Exemple #1
def ttypager(text):
    """Page through text on a text terminal."""
    lines = string.split(plain(text), '\n')
    if redirect.state != redirect.NOLOG_STATE:
        with redirect.logonly():
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines, '\n') + '\n')
        if redirect.state == redirect.LOGONLY_STATE:
    with pager.nopager():
        with redirect.nolog():
            height = min(bits.get_width_height(term)[1] for term in range(bits.get_term_count()))
            r = inc = height - 1
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[:inc], '\n') + '\n')
            while True:
                if lines[r:]:
                    prompt = '-- any key to advance; PgUp to page up; q to quit --'
                    prompt = '-- END; PgUp to page up; q to quit --'
                prompt_len = len(prompt)
                c = bits.get_key()
                # Write the spaces one at a time to defeat word-wrap
                for i in range(prompt_len):
                    sys.stdout.write(' ')
                if c in (ord('q'), ord('Q')):
                elif c in (ord('\r'), ord('\n'), bits.KEY_DOWN, bits.MOD_CTRL | ord('n')):
                    if lines[r:]:
                        sys.stdout.write(lines[r] + '\n')
                        r = r + 1
                if c == bits.KEY_HOME:
                    r = 0
                if c == bits.KEY_END:
                    r = len(lines) - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (bits.KEY_UP, bits.MOD_CTRL | ord('p')):
                    r = r - 1 - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (bits.KEY_PAGE_UP, ord('b'), ord('B')):
                    r = r - inc - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if lines[r:]:
                    sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[r:r+inc], '\n') + '\n')
                    r = r + inc
                    if not lines[r:]:
                        r = len(lines)
Exemple #2
def handoff_to_os():
    """Perform USB handoff to OS (i.e. disable USB devices)"""
    print """
WARNING: This test asks the BIOS to stop handling USB, so if you use a
USB keyboard, you will probably lose the ability to interact with BITS
after this test completes.

You can view the results, and then reboot.

Press escape to quit, or any other key to continue."""
    c = bits.get_key()
    if c == bits.KEY_ESC:
        print 'Test aborted!'
        return False

    ret = False
    for dev in pci.devices_by_classcode(CLASSC_EHCI):
        if ehci_handoff_to_os(**dev):
            ret = True
    return ret
Exemple #3
def resume():
    """Start or resume a presentation"""
    global slides, current_slide, max_slide, saved_screen
    info = gop.Mode.contents.Info.contents
    efi.call(gop.Blt, ctypes.addressof(gop), ctypes.addressof(saved_screen), EfiBltVideoToBltBuffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, info.HorizontalResolution, info.VerticalResolution, 0)
    while True:
        if len(slides[current_slide]) != info.HorizontalResolution * info.VerticalResolution * 4:
        efi.call(gop.Blt, ctypes.addressof(gop), ctypes.addressof(slides[current_slide]), EfiBltBufferToVideo, 0, 0, 0, 0, info.HorizontalResolution, info.VerticalResolution, 0)
        k = bits.get_key()
        if k == bits.KEY_ESC:
        elif k in (bits.KEY_LEFT, bits.KEY_UP, bits.KEY_PAGE_UP):
            if current_slide > 0:
                current_slide -= 1
        elif k in (bits.KEY_RIGHT, bits.KEY_DOWN, bits.KEY_PAGE_DOWN, ord(' ')):
            if current_slide < max_slide:
                current_slide += 1
        elif k == bits.KEY_HOME:
            current_slide = 0
    efi.call(gop.Blt, ctypes.addressof(gop), ctypes.addressof(saved_screen), EfiBltBufferToVideo, 0, 0, 0, 0, info.HorizontalResolution, info.VerticalResolution, 0)
Exemple #4
def resume():
    """Start or resume a presentation"""
    global slides, current_slide, max_slide, saved_screen
    info = gop.Mode.contents.Info.contents
    gop.Blt(byref(gop), saved_screen, EfiBltVideoToBltBuffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, info.HorizontalResolution, info.VerticalResolution, 0)
    while True:
        if len(slides[current_slide]) != info.HorizontalResolution * info.VerticalResolution * sizeof(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL):
        slide_p = cast(slides[current_slide], POINTER(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL))
        gop.Blt(byref(gop), slide_p, EfiBltBufferToVideo, 0, 0, 0, 0, info.HorizontalResolution, info.VerticalResolution, 0)
        k = bits.get_key()
        if k == bits.KEY_ESC:
        elif k in (bits.KEY_LEFT, bits.KEY_UP, bits.KEY_PAGE_UP):
            if current_slide > 0:
                current_slide -= 1
        elif k in (bits.KEY_RIGHT, bits.KEY_DOWN, bits.KEY_PAGE_DOWN, ord(' ')):
            if current_slide < max_slide:
                current_slide += 1
        elif k == bits.KEY_HOME:
            current_slide = 0
    gop.Blt(byref(gop), saved_screen, EfiBltBufferToVideo, 0, 0, 0, 0, info.HorizontalResolution, info.VerticalResolution, 0)
Exemple #5
def _readline(prompt=""):
    global width, height, line_x, line_y, buffer_max, history, ctrl_o_index, completer

