Exemple #1
class GattcCharacteristic(gatt.Characteristic):
    def __init__(self,
        :type ble_device: blatann.BleDevice
        :type peer: blatann.peer.Peripheral
        :type read_write_manager: _ReadWriteManager
        :type uuid: blatann.uuid.Uuid
        :type properties: gatt.CharacteristicProperties
        :param declaration_handle:
        :param value_handle:
        :param cccd_handle:
        super(GattcCharacteristic, self).__init__(ble_device, peer, uuid,
        self.declaration_handle = declaration_handle
        self.value_handle = value_handle
        self.cccd_handle = cccd_handle
        self._manager = read_write_manager
        self._value = ""

        self._on_notification_event = EventSource("On Notification", logger)
        self._on_read_complete_event = EventSource("On Read Complete", logger)
        self._on_write_complete_event = EventSource("Write Complete", logger)
        self._on_cccd_write_complete_event = EventSource(
            "CCCD Write Complete", logger)



    def value(self):
        The current value of the characteristic

        :return: The last known value of the characteristic
        return self._value

    def readable(self):
        Gets if the characteristic can be read from
        return self._properties.read

    def writable(self):
        Gets if the characteristic can be written to
        return self._properties.write

    def subscribable(self):
        Gets if the characteristic can be subscribed to
        return self._properties.notify or self._properties.indicate

    def subscribed(self):
        Gets if the characteristic is currently subscribed to
        return self.cccd_state != gatt.SubscriptionState.NOT_SUBSCRIBED


    def on_read_complete(self):
        return self._on_read_complete_event

    def on_write_complete(self):
        return self._on_write_complete_event

    Public Methods

    def subscribe(self, on_notification_handler, prefer_indications=False):
        Subscribes to the characteristic's indications or notifications, depending on what's available and the
        prefer_indications setting. Returns a Waitable that executes when the subscription on the peripheral finishes.

        The Waitable returns two parameters: (GattcCharacteristic this, SubscriptionWriteCompleteEventArgs event args)

        :param on_notification_handler: The handler to be called when an indication or notification is received from
        the peripheral. Must take three parameters: (GattcCharacteristic this, gatt.GattNotificationType, bytearray data)
        :param prefer_indications: If the peripheral supports both indications and notifications,
                                   will subscribe to indications instead of notifications
        :return: A Waitable that will fire when the subscription finishes
        :rtype: blatann.waitables.EventWaitable
        :raises: InvalidOperationException if the characteristic cannot be subscribed to
                (characteristic does not support indications or notifications)
        if not self.subscribable:
            raise InvalidOperationException(
                "Cannot subscribe to Characteristic {}".format(self.uuid))
        if prefer_indications and self._properties.indicate or not self._properties.notify:
            value = gatt.SubscriptionState.INDICATION
            value = gatt.SubscriptionState.NOTIFY

        write_id = self._manager.write(self.cccd_handle,
        return IdBasedEventWaitable(self._on_cccd_write_complete_event,

    def unsubscribe(self):
        Unsubscribes from indications and notifications from the characteristic and clears out all handlers
        for the characteristic's on_notification event handler. Returns a Waitable that executes when the unsubscription

        The Waitable returns two parameters: (GattcCharacteristic this, SubscriptionWriteCompleteEventArgs event args)

        :return: A Waitable that will fire when the unsubscription finishes
        :rtype: blatann.waitables.EventWaitable
        if not self.subscribable:
            raise InvalidOperationException(
                "Cannot subscribe to Characteristic {}".format(self.uuid))
        value = gatt.SubscriptionState.NOT_SUBSCRIBED
        write_id = self._manager.write(self.cccd_handle,

        return IdBasedEventWaitable(self._on_cccd_write_complete_event,

    def read(self):
        Initiates a read of the characteristic and returns a Waitable that executes when the read finishes with
        the data read.

        The Waitable returns two parameters: (GattcCharacteristic this, ReadCompleteEventArgs event args)

        :return: A waitable that will fire when the read finishes
        :rtype: blatann.waitables.EventWaitable
        :raises: InvalidOperationException if characteristic not readable
        if not self.readable:
            raise InvalidOperationException(
                "Characteristic {} is not readable".format(self.uuid))
        read_id = self._manager.read(self.value_handle)
        return IdBasedEventWaitable(self._on_read_complete_event, read_id)

    def write(self, data):
        Initiates a write of the data provided to the characteristic and returns a Waitable that executes
        when the write completes.

