Exemple #1
class JokerContainerFile:
    file = None

    # Offset/sizes in bytes
    identifier_offset = 0
    identifier_size = 5
    mode_offset = identifier_offset + identifier_size
    mode_size = 2
    data_offset = mode_offset + mode_size + 1  # Skips unknown byte 0x01 between mode and data
    mode_f100_offset = data_offset + (7 * 8)

    def __init__(self, f, read=True):
        if read:
            self.file = ConstBitStream(f.read())
            self.file = ConstBitStream(f)
        self.file.pos = self.identifier_offset
        identifier = self.file.peek(f'bytes:{self.identifier_size}')
        if identifier != b'Joker':
            raise ValueError('Input not a Joker container file')

    def mode(self):
        self.file.pos = self.mode_offset * 8
        return self.file.peek(f'uintle:{self.mode_size * 8}')

    def _data(self):
        return self.file[self.data_offset * 8:]

    def data(self):
        data = self._data
        if self.mode == 0x0300 or self.mode == 0x0200:
            # Compressed/encrypted
            decompressed = zlib.decompress(data.tobytes())[:-1]
            decoded = bytes.fromhex(base64.b64decode(decompressed, validate=True).decode())
            data = JokerCipher.decrypt(decoded)

            if self.mode == 0x300:
                data = self._process_mode_300(data)

        elif self.mode == 0xF100:
            return data[self.mode_f100_offset:]

        return data

    def _process_mode_300(data):
        decoded = base64.decodebytes(data)
        decrypted = DefaultCipher.decrypt(decoded)
        decompressed = zlib.decompress(decrypted)

        return decompressed
Exemple #2
def lzwv_decode(in_array):
    max_entries = 2**MAX_CODE_LEN
    in_stream = ConstBitStream(in_array)
    dictionary = {i: bytes([i]) for i in range(256)}
    code_len = 9
    out_array = bytearray()
    while True:
            # Read a code
            k = in_stream.read(f'uint:{code_len}')

            # Look up code and emit value
            v = dictionary[k]
            out_array += v

            # Add v + v_next[0] to dictionary
            c = len(dictionary)
            if c < max_entries:
                if c == 2**code_len - 1:
                    code_len = min(MAX_CODE_LEN, code_len + 1)
                k_next = in_stream.peek(f'uint:{code_len}')
                if k_next < c:
                    v_next = dictionary[k_next]
                    dictionary[c] = v + v_next[:1]
                    dictionary[c] = v + v[:1]
        except ReadError:
    return bytes(out_array)
Exemple #3
def lzwf_decode(in_array, code_len=DEFAULT_CODE_LEN):
    max_entries = 2**code_len
    in_stream = ConstBitStream(in_array)
    dictionary = {i: bytes([i]) for i in range(256)}
    out_array = bytes()
    while True:
            # Read a code
            k = in_stream.read(f'uint:{code_len}')

            # Look up code and emit value
            v = dictionary[k]
            out_array = out_array + v

            # Add v + v_next[0] to dictionary
            c = len(dictionary)
            if c < max_entries:
                k_next = in_stream.peek(f'uint:{code_len}')
                if k_next < c:
                    v_next = dictionary[k_next]
                    dictionary[c] = v + v_next[:1]
                    dictionary[c] = v + v[:1]
        except ReadError:
    return bytes(out_array)
def huffman_decode(data, decoded_len, serialized_tree, symbol_bits=8):
    tree = deserialize_huffman_tree(serialized_tree, symbol_bits)
    dictionary, min_code_len = make_decoding_dictionary(tree)

    bits = ConstBitStream(data)
    out = BitArray()
    symbols_decoded = 0
        while symbols_decoded < decoded_len:
            num_bits = min_code_len
            code = bits.peek(f'bin:{num_bits}')
            while code not in dictionary:
                num_bits += 1
                code = bits.peek(f'bin:{num_bits}')
            out.append(Bits(uint=dictionary[code], length=symbol_bits))
            symbols_decoded += 1
    except ReadError:
    return out.tobytes()
Exemple #5
 def _load_le_instr(self, bitstream: bitstring.ConstBitStream,
                    numbits: int) -> str:
     # THUMB mode instructions swap endianness every two bytes!
     if (self.addr & 1) == 1 and numbits > 16:
         chunk = ""
         oldpos = bitstream.pos
         for _ in range(0, numbits, 16):
             chunk += bitstring.Bits(uint=bitstream.peek("uintle:%d" % 16),
             bitstream.pos += 16
         bitstream.pos = oldpos
         return chunk
     return super()._load_le_instr(bitstream, numbits)
Exemple #6
def process_tm_packet(binary_packet):
    bits = ConstBitStream(binary_packet)
    header = {
        k: v
        for k, v in zip(tm_header.keys(), bits.readlist(tm_header.values()))
    if header['service_type'] in [3, 21
                                  ] and header['service_subtype'] in [25, 6]:
            ssid = bits.peek('uint:8')
            header['ssid'] = ssid
        except ReadError as e:
            header['ssid'] = -1

    if header['data_len'] + 7 != len(bits.hex) / 2:
        raise ValueError('Expected and actual packet lentght do not match')

    return header, bits.hex
Exemple #7
    def from_bytes(cls, bitstream):
        Look at the type of the message, instantiate the correct class and
        let it parse the message.
        from pylisp.packet.lisp.control import type_registry

