def UV(context, layout, tool): if tool and tool.has_datablock: if context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH': tool_settings = context.tool_settings uv_sculpt = tool_settings.uv_sculpt brush = uv_sculpt.brush if brush: UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified( layout, context, brush, "size", pressure_name="use_pressure_size", unified_name="use_unified_size", slider=True, header=True ) UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified( layout, context, brush, "strength", pressure_name="use_pressure_strength", unified_name="use_unified_strength", slider=True, header=True )
def UV(context, layout, tool): if tool and tool.has_datablock: if context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH': tool_settings = context.tool_settings uv_sculpt = tool_settings.uv_sculpt brush = uv_sculpt.brush if brush: # NOTE: We don't draw UnifiedPaintSettings in the header to reduce clutter. D5928#136281 UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified(layout, context, brush, "size", pressure_name="use_pressure_size", slider=True) UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified(layout, context, brush, "strength", pressure_name="use_pressure_strength", slider=True)
def slider_strength(parent): # strength, use_strength_pressure pressure_name = "use_pressure_strength" if parent.capabilities.has_strength_pressure else None UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified(parent.layout, parent.context, parent.brush, "strength", pressure_name=pressure_name, unified_name="use_unified_strength", text="Strength", header=True) return 7.75
def slider_radius(parent): size = "size" size_owner = if else parent.brush if size_owner.use_locked_size == 'SCENE': size = "unprojected_radius" UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified(parent.layout, parent.context, parent.brush, size, pressure_name="use_pressure_size", unified_name="use_unified_size", text="Radius", slider=True, header=True) return 7.3
def stroke_curve_snap(parent): paint_settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(parent.context) if paint_settings: brush = paint_settings.brush if brush and hasattr( brush, "stroke_method") and brush.stroke_method == 'CURVE': snap_items =[ "snap_elements"].enum_items tool_settings = parent.context.tool_settings snap_elements = tool_settings.snap_elements if len(snap_elements) == 1: text = "" for elem in snap_elements: icon = snap_items[elem].icon break else: text = "Mix" icon = 'NONE' del snap_items, snap_elements row = parent.layout.row(align=True) row.prop(tool_settings, "use_snap", text="") sub = row.row(align=True) sub.popover( panel="VIEW3D_PT_snapping", icon=icon, text=text, ) return 2.6 return -1 # Invalid
def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) brush = settings.brush pie = layout.menu_pie() pie.operator_enum("brush", "stroke_method")
def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) brush = settings.brush sculpt_tool = brush.sculpt_tool pie = layout.menu_pie() pie.operator_enum("brush.curve_preset", "shape")
def poll(cls, context): settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) if not settings: return False brush = settings.brush tex_slot = brush.texture_slot return tex_slot.has_texture_angle and tex_slot.has_texture_angle_source
def palette_context_menu(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = context.tool_settings.image_paint capabilities = settings.brush.image_paint_capabilities if capabilities.has_color: split = layout.split(factor=0.1) column = split.column() UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified_color(column, context, settings.brush, "color", text="") UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified_color(column, context, settings.brush, "secondary_color", text="") column.operator("paint.brush_colors_flip", icon='FILE_REFRESH', text="", emboss=False) column.operator(PaletteGenerator.bl_idname, icon='MOD_OPACITY', text="", emboss=False) UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified_color_picker(split, context, settings.brush, "color", value_slider=True) layout.prop(settings.brush, "blend", text="") if capabilities.has_radius: UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified_size(layout, context, settings.brush, "size", slider=True) UnifiedPaintPanel.prop_unified_strength(layout, context, settings.brush, "strength") if settings.palette: layout.template_palette(settings, "palette", color=True)
def brush_selector(parent): paint_settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(parent.context) if paint_settings: rows_cols = parent.prefs.brush_selector_grid_size parent.layout.template_ID_preview(paint_settings, "brush", rows=rows_cols[0], cols=rows_cols[1], hide_buttons=True) return 7.6 return -1
