def list_names(cls, workbook, sheets): list_sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add() #list_sheet.Name = "BKT LISTE NAMEN" xllib.rename_sheet(list_sheet, "BKT LISTE NAMEN") cls._create_list_header(list_sheet, ["Typ", "Name", "Bezug", "Bereich"]) #list_sheet.Range("A2").ListNames() cur_row = 2 for name in iter(workbook.Names): if not name.Visible: continue ident = name.NameLocal.split("!",1) list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1).Value = "Name" list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,2).Value = "'" + ident[-1] #last element list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,3).Value = "'" + name.RefersToLocal list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,4).Value = "Arbeitsmappe" if len(ident) == 1 else ident[0].strip("'") cur_row += 1 for sheet in sheets: for obj in iter(sheet.ListObjects): list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1).Value = "Tabelle" list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,2).Value = "'" + obj.Name #FIXME: use DisplayName instead??? list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,3).Value = "'=" + xllib.get_address_external(obj.Range, True, True) list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,4).Value = "Arbeitsmappe" cur_row += 1 list_sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit()
def loop(worker): application.StatusBar = "Erstelle Dateiliste" worker.ReportProgress(0, "Erstelle Dateiliste") sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add() xllib.rename_sheet(sheet, "BKT DATEILISTE") if folders_only: cls._create_list_header(sheet, ["Name", "Anz. Ordner", "Anz. Dateien", "Erstellt", "Geändert", "Tiefe", "Übergeordneter Ordner", "Relativer Pfad", "Voller Pfad"], 2) else: cls._create_list_header(sheet, ["Name", "Typ", "Größe", "Erstellt", "Geändert", "Tiefe", "Übergeordneter Ordner", "Relativer Pfad", "Voller Pfad"], 2) total = cls._create_file_list(worker, application, folder, sheet, 3, recursive, folders_only) total -= 3 worker.ReportProgress(100, "Fertigstellen...") application.StatusBar = False application.ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1 sheet.Outline.SummaryRow = 0 #xlAbove sheet.Range("A3").Select() application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit() sheet.UsedRange.AutoFilter() if worker.CancellationPending: sheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "ABBRUCH der Dateiliste nach " + str(total) + " Dateien für Ordner: " + os.path.normpath(folder) else: sheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "Dateiliste mit " + str(total) + " Dateien für Ordner: " + os.path.normpath(folder)
def list_properties(cls, workbook): doctypes = { 1: "Zahl", 2: "Ja/Nein", 3: "Datum", 4: "Text", 5: "Zahl", } list_sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add() xllib.rename_sheet(list_sheet, "BKT LISTE DOKU. EIG.") cls._create_list_header(list_sheet, ["Typ", "Name", "Wert", "Datentyp"]) cur_row = 2 for prop in iter(workbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties): list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1).Value = "Standard" try: list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,3).Value = prop.Value() list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,2).Value = prop.Name() list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,4).Value = doctypes[prop.Type()] cur_row += 1 except: pass for prop in iter(workbook.CustomDocumentProperties): list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1).Value = "Benutzerdefiniert" try: list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,3).Value = prop.Value() list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,2).Value = prop.Name() list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,4).Value = doctypes[prop.Type()] cur_row += 1 except: pass list_sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit()
def list_comments(cls, sheet, workbook): list_sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add() xllib.rename_sheet(list_sheet, "BKT LISTE KOMMENTARE") cls._create_list_header(list_sheet, ["Zelle", "Autor", "Text"]) cur_row = 2 list_sheet.Range("C:C").ColumnWidth = 30 for comment in iter(sheet.Comments): list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1).Value = comment.Parent.AddressLocal(False, False) list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,2).Value = comment.Author list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,3).Value = comment.Text() cur_row += 1 list_sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit()
