Exemple #1
 def test_flter_bloom(self):
     """ Tests that the result of multiple insertions of encoded()'s is a
     superset of the encoded cells, for multiple random sets """
     nymseeds = {}
     for i in range(30):
         nymseeds[i] = []
         for _ in range(30):
             nymseeds[i].append(random.randint(0, 9))
     d = RequestDecoder(nymseeds)
     encs = [RequestEncoder(nymseeds[i]) for i in nymseeds]
     for _ in range(30):
         samplesize = random.randint(1, len(nymseeds))
         nyms = sorted(random.sample(range(len(nymseeds)), samplesize))
         these_encs = [encs[i] for i in nyms]
         cell = Bits(uint=0, length=d.cell_bit_length)
         for enc in these_encs:
             cell |= Bits(enc.encode())
         self.assertEqual(d.full | cell, d.full)
         decoded = sorted(d.decode(cell.tobytes()))
         for elt in nyms:
             self.assertTrue(elt in decoded,
                             msg="elt: {0} nyms: {1} decoded: {2}\n"
                             .format(elt, nyms, decoded) + \
                             "encs: {0}\n cell: {1}"
                             .format([i.encode() for i in encs], cell))
def uncompress_golomb_coding(coded_bytes, hash_length, M):
    """Given a bytstream produced using golomb_coded_bytes, uncompress it."""
    ret_list = []
    instream = BitStream(bytes=coded_bytes, length=len(coded_bytes) * 8)
    hash_len_bits = hash_length * 8
    m_bits = int(math.log(M, 2))
    # First item is a full hash value.
    prev = instream.read("bits:%d" % hash_len_bits)

    while (instream.bitpos + m_bits) <= instream.length:
        # Read Unary-encoded value.
        read_prefix = 0
        curr_bit = instream.read("uint:1")
        while curr_bit == 1:
            read_prefix += 1
            curr_bit = instream.read("uint:1")
        assert curr_bit == 0

        # Read r, assuming M bits were used to represent it.
        r = instream.read("uint:%d" % m_bits)
        curr_diff = read_prefix * M + r
        curr_value_int = prev.uint + curr_diff
        curr_value = Bits(uint=curr_value_int, length=hash_len_bits)
        prev = curr_value

    return ret_list
def uncompress_golomb_coding(coded_bytes, hash_length, M):
    """Given a bytstream produced using golomb_coded_bytes, uncompress it."""
    ret_list = []
    instream = BitStream(
        bytes=coded_bytes, length=len(coded_bytes) * 8)
    hash_len_bits = hash_length * 8
    m_bits = int(math.log(M, 2))
    # First item is a full hash value.
    prev = instream.read("bits:%d" % hash_len_bits)

    while (instream.bitpos + m_bits) <= instream.length:
        # Read Unary-encoded value.
        read_prefix = 0
        curr_bit = instream.read("uint:1")
        while curr_bit == 1:
            read_prefix += 1
            curr_bit = instream.read("uint:1")
        assert curr_bit == 0

        # Read r, assuming M bits were used to represent it.
        r = instream.read("uint:%d" % m_bits)
        curr_diff = read_prefix * M + r
        curr_value_int = prev.uint + curr_diff
        curr_value = Bits(uint=curr_value_int, length=hash_len_bits)
        prev = curr_value

    return ret_list
Exemple #4
def save_bits_to_file(filepath, bits):
    # get file extension

    bitstring = Bits(bin=bits)

    mime = Magic(mime=True)
    mime_type = mime.from_buffer(bitstring.tobytes())

    with open(f"{filepath}/file{mimetypes.guess_extension(type=mime_type)}",
              "wb") as f:
Exemple #5
def save_bits_to_file(file_path, bits):
    # get file extension

    bitstring = Bits(bin=bits)

    mime = Magic(mime=True)
    mime_type = mime.from_buffer(bitstring.tobytes())