def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) colum_n = utils_core.addon_settings(lists=False) if utils_core.addon_settings(lists=True) != 'popup': layout.label(text="Seems no active brush", icon="INFO") layout.label(text="in the Tool Shelf", icon="BACK") layout.template_ID_preview(settings, "brush", new="brush.add", rows=3, cols=colum_n)
def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) # check if brush exists (for instance, in paint mode before adding a slot) if hasattr(settings, 'brush'): brush = settings.brush else: brush = None if not brush: layout.label(text="No Brushes currently available", icon="INFO") return if not context.particle_edit_object: if UseBrushesLists(): flow = layout.column_flow(columns=3) for brsh in if (context.sculpt_object and brsh.use_paint_sculpt): props = flow.operator("wm.context_set_id",, icon_value=layout.icon(brsh)) props.data_path = "tool_settings.sculpt.brush" props.value = elif (context.image_paint_object and brsh.use_paint_image): props = flow.operator("wm.context_set_id",, icon_value=layout.icon(brsh)) props.data_path = "tool_settings.image_paint.brush" props.value = elif (context.vertex_paint_object and brsh.use_paint_vertex): props = flow.operator("wm.context_set_id",, icon_value=layout.icon(brsh)) props.data_path = "tool_settings.vertex_paint.brush" props.value = elif (context.weight_paint_object and brsh.use_paint_weight): props = flow.operator("wm.context_set_id",, icon_value=layout.icon(brsh)) props.data_path = "tool_settings.weight_paint.brush" props.value = else: layout.template_ID_preview(settings, "brush", new="brush.add", rows=3, cols=8)
def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) brush = settings.brush flow = layout.column_flow(columns=2) for brush in if context.sculpt_object: if brush.use_paint_sculpt: row = flow.row(1) row.label(icon_value=row.icon(brush)) props = row.operator("wm.context_set_id", props.data_path = "tool_settings.sculpt.brush" props.value =
def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) brush = settings.brush sculpt = (context.sculpt_object is not None) tex_slot = brush.texture_slot layout.prop(tex_slot, "use_rake", text="Rake") if brush.brush_capabilities.has_random_texture_angle and tex_slot.has_random_texture_angle: if sculpt: if brush.sculpt_capabilities.has_random_texture_angle: layout.prop(tex_slot, "use_random", text="Random") else: layout.prop(tex_slot, "use_random", text="Random")
def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) brush = getattr(settings, "brush", None) ups = context.tool_settings.unified_paint_settings layout.prop(ups, "use_unified_size", text="Unified Size") layout.prop(ups, "use_unified_strength", text="Unified Strength") if context.image_paint_object or context.vertex_paint_object: layout.prop(ups, "use_unified_color", text="Unified Color") layout.separator() if not brush: layout.label(text="No Brushes currently available", icon="INFO") return"VIEW3D_MT_brush_paint_modes") if context.sculpt_object: sculpt_tool = brush.sculpt_tool layout.separator() layout.operator_menu_enum("brush.curve_preset", "shape", text="Curve Preset") layout.separator() if sculpt_tool != 'GRAB': layout.prop_menu_enum(brush, "stroke_method") if sculpt_tool in { 'DRAW', 'PINCH', 'INFLATE', 'LAYER', 'CLAY' }: layout.prop_menu_enum(brush, "direction") if sculpt_tool == 'LAYER': layout.prop(brush, "use_persistent") layout.operator("sculpt.set_persistent_base")
def draw(self, context): if (context.mode != "SCULPT"): super().draw(context) return # Not a brush but a tool. elif not UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context): super().draw(context) return # self.layout.template_header() # to change region # VARIABLES self.act_obj = context.active_object toolsettings = context.tool_settings self.sculpt = toolsettings.sculpt self.brush = brush = self.sculpt.brush wm = context.window_manager scn = context.scene # Not a brush but a tool. if brush is None: return self.capabilities = self.brush.sculpt_capabilities = toolsettings.unified_paint_settings self.context = context self.prefs = context.preferences.addons[main_package].preferences self.sep = 5 * context.preferences.view.ui_scale self.props = scn.bas_custom_ui layout = self.layout for block in blocks: block(self)
def VIEW3D_HT_header_draw_new(self, context): if "BLEND4WEB" not in context.scene.render.engine: _VIEW3D_HT_header_draw(self, context) else: layout = self.layout view = context.space_data # mode_string = context.mode obj = context.active_object toolsettings = context.tool_settings row = layout.row(align=True) row.template_header() bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_editor_menus.draw_collapsible(context, layout) # Contains buttons like Mode, Pivot, Manipulator, Layer, Mesh Select Mode... row = layout layout.template_header_3D() if obj: mode = obj.mode # Particle edit if mode == 'PARTICLE_EDIT': row.prop(toolsettings.particle_edit, "select_mode", text="", expand=True) # Occlude geometry if ((view.viewport_shade not in {'BOUNDBOX', 'WIREFRAME'} and (mode == 'PARTICLE_EDIT' or (mode == 'EDIT' and obj.type == 