext.cog_slash(name="shorturl", description="Generate short url through bitlyapi.", options=[ create_option(name="url", description="LongURL", option_type=3, required=True) ], guild_ids=GUILD_ID) async def _shorturl(self, ctx, url: str): long_urls = [url] try: await ctx.send(self.shortener.shorten_urls(long_urls)[0]) except: await ctx.send("Fail") @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, msg): if != pattern = r"((http|https)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\?\:@\-_=#]+\.([a-zA-Z]){2,6}([a-zA-Z0-9\.\&\/\?\:@\-_=#])*" longurl = re.match(pattern, msg.content) if longurl != None and self.shortener.usage() < 0.7: try: # await if len( > 150 and len(msg.content) == len( await self.shortener.shorten_urls([])[0]) await msg.delete() except Exception as e: print(e)
import requests import sys import bitlyshortener from config import * if len(sys.argv) > 1: tokens_pool = [SHORTENER_API_BIT] shortener = bitlyshortener.Shortener(tokens=tokens_pool, max_cache_size=256) listUrl = [sys.argv[1]] GenUrl = shortener.shorten_urls(listUrl) if GenUrl: for GetUrl in GenUrl: print(GetUrl)
import random import psycopg2 import requests import telebot import config import re import bitlyshortener # Setup short_maker_url shortener = bitlyshortener.Shortener(tokens=config.shortcut_token, max_cache_size=256) # Setup telegram bot bot = telebot.TeleBot(config.telegram_TOKEN) @bot.message_handler(commands=['start']) def telegram_welcome(message): bot.send_message(, "Добро пожаловать, {0.first_name}!\nЯ - <b>{1.first_name}</b>\nНапишите мне то, что вы ищете." .format(message.from_user, bot.get_me()), parse_mode='html') @bot.message_handler(content_types=['text']) def send_to_telegram(message): """ Telegram_bot_logic """ correct_posts = take_posts_from_vk(message) # get posts from try: # for get random post from 'correct_posts'
from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # get the environment values from the .env file api_key = os.getenv('api_key') username = os.getenv('username') mobile_number = os.getenv('mobile_number') # Initialize the Africas talking client using username and api_key at.initialize(username, api_key) # create a variable to reference the SMS client sms = at.SMS # Get the token(s) and create a shortener variable token = os.getenv('bitly_token') # create a variable to takes the token and returns a shortener object shortener = bts.Shortener(tokens=[token], max_cache_size=256) # create variables to hold urls to be scraped business_daily = "" standard_daily = "" # create an empty list to hold the headlines and urls message = [] # Create a function to scrape the top 3 headlines from news sources def top_news(url): # get top articles on standard standard news_source = top_articles = [] for index in range(3):