        The Waitable returns two parameters: (GattcCharacteristic this, WriteCompleteEventArgs event args)

        :param data: The data to write. Can be a string, bytearray, or anything that can be converted to a bytearray
        :return: A waitable that returns when the write finishes
        :rtype: blatann.waitables.EventWaitable
        :raises: InvalidOperationException if characteristic is not writable
        if not self.writable:
            raise InvalidOperationException(
                "Characteristic {} is not writable".format(self.uuid))
        write_id = self._manager.write(self.value_handle, bytearray(data))
        return IdBasedEventWaitable(self._on_write_complete_event, write_id)

    Event Handlers

    def _read_complete(self, sender, event_args):
        Handler for _ReadWriteManager.on_read_complete.
        Dispatches the on_read_complete event and updates the internal value if read was successful

        :param sender: The reader that the read completed on
        :type sender: _ReadWriteManager
        :param event_args: The event arguments
        :type event_args: _ReadTask
        if event_args.handle == self.value_handle:
            if event_args.status == nrf_types.BLEGattStatusCode.success:
                self._value = event_args.data
            args = ReadCompleteEventArgs(event_args.id, self._value,
                                         event_args.status, event_args.reason)
            self._on_read_complete_event.notify(self, args)

    def _write_complete(self, sender, event_args):
        Handler for _ReadWriteManager.on_write_complete. Dispatches on_write_complete or on_cccd_write_complete
        depending on the handle the write finished on.

        :param sender: The writer that the write completed on
        :type sender: _ReadWriteManager
        :param event_args: The event arguments
        :type event_args: _WriteTask
        # Success, update the local value
        if event_args.handle == self.value_handle:
            if event_args.status == nrf_types.BLEGattStatusCode.success:
                self._value = event_args.data
            args = WriteCompleteEventArgs(event_args.id, self._value,
                                          event_args.status, event_args.reason)
            self._on_write_complete_event.notify(self, args)
        elif event_args.handle == self.cccd_handle:
            if event_args.status == nrf_types.BLEGattStatusCode.success:
                self.cccd_state = gatt.SubscriptionState.from_buffer(
            args = SubscriptionWriteCompleteEventArgs(event_args.id,
            self._on_cccd_write_complete_event.notify(self, args)

    def _on_indication_notification(self, driver, event):
        Handler for GattcEvtHvx. Dispatches the on_notification_event to listeners

        :type event: nrf_events.GattcEvtHvx
        if event.conn_handle != self.peer.conn_handle or event.attr_handle != self.value_handle:

        is_indication = False
        if event.hvx_type == nrf_events.BLEGattHVXType.indication:
            is_indication = True
                event.conn_handle, event.attr_handle)
        self._value = bytearray(event.data)
            self, NotificationReceivedEventArgs(self._value, is_indication))

    Factory methods

    def from_discovered_characteristic(cls, ble_device, peer,
                                       read_write_manager, nrf_characteristic):
        Internal factory method used to create a new characteristic from a discovered nRF Characteristic

        :type nrf_characteristic: nrf_types.BLEGattCharacteristic
        char_uuid = ble_device.uuid_manager.nrf_uuid_to_uuid(
        properties = gatt.CharacteristicProperties.from_nrf_properties(
        cccd_handle_list = [
            d.handle for d in nrf_characteristic.descs
            if d.uuid == nrf_types.BLEUUID.Standard.cccd
        cccd_handle = cccd_handle_list[0] if cccd_handle_list else None
        return GattcCharacteristic(ble_device, peer, read_write_manager,
                                   char_uuid, properties,
Exemple #2
class GattcCharacteristic(gatt.Characteristic):
    Represents a characteristic that lives within a service in the server's GATT database.

    This class is normally not instantiated directly and instead created when the database is discovered
    via :meth:`Peer.discover_services() <blatann.peer.Peer.discover_services>`
    def __init__(self,
                 uuid: Uuid,
                 properties: gatt.CharacteristicProperties,
                 decl_attr: GattcAttribute,
                 value_attr: GattcAttribute,
                 cccd_attr: GattcAttribute = None,
                 attributes: List[GattcAttribute] = None):
        super(GattcCharacteristic, self).__init__(ble_device, peer, uuid,
        self._decl_attr = decl_attr
        self._value_attr = value_attr
        self._cccd_attr = cccd_attr
        self._on_notification_event = EventSource("On Notification", logger)
        self._attributes = tuple(sorted(attributes,
                                        key=lambda d: d.handle)) or ()
        self.peer = peer

        self._on_read_complete_event = EventSource("On Read Complete", logger)
        self._on_write_complete_event = EventSource("Write Complete", logger)
        self._on_cccd_write_complete_event = EventSource(
            "CCCD Write Complete", logger)

        if self._cccd_attr:



    def declaration_attribute(self) -> GattcAttribute:
        **Read Only**

        Gets the declaration attribute of the characteristic
        return self._decl_attr

    def value_attribute(self) -> GattcAttribute:
        **Read Only**

        Gets the value attribute of the characteristic
        return self._value_attr

    def value(self) -> bytes:
        **Read Only**

        The current value of the characteristic. This is updated through read, write, and notify operations
        return self._value_attr.value

    def readable(self) -> bool:
        **Read Only**

        Gets if the characteristic can be read from
        return self._properties.read

    def writable(self) -> bool:
        **Read Only**

        Gets if the characteristic can be written to
        return self._properties.write

    def writable_without_response(self) -> bool:
        **Read Only**

        Gets if the characteristic accepts write commands that don't require a confirmation response
        return self._properties.write_no_response

    def subscribable(self) -> bool:
        **Read Only**

        Gets if the characteristic can be subscribed to
        return self._properties.notify or self._properties.indicate

    def subscribable_indications(self) -> bool:
        **Read Only**

        Gets if the characteristic can be subscribed to using indications
        return self._properties.indicate

    def subscribable_notifications(self) -> bool:
        **Read Only**

        Gets if the characteristic can be subscribed to using notifications
        return self._properties.notify

    def subscribed(self) -> bool:
        **Read Only**

        Gets if the characteristic is currently subscribed to
        return self.cccd_state != gatt.SubscriptionState.NOT_SUBSCRIBED

    def attributes(self) -> Iterable[GattcAttribute]:
        **Read Only**

        Returns the list of all attributes/descriptors that reside in the characteristic.
        This includes the declaration attribute, value attribute, and descriptors (CCCD, Name, etc.)
        return self._attributes

    def string_encoding(self) -> str:
        The default method for encoding strings into bytes when a string is provided as a value

        :getter: Gets the current string encoding for the characteristic
        :setter: Sets the string encoding for the characteristic
        return self._value_attr.string_encoding

    def string_encoding(self, encoding):
        self._value_attr.string_encoding = encoding


    def on_read_complete(
            self) -> Event[GattcCharacteristic, ReadCompleteEventArgs]:
        Event that is raised when a read operation from the characteristic is completed
        return self._on_read_complete_event

    def on_write_complete(
            self) -> Event[GattcCharacteristic, WriteCompleteEventArgs]:
        Event that is raised when a write operation to the characteristic is completed
        return self._on_write_complete_event

    def on_notification_received(
            self) -> Event[GattcCharacteristic, NotificationReceivedEventArgs]:
        Event that is raised when an indication or notification is received on the characteristic
        return self._on_notification_event

    Public Methods

    def subscribe(
        on_notification_handler: Callable[
            [GattcCharacteristic, NotificationReceivedEventArgs], None],
    ) -> EventWaitable[GattcCharacteristic,
        Subscribes to the characteristic's indications or notifications, depending on what's available and the
        prefer_indications setting. Returns a Waitable that triggers when the subscription on the peripheral finishes.

        :param on_notification_handler: The handler to be called when an indication or notification is received from
            the peripheral. Must take two parameters: (GattcCharacteristic this, NotificationReceivedEventArgs event args)
        :param prefer_indications: If the peripheral supports both indications and notifications,
            will subscribe to indications instead of notifications
        :return: A Waitable that will trigger when the subscription finishes
        :raises: InvalidOperationException if the characteristic cannot be subscribed to
            (characteristic does not support indications or notifications)
        if not self.subscribable:
            raise InvalidOperationException(
                "Cannot subscribe to Characteristic {}".format(self.uuid))
        if prefer_indications and self._properties.indicate or not self._properties.notify:
            value = gatt.SubscriptionState.INDICATION
            value = gatt.SubscriptionState.NOTIFY
        waitable = self._cccd_attr.write(
        return IdBasedEventWaitable(self._on_cccd_write_complete_event,

    def unsubscribe(
    ) -> EventWaitable[GattcCharacteristic,
        Unsubscribes from indications and notifications from the characteristic and clears out all handlers
        for the characteristic's on_notification event handler. Returns a Waitable that triggers when the unsubscription

        :return: A Waitable that will trigger when the unsubscription operation finishes
        :raises: InvalidOperationException if characteristic cannot be subscribed to
            (characteristic does not support indications or notifications)
        if not self.subscribable:
            raise InvalidOperationException(
                "Cannot subscribe to Characteristic {}".format(self.uuid))
        value = gatt.SubscriptionState.NOT_SUBSCRIBED
        waitable = self._cccd_attr.write(

        return IdBasedEventWaitable(self._on_cccd_write_complete_event,

    def read(
            self) -> EventWaitable[GattcCharacteristic, ReadCompleteEventArgs]:
        Initiates a read of the characteristic and returns a Waitable that triggers when the read finishes with
        the data read.