    with redirect.nolog():
        with pager.nopager():

            line_buffer = ''
            pos = 0
            prev_len = 0

            term_count = bits.get_term_count()
            width = [0] * term_count
            height = [0] * term_count
            line_x = [0] * term_count
            line_y = [0] * term_count

            for term in range(term_count):
                width[term], height[term] = bits.get_width_height(term)
                line_x[term], line_y[term] = bits.get_xy(term)

            buffer_max = min((width[term] - 2 - line_x[term]) + ((height[term] - 1) * (width[term] - 1)) for term in range(term_count))

            history_index = len(history)
            history_state = dict()
            completer_state = 0

            if ctrl_o_index is not None:
                if ctrl_o_index < len(history):
                    history_index = ctrl_o_index
                    line_buffer = history[history_index]
                    pos = len(line_buffer)
                ctrl_o_index = None

            while True:
                # Update history
                history_state[history_index] = (line_buffer, pos)

                    # clear any characters after the current line buffer
                    trailing_len = prev_len - len(line_buffer)
                    if trailing_len > 0:
                        for term in range(term_count):
                            trailing_x, trailing_y = PositionCursor(len(line_buffer), line_x[term], line_y[term], term)
                            print_buffer(" " * trailing_len, trailing_x, trailing_y, term)
                    prev_len = len(line_buffer)

                    for term in range(term_count):
                        # print the current line buffer
                        print_buffer(line_buffer, line_x[term], line_y[term], term)
                        # move the cursor to location of pos within the line buffer
                        PositionCursor(pos, line_x[term], line_y[term], term)

                    c = bits.get_key()

                    def ctrl(k):
                        return bits.MOD_CTRL | ord(k)

                    if c == ord('\r') or c == ord('\n') or c == ctrl('o'):
                        if line_buffer or (history and history[-1]):
                        if c == ctrl('o'): # Ctrl-O
                            ctrl_o_index = history_index + 1
                        return line_buffer + '\n'

                    if not (c == ord('\t') or c == ctrl('i')):
                        # reset completer state to force restart of the completer
                        completer_state = 0