def list_cond_formats(cls, sheet, workbook): def _dict_by_value(input_dict, search_value): for key, value in input_dict.iteritems(): if value == search_value: return key def _getattr(obj, name, default=None): try: return getattr(obj, name, default) except: return default def _copy_values(from_obj, to_obj, attribute_list): for attr in attribute_list: val = _getattr(from_obj, attr, None) if val is not DBNull and val is not None: setattr(to_obj, attr, val) list_sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add() xllib.rename_sheet(list_sheet, "BKT LISTE BEN. FORMAT.") cls._create_list_header(list_sheet, ["Priorität", "Typ", "Formel 1", "Formel 2", "Text", "Operator", "Format", "Bereich", "Anhalten"]) cur_row = 2 # IMPORTANT LINE! For some reason excel crashs when accessing border/font color if sheet is not active sheet.Activate() for fcond in iter(sheet.Cells.FormatConditions): list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1).Value = fcond.Priority list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,2).Value = _dict_by_value(xlcon.XlFormatConditionType, fcond.Type) list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,3).Value = "'" + _getattr(fcond, "Formula1", '') list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,4).Value = "'" + _getattr(fcond, "Formula2", '') list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,5).Value = "'" + _getattr(fcond, "Text", '') operator = _getattr(fcond, "Operator", None) list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,6).Value = None if operator is None else _dict_by_value(xlcon.XlFormatConditionOperator, operator) #Format list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,7).Value = "AaBbCcYyZz" _copy_values(fcond.Interior, list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,7).Interior, ["Color", "Pattern", "PatternColor"]) _copy_values(fcond.Borders, list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,7).Borders, ["Color", "LineStyle", "Weight"]) _copy_values(fcond.Font, list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,7).Font, ["Color", "FontStyle"]) list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,8).Value = "'=" + xllib.get_address_external(fcond.AppliesTo, True, True) list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,9).Value = "X" if fcond.StopIfTrue else None cur_row += 1 list_sheet.Activate() list_sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit()
def list_workbooks(cls, workbook, application): list_sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add() #list_sheet.Name = "BKT LISTE ARBEITSMAPPEN" xllib.rename_sheet(list_sheet, "BKT LISTE ARBEITSMAPPEN") cls._create_list_header(list_sheet, ["Name", "Ordner", "Pfad", "Anz. Blätter", "Liste Blätter"]) cur_row = 2 for wb in list(iter(application.Workbooks)): list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1).Value = wb.Name list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,2).Value = wb.Path if wb.FullName: # list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,3).Value = wb.FullName list_sheet.Hyperlinks.Add(list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,3), wb.FullName, "", "", wb.FullName) #anchor, address, subaddress, screentip, texttodisplay list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,4).Value = wb.Worksheets.Count list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,5).Value = ", ".join([sh.Name for sh in wb.Worksheets if sh.Visible != xlcon.XlSheetVisibility["xlSheetVeryHidden"]]) cur_row += 1 list_sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit()
def sheets_base_list(cls, workbook, sheets): list_sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add() # explanation = list_sheet.Range("A1:C1") # explanation.MergeCells = True # explanation.WrapText = True # explanation.Value = "Umbenennen: XXX\nSortieren: XXX\nErstellen: XXX" xllib.rename_sheet(list_sheet, "BKT MULTIEDIT") cls._create_list_header(list_sheet, ["#", "Alter Name", "Neuer Name"], row=1) cur_row = 2 for i, sheet in enumerate(sheets, start=1): if sheet.Visible != xlcon.XlSheetVisibility["xlSheetVisible"] or sheet.Type != xlcon.XlSheetType["xlWorksheet"]: continue list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1).Value = i list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,2).Value = sheet.Name cur_row += 1 list_sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit()