        :return: A waitable that will trigger when the read finishes
        :raises: InvalidOperationException if characteristic not readable
        if not self.readable:
            raise InvalidOperationException(
                "Characteristic {} is not readable".format(self.uuid))
        waitable = self._value_attr.read()
        return IdBasedEventWaitable(self._on_read_complete_event, waitable.id)

    def write(
            self, data
    ) -> EventWaitable[GattcCharacteristic, WriteCompleteEventArgs]:
        Performs a write request of the data provided to the characteristic and returns a Waitable that triggers
        when the write completes and the confirmation response is received from the other device.

        :param data: The data to write. Can be a string, bytes, or anything that can be converted to bytes
        :type data: str or bytes or bytearray
        :return: A waitable that returns when the write finishes
        :raises: InvalidOperationException if characteristic is not writable
        if not self.writable:
            raise InvalidOperationException(
                "Characteristic {} is not writable".format(self.uuid))
        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = data.encode(self.string_encoding)
        waitable = self._value_attr.write(bytes(data), True)
        return IdBasedEventWaitable(self._on_write_complete_event, waitable.id)

    def write_without_response(
            self, data
    ) -> EventWaitable[GattcCharacteristic, WriteCompleteEventArgs]:
        Performs a write command, which does not require the peripheral to send a confirmation response packet.
        This is a faster but lossy operation in the case that the packet is dropped/never received by the peer.
        This returns a waitable that triggers when the write is transmitted to the peripheral device.

        .. note:: Data sent without responses must fit within a single MTU minus 3 bytes for the operation overhead.

        :param data: The data to write. Can be a string, bytes, or anything that can be converted to bytes
        :type data: str or bytes or bytearray
        :return: A waitable that returns when the write finishes
        :raises: InvalidOperationException if characteristic is not writable without responses
        if not self.writable_without_response:
            raise InvalidOperationException(
                "Characteristic {} does not accept "
                "writes without responses".format(self.uuid))
        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = data.encode(self.string_encoding)
        waitable = self._value_attr.write(bytes(data), False)
        return IdBasedEventWaitable(self._on_write_complete_event, waitable.id)

    def find_descriptor(self, uuid: Uuid) -> Optional[GattcAttribute]:
        Searches for the descriptor/attribute matching the UUID provided and returns the attribute.
        If not found, returns None.
        If multiple attributes with the same UUID exist in the characteristic, this returns the first attribute found.

        :param uuid: The UUID to search for
        :return: THe descriptor attribute, if found
        for attr in self._attributes:
            if attr.uuid == uuid:
                return attr

    Event Handlers

    def _read_complete(self, sender: GattcAttribute,
                       event_args: ReadCompleteEventArgs):
        Handler for GattcAttribute.on_read_complete.
        Dispatches the on_read_complete event and updates the internal value if read was successful
        self._on_read_complete_event.notify(self, event_args)

    def _write_complete(self, sender: GattcAttribute,
                        event_args: WriteCompleteEventArgs):
        Handler for value_attribute.on_write_complete. Dispatches on_write_complete.
        self._on_write_complete_event.notify(self, event_args)

    def _cccd_write_complete(self, sender: GattcAttribute,
                             event_args: WriteCompleteEventArgs):
        Handler for cccd_attribute.on_write_complete. Dispatches on_cccd_write_complete.
        if event_args.status == nrf_types.BLEGattStatusCode.success:
            self.cccd_state = gatt.SubscriptionState.from_buffer(
        args = SubscriptionWriteCompleteEventArgs(event_args.id,
        self._on_cccd_write_complete_event.notify(self, args)

    def _on_indication_notification(self, driver, event):
        Handler for GattcEvtHvx. Dispatches the on_notification_event to listeners

        :type event: nrf_events.GattcEvtHvx
        if (event.conn_handle != self.peer.conn_handle
                or event.attr_handle != self._value_attr.handle):

        is_indication = False
        if event.hvx_type == nrf_events.BLEGattHVXType.indication:
            is_indication = True
                event.conn_handle, event.attr_handle)

        # Update the value attribute with the data that was provided
            self, NotificationReceivedEventArgs(self.value, is_indication))

    Factory methods

    def from_discovered_characteristic(cls, ble_device, peer,
                                       read_write_manager, nrf_characteristic):
        Internal factory method used to create a new characteristic from a discovered nRF Characteristic

        :type ble