Exemple #1
def to_blackbird(prog, version="1.0"):
    """Convert a Strawberry Fields Program to a Blackbird Program.

        prog (Program): the Strawberry Fields program
        version (str): Blackbird script version number

    bb = blackbird.BlackbirdProgram(name=prog.name, version=version)

    # TODO not sure if this makes sense: the program has *already been* compiled using this target
    if prog.target is not None:
        # set the target
        bb._target["name"] = prog.target

        # set the run options
        if prog.run_options:

        if prog.backend_options:

    # fill in the quantum circuit
    for cmd in prog.circuit:
        op = {"kwargs": {}, "args": []}

        op["op"] = cmd.op.__class__.__name__
        op["modes"] = [i.ind for i in cmd.reg]

        if "Measure" in op["op"]:
            # special case to take into account 'select' keyword argument
            if cmd.op.select is not None:
                op["kwargs"]["select"] = cmd.op.select

            if cmd.op.p:
                # argument is quadrature phase
                op["kwargs"]["phi"] = cmd.op.p[0]

            if op["op"] == "MeasureFock":
                # special case to take into account 'dark_counts' keyword argument
                if cmd.op.dark_counts is not None:
                    op["kwargs"]["dark_counts"] = cmd.op.dark_counts

            for a in cmd.op.p:
                if sfpar.par_is_symbolic(a):
                    # SymPy object, convert to string
                    a = str(a)


    return bb
def to_blackbird(prog: Program,
                 version: str = "1.0") -> blackbird.BlackbirdProgram:
    """Convert a Strawberry Fields Program to a Blackbird Program.

        prog (Program): the Strawberry Fields program
        version (str): Blackbird script version number

    bb = blackbird.BlackbirdProgram(name=prog.name, version=version)
    bb._modes = set(prog.reg_refs.keys())

    isMeasuredParameter = lambda x: isinstance(x, sfpar.MeasuredParameter)

    # not sure if this makes sense: the program has *already been* compiled using this target
    if prog.target is not None:
        # set the target
        bb._target["name"] = prog.target

        # set the run options
        if prog.run_options:

        if prog.backend_options:

    # fill in the quantum circuit
    for cmd in prog.circuit:
        op = {"kwargs": {}, "args": []}

        op["op"] = cmd.op.__class__.__name__
        op["modes"] = [i.ind for i in cmd.reg]

        if "Measure" in op["op"]:
            # special case to take into account 'select' keyword argument
            if cmd.op.select is not None:
                op["kwargs"]["select"] = cmd.op.select

            if cmd.op.p:
                # argument is quadrature phase
                op["args"] = cmd.op.p

            if op["op"] == "MeasureFock":
                # special case to take into account 'dark_counts' keyword argument
                if cmd.op.dark_counts is not None:
                    op["kwargs"]["dark_counts"] = cmd.op.dark_counts

            for a in cmd.op.p:
                if sfpar.par_is_symbolic(a):
                    # SymPy object, convert to string
                    if any(map(isMeasuredParameter, a.free_symbols)):
                        # check if there are any measured parameters in `a`
                        a = blackbird.RegRefTransform(a)
                        a = str(a)

        # If program is a TDMProgram then add the looped-over arrays to the
        # blackbird program. `prog.loop_vars` are symbolic parameters (e.g.
        # `{p0}`), which should be replaced with `p.name` (e.g. `p0`) inside the
        # Blackbird operation (keyword) arguments.
        if isinstance(prog, TDMProgram):
            for p in prog.loop_vars:
                for i, ar in enumerate(op["args"]):
                    if str(p) == str(ar):
                        op["args"][i] = p.name
                for k, v in op["kwargs"].items():
                    if str(p) == str(v):
                        op["kwargs"][k] = p.name

    # add the specific "tdm" metadata to the Blackbird program
    if isinstance(prog, TDMProgram):
        bb._type["name"] = "tdm"
            "temporal_modes": prog.timebins,
            f"{p.name}": np.array([prog.tdm_params[i]])
            for i, p in enumerate(prog.loop_vars)

    return bb
Exemple #3
def to_blackbird(prog, version="1.0"):
    """Convert a Strawberry Fields Program to a Blackbird Program.

        prog (Program): the Strawberry Fields program
        version (str): Blackbird script version number

    bb = blackbird.BlackbirdProgram(name=prog.name, version=version)

    if prog.backend is not None:
        # set the target
        bb._target["name"] = prog.backend

    # fill in the quantum circuit
    for cmd in prog.circuit:
        op = {"kwargs": {}, "args": []}

        op["op"] = cmd.op.__class__.__name__
        op["modes"] = [i.ind for i in cmd.reg]

        if "Measure" in op["op"]:
            # special case to take into account 'select' keyword argument
            if cmd.op.select is not None:
                op["kwargs"]["select"] = cmd.op.select

            if cmd.op.p:
                # argument is quadrature phase
                op["kwargs"]["phi"] = cmd.op.p[0].x

            if cmd.op.p is not None:
                for a in cmd.op.p:
                    # check if reg ref transform
                    if isinstance(a.x, RegRefTransform):
                        # if a.x.func_str is not None:
                        # TODO: will not satisfy all use cases
                        # as the RegRefTransform string cannot be checked
                        # to determine if it is a valid function for serialization!
                        # Possible solutions:
                        #   * Use SymPy to represent functions, as
                        #     SymPy provides methods for converting to
                        #     Python functions as well as serialization
                        #   * Don't allow classical processing of measurements
                        #     on remote backends
                        # op["args"].append(a.x.func_str)
                        # else:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "The RegRefTransform in operation {} "
                            "is not supported by Blackbird.".format(cmd.op))
                    # else:

    return bb