                    if c == bits.KEY_HOME or c == ctrl('a'):
                        # start of line
                        pos = 0
                    elif c == bits.KEY_LEFT or c == ctrl('b'):
                        # left
                        if pos != 0:
                            pos -= 1
                    elif c == ctrl('d'):
                        # EOF
                        if len(line_buffer) == 0:
                            return ""
                        if pos < len(line_buffer):
                            line_buffer, pos = delete_char(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == bits.KEY_DELETE:
                        if pos < len(line_buffer):
                            line_buffer, pos = delete_char(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == bits.KEY_END or c == ctrl('e'):
                        # end of line
                        pos = len(line_buffer)
                    elif c == bits.KEY_RIGHT or c == ctrl('f'):
                        # right
                        if pos != len(line_buffer):
                            pos += 1
                    elif c == ord('\b') or c == ctrl('h'):
                        # backspace
                        line_buffer, pos = delete_char_left(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == ord('\t') or c == ctrl('i'):
                        # tab completion
                        if completer is not None:
                            if completer_state != 0:
                                for c in range(len(current_completion)):
                                    line_buffer, pos = delete_char_left(line_buffer, pos)
                                cur = pos
                                while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1] != ' ':
                                    pos -= 1
                                saved_str = line_buffer[pos:cur]
                                line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos] + line_buffer[cur:]
                            current_completion = completer(saved_str, completer_state)
                            completer_state += 1
                            if current_completion is not None:
                                for c in current_completion:
                                    line_buffer, pos = insert_char(line_buffer, c, pos)
                                for c in saved_str:
                                    line_buffer, pos = insert_char(line_buffer, c, pos)
                                completer_state = 0
                    elif c == ctrl('k'):
                        # delete from current to end of line
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos]
                    elif c == ctrl('l'):
                        # clear screen
                        for term in range(term_count):
                            line_x[term], line_y[term] = bits.get_xy(term);
                    elif c == bits.KEY_DOWN or c == ctrl('n'):
                        # Next line in history
                        if history_index < len(history):
                            history_index += 1
                            if history_index == len(history):
                                line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(history_index)
                                line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(history_index, (history[history_index], len(history[history_index])))
                    elif c == bits.KEY_UP or c == ctrl('p'):
                        # Previous line in history
                        if history_index > 0:
                            history_index -= 1
                            line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(history_index, (history[history_index], len(history[history_index])))
                    elif c == ctrl('u'):
                        # delete from current to beginning of line
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[pos:]
                        pos = 0
                    elif c == ctrl('w'):
                        # delete previous word
                        cur = pos
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1] == ' ':
                            pos -= 1
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1] != ' ':
                            pos -= 1
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos] + line_buffer[cur:]
                    elif c == ctrl('z') or c == bits.KEY_ESC:
                        if len(line_buffer) == 0:
                            return ""
                    elif c in key_hooks:
                    elif c < 256 and chr(c) in string.printable:
                        # printable
                        line_buffer, pos = insert_char(line_buffer, chr(c), pos)

                except IOError:
Exemple #6
def ttypager(text):
    """Page through text on a text terminal."""
        import efi
        efi_options = ["f to write file"]
    except ImportError as e:
        efi_options = []
    lines = string.split(plain(text), '\n')
    if redirect.state != redirect.NOLOG_STATE:
        with redirect.logonly():
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines, '\n') + '\n')
        if redirect.state == redirect.LOGONLY_STATE:
    with pager.nopager():
        with redirect.nolog():
            height = min(bits.get_width_height(term)[1] for term in range(bits.get_term_count()))
            r = inc = height - 1
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[:inc], '\n') + '\n')
            while True:
                if lines[r:]:
                    advance = ['any key to advance']
                    advance = ['END']
                if r > inc:
                    back = ["Up/PgUp to go back"]
                    back = []
                options = "; ".join(advance + back + efi_options + ["q to quit"])
                prompt = '-- {} --'.format(options)
                prompt_len = len(prompt)
                c = bits.get_key()
                # Write the spaces one at a time to defeat word-wrap
                for i in range(prompt_len):
                    sys.stdout.write(' ')
                if efi_options and c in (ord('f'), ord('F')):
                    ttydir = efi.get_boot_fs()
                    filepath = os.path.normpath(str.strip(readline._readline("filename: "), "\n"))
                    basepath, fname = os.path.split(filepath)
                    for dirname in str.split(basepath, os.sep):
                        if dirname is not "":
                            ttydir = ttydir.mkdir(dirname)
                    print "Saving {}...".format(filepath),
                    ttydir.create(fname).write(string.join(lines, '\n') + '\n')
                    print "Done"
                    print "Hit any key to continue..."
                    c = bits.get_key()
                if c in (ord('q'), ord('Q')):
                elif c in (ord('\r'), ord('\n'), bits.KEY_DOWN, bits.MOD_CTRL | ord('n')):
                    if lines[r:]:
                        sys.stdout.write(lines[r] + '\n')
                        r = r + 1
                if c == bits.KEY_HOME:
                    r = 0
                if c == bits.KEY_END:
                    r = len(lines) - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (bits.KEY_UP, bits.MOD_CTRL | ord('p')):
                    r = r - 1 - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (bits.KEY_PAGE_UP, ord('b'), ord('B')):
                    r = r - inc - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if lines[r:]:
                    sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[r:r+inc], '\n') + '\n')
                    r = r + inc
                    if not lines[r:]:
                        r = len(lines)