Exemple #1
    def get_raw_data(self):
        nx = self._header["x_pixels_in_detector"]
        ny = self._header["y_pixels_in_detector"]
        depth = self._header["bit_depth_image"]

        assert self._header["pixel_mask_applied"] is True

        if depth == 16:
            dtype = numpy.uint16
        elif depth == 32:
            dtype = numpy.uint32
            dtype = 1 / 0

        dt = numpy.dtype(dtype)

        data = msgpack.unpackb(self.open_file(self._image_file).read(),

        blob = numpy.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8)
        if dtype == numpy.uint32:
            block = numpy.ndarray(shape=(), dtype=">u4", buffer=data[8:12]) / 4
            image = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, (ny, nx), dt, block)
            image = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, (ny, nx), dt)

        image = flex.int(image.astype("int32"))

        # only need to overwrite values if read and used in 16-bit mode
        if dtype == numpy.uint16:
            bad = 2**16 - 1
            sel = image.as_1d() >= bad
            image.as_1d().set_selected(sel, -1)

        return image
Exemple #2
def chunk_read_image(d_id, image_number):
    offset = (image_number, 0, 0)
    filter_mask, chunk = d_id.read_direct_chunk(offset)
    blob = numpy.fromstring(chunk[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8)
    image = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, (ny, nx), dt)
    flex_image = flex.int(image.astype("int32"))
    return flex_image
Exemple #3
def test1():
    data = np.ones(1000, dtype=np.uint32)
    compressed = bitshuffle.compress_lz4(data)
    print(data.nbytes / compressed.nbytes)
    decompressed = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(compressed, data.shape,
    assert (np.array_equal(data, decompressed))
Exemple #4
 def readBS16LZ4(self, data, shape, dtype, size):
     Unpack bitshuffle-lz4 compressed 16 bit frame and return np array image data
     assert bitshuffle is not None, "No bitshuffle module"
     blob = np.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=np.uint8)
     return bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape[::-1], np.dtype(dtype))
Exemple #5
    def chunk_to_image(self, chunk):
        """Decompress chunk to image."""

        blob = numpy.fromstring(chunk[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8)
        image = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, self._dim, self._dtype)
        image = flex.int(image.astype("int32"))
        return image
def _read_header(bytes, size):
    hash = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(8), dtype='>i8')
    compression = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(1), dtype='>i1')

    raw_data = bytes.read(int(size - 2 - 8 - 1))

    # print(size)
    # print(id)
    # print(hash)
    # print(compression)

    if compression == 0:
        data = raw_data.decode()
    elif compression == 1:
        length = struct.unpack(">q", raw_data[:8])[0]
        b_size = struct.unpack(">i", raw_data[8:12])[0]
        # print(length)
        # print(b_size)

        byte_array = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(numpy.frombuffer(
            raw_data[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8),
                                               shape=(length, ),
        data = byte_array.tobytes().decode()
        raise RuntimeError('Compression not supported')

    return json.loads(data)
Exemple #7
def read_stream_data(frames, bss_job_mode=4):
    import lz4
    import bitshuffle
    if len(frames) != 5:
        return None, None

    header = json.loads(frames[0].bytes)
    for i in (1, 3, 4):

    if header.get("bss_job_mode", 4) != bss_job_mode:
        return None, None

    dtype = header["type"]
    shape = header["shape"][::-1]

    if dtype in ("int32", "uint32"): byte = 4
    elif dtype in ("int16", "uint16"): byte = 2
    else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown dtype (%s)" % dtype)

    size = byte * shape[0] * shape[1]

    if header["encoding"] == "lz4<":
        data = lz4.loads(struct.pack('<I', size) + frames[2].bytes)
        data = numpy.fromstring(data, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
        assert data.size * data.dtype.itemsize == size
    elif header["encoding"] == "bs32-lz4<":
        data = frames[2].bytes
        blob = numpy.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8)
        # blocksize is big endian uint32 starting at byte 8, divided by element size
        blocksize = numpy.ndarray(shape=(), dtype=">u4", buffer=data[8:12]) / 4
        data = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape, numpy.dtype(dtype),
        data = data.reshape(shape)
    elif header["encoding"] == "bs16-lz4<":
        data = frames[2].bytes
        blob = numpy.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8)
        data = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape, numpy.dtype(dtype))
        data = data.reshape(shape)
        RuntimeError("Unknown encoding (%s)" % header["encoding"])