    # If filepath not passed in use defualt
    #    otherwise used passed in filepath
    if file_path == None:
        filepath = f"file{mimetypes.guess_extension(type=mime_type)}"
        filepath = file_path

    with open(filepath, "wb") as f:
Exemple #6
    def datfile(self, _file):
        """ _file should be the full path to the data file """

        self.tickGroups[0] = tickGroup()
        self.tickGroups[1] = tickGroup()
        self.results = AnalyzeDatResults()
        self.file = open(_file, 'rb')
        ## create a bits object with the content of the file
        dataAsBits = Bits(self.file)
        ## 8 bits per byte
        self.fileLength = (dataAsBits.length / 8)
        self.memory = dataAsBits.tobytes()
            if self.getByte(128) != 0x55:
                self.alternateStructure = True
        except FileEnd:
            raise NotDatFile()
        buildStr = self.getString(16)
        if buildStr.find("BUILD") < 0:
            raise NotDatFile()
def uncompress_golomb_coding(coded_bytes, hash_length, M):
    ret_list = []
    instream = BitStream(
            bytes=coded_bytes, length=len(coded_bytes) * hash_length)
    hash_len_bits = hash_length * 8
    m_bits = int(math.log(M, 2))
    prev = instream.read("bits:%d" % hash_len_bits)
    while instream.bitpos < instream.length:
        read_prefix = 0
        curr_bit = instream.read("uint:1")
        while curr_bit == 1:
            read_prefix += 1
            curr_bit = instream.read("uint:1")
        assert curr_bit == 0
        r = instream.read("uint:%d" % m_bits)
        curr_diff = read_prefix * M + r
        curr_value_int = prev.uint + curr_diff
        curr_value = Bits(uint=curr_value_int, length=hash_len_bits)
        prev = curr_value

    return ret_list
def multiple_exon_alnmt(gene_list, db_info):

    print "process pid: %d, length of gene list: %d" % ( get_process_id(), len(gene_list))

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name] = db_info

    db     = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg    = ConfigurationReader()
    acg    = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # find db ids adn common names for each species db
    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species (cursor)

    species  = 'homo_sapiens'
    switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name[species])
    gene_ids = get_gene_ids (cursor, biotype='protein_coding', is_known=1)

    # for each human gene
    gene_ct = 0
    tot  = 0
    ok   = 0
    no_maps        = 0
    no_pepseq      = 0
    no_orthologues = 0
    min_similarity = cfg.get_value('min_accptbl_exon_sim')

    for gene_id in gene_list:

        start = time()
        gene_ct += 1
        if  not gene_ct%10: print gene_ct, "genes out of", len(gene_list)

        switch_to_db (cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        print gene_ct, len(gene_ids),  gene_id,  gene2stable(cursor, gene_id), get_description (cursor, gene_id)

        human_exons = filter (lambda e: e.is_known==1 and e.is_coding and e.covering_exon<0, gene2exon_list(cursor, gene_id))
        human_exons.sort(key=lambda exon: exon.start_in_gene)

        for human_exon in human_exons:
            tot += 1

            # find all orthologous exons the human exon  maps to
            maps = get_maps(cursor, ensembl_db_name, human_exon.exon_id, human_exon.is_known)
            if verbose: 
                print "\texon no.", tot, " id", human_exon.exon_id,
                if not maps: 
                    print " no maps"
                    print human_exon
            if not maps: 
                no_maps += 1

            # human sequence to fasta:
            seqname   = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format('homo_sapiens', human_exon.exon_id, human_exon.is_known)
            switch_to_db (cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
            [exon_seq_id, pepseq, pepseq_transl_start, pepseq_transl_end, 
             left_flank, right_flank, dna_seq] = get_exon_seqs (cursor, human_exon.exon_id, human_exon.is_known)
            if (not pepseq):
                if verbose and  human_exon.is_coding and  human_exon.covering_exon <0: # this should be a master exon
                    print "no pep seq for",  human_exon.exon_id, "coding ", human_exon.is_coding,
                    print "canonical: ",  human_exon.is_canonical
                    print "length of dna ", len(dna_seq)
                no_pepseq += 1