'MESH'))) or (mode == 'WEIGHT_PAINT')): row.prop(view, "use_occlude_geometry", text="") # Proportional editing if context.gpencil_data and context.gpencil_data.use_stroke_edit_mode: row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit", icon_only=True) if toolsettings.proportional_edit != 'DISABLED': row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit_falloff", icon_only=True) elif mode in {'EDIT', 'PARTICLE_EDIT'}: row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit", icon_only=True) if toolsettings.proportional_edit != 'DISABLED': row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit_falloff", icon_only=True) elif mode == 'OBJECT': row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "use_proportional_edit_objects", icon_only=True) if toolsettings.use_proportional_edit_objects: row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit_falloff", icon_only=True) else: # Proportional editing if context.gpencil_data and context.gpencil_data.use_stroke_edit_mode: row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit", icon_only=True) if toolsettings.proportional_edit != 'DISABLED': row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit_falloff", icon_only=True) # Snap show_snap = False if obj is None: show_snap = True else: if mode not in {'SCULPT', 'VERTEX_PAINT', 'WEIGHT_PAINT', 'TEXTURE_PAINT'}: show_snap = True else: paint_settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) if paint_settings: brush = paint_settings.brush if brush and brush.stroke_method == 'CURVE': show_snap = True if show_snap: snap_element = toolsettings.snap_element row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap", text="") row.prop(toolsettings, "snap_element", icon_only=True) if snap_element == 'INCREMENT': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_grid_absolute", text="") else: row.prop(toolsettings, "snap_target", text="") if obj: if mode == 'EDIT': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_self", text="") if mode in {'OBJECT', 'POSE', 'EDIT'} and snap_element != 'VOLUME': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_align_rotation", text="") if snap_element == 'VOLUME': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_peel_object", text="") elif snap_element == 'FACE': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_project", text="") # AutoMerge editing if obj: if (mode == 'EDIT' and obj.type == 'MESH'): layout.prop(toolsettings, "use_mesh_automerge", text="", icon='AUTOMERGE_ON') # Pose if obj and mode == 'POSE': row = layout.row(align=True) row.operator("pose.copy", text="", icon='COPYDOWN') row.operator("pose.paste", text="", icon='PASTEDOWN').flipped = False row.operator("pose.paste", text="", icon='PASTEFLIPDOWN').flipped = True # GPencil if context.gpencil_data and context.gpencil_data.use_stroke_edit_mode: row = layout.row(align=True) row.operator("gpencil.copy", text="", icon='COPYDOWN') row.operator("gpencil.paste", text="", icon='PASTEDOWN') # XXX: icon layout.prop(context.gpencil_data, "use_onion_skinning", text="Onion Skins", icon='PARTICLE_PATH') row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(context.tool_settings.gpencil_sculpt, "use_select_mask") row.prop(context.tool_settings.gpencil_sculpt, "selection_alpha", slider=True)
def draw(self, context): datapath, icon = self.init() menu = utils_core.Menu(self) settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) colum_n = utils_core.addon_settings(lists=False) menu.add_item().label(text="Brush") menu.add_item().separator() has_brush = utils_core.get_brush_link(context, types="brush") current_brush = eval( "bpy.context.{}".format(datapath)) if has_brush else None # get the current brush's name if current_brush and utils_core.get_mode() != utils_core.particle_edit: current_brush = if utils_core.get_mode() == utils_core.particle_edit: particle_tools = [["None", 'NONE'], ["Comb", 'COMB'], ["Smooth", 'SMOOTH'], ["Add", 'ADD'], ["Length", 'LENGTH'], ["Puff", 'PUFF'], ["Cut", 'CUT'], ["Weight", 'WEIGHT']] # if you are in particle edit mode add the menu items for particle mode for tool in particle_tools: utils_core.menuprop(menu.add_item(), tool[0], tool[1], datapath, icon='RADIOBUT_OFF', disable=True, disable_icon='RADIOBUT_ON') else: column_flow = menu.add_item("column_flow", columns=colum_n) if utils_core.addon_settings(lists=True) == 'template': self.layout.template_ID_preview(settings, "brush", new="brush.add", rows=3, cols=colum_n) else: # iterate over all the brushes for item in if utils_core.get_mode() == utils_core.sculpt: if item.use_paint_sculpt: # if you are in sculpt mode and the brush # is a sculpt brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( menu.add_item(parent=column_flow),, '["%s"]' %, datapath, icon=icon[item.sculpt_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=[, current_brush], path=True) if utils_core.get_mode() == utils_core.vertex_paint: if item.use_paint_vertex: # if you are in vertex paint mode and the brush # is a vertex paint brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( menu.add_item(parent=column_flow),, '["%s"]' %, datapath, icon=icon[item.vertex_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=[, current_brush], path=True) if utils_core.get_mode() == utils_core.weight_paint: if item.use_paint_weight: # if you are in weight paint mode and the brush # is a weight paint brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( menu.add_item(parent=column_flow),, '["%s"]' %, datapath, icon=icon[item.vertex_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=[, current_brush], path=True) if utils_core.get_mode() == utils_core.texture_paint: if item.use_paint_image: # if you are in texture paint mode and the brush # is a texture paint brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( menu.add_item(parent=column_flow),, '["%s"]' %, datapath, icon=icon[item.image_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=[, current_brush], path=True)
def draw(self, context): mode = utils_core.get_mode() layout = self.layout settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) colum_n = utils_core.addon_settings(lists=False) layout.row().label(text="Brush") layout.row().separator() has_brush = utils_core.get_brush_link(context, types="brush") current_brush = eval("bpy.context.{}".format( brush_datapath[mode])) if has_brush else None # get the current brush's name if current_brush and utils_core.get_mode() != 'PARTICLE_EDIT': current_brush = if mode == 'PARTICLE_EDIT': # if you are in particle edit mode add the menu items for particle mode for tool in particle_tools: utils_core.menuprop(layout.row(), tool[0], tool[1], brush_datapath[mode], icon='RADIOBUT_OFF', disable=True, disable_icon='RADIOBUT_ON') else: column_flow = layout.column_flow(columns=colum_n) if utils_core.addon_settings(lists=True) == 'template': layout.template_ID_preview(settings, "brush", new="brush.add", rows=3, cols=colum_n) else: # iterate over all the brushes for item in if mode == 'SCULPT': if item.use_paint_sculpt: # if you are in sculpt mode and the brush # is a sculpt brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( column_flow.row(),, '["%s"]' %, brush_datapath[mode], icon=brush_icon[mode][item.sculpt_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=(, current_brush), path=True) if mode == 'VERTEX_PAINT': if item.use_paint_vertex: # if you are in vertex paint mode and the brush # is a vertex paint brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( column_flow.row(),, '["%s"]' %, brush_datapath[mode], icon=brush_icon[mode][item.vertex_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=(, current_brush), path=True) if mode == 'WEIGHT_PAINT': if item.use_paint_weight: # if you are in weight paint mode and the brush # is a weight paint brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( column_flow.row(),, '["%s"]' %, brush_datapath[mode], icon=brush_icon[mode][item.vertex_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=(, current_brush), path=True) if utils_core.get_mode() == 'TEXTURE_PAINT': if item.use_paint_image: # if you are in texture paint mode and the brush # is a texture paint brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( column_flow.row(),, '["%s"]' %, brush_datapath[mode], icon=brush_icon[mode][item.image_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=(, current_brush), path=True)
def draw(self, context): mode = utils_core.get_mode() layout = self.layout settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) colum_n = utils_core.addon_settings(lists=False) layout.row().label(text="Brush") layout.row().separator() has_brush = utils_core.get_brush_link(context, types="brush") current_brush = eval("bpy.context.{}".format(brush_datapath[mode])) if has_brush else None # get the current brush's name if current_brush and utils_core.get_mode() != 'PARTICLE_EDIT': current_brush = if mode == 'PARTICLE_EDIT': # if you are in particle edit mode add the menu items for particle mode for tool in particle_tools: utils_core.menuprop( layout.row(), tool[0], tool[1], brush_datapath[mode], icon='RADIOBUT_OFF', disable=True, disable_icon='RADIOBUT_ON' ) else: column_flow = layout.column_flow(columns=colum_n) if utils_core.addon_settings(lists=True) == 'template': layout.template_ID_preview(settings, "brush", new="brush.add", rows=3, cols=colum_n) else: # iterate over all the brushes for item in if mode == 'SCULPT': if item.use_paint_sculpt: # if you are in sculpt mode and the brush # is a sculpt brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( column_flow.row(),, '["%s"]' %, brush_datapath[mode], icon=brush_icon[mode][item.sculpt_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=(, current_brush), path=True ) if mode == 'VERTEX_PAINT': if item.use_paint_vertex: # if you are in vertex paint mode and the brush # is a vertex paint brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( column_flow.row(),, '["%s"]' %, brush_datapath[mode], icon=brush_icon[mode][item.vertex_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=(, current_brush), path=True ) if mode == 'WEIGHT_PAINT': if item.use_paint_weight: # if you are in weight paint mode and the brush # is a weight paint brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( column_flow.row(),, '["%s"]' %, brush_datapath[mode], icon=brush_icon[mode][item.vertex_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=(, current_brush), path=True ) if utils_core.get_mode() == 'TEXTURE_PAINT': if item.use_paint_image: # if you are in texture paint mode and the brush # is a texture paint brush add the brush to the menu utils_core.menuprop( column_flow.row(),, '["%s"]' %, brush_datapath[mode], icon=brush_icon[mode][item.image_tool], disable=True, custom_disable_exp=(, current_brush), path=True )
def VIEW3D_HT_header_draw_new(self, context): if "BLEND4WEB" not in context.scene.render.engine: _VIEW3D_HT_header_draw(self, context) else: layout = self.layout view = context.space_data # mode_string = context.mode obj = context.active_object toolsettings = context.tool_settings row = layout.row(align=True) row.template_header() bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_editor_menus.draw_collapsible(context, layout) # Contains buttons like Mode, Pivot, Manipulator, Layer, Mesh Select Mode... row = layout layout.template_header_3D() if obj: mode = obj.mode # Particle edit if mode == 'PARTICLE_EDIT': row.prop(toolsettings.particle_edit, "select_mode", text="", expand=True) # Occlude geometry if ((view.viewport_shade not in {'BOUNDBOX', 'WIREFRAME'} and (mode == 'PARTICLE_EDIT' or (mode == 'EDIT' and obj.type == 'MESH'))) or (mode == 'WEIGHT_PAINT')): row.prop(view, "use_occlude_geometry", text="") # Proportional editing if context.gpencil_data and context.gpencil_data.use_stroke_edit_mode: row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit", icon_only=True) if toolsettings.proportional_edit != 'DISABLED': row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit_falloff", icon_only=True) elif mode in {'EDIT', 'PARTICLE_EDIT'}: row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit", icon_only=True) if toolsettings.proportional_edit != 'DISABLED': row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit_falloff", icon_only=True) elif mode == 'OBJECT': row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "use_proportional_edit_objects", icon_only=True) if toolsettings.use_proportional_edit_objects: row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit_falloff", icon_only=True) else: # Proportional editing if context.gpencil_data and context.gpencil_data.use_stroke_edit_mode: row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit", icon_only=True) if toolsettings.proportional_edit != 'DISABLED': row.prop(toolsettings, "proportional_edit_falloff", icon_only=True) # Snap show_snap = False if obj is None: show_snap = True else: if mode not in { 'SCULPT', 'VERTEX_PAINT', 'WEIGHT_PAINT', 'TEXTURE_PAINT' }: show_snap = True else: paint_settings = UnifiedPaintPanel.paint_settings(context) if paint_settings: brush = paint_settings.brush if brush and brush.stroke_method == 'CURVE': show_snap = True if show_snap: snap_element = toolsettings.snap_element row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap", text="") row.prop(toolsettings, "snap_element", icon_only=True) if snap_element == 'INCREMENT': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_grid_absolute", text="") else: row.prop(toolsettings, "snap_target", text="") if obj: if mode == 'EDIT': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_self", text="") if mode in {'OBJECT', 'POSE', 'EDIT' } and snap_element != 'VOLUME': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_align_rotation", text="") if snap_element == 'VOLUME': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_peel_object", text="") elif snap_element == 'FACE': row.prop(toolsettings, "use_snap_project", text="") # AutoMerge editing if obj: if (mode == 'EDIT' and obj.type == 'MESH'): layout.prop(toolsettings, "use_mesh_automerge", text="", icon='AUTOMERGE_ON') # Pose if obj and mode == 'POSE': row = layout.row(align=True) row.operator("pose.copy", text="", icon='COPYDOWN') row.operator("pose.paste", text="", icon='PASTEDOWN').flipped = False row.operator("pose.paste", text="", icon='PASTEFLIPDOWN').flipped = True # GPencil if context.gpencil_data and context.gpencil_data.use_stroke_edit_mode: row = layout.row(align=True) row.operator("gpencil.copy", text="", icon='COPYDOWN') row.operator("gpencil.paste", text="", icon='PASTEDOWN') # XXX: icon layout.prop(context.gpencil_data, "use_onion_skinning", text="Onion Skins", icon='PARTICLE_PATH') row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(context.tool_settings.gpencil_sculpt, "use_select_mask") row.prop(context.tool_settings.gpencil_sculpt, "selection_alpha", slider=True)