    bad_sel = data == 2**(byte * 8) - 1
    data = data.astype(numpy.int32)
    data[bad_sel] = -1
    return header, data
Exemple #8
    def readBS16LZ4(self, data, shape, dtype, size):
        Unpack bitshuffle-lz4 compressed 16 bit frame and return np array image data
        import bitshuffle
        import numpy

        blob = numpy.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8)
        return bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape[::-1], numpy.dtype(dtype))
Exemple #9
    def unpack_data(raw_bytes, dtype, shape=None):
        Convert raw bytes into the specified numpy type.
        :param raw_bytes: Raw bytes to convert.
        :param dtype: dtype to use for the result.
        :param shape: Shape of the result.
        :return: Numpy array of dtype and shape.
        # Interpret the bytes as a numpy array.
        raw_data = numpy.frombuffer(raw_bytes, dtype=numpy.uint8)

        # If the numpy array is empty, return it as such.
        if raw_data.size == 0:
            return None

        # Uncompressed block size, big endian, int64 (long long)
        unpacked_length = struct.unpack(">q", raw_data[0:8].tobytes())[0]

        # Empty array was transmitted.
        if unpacked_length == 0:
            return None

        # Type of the output array.
        dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype)
        n_bytes_per_element = dtype.itemsize

        # Either the unpacked length or the dtype is wrong.
        if unpacked_length % n_bytes_per_element != 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid unpacked length or dtype for raw bytes.")

        # How many bytes per element we use.
        n_elements = int(unpacked_length / n_bytes_per_element)

        # TODO: This is so ugly.. discuss if strings really need a shape [1].

        # shape == [1] and n_elements > 1 is used for strings.
        if shape is None or (shape == [1] and n_elements > 1):
            shape = (n_elements,)

        # Compression block size, big endian, int32 (int). Divide by number of bytes per element.
        header_compression_block_size = struct.unpack(">i", raw_data[8:12].tobytes())[0]
        n_bytes_per_element = numpy.dtype(dtype).itemsize
        compression_block_size = header_compression_block_size / n_bytes_per_element

        # If shape is not provided use the original length.
        if shape is None:
            shape = (unpacked_length,)

        # Numpy is slowest dimension first, but bsread is fastest dimension first.
        shape = shape[::-1]

        # Actual data.
        byte_array = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(raw_data[12:], block_size=compression_block_size,
                                               shape=shape, dtype=dtype)

        return byte_array
Exemple #10
def read_stream_data(frames, bss_job_mode=4):
    import lz4
    import bitshuffle
    if len(frames) != 5:
        return None, None

    header = json.loads(frames[0].bytes)
    for i in (1,3,4): header.update(json.loads(frames[i].bytes))

    if header.get("bss_job_mode", 4) != bss_job_mode:
        return None, None

    dtype = header["type"]
    shape = header["shape"][::-1]

    if dtype in ("int32","uint32"): byte = 4
    elif dtype in ("int16","uint16"): byte = 2
    else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown dtype (%s)"%dtype)

    size = byte*shape[0]*shape[1]

    if header["encoding"] == "lz4<":
        data = lz4.loads(struct.pack('<I', size) + frames[2].bytes)
        data = numpy.fromstring(data, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
        assert data.size * data.dtype.itemsize == size
    elif header["encoding"] == "bs32-lz4<":
        data = frames[2].bytes
        blob = numpy.fromstring(data[12:],dtype=numpy.uint8)
        # blocksize is big endian uint32 starting at byte 8, divided by element size
        blocksize = numpy.ndarray(shape=(),dtype=">u4", buffer=data[8:12])/4
        data = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape, numpy.dtype(dtype), blocksize)
        data = data.reshape(shape)
    elif header["encoding"] == "bs16-lz4<":
        data = frames[2].bytes
        blob = numpy.fromstring(data[12:],dtype=numpy.uint8)
        data = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape, numpy.dtype(dtype))
        data = data.reshape(shape)
        RuntimeError("Unknown encoding (%s)"%header["encoding"])

