Exemple #1
def fieldmean(resource):
    calculating of a weighted field mean

    :param resource: str or list of str containing the netCDF files pathes

    :return list: timeseries of the averaged values per timepstep

    data = get_values(resource)  # np.squeeze(ds.variables[variable][:])
    # dim = data.shape

    if len(data.shape) == 3:
        # TODO if data.shape == 2 , 4 ...
        lats, lons = get_coordinates(resource, unrotate=False)
        lats = array(lats)
        if len(lats.shape) == 2:
            lats = lats[:, 0]
            LOGGER.debug('Latitudes not reduced to 1D')
        # TODO: calculat weighed average with 2D lats (rotated pole coordinates)
        # lats, lons = get_coordinates(resource, unrotate=False)
        # if len(lats.shape) == 2:
        #     lats, lons = get_coordinates(resource)

        lat_index = get_index_lat(resource)
        LOGGER.debug('lats dimension %s ' % len(lats.shape))
        LOGGER.debug('lats index %s' % lat_index)

        lat_w = sqrt(cos(lats * radians(1)))
        meanLon = average(data, axis=lat_index, weights=lat_w)
        meanTimeserie = average(meanLon, axis=1)
        LOGGER.debug('fieldmean calculated')
        LOGGER.error('not 3D shaped data. Average can not be calculated')
    return meanTimeserie
Exemple #2
def map_spatial_analog(ncfile, variable='dissimilarity', cmap='viridis', title='Spatial analog'):
    """Return a matplotlib Figure instance showing a map of the dissimilarity measure.
    import netCDF4 as nc
    from blackswan import utils
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import make_axes_locatable
    import matplotlib.axes as maxes

        var = utils.get_values(ncfile, variable)
        LOGGER.info('Data loaded')

        lats, lons = utils.get_coordinates(ncfile, variable=variable, unrotate=False)

        if len(lats.shape) == 1:
            cyclic_var, cyclic_lons = add_cyclic_point(var, coord=lons)

            lons = cyclic_lons.data
            var = cyclic_var

        with nc.Dataset(ncfile) as D:
            V = D.variables[variable]
            lon, lat = map(float, V.target_location.split(','))

        LOGGER.info('Lat and lon loaded')

    except Exception as e:
        msg = 'Failed to get data for plotting: {0}\n{1}'.format(ncfile, e)
        raise Exception(msg)

        fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
        fig.subplots_adjust(top=.95, bottom=.05, left=.03, right=.95)

        ax = plt.axes(

        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        cax = divider.new_horizontal("4%", pad=0.15, axes_class=maxes.Axes)

        ax.plot(lon, lat, marker='o', mfc='#292421', ms=13, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
        ax.plot(lon, lat, marker='o', mfc='#ffffff', ms=7, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())

        cs = ax.contourf(lons, lats, var, 60,
                         cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest')

        ax.coastlines(color='k', linewidth=.8)

        cb = plt.colorbar(cs, cax=cax, orientation='vertical')
        cb.set_label(u"–            Dissimilarity             +")  # ha='left', va='center')

        msg = 'failed to plot graphic'

    LOGGER.info('Plot created and figure saved')
    return fig
Exemple #3
def map_robustness(signal, high_agreement_mask, low_agreement_mask,
                   variable=None, cmap='seismic', title=None,
    generates a graphic for the output of the ensembleRobustness process for a lat/long file.

    :param signal: netCDF file containing the signal difference over time
    :param highagreement:
    :param lowagreement:
    :param variable:
    :param cmap: default='seismic',
    :param title: default='Model agreement of signal'
    :returns str: path/to/file.png
    from blackswan import utils
    from numpy import mean, ma

    if variable is None:
        variable = utils.get_variable(signal)

        var_signal = utils.get_values(signal)
        mask_l = utils.get_values(low_agreement_mask)
        mask_h = utils.get_values(high_agreement_mask)

        # mask_l = ma.masked_where(low < 0.5, low)
        # mask_h = ma.masked_where(high < 0.5, high)
        # mask_l[mask_l == 0] = np.nan
        # mask_h[mask_h == 0] = np.nan

        LOGGER.info('data loaded')

        lats, lons = utils.get_coordinates(signal, unrotate=True)

        if len(lats.shape) == 1:
            cyclic_var, cyclic_lons = add_cyclic_point(var_signal, coord=lons)
            mask_l, cyclic_lons = add_cyclic_point(mask_l, coord=lons)
            mask_h, cyclic_lons = add_cyclic_point(mask_h, coord=lons)

            lons = cyclic_lons.data
            var_signal = cyclic_var

        LOGGER.info('lat lon loaded')

        minval = round(np.nanmin(var_signal))
        maxval = round(np.nanmax(var_signal)+.5)