def list_sheets(cls, workbook, sheets): list_sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add() #list_sheet.Name = "BKT LISTE BLÄTTER" xllib.rename_sheet(list_sheet, "BKT LISTE BLÄTTER") cls._create_list_header(list_sheet, ["Name", "Genutzter Bereich", "Zeilen", "Spalten", "Tab-Farbe", "Sichtbar", "Geschützt"]) cur_row = 2 for sheet in sheets: if sheet.Visible == xlcon.XlSheetVisibility["xlSheetVeryHidden"]: continue if sheet.Type == xlcon.XlSheetType["xlWorksheet"]: list_sheet.Hyperlinks.Add(list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1), "", "'" + sheet.Name + "'!A1", "", sheet.Name) #anchor, address, subaddress, screentip, texttodisplay list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,2).Value = "'=" + xllib.get_address_external(sheet.UsedRange, True, True) list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,3).Value = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,4).Value = sheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count if sheet.Tab.Color: list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,5).Interior.Color = sheet.Tab.Color list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,6).Value = "X" if sheet.Visible == xlcon.XlSheetVisibility["xlSheetVisible"] else None list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,7).Value = "X" if sheet.ProtectContents else None else: list_sheet.Cells(cur_row,1).Value = sheet.Name cur_row += 1 list_sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit()
def consolidate_worksheets(cls, workbook, sheet, sheets, selected_sheets, application): dropdown = ["[UsedRange]", "[Selection]", sheet.UsedRange.AddressLocal(False, False)] #TODO: [TableRange] einfügen mit automatischer Erkennung der Tabellen in einem Sheet inkl. Kopfzeile und Ergebniszeile #if area selected, take address address as default selection = application.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection if selection and selection.Cells.Count > 1: default_range = selection.AddressLocal(False, False) default_skip = 0 dropdown.append(default_range) else: default_range = "[UsedRange]" default_skip = 1 #Add ranges of defined names to dropdown for name in list(iter(workbook.Names)): try: dropdown.append(name.RefersToRange.AddressLocal(False, False)) except: pass pastemode_list = ["Alles einfügen", "Werte", "Werte und Zahlenformate", "Werte und Quellformatierung", "Formeln", "Formeln und Zahlenformate", "Formeln und Quellformatierung", "Referenzen", "Referenzen und Quellformatierung"] pastemode_values = [ [xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteAll"]], [xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteValues"]], [xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats"]], [xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteValues"], xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteFormats"]], [xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteFormulas"]], [xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats"]], [xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteFormulas"], xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteFormats"]], ["PASTE_LINK"], ["PASTE_LINK", xlcon.XlPasteType["xlPasteFormats"]] ] #generate list for checked listbox, if multiple sheets are selected mark them as checked, otherwise all are checked sel_worksheets = cls._get_worksheet_list(sheets, selected_sheets) #TODO: allow re-ordering ot sheets user_form = bkt.ui.UserInputBox("Diese Funktion kopiert die Zellen mehrerer Arbeitsblätter in ein Blatt. Bitte die Arbeitsblätter zur Konsolidierung auswählen:", "Arbeitsblätter konsolidieren") user_form._add_checked_listbox("sel_worksheets", sel_worksheets) user_form._add_label("Bereich zum Konsolidieren eingeben, d.h. eine benannter Bereich oder eine Adresse wie A1:D5. [UsedRange] ermittelt automatisch den genutzten Bereich je Arbeitsblatt. [Selection] nimmt den jeweils im Sheet ausgewählten Bereich.") user_form._add_combobox("range", default_range, dropdown) user_form._add_label("Zeilen überspringen, z.B. für Titelzeilen:") user_form._add_spinner("skip_rows", default_skip, max_value=sheet.Cells.Rows.Count-1) user_form._add_checkbox("insert_skip_rows", "Übersprungene Zeilen aus erstem Blatt einfügen (bspw. Überschriften)", True) user_form._add_label("Zeilen abtrennen, z.B. für Ergebnis-/Summenzeilen:") user_form._add_spinner("cut_rows", 0, max_value=sheet.Cells.Rows.Count-1) user_form._add_checkbox("insert_sheet_names", "Jeweiligen Blattnamen als erste Spalte einfügen") user_form._add_label("Einfügemodus:") user_form._add_combobox("pastemode", dropdown=pastemode_list, selected_index=0, editable=False, return_value="SelectedIndex") form_return = if len(form_return) == 0: return #worksheets to be consolidated