    data = data.astype(numpy.int32)
    data[data==2**(byte*8)-1] = -1
    return header, data
Exemple #11
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     assert index is Ellipsis
     if self.dtype is None:
         return None
     with file(self.datafilename, 'r') as ff:
         compressed = numpy.fromfile(ff, dtype='uint8')
         data = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(compressed, 
                 self.shape, self.dtype)
         #data = data.reshape(self.shape)
         return data
Exemple #12
def extractor_do_uncompress(ts, pulse, buf, data, name, data_type, shape):
    c_length = struct.unpack(">q", buf[0:8])[0]
    b_size = struct.unpack(">i", buf[8:12])[0]
    nbuf = numpy.frombuffer(buf[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8)
    value = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(nbuf,
                                      block_size=int(b_size /
    data.append({"timestamp": ts, "pulse_id": pulse, name: value})
Exemple #13
 def readBSLZ4(self, data, shape, dtype, size):
     Unpack bitshuffle-lz4 compressed frame and return np array image data
     assert bitshuffle is not None, "No bitshuffle module"
     blob = np.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=np.uint8)
     # blocksize is big endian uint32 starting at byte 8, divided by element size
     blocksize = np.ndarray(shape=(), dtype=">u4", buffer=data[8:12]) / 4
     imgData = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape[::-1], np.dtype(dtype),
     return imgData
Exemple #14
def extractor_writer_compressed_string_scalar(ts, pulse, buf, data, name,
    clen = int(struct.unpack(">q", buf[0:8])[0])
    bsize = int(struct.unpack(">i", buf[8:12])[0])
    u8buf = numpy.frombuffer(buf[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8)
    bval = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(u8buf,
                                     shape=(clen, ),
    value = bval.tobytes().decode()
    data.append({"timestamp": ts, "pulse_id": pulse, name: value})
  def readBSLZ4(self, data, shape, dtype, size):
    Unpack bitshuffle-lz4 compressed frame and return np array image data

    import numpy as np
    import lz4, bitshuffle
    blob = np.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=np.uint8)
    # blocksize is big endian uint32 starting at byte 8, divided by element size
    blocksize = np.ndarray(shape=(), dtype=">u4", buffer=data[8:12])/4
    imgData = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape[::-1], np.dtype(dtype), blocksize)
    return imgData
Exemple #16
    def readBSLZ4(self, frame, shape, dtype):
        unpack bitshuffle-lz4 compressed frame and return np array image data
        frame: zmq data blob frame
        shape: image shape
        dtype: image data type

        data = frame.bytes
        blob = np.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=np.uint8)
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        # blocksize is big endian uint32 starting at byte 8, divided by element size
        blocksize = np.ndarray(shape=(), dtype=">u4", buffer=data[8:12])/dtype.itemsize
        imgData = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape[::-1], dtype, blocksize)
        if self._verbose:
            print("[OK] unpacked {0} bytes of bs-lz4 data".format(len(imgData)))
        return imgData
Exemple #17
    def readBSLZ4(self, frame, shape, dtype):
        unpack bitshuffle-lz4 compressed frame and return np array image data
        frame: zmq data blob frame
        shape: image shape
        dtype: image data type

        data = frame.bytes
        blob = np.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=np.uint8)
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        # blocksize is big endian uint32 starting at byte 8, divided by element size
        blocksize = np.ndarray(shape=(), dtype=">u4",
                               buffer=data[8:12]) / dtype.itemsize
        imgData = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape[::-1], dtype,
        if self._verbose:
            print "[OK] unpacked {0} bytes of bs-lz4 data".format(len(imgData))
        return imgData
Exemple #18
def readBSLZ4(datafile, headerfile):
    unpack bitshuffle-lz4 compressed frame and return np array image data
    frame: zmq data blob frame
    shape: image shape
    dtype: image data type
    with open(datafile, "r") as f:
        data = f.read()
    with open(headerfile, "r") as f:
        header = json.loads(f.read())
        shape = header["shape"]
        dtype = np.dtype(header["type"])

    blob = np.fromstring(data[12:], dtype=np.uint8)
    # blocksize is big endian uint32 starting at byte 8, divided by element size
    blocksize = np.ndarray(shape=(), dtype=">u4",
                           buffer=data[8:12]) / dtype.itemsize
    print blocksize, dtype.itemsize
    imgData = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, shape[::-1], dtype, blocksize)
    print "[OK] unpacked {0} bytes of bs-lz4 data".format(len(imgData))
    return imgData
Exemple #19
def zmq_worker(ai: AzimuthalIntegrator, host: str, port: int):
    context = zmq.Context()
    pull_sock = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    pull_sock.connect('tcp://%s:%d' % (host, port))
    push_sock = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