        LOGGER.info('prepared data for plotting')
        msg = 'failed to get data for plotting'
        raise Exception(msg)

        fig = plt.figure(facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

        ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson(central_longitude=int(mean(lons))))
        norm = MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0)

        cs = plt.contourf(lons, lats, var_signal, 60, norm=norm, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
                          cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest')

        cl = plt.contourf(lons, lats, mask_l, 1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), colors='none', hatches=[None, '/'])
        ch = plt.contourf(lons, lats, mask_h, 1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), colors='none', hatches=[None, '.'])
        # artists, labels = ch.legend_elements()
        # plt.legend(artists, labels, handleheight=2)
        # plt.clim(minval,maxval)
        # ax.set_global()

        if title is None:
            plt.title('%s with Agreement' % variable)

        plt.annotate('// = low model ensemble agreement', (0, 0), (0, -10),
                     xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', va='top')
        plt.annotate('..  = high model ensemble agreement', (0, 0), (0, -20),
                     xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', va='top')

        graphic = fig2plot(fig=fig, file_extension=file_extension)

        LOGGER.info('Plot created and figure saved')
        msg = 'failed to plot graphic'

    return graphic
Exemple #4
def localdims_par(resource, ap=0.5, variable=None, distance='euclidean'):
    calculating of a local dimentions and persistence

    :param resource: str or list of str containing the netCDF file path

    :return 2 arrays: local dimentions and persistence

    # ===================================================
    # only for linux
        mkl_rt = ctypes.CDLL('libmkl_rt.so')
        nth = mkl_rt.mkl_get_max_threads()
        nth = mkl_rt.mkl_get_max_threads()
        environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = str(nth)
        environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(nth)
    # ================================================================

    if variable is None:
        variable = get_variable(resource)

    data = get_values(resource, variable=variable)

    lat_index = get_index_lat(resource, variable=variable)
    lon_index = get_index_lon(resource, variable=variable)

    # TODO: should be 3D with TIME first.
    # Think how to operate with 4D and unknown stucture (lat,lon,level,time) for expample.

    # dat=data.reshape((data.shape[0],data.shape[1]*data.shape[2]))
    global glob_dat
    glob_dat = data.reshape(
        (data.shape[0], data.shape[lat_index] * data.shape[lon_index]))

    # Quantile definition
    global glob_quanti
    glob_quanti = 0.98

    # npoints=np.size(dat,0)
    # npoints=np.size(data,0)
    npoints = len(data[:, 0])

    dim = np.empty((npoints))
    theta = np.empty((npoints))

    global glob_abal
    glob_abal = ap
    global glob_distance
    glob_distance = distance

    # global dat as list to be used by pool.map
    l_dat = [glob_dat[i, :].reshape(1, -1) for i in range(npoints)]

    # multi CPU
    pool = Pool()
    res_p = pool.map(_calc_dist, l_dat)

    # collect results
    for i, j in enumerate(res_p):
        dim[i] = res_p[i][0]
        theta[i] = res_p[i][1]

    return dim, theta
Exemple #5
def localdims(resource, ap=0.5, variable=None, distance='euclidean'):
    calculating of a local dimentions and persistence

    :param resource: str or list of str containing the netCDF file path

    :return 2 arrays: local dimentions and persistence

    if variable is None:
        variable = get_variable(resource)

    data = get_values(resource, variable=variable)

    lat_index = get_index_lat(resource, variable=variable)
    lon_index = get_index_lon(resource, variable=variable)

    # TODO: should be 3D with TIME first.
    # Think how to operate with 4D and unknown stucture (lat,lon,level,time) for expample.

    # dat=data.reshape((data.shape[0],data.shape[1]*data.shape[2]))
    dat = data.reshape(
        (data.shape[0], data.shape[lat_index] * data.shape[lon_index]))

    # Quantile definition
    quanti = 0.98

    # npoints=np.size(dat,0)
    # npoints=np.size(data,0)
    npoints = len(data[:, 0])

    dim = np.empty((npoints))
    theta = np.empty((npoints))

    l = 0

    # Calculation of total distance matrix

    dist = cdist(dat, dat, metric=distance)
    print np.shape(dist)

    # 0.5 = Python and Mathlab, 1 = R
    abal = ap
    # abal=0.5

    for l in range(npoints):

        distance = dist[:, l]

        logdista = -np.log(distance)
        x = logdista[~np.isinf(logdista)]
        logdista = x[~np.isnan(x)]
        thresh = mquantiles(logdista, quanti, alphap=abal, betap=abal)
        # NOT ORIGINAL
        logdista = -np.log(distance)
        Li = [
            i for i in range(len(logdista))
            if (logdista[i] > thresh) and (logdista[i] < 0)
        Ti = np.diff(Li)
        N = len(Ti)
        q = 1. - quanti
        Si = Ti - 1
        Ncc = [i for i in range(len(Si)) if (Si[i] > 0)]
        Nc = len(Ncc)

        theta[l] = (sum(q * Si) + N + Nc - np.sqrt((
            (sum(q * Si) + N + Nc)**2) - 8 * Nc * sum(q * Si))) / (2 *
                                                                   sum(q * Si))
        logdista = np.sort(logdista)

        findidx = [
            i for i in range(len(logdista))
            if (logdista[i] > thresh) and (logdista[i] < 0)

        logextr = logdista[findidx[0]:len(logdista) - 1]
        # logextr=logdista[findidx[[1]]:(length(logdista)-1)]

        dim[l] = 1 / np.mean(logextr - thresh)

    return dim, theta