sel_worksheets = form_return["sel_worksheets"] if len(sel_worksheets) == 0: bkt.helpers.message("Keine Blätter ausgewählt.") return #Number of skipped rows try: skip_rows = form_return["skip_rows"] skip_rows = 0 if skip_rows == '' else int(skip_rows) cut_rows = form_return["cut_rows"] cut_rows = 0 if cut_rows == '' else int(cut_rows) except: bkt.helpers.message("Fehler, Eingabe ist keine Zahl!") return err_counter = 0 insert_skip_rows = form_return["insert_skip_rows"] insert_column = 1 if not form_return["insert_sheet_names"] else 2 insert_row = 1 if insert_skip_rows else skip_rows+1 xllib.freeze_app(disable_display_alerts=True) application.StatusBar = "Konsolidiere Blätter" paste_types = pastemode_values[form_return["pastemode"]] new_sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add() #new_sheet.Name = "BKT KONSOLIDIERUNG" xllib.rename_sheet(new_sheet, "BKT KONSOLIDIERUNG") cur_cell = new_sheet.Cells(insert_row, insert_column) for sheet in sheets: if sheet.Name not in sel_worksheets: continue application.StatusBar = "Konsolidiere Blatt " + sheet.Name try: #Determine range to copy if form_return["range"] == "[UsedRange]": rng_to_copy = sheet.UsedRange elif form_return["range"] == "[Selection]": sheet.Activate() rng_to_copy = application.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection new_sheet.Activate() else: rng_to_copy = sheet.Range(form_return["range"]) #FIXME: Rows.Count does not return correct value for multiple areas (max of all area rows) rows_to_insert = rng_to_copy.Rows.Count rows_to_skip = skip_rows #Reduce rows if rows should be cut if cut_rows > 0: rows_to_insert -= cut_rows #Reduce rows if rows should be skipped if skip_rows > 0: if insert_skip_rows: #Insert skipped rows in first iteration => no shift in first iteration insert_skip_rows = False rows_to_skip = 0 else: rows_to_insert -= skip_rows #If no rows to insert continue if rows_to_insert <= 0: continue #FIXME: Resize does not work for multiple areas! This is a workaround until method can handle multiple areas. if rng_to_copy.Areas.Count == 1: rng_to_copy = rng_to_copy.Offset(rows_to_skip,0).Resize(rows_to_insert) #Copy action rng_to_copy.Copy() #Paste values/formats on current cell for ptype in paste_types: if ptype == "PASTE_LINK": cur_cell.Select() cur_cell.Parent.Paste(Link=True) else: cur_cell.PasteSpecial(ptype) rows_pasted = new_sheet.UsedRange.Row + new_sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - cur_cell.Row #Insert sheet name as first column if form_return["insert_sheet_names"]: cur_cell.Offset(0,-1).Resize(rows_pasted).Value = sheet.Name #cur_cell.Offset(0,-1).Resize(rng_to_copy.Rows.Count).Value = sheet.Name cur_cell = new_sheet.Cells(cur_cell.Row + rows_pasted, insert_column) except: #bkt.helpers.exception_as_message() err_counter += 1 new_sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit() new_sheet.Range("A1").Select() new_sheet.Activate() application.StatusBar = False xllib.unfreeze_app() if err_counter > 0: bkt.helpers.message("Fehler! " + str(err_counter) + " Blatt/Blätter konnte(n) nicht konsolidiert werden.")
def _consolidate_workbooks(workbooks, sheets, application): user_form = bkt.ui.UserInputBox("Diese Funktion kopiert die Blätter mehrerer Arbeitsmappen in eine Mappe. Bitte die Arbeitsmappen zur Konsolidierung auswählen:", "Arbeitsmappen konsolidieren") user_form._add_checked_listbox("sel_workbooks", workbooks) user_form._add_label("Komma-getrennte Liste von Blattnamen, die ausschließlich konsolidiert werden:") user_form._add_combobox("include_sheets", dropdown=sheets) user_form._add_label("Komma-getrennte Liste von Blattnamen, die nicht konsolidiert werden:") user_form._add_combobox("exclude_sheets", dropdown=sheets) user_form._add_checkbox("deduplicate", "Doppelte Blätter bzw. Blattnamen nur einmal kopieren") user_form._add_checkbox("include_hidden", "Versteckte Blätter kopieren", True) user_form._add_checkbox("add_wb_name", "Name der Arbeitsmappe vor Blattnamen schreiben") user_form._add_checkbox("add_report", "Neues Blatt mit Zusammenfassung der Konsolidierung einfügen", True) form_return = if len(form_return) == 0: return #sel_workbooks = list(form_return["sel_workbooks"].Item) sel_workbooks = form_return["sel_workbooks"] if len(sel_workbooks) == 0: bkt.helpers.message("Keine Arbeitsmappen ausgwählt.") return if form_return["exclude_sheets"] == '': exclude_sheets = [] else: exclude_sheets = form_return["exclude_sheets"].split(',') exclude_sheets = map(str.strip, exclude_sheets) if form_return["include_sheets"] == '': include_sheets = [] else: include_sheets = form_return["include_sheets"].split(',') include_sheets = map(str.strip, include_sheets) xllib.freeze_app(disable_display_alerts=True) application.StatusBar = "Konsolidiere Mappen" #Create new workbook and store created default sheets new_wb = application.Workbooks.Add() new_wb_sheets = list(iter(new_wb.Sheets)) #Rename created default sheets for i, sheet in enumerate(new_wb_sheets): sheet.Name = "BKT_TEMP_" + str(i) err_counter = 0 report = [] all_sheets = set() for wb_name in sel_workbooks: application.StatusBar = "Konsolidiere Mappe " + wb_name #Test if workbook is open, otherwise open it in read-only mode close = False try: cur_wb = application.Workbooks[os.path.basename(wb_name)] except: try: cur_wb = application.Workbooks.Open(wb_name, 0, True, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended=True) #Open( FileName , UpdateLinks , ReadOnly , Format , Password , WriteResPassword , IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended , Origin , Delimiter , Editable , Notify , Converter , AddToMru , Local , CorruptLoad ) close = True except: err_counter +=1 report.append((wb_name, "", "", "FEHLER BEIM ÖFFNEN")) #bkt.helpers.exception_as_message() continue err_counter_sheets = 0 sheets_to_copy = [] orig_sheet_names = [] #Iterate sheets and determine which one to copy and save original name for cur_sh in list(iter(cur_wb.Sheets)): if cur_sh.Name in exclude_sheets or \ (len(include_sheets) > 0 and cur_sh.Name not in include_sheets) or \ (cur_sh.Visible != xlcon.XlSheetVisibility["xlSheetVisible"] and not form_return["include_hidden"]): continue if form_return["deduplicate"] and cur_sh.Name in all_sheets: report.append((cur_wb.Name, cur_sh.Name, "", "DUPLIKAT ÜBERSPRUNGEN")) continue all_sheets.add(cur_sh.Name) sheets_to_copy.append(cur_sh.Index) orig_sheet_names.append(cur_sh.Name) ### OLD METHOD (copy sheets individually): # try: # #Copy sheet, store original name, add workbook name to original name if required # orig_sheet_name = cur_sh.Name # cur_sh.Copy(After=new_wb.Sheets(new_wb.Sheets.Count)) # new_sh = new_wb.Sheets(new_wb.Sheets.Count) # if(form_return["add_wb_name"]): # new_name = cur_wb.Name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + " " + orig_sheet_name # xllib.rename_sheet(new_sh, new_name) # #new_sh.Name = new_name[:31] #max sheet name length is 31 characters # report.append((cur_wb.Name, orig_sheet_name, new_sh.Name, "OK")) # except: # err_counter_sheets += 1 # report.append((cur_wb.Name, cur_sh.Name, "", "FEHLER")) # #bkt.helpers.exception_as_message() #Copy and rename sheets if len(sheets_to_copy) > 0: cur_index = new_wb.Sheets.Count cur_wb_name = cur_wb.Name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] #filename without ending try: #New window as workaround to copy multiple sheets with tables tmp_window = cur_wb.NewWindow() cur_wb.Sheets(System.Array[int](sheets_to_copy)).Copy(After=new_wb.Sheets(cur_index)) tmp_window.Close() #Rename sheets for i in range(cur_index+1, cur_index+len(sheets_to_copy)+1): orig_sheet_name = orig_sheet_names[i-1-cur_index] new_sh = new_wb.Sheets(i) if(form_return["add_wb_name"]): new_name = cur_wb_name + " " + orig_sheet_name else: new_name = orig_sheet_name xllib.rename_sheet(new_sh, new_name) report.append((cur_wb.Name, orig_sheet_name, new_sh.Name, "OK")) except: err_counter_sheets += 1 report.append((cur_wb.Name, "", "", "FEHLER BEIM KOPIEREN")) #bkt.helpers.exception_as_message() if err_counter_sheets > 0: err_counter +=1 if close: cur_wb.Close(False) #Delete created default sheets for sheet in new_wb_sheets: sheet.Delete() #Generate report sheet if(form_return["add_report"]): list_sheet = new_wb.Worksheets.Add(Before=new_wb.Worksheets(1)) #list_sheet.Name = "BKT KONSOLIDIERUNG" xllib.rename_sheet(list_sheet, "BKT KONSOLIDIERUNG") list_sheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "Arbeitsmappe" list_sheet.Cells(1,2).Value = "Blattname (alt)" list_sheet.Cells(1,3).Value = "Blattname (neu)" list_sheet.Cells(1,4).Value = "Status" list_sheet.Range("A1:D1").Font.Bold = True cur_row = 2 for wb, sh_old, sh_new, status in report: new_wb.Sheets(1).Cells(cur_row, 1).Value = wb new_wb.Sheets(1).Cells(cur_row, 2).Value = sh_old new_wb.Sheets(1).Cells(cur_row, 3).Value = sh_new new_wb.Sheets(1).Cells(cur_row, 4).Value = status cur_row += 1 list_sheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit() application.StatusBar = False xllib.unfreeze_app() if err_counter > 0: bkt.helpers.message("Fehler! " + str(err_counter) + " Arbeitemappe(n) konnte(n) nicht oder nur teilweise konsolidiert werden.")