    while True:
        parts = pull_sock.recv_multipart(copy=False)
        header = json.loads(parts[0].bytes)
        if header['htype'] == 'image':
            img = decompress_lz4(parts[1].buffer, header['shape'],
            res = ai.integrate(img)
            header['type'] = 'float32'
            header['shape'] = res.shape
            header['compression'] = 'none'
            push_sock.send_json(header, flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
Exemple #20
def bitshuffle_lz4_decode(data, shape, dtype, blocksize=0, out=None):
    """Decompress LZ4 with Bitshuffle."""
    return bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(data, shape, dtype, blocksize)
Exemple #21
    from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.threshold import DispersionThresholdStrategy
    from dials.model.data import PixelList
    from dials.model.data import PixelListLabeller

    thresholder = DispersionThresholdStrategy(gain=1)
    mask = image.as_1d() >= 0  # flex.bool(image.size(), True)

    threshold_mask = thresholder(image, mask=mask)
    plist = PixelList(0, image, threshold_mask)

    pixel_labeller = PixelListLabeller()

    creator = flex.PixelListShoeboxCreator(pixel_labeller, 0, 0, True, 2, 100,
    shoeboxes = creator.result()
    return shoeboxes

for o in client.list_objects(bucket):
    if o.object_name is "header":
    image_number = int(o.object_name)
    chunk = client.get_object(o.bucket_name, o.object_name).read()
    blob = numpy.fromstring(chunk[12:], dtype=numpy.uint8)
    image = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(blob, (ny, nx), dtype)
    image = flex.int(image.astype("int32"))
    shoeboxes = find_spots(image)
    print(image_number, flex.max(image), len(shoeboxes))
Exemple #22
def decode(bytes, collector_function=None):
    Decode idread decoded data

    :param bytes:              bytes to decode
    :param collector_function: function to collect decoded values. The signature of the function is as follows:
                               def add_data(self, channel_name, backend, value, pulse_id, global_time, ioc_time, status, severity):

    channels = None

    while True:
        # read size
        b = bytes.read(8)
        if b == b'':
            logger.debug('End of stream')

        # size = numpy.frombuffer(b, dtype='>i8')
        # size = int.from_bytes(b, byteorder='big')
        size = struct.unpack(">q", b)[0]

        # id = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(2), dtype='>i2')
        # id = int.from_bytes(bytes.read(2), byteorder='big')
        id = struct.unpack(">h", bytes.read(2))[0]

        if id == 1:  # Read Header
            header = _read_header(bytes, size)

            channels = []
            for channel in header['channels']:
                encoding = '>' if 'encoding' in channel and channel["encoding"] == "big" else ''
                n_channel = {}
                if "type" not in channel or channel["type"] == "float64" or channel["type"] == "float":  # default
                    n_channel = {'size': 8, 'dtype': encoding+'f8', 'stype': encoding+'d'}
                elif channel["type"] == "uint8":
                    n_channel = {'size': 1, 'dtype': encoding+'u1', 'stype': encoding+'B'}
                elif channel["type"] == "int8":
                    n_channel = {'size': 1, 'dtype': encoding+'i1', 'stype': encoding+'b'}
                elif channel["type"] == "uint16":
                    n_channel = {'size': 2, 'dtype': encoding+'u2', 'stype': encoding+'H'}
                elif channel["type"] == "int16":
                    n_channel = {'size': 2, 'dtype': encoding+'i2', 'stype': encoding+'h'}
                elif channel["type"] == "uint32":
                    n_channel = {'size': 4, 'dtype': encoding+'u4', 'stype': encoding+'I'}
                elif channel["type"] == "int32":
                    n_channel = {'size': 4, 'dtype': encoding+'i4', 'stype': encoding+'i'}
                elif channel["type"] == "uint64":
                    n_channel = {'size': 8, 'dtype': encoding+'u8', 'stype': encoding+'Q'}
                elif channel["type"] == "int64" or channel["type"] == "int":
                    n_channel = {'size': 8, 'dtype': encoding+'i8', 'stype': encoding+'q'}
                elif channel["type"] == "float32":
                    n_channel = {'size': 4, 'dtype': encoding+'f4', 'stype': encoding+'f'}
                    # Raise exception for others (including strings)
                    raise RuntimeError('Unsupported data type')