            # collect seq from all maps, and output them in fasta format
            hassw = False
            headers   = []
            sequences = {}
            exons_per_species = {}

            for map in maps:

                switch_to_db (cursor, ensembl_db_name[map.species_2])
                if map.similarity < min_similarity: continue
                exon    = map2exon(cursor, ensembl_db_name, map)
                pepseq  = get_exon_pepseq (cursor,exon)
                if (not pepseq):
                if  map.source == 'sw_sharp':
                    exon_known_code = 2
                    hassw = True
                elif  map.source == 'usearch':
                    exon_known_code = 3
                    hassw = True
                    exon_known_code = map.exon_known_2
                seqname = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format(map.species_2, map.exon_id_2, exon_known_code)
                sequences[seqname] = pepseq
                # for split exon concatenation (see below)
                if not map.species_2 in exons_per_species.keys():
                    exons_per_species[map.species_2] = []
                exons_per_species[map.species_2].append ([ map.exon_id_2, exon_known_code]);
            if (len(headers) <=1 ):
                if verbose: print "single species in the alignment"
                no_orthologues += 1
            # concatenate exons from the same gene - the alignment program might go wrong otherwise
            concatenated = concatenate_exons (cursor, ensembl_db_name, sequences, exons_per_species)

            fasta_fnm = "{0}/{1}.fa".format( cfg.dir_path['scratch'], human_exon.exon_id)
            output_fasta (fasta_fnm, sequences.keys(), sequences)

            # align
            afa_fnm  = "{0}/{1}.afa".format( cfg.dir_path['scratch'], human_exon.exon_id)
            mafftcmd = acg.generate_mafft_command (fasta_fnm, afa_fnm)
            ret      = commands.getoutput(mafftcmd)

            if (verbose): print 'almt to', afa_fnm

            # read in the alignment 
            inf = erropen(afa_fnm, "r")
            aligned_seqs = {}
            for record in SeqIO.parse(inf, "fasta"):
                aligned_seqs[record.id] = str(record.seq)
            # split back the concatenated exons
            if concatenated: split_concatenated_exons (aligned_seqs, concatenated)

            human_seq_seen = False
            for seq_name, sequence in aligned_seqs.iteritems():
                # if this is one of the concatenated seqs, split them back to two

                ### store the alignment as bitstring
                # Generate the bitmap
                bs         = Bits(bin='0b' + re.sub("[^0]","1", sequence.replace('-','0')))
                # The returned value of tobytes() will be padded at the end 
                # with between zero and seven 0 bits to make it byte aligned.
                # I will end up with something that looks like extra alignment gaps, that I'll have to return
                msa_bitmap = bs.tobytes() 
                # Retrieve information on the cognate
                cognate_species, cognate_exon_id, cognate_exon_known = seq_name.split(':')
                if cognate_exon_known == '2':
                    source = 'sw_sharp'
                elif cognate_exon_known == '3':
                    source = 'usearch'
                    source = 'ensembl'
                if (cognate_species == 'homo_sapiens'):
                    human_seq_seen = True
                cognate_genome_db_id = species2genome_db_id(cursor, cognate_species) # moves the cursor
                switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens']) # so move it back to h**o sapiens
                # Write the bitmap to the database
                #if (cognate_species == 'homo_sapiens'):
                if verbose: # and (source=='sw_sharp' or source=='usearch'):
                    print "storing"
                    print human_exon.exon_id, human_exon.is_known
                    print cognate_species, cognate_genome_db_id, cognate_exon_id, cognate_exon_known, source
                    print sequence
                    if not msa_bitmap:
                        print "no msa_bitmap"
                store_or_update(cursor, "exon_map",    {"cognate_genome_db_id":cognate_genome_db_id,
                   "cognate_exon_id":cognate_exon_id   ,"cognate_exon_known"  :cognate_exon_known,
                   "source": source, "exon_id" :human_exon.exon_id, "exon_known":human_exon.is_known},
            ok += 1
            commands.getoutput("rm "+afa_fnm+" "+fasta_fnm)

        if verbose: print " time: %8.3f\n" % (time()-start);

    print "tot: ", tot, "ok: ", ok
    print "no maps ",   no_pepseq
    print "no pepseq ", no_pepseq
    print "no orthologues  ", no_orthologues
def multiple_exon_alnmt(species_list, db_info):

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name] = db_info

    verbose  = False

    db     = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg    = ConfigurationReader()
    acg    = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    for species in species_list:

        print "############################"
        print  species

        switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name[species])
        gene_ids = get_gene_ids (cursor, biotype='protein_coding')
        #gene_ids = get_theme_ids(cursor, cfg, 'wnt_pathway')
        if not gene_ids:
            print "no gene_ids"

        gene_ct       = 0
        tot           = 0
        ok            = 0
        no_maps       = 0
        no_pepseq     = 0
        no_paralogues = 0
        for gene_id in gene_ids:

            if verbose: start = time()
            gene_ct += 1
            if not gene_ct%100: print species, gene_ct, "genes out of", len(gene_ids)
            if verbose: 
                print gene_id, gene2stable(cursor, gene_id), get_description (cursor, gene_id)

            # get the paralogues - only the representative for  the family will have this 
            paralogues = get_paras (cursor, gene_id)  
            if not paralogues:
                if verbose:  print "\t not a template or no paralogues"

            if verbose:  print "paralogues: ", paralogues

            # get _all_ exons
            template_exons = gene2exon_list(cursor, gene_id)
            if (not template_exons):
                if verbose: print 'no exons for ', gene_id

            # find all template  exons we are tracking in the database
            for template_exon in template_exons:

                if verbose: print template_exon.exon_id
                maps = get_maps(cursor, ensembl_db_name, template_exon.exon_id,
                                template_exon.is_known, species=species, table='para_exon_map')

                if not maps:
                    no_maps += 1

                # output to fasta:
                seqname        = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format('template', template_exon.exon_id, template_exon.is_known)
                exon_seqs_info =  get_exon_seqs (cursor, template_exon.exon_id, template_exon.is_known)
                if not exon_seqs_info: continue
                [exon_seq_id, pepseq, pepseq_transl_start, pepseq_transl_end, 
                 left_flank, right_flank, dna_seq] = exon_seqs_info
                if (not pepseq):
                    if ( template_exon.is_coding and  template_exon.covering_exon <0): # this should be a master exon
                        print "no pep seq for",  template_exon.exon_id, "coding ", template_exon.is_coding,
                        print "canonical: ",  template_exon.is_canonical
                        print "length of dna ", len(dna_seq)
                        no_pepseq += 1
                tot += 1

                sequences = {seqname:pepseq}
                headers   = [seqname]
                for map in maps:
                    exon    = map2exon(cursor, ensembl_db_name, map, paralogue=True)
                    pepseq  = get_exon_pepseq (cursor,exon)
                    if (not pepseq):
                    seqname = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format('para', map.exon_id_2, map.exon_known_2)
                    sequences[seqname] = pepseq

                fasta_fnm = "{0}/{1}_{2}_{3}.fa".format( cfg.dir_path['scratch'], species, template_exon.exon_id, template_exon.is_known)
                output_fasta (fasta_fnm, headers, sequences)

                if (len(headers) <=1 ):
                    print "single species in the alignment (?)"
                    no_paralogues += 1

                # align
                afa_fnm  = "{0}/{1}_{2}_{3}.afa".format( cfg.dir_path['scratch'], species, template_exon.exon_id, template_exon.is_known)
                mafftcmd = acg.generate_mafft_command (fasta_fnm, afa_fnm)
                ret      = commands.getoutput(mafftcmd)

                # read in the alignment
                inf = erropen(afa_fnm, "r")
                if not inf:
                    print gene_id
                template_seq_seen = False
                for record in SeqIO.parse(inf, "fasta"):
                    ### store the alignment as bitstring
                    # Generate the bitmap
                    bs         = Bits(bin='0b' + re.sub("[^0]","1", str(record.seq).replace('-','0')))
                    msa_bitmap = bs.tobytes()
                    # Retrieve information on the cognate
                    label, cognate_exon_id, cognate_exon_known = record.id.split(':')
                    if (label == 'template'):
                        template_seq_seen = True
                    # Write the bitmap to the database
                    #print "updating: ", template_exon.exon_id
                    store_or_update(cursor, "para_exon_map", {"cognate_exon_id"    :cognate_exon_id,
                                                         "cognate_exon_known" :cognate_exon_known,
                                                         "exon_id"            :template_exon.exon_id,
                                                         "exon_known"         :template_exon.is_known},
                ok += 1
                commands.getoutput("rm "+afa_fnm+" "+fasta_fnm)
            if verbose: print " time: %8.3f\n" % (time()-start);
        outstr  =  species + " done \n"
        outstr +=  "tot: %d   ok: %d  \n" % (tot,  ok)
        outstr +=  "no maps       %d  \n" % no_pepseq
        outstr +=  "no pepseq     %d  \n" % no_pepseq
        outstr +=  "no paralogues %d  \n" % no_paralogues
        outstr += "\n"
        print outstr
Exemple #10
# Requires bitstring module
# $ pip install bitstring

import socket
from time import sleep
from bitstring import Bits

UDP_PORT = 5040

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

while True:
    for servo_value in range(150,600):
        bits = Bits('uint:16=' + str(servo_value))
        print bits.bin
        s.sendto(bits.tobytes(), (UDP_ADDR, UDP_PORT))
Exemple #11
def multiple_exon_alnmt(species_list, db_info):

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name] = db_info

    verbose  = False

    db     = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg    = ConfigurationReader()
    acg    = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    for species in species_list:


        switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name[species])
        gene_ids = get_gene_ids (cursor, biotype='protein_coding')
        #gene_ids = get_theme_ids(cursor, cfg, 'wnt_pathway')
        if not gene_ids:
            print("no gene_ids")

        gene_ct       = 0
        tot           = 0
        ok            = 0
        no_maps       = 0
        no_pepseq     = 0
        no_paralogues = 0
        for gene_id in gene_ids:

            if verbose: start = time()
            gene_ct += 1
            if not gene_ct%100: print(species, gene_ct, "genes out of", len(gene_ids))
            if verbose: 
                print(gene_id, gene2stable(cursor, gene_id), get_description (cursor, gene_id))

            # get the paralogues - only the representative for  the family will have this 
            paralogues = get_paras (cursor, gene_id)  
            if not paralogues:
                if verbose:  print("\t not a template or no paralogues")

            if verbose:  print("paralogues: ", paralogues)

            # get _all_ exons
            template_exons = gene2exon_list(cursor, gene_id)
            if (not template_exons):
                if verbose: print('no exons for ', gene_id)

            # find all template  exons we are tracking in the database
            for template_exon in template_exons:

                if verbose: print(template_exon.exon_id)
                maps = get_maps(cursor, ensembl_db_name, template_exon.exon_id,
                                template_exon.is_known, species=species, table='para_exon_map')

                if not maps:
                    no_maps += 1

                # output to fasta:
                seqname        = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format('template', template_exon.exon_id, template_exon.is_known)
                exon_seqs_info =  get_exon_seqs (cursor, template_exon.exon_id, template_exon.is_known)
                if not exon_seqs_info: continue
                [exon_seq_id, pepseq, pepseq_transl_start, pepseq_transl_end, 
                 left_flank, right_flank, dna_seq] = exon_seqs_info
                if (not pepseq):
                    if ( template_exon.is_coding and  template_exon.covering_exon <0): # this should be a master exon
                        print("no pep seq for",  template_exon.exon_id, "coding ", template_exon.is_coding, end=' ')
                        print("canonical: ",  template_exon.is_canonical)
                        print("length of dna ", len(dna_seq))
                        no_pepseq += 1
                tot += 1

                sequences = {seqname:pepseq}
                headers   = [seqname]
                for map in maps:
                    exon    = map2exon(cursor, ensembl_db_name, map, paralogue=True)
                    pepseq  = get_exon_pepseq (cursor,exon)
                    if (not pepseq):
                    seqname = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format('para', map.exon_id_2, map.exon_known_2)
                    sequences[seqname] = pepseq

                fasta_fnm = "{0}/{1}_{2}_{3}.fa".format( cfg.dir_path['scratch'], species, template_exon.exon_id, template_exon.is_known)
                output_fasta (fasta_fnm, headers, sequences)

                if (len(headers) <=1 ):
                    print("single species in the alignment (?)")
                    no_paralogues += 1

                # align
                afa_fnm  = "{0}/{1}_{2}_{3}.afa".format( cfg.dir_path['scratch'], species, template_exon.exon_id, template_exon.is_known)
                mafftcmd = acg.generate_mafft_command (fasta_fnm, afa_fnm)
                ret      = subprocess.getoutput(mafftcmd)

                # read in the alignment
                inf = erropen(afa_fnm, "r")
                if not inf:
                template_seq_seen = False
                for record in SeqIO.parse(inf, "fasta"):
                    ### store the alignment as bitstring
                    # Generate the bitmap
                    bs         = Bits(bin='0b' + re.sub("[^0]","1", str(record.seq).replace('-','0')))
                    msa_bitmap = bs.tobytes()
                    # Retrieve information on the cognate
                    label, cognate_exon_id, cognate_exon_known = record.id.split(':')
                    if (label == 'template'):
                        template_seq_seen = True
                    # Write the bitmap to the database
                    #print "updating: ", template_exon.exon_id
                    store_or_update(cursor, "para_exon_map", {"cognate_exon_id"    :cognate_exon_id,
                                                         "cognate_exon_known" :cognate_exon_known,
                                                         "exon_id"            :template_exon.exon_id,
                                                         "exon_known"         :template_exon.is_known},
                ok += 1
                subprocess.getoutput("rm "+afa_fnm+" "+fasta_fnm)
            if verbose: print(" time: %8.3f\n" % (time()-start));
        outstr  =  species + " done \n"
        outstr +=  "tot: %d   ok: %d  \n" % (tot,  ok)
        outstr +=  "no maps       %d  \n" % no_pepseq
        outstr +=  "no pepseq     %d  \n" % no_pepseq
        outstr +=  "no paralogues %d  \n" % no_paralogues
        outstr += "\n"
Exemple #12
def gprMax_to_dzt(filename, rx, rxcomponent, centerFreq, distTx_Rx,

    import h5py as h5
    import os
    import sys
    import struct
    import bitstruct
    import datetime
    from bitstring import Bits
    from scipy import signal

    # ------------------------------- Information specified by the user ---------------------------------------

    # Specify gprMax file path name
    file_path_name = filename

    # Specify center frequency (MHz)
    center_freq = centerFreq

    # Specify Tx-Rx distance
    distance = distTx_Rx

    # Trace step
    trace_step = trace_step

    # Choose E-field component
    comp = rxcomponent

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Read gprMax data

    bscan, _, _ = gprMax_Bscan(filename + '.out', rx, rxcomponent)
    data = np.array(bscan)

    # Read time step
    #file = h5.File(filename[0:-4]+'1.out', 'r')
    file = h5.File(filename + '1.out', 'r')
    time_step = file.attrs['dt']

    data = (data * 32767) / np.max(np.abs(data))
    data[data > 32767] = 32767
    data[data < -32768] = -32768
    data = np.round(data)

    # Number of samples and traces
    [noSamples, noTraces] = np.shape(data)

    # Convert time step to ns
    time_step = time_step * 10**9

    # Sampling frequency (MHz)
    sampling_freq = (1 / time_step) * 10**3

    # Time window (ns)
    time_window = time_step * noSamples

    # DZT file name
    fileName = filename

    # Resample data to 1024 samples

    data = signal.resample(data, 1024)
    time_step = time_window / np.shape(data)[0]
    sampling_freq = (1 / time_step) * 10**3

    # ------------------------------------------------ DZT file header -----------------------------------------------------

    tag = 255  # 0x00ff if header, 0xfnff for old file Header
    dataOffset = 1024  # Constant 1024
    noSamples = np.shape(data)[0]  # Number of samples
    bits = 16  # Bits per data word (8 or 16)
    binaryOffset = 32768  # Binary offset (8 bit -> 128, 16 bit -> 32768)
    sps = 0  # Scans per second
    spm = 1 / trace_step  # Scans per metre
    mpm = 0  # Meters per mark
    position = 0  # Position (ns)
    time_window = time_window  # Time window (ns)
    noScans = 0  # Number of passes for 2D files

    dateTime = datetime.datetime.now()  # Current datetime

    # Date and time created
    createdSec = dateTime.second
    if createdSec > 29: createdSec = 29
    createdMin = dateTime.minute
    createdHour = dateTime.hour
    createdDay = dateTime.day
    createdMonth = dateTime.month
    createdYear = dateTime.year - 1980

    # Date and time modified
    modifiedSec = dateTime.second
    if modifiedSec > 29: modifiedSec = 29
    modifiedMin = dateTime.minute
    modifiedHour = dateTime.hour
    modifiedDay = dateTime.day
    modifiedMonth = dateTime.month
    modifiedYear = dateTime.year - 1980

    offsetRG = 0  # Offset to range gain function
    sizeRG = 0  # Size of range gain function
    offsetText = 0  # Offset to text
    sizeText = 0  # Size of text
    offsetPH = 0  # Offset to processing history
    sizePH = 0  # Size of processing history
    noChannels = 1  # Number of channels
    epsr = 5  # Average dielectric constant
    topPosition = 0  # Top position (m)
    vel = (299792458 / np.sqrt(epsr)) * 10**-9
    range0 = vel * (time_window / 2)  # Range (meters)
    xStart = 0  # X start coordinate
    xFinish = noTraces * trace_step - trace_step  # X finish coordinate
    servoLevel = 0  # Gain servo level
    reserved = 0  # Reserved
    antConfig = 0  # Antenna Configuration
    setupConfig = 0  # Setup Configuration
    spp = 0  # Scans per pass
    noLine = 0  # Line number
    yStart = 0  # Y start coordinate
    yFinish = 0  # Y finish coordinate
    lineOrder = 0
    dataType = 2  # Data type

    antennaName = 'antName'
    if len(antennaName) > 14:
        antennaName = antennaName[0:14]
    elif len(antennaName) < 14:
        antennaName = antennaName.ljust(14)

    channelMask = 0  # Channel mask

    fName = fileName  # File name
    if len(fName) > 12:
        fName = fName[0:12]
    elif len(fName) < 12:
        fName = fName.ljust(12)

    checkSum = 0  # Check sum for header

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # ----------------------------------------- Convert to bytes and write to file --------------------------------------

    # Open file to write

    with open(fileName + '.dzt', 'wb') as fid:

        # Write header

        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, tag)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, dataOffset)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, noSamples)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, bits)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('s16<', dataStruct, 0, binaryOffset)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, sps)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, spm)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, mpm)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, position)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, time_window)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, noScans)

        sec = Bits(uint=createdSec, length=5)
        min = Bits(uint=createdMin, length=6)
        hour = Bits(uint=createdHour, length=5)
        day = Bits(uint=createdDay, length=5)
        month = Bits(uint=createdMonth, length=4)
        year = Bits(uint=createdYear, length=7)
        b = Bits().join([year, month, day, hour, min, sec])
        createDate = b.tobytes()
        fid.write(bitstruct.pack('>r32<', createDate))

        sec = Bits(uint=modifiedSec, length=5)
        min = Bits(uint=modifiedMin, length=6)
        hour = Bits(uint=modifiedHour, length=5)
        day = Bits(uint=modifiedDay, length=5)
        month = Bits(uint=modifiedMonth, length=4)
        year = Bits(uint=modifiedYear, length=7)
        b = Bits().join([year, month, day, hour, min, sec])
        modifiedDate = b.tobytes()
        fid.write(bitstruct.pack('>r32<', modifiedDate))

        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, offsetRG)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, sizeRG)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, offsetText)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, sizeText)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, offsetPH)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, sizePH)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, noChannels)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, epsr)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, topPosition)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, range0)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, xStart)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, xFinish)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, servoLevel)
        dataStruct = bytearray(3)
        bitstruct.pack_into('r24<', dataStruct, 0, reserved)
        dataStruct = bytearray(1)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u8<', dataStruct, 0, antConfig)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, setupConfig)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, spp)
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, noLine)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, yStart)
        dataStruct = bytearray(4)
        bitstruct.pack_into('f32<', dataStruct, 0, yFinish)
        dataStruct = bytearray(1)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u8<', dataStruct, 0, lineOrder)
        dataStruct = bytearray(1)
        bitstruct.pack_into('r8<', dataStruct, 0, dataType)
        fid.write(bitstruct.pack('t14<', antennaName))
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, channelMask)
        fid.write(bitstruct.pack('t12<', fName))
        dataStruct = bytearray(2)
        bitstruct.pack_into('u16<', dataStruct, 0, checkSum)

        # Move to 1024 to write data

        data = data + binaryOffset
        data = np.array(data, dtype='<H')

        # Close file


    print('Dzt file has been written!')