        # Convert to ConstBitStream (if not already provided)
        if not isinstance(bitstream, ConstBitStream):
            if isinstance(bitstream, Bits):
                bitstream = ConstBitStream(auto=bitstream)
                bitstream = ConstBitStream(bytes=bitstream)

        # Peek at the bitstream to see which type it is
        type_nr = bitstream.peek('uint:4')

        # Look for the right class
        type_class = type_registry.get_type_class(type_nr)
        if not type_class:
            raise ValueError("Can't handle message type {0}".format(type_nr))

        # Let the specific class handle it from now on
        return type_class.from_bytes(bitstream)
Exemple #8
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from bitstring import ConstBitStream
import sys

c = ConstBitStream(filename=sys.argv[1])
#Most log entry ends with 0A, this helps us to seek to the beginning of an entry
start = c.find('0x0A', bytealigned=True)[0]
#Seek 8 byte into the stream to skip EOL from previus log entry
start += 8

c.pos = start

while True:
  #Read and print the binary log header
  header = c.readlist('8*uintle:32')
  print header
  #Get the size in bits of the log message
  msgSize = (header[0] * 8 - 256)
  #Move pointer after message
  c.pos += msgSize
  #Check if EOL is present after message, if true, move pointer 8 byte
  if c.peek(8).hex == '0a':
    c.pos += 8
Exemple #9
    def from_bytes(cls, bitstream, decode_payload=True):
        Parse the given packet and update properties accordingly
        packet = cls()

        # Convert to ConstBitStream (if not already provided)
        if not isinstance(bitstream, ConstBitStream):
            if isinstance(bitstream, Bits):
                bitstream = ConstBitStream(auto=bitstream)
                bitstream = ConstBitStream(bytes=bitstream)

        # Read the version
        version = bitstream.read('uint:4')
        if version != packet.version:
            raise ValueError('Provided bytes do not contain an IPv4 packet')

        # Read the header length
        ihl = bitstream.read('uint:4')
        if ihl < 5:
            raise ValueError('Invalid IPv4 header length')

        # Now that we know the length of the header we store it to be able
        # to easily recalculate the header checksum later
        remaining_header_bits = (ihl * 32) - 8
        header = (BitStream('uint:4=4, uint:4=%d' % ihl) +

        # Read the type of service
        packet.tos = bitstream.read('uint:8')

        # Read the total length
        total_length = bitstream.read('uint:16')
        if total_length < ihl * 4:
            raise ValueError('Total length is shorter than the header')

        # Read the identification
        packet.identification = bitstream.read('uint:16')

        # Read the flags
         packet.more_fragments) = bitstream.readlist('3*bool')

        if reserved:
            raise ValueError('Reserved flag must be 0')

        # Read the fragment offset
        packet.fragment_offset = bitstream.read('uint:13')

        # Read the TTL
        packet.ttl = bitstream.read('uint:8')

        # Read the protocol number
        packet.protocol = bitstream.read('uint:8')

        # Read the header checksum
        header_checksum = bitstream.read('uint:16')

        # Set the checksum bits in the header to 0 and re-calculate
        header[80:96] = BitStream(16)
        my_checksum = checksum.ones_complement(header.bytes)

        if my_checksum != header_checksum:
            raise ValueError('Header checksum does not match')

        # Read the source and destination addresses
        packet.source = IPv4Address(bitstream.read('uint:32'))
        packet.destination = IPv4Address(bitstream.read('uint:32'))

        # Read the options
        option_len = (ihl - 5) * 4
        packet.options = bitstream.read('bytes:%d' % option_len)

        # And the rest is payload
        payload_bytes = (total_length) - (ihl * 4)
        packet.payload = bitstream.read('bytes:%d' % payload_bytes)

        if decode_payload:
            payload_class = protocol_registry.get_type_class(packet.protocol)
            if payload_class:
                packet.payload = payload_class.from_bytes(packet.payload)

        # There should be no remaining bits
        if bitstream.pos != bitstream.len:
            raise ValueError('Bits remaining after processing packet')

        # Verify that the properties make sense

        return packet
Exemple #10
 def _load_le_instr(self, bitstream: bitstring.ConstBitStream, numbits: int) -> str:
     return bitstring.Bits(uint=bitstream.peek("uintle:%d" % numbits), length=numbits).bin
Exemple #11
class FileReader:
    """ Some basic functionality for reading data from Binary files. """
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        if isinstance(filename, str):
            self.file = open(filename, 'rb')
            self.bits = ConstBitStream(open(filename, 'rb'))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def skip_bytes(self, count=1):
        self.bits.read('pad:{0}'.format(count * 8))

    def peek_int(self):
        return self.bits.peek(32).uintle

    def forward_to_first_non_zero_byte(self, start, end):
        self.bits.pos = start
        while self.bits.pos < end and self.bits.read(8).intle == 0:
        self.bits.pos -= 8

    def read_strings_from_block(self, start, end, stopAtEmptyString=False):
        self.bits.pos = start
        r = []
        while self.bits.pos < end:
            s = self.read_string()
            if s == "" and stopAtEmptyString:
                return r
        return tuple(r)

    def read_int(self):
        """ Read a single little endian 4 byte integer """
        return self.bits.read(32).intle

    def findall(self, bs):
        return self.bits.findall(bs, bytealigned=True)

    def read_bytes(self, count):
        return self.bits.read(count * 8)

    def read_byte(self, skip=0):
        i = self.bits.read(8).uint
        if skip > 0:

        return i

    def read_string_safe(self):
        return self.bits.read('bytes:{0}'.format(
            self.read_byte(skip=3))).decode("utf-8", 'replace')

    def find(self, bs, start, end):
        return self.bits.find(bs, start, end, True)

    def find_first(self, bs):
        return self.bits.find(bs)

    def extract_compressed_payloads(self):
        files = []
        occ = self.findall('0x789C')

        i = 0
        readSize = 2**12

        for pos in occ:
            self.bits.pos = pos

            #read the start of the stream into a buffer.
            if (self.bits.length - self.pos) < 8 * 2**12:
                readSize = int((self.bits.length - self.pos) / 8)

            buf = self.bits.read('bytes:{0}'.format(readSize))
            zo = zlib.decompressobj()

            #start the decompression
                stream = zo.decompress(buf)
            except zlib.error:  # right magic number but not a zlib stream.

            while zo.unused_data == b'' and readSize >= 2**12:
                if (self.bits.length - self.pos) < 8 * 2**12:
                    readSize = int((self.bits.length - self.pos) / 8)

                block = self.bits.read('bytes:{0}'.format(readSize))
                if len(block) > 0:
                        stream += zo.decompress(block)
                    except zlib.error:
                    break  # we've reached EOF

            with open(self.filename + '_' + str(i) + '.decompressed',
                      'wb') as fh:

            files.append(self.filename + '_' + str(i) + '.decompressed')

            i += 1

        return files

    def pos(self):
        return self.bits.pos

    def pos(self, value):
        self.bits.pos = value

    def read_string(self):
        """ Read an undelimited string with the length given in the first 4 bytes """
        return self.bits.read('bytes:{0}'.format(self.read_int())).decode(
            "utf-8", 'replace')
class FileReader:
    """ Some basic functionality for reading data from Binary files. """

    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        if isinstance(filename, str):
            self.file = open(filename, 'rb')
            self.bits = ConstBitStream(open(filename, 'rb'))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def skip_bytes(self,count=1):

    def peek_int(self):
        return self.bits.peek(32).uintle

    def forward_to_first_non_zero_byte(self, start, end):
        self.bits.pos = start
        while self.bits.pos < end and self.bits.read(8).intle == 0:
        self.bits.pos -= 8

    def read_strings_from_block(self, start, end, stopAtEmptyString=False):
        self.bits.pos = start
        r = []
        while self.bits.pos < end:
            s = self.read_string()
            if s == "" and stopAtEmptyString:
                return r
        return tuple(r)

    def read_int(self):
        """ Read a single little endian 4 byte integer """
        return self.bits.read(32).intle

    def findall(self,bs):
        return self.bits.findall(bs,bytealigned=True)

    def read_bytes(self, count):
        return self.bits.read(count*8)

    def read_byte(self, skip = 0):
        i = self.bits.read(8).uint
        if skip > 0:

        return i

    def read_string_safe(self):
        return self.bits.read('bytes:{0}'.format(self.read_byte(skip=3))).decode("utf-8", 'replace')

    def find(self, bs, start, end):
        return self.bits.find(bs,start, end, True )

    def find_first(self, bs):
        return self.bits.find(bs)

    def extract_compressed_payloads(self):
        files = []
        occ = self.findall('0x789C')

        i = 0
        readSize = 2**12

        for pos in occ:
            self.bits.pos = pos

            #read the start of the stream into a buffer.
            if (self.bits.length - self.pos) < 8*2**12:
                readSize = int((self.bits.length - self.pos) / 8)

            buf = self.bits.read('bytes:{0}'.format(readSize))
            zo = zlib.decompressobj()

            #start the decompression
                stream = zo.decompress(buf)
            except zlib.error: # right magic number but not a zlib stream.

            while zo.unused_data == b'' and readSize >= 2**12:
                if (self.bits.length - self.pos) < 8*2**12:
                    readSize = int((self.bits.length - self.pos) / 8)

                block = self.bits.read('bytes:{0}'.format(readSize))
                if len(block)> 0:
                        stream += zo.decompress(block)
                    except zlib.error:
                    break # we've reached EOF

            with open(self.filename + '_' + str(i) + '.decompressed', 'wb') as fh:

            files.append(self.filename + '_' + str(i) + '.decompressed')


        return files

    def pos(self):
        return self.bits.pos

    def pos(self, value):
        self.bits.pos = value

    def read_string(self):
        """ Read an undelimited string with the length given in the first 4 bytes """
        return self.bits.read('bytes:{0}'.format(self.read_int())).decode("utf-8", 'replace')