                # need to fix dtype with encoding
                n_channel['encoding'] = encoding
                # n_channel['encoding'] = 'big' if 'encoding' in channel and channel["encoding"] == "big" else 'little'
                # n_channel['dtype'] = n_channel['encoding']+n_channel['dtype']

                n_channel['compression'] = channel['compression'] if 'compression' in channel else None
                # Numpy is slowest dimension first, but bsread is fastest dimension first.
                n_channel['shape'] = channel['shape'][::-1] if 'shape' in channel else [1]

                n_channel['name'] = channel['name']
                n_channel['backend'] = channel['backend']

                # used for struct readout
                n_channel['longtype'] = encoding + 'q'
                n_channel['chartype'] = encoding + 'b'
                n_channel['inttype'] = encoding + 'i'


        elif id == 0:  # Read Values

            if channels is None or channel == []:  # Header was not yet received
                bytes.read(int(size - 2))
                logging.warning('No channels specified, cannot deserialize - drop remaining bytes')

                size_counter = 0
                for channel in channels:

                    # event_size = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(4), dtype=channel['encoding']+'i4')
                    # ioc_time = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(8), dtype=channel['encoding']+'i8')
                    # pulse_id = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(8), dtype=channel['encoding']+'i8')
                    # global_time = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(8), dtype=channel['encoding']+'i8')
                    # status = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(1), dtype=channel['encoding']+'i1')
                    # severity = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(1), dtype=channel['encoding']+'i1')

                    event_size = struct.unpack(channel['inttype'], bytes.read(4))[0]
                    if event_size == 0:
                        ioc_time = None
                        pulse_id = None
                        global_time = None
                        status = None
                        severity = None
                        data = None

                        ioc_time = struct.unpack(channel['longtype'], bytes.read(8))[0]
                        pulse_id = struct.unpack(channel['longtype'], bytes.read(8))[0]
                        global_time = struct.unpack(channel['longtype'], bytes.read(8))[0]
                        status = struct.unpack(channel['chartype'], bytes.read(1))[0]
                        severity = struct.unpack(channel['chartype'], bytes.read(1))[0]

                        # number of bytes to subtract from event_size = 8 - 8 - 8 - 1 - 1 = 26
                        n_bytes_to_read = int(event_size-26)
                        raw_bytes = bytes.read(n_bytes_to_read)

                        if channel['compression'] is not None:

                            # TODO need to check for compression type -
                            # Ideally this is done while header parsing, and here I would get the decode function
                            length = struct.unpack(">q", raw_bytes[:8])[0]
                            b_size = struct.unpack(">i", raw_bytes[8:12])[0]

                            data = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(numpy.frombuffer(raw_bytes[12:],
                                                             block_size=b_size / channel['size'])

                            if channel['shape'] is None or channel['shape'] == [1]:
                                data = struct.unpack(channel['stype'], raw_bytes)[0]
                            elif len(channel['shape']) == 1:
                                data = struct.unpack(channel['stype'], raw_bytes)
                                data = numpy.frombuffer(raw_bytes, dtype=channel["dtype"])
                                data = data.reshape(channel['shape'])

                    size_counter += (2 + 4 + event_size)  # 2 for id, 4 for event_size

                    if collector_function is not None:
                        collector_function(channel['name'], channel["backend"], data, pulse_id, global_time, ioc_time, status, severity)

                remaining_bytes = size-size_counter
                if remaining_bytes > 0:
                    logger.warning("Remaining bytes - %d - drop remaining bytes" % remaining_bytes)


            logging.warning("id %i not supported - drop remaining bytes" % id)
def decode(bytes, serializer=None):

    channels = None

    while True:
        # read size
        b = bytes.read(8)
        if b == b'':
            logger.debug('end of file')
        size = numpy.frombuffer(b, dtype='>i8')

        # read id
        id = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(2), dtype='>i2')

        if id == 1:  # Read Header
            header = _read_header(bytes, size)

            channels = []
            for channel in header['channels']:
                n_channel = {}
                if "type" not in channel or channel[
                        "type"] == "float64" or channel[
                            "type"] == "float":  # default
                    n_channel = {'size': 8, 'dtype': 'f8'}
                elif channel["type"] == "uint8":
                    n_channel = {'size': 1, 'dtype': 'u1'}
                elif channel["type"] == "int8":
                    n_channel = {'size': 1, 'dtype': 'i1'}
                elif channel["type"] == "uint16":
                    n_channel = {'size': 2, 'dtype': 'u2'}
                elif channel["type"] == "int16":
                    n_channel = {'size': 2, 'dtype': 'i2'}
                elif channel["type"] == "uint32":
                    n_channel = {'size': 4, 'dtype': 'u4'}
                elif channel["type"] == "int32":
                    n_channel = {'size': 4, 'dtype': 'i4'}
                elif channel["type"] == "uint64":
                    n_channel = {'size': 8, 'dtype': 'u8'}
                elif channel["type"] == "int64" or channel["type"] == "int":
                    n_channel = {'size': 8, 'dtype': 'i8'}
                elif channel["type"] == "float32":
                    n_channel = {'size': 4, 'dtype': 'f4'}
                    # Raise exception for others (including strings)
                    raise RuntimeError('Unsupported data type')

                # need to fix dtype with encoding
                    'encoding'] = '>' if 'encoding' in channel and channel[
                        "encoding"] == "big" else ''
                # n_channel['dtype'] = n_channel['encoding']+n_channel['dtype']

                n_channel['compression'] = channel[
                    'compression'] if 'compression' in channel else None
                # Numpy is slowest dimension first, but bsread is fastest dimension first.
                n_channel['shape'] = channel[
                    'shape'][::-1] if 'shape' in channel else [1]

                n_channel['name'] = channel['name']


        elif id == 0:  # Read Values

            if channels is None or channel == []:  # Header was not yet received
                bytes.read(int(size - 2))
                    'No channels specified, cannot deserialize - drop remaining bytes'

                size_counter = 0
                for channel in channels:

                    # eventSize - int32
                    # iocTime - int64
                    # pulseId - int64
                    # globalTime - int64
                    # status - int8
                    # severity - int8
                    # value - dtype

                    event_size = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(4),
                                                  dtype=channel['encoding'] +
                    ioc_time = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(8),
                                                dtype=channel['encoding'] +
                    pulse_id = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(8),
                                                dtype=channel['encoding'] +
                    global_time = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(8),
                                                   dtype=channel['encoding'] +
                    status = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(1),
                                              dtype=channel['encoding'] + 'i1')
                    severity = numpy.frombuffer(bytes.read(1),
                                                dtype=channel['encoding'] +

                    # number of bytes to subtract from event_size = 8 - 8 - 8 - 1 - 1 = 26
                    raw_bytes = bytes.read(int(event_size - 26))

                    if channel['compression'] is not None:

                        # TODO need to check for compression type -
                        # Ideally this is done while header parsing, and here I would get the decode function
                        length = struct.unpack(">q", raw_bytes[:8])[0]
                        b_size = struct.unpack(">i", raw_bytes[8:12])[0]

                        data = bitshuffle.decompress_lz4(
                            dtype=numpy.dtype(n_channel['encoding'] +
                            block_size=b_size / channel['size'])

                        data = numpy.frombuffer(raw_bytes,
                                                dtype=n_channel['encoding'] +

                    # reshape the array
                    if channel['shape'] is not None and channel['shape'] != [
                        data = data.reshape(channel['shape'])

                    size_counter += (2 + 4 + event_size
                                     )  # 2 for id, 4 for event_size

                    if serializer is not None:
                        serializer.append_dataset('/' + channel['name'] +
                        serializer.append_dataset('/' + channel['name'] +
                        serializer.append_dataset('/' + channel['name'] +
                        serializer.append_dataset('/' + channel['name'] +
                        serializer.append_dataset('/' + channel['name'] +
                        serializer.append_dataset('/' + channel['name'] +

                remaining_bytes = size - size_counter
                if remaining_bytes > 0:
                        "Remaining bytes - %d - drop remaining bytes" %


            logging.warning("id %i not supported - drop remaining bytes" % id)
            bytes.read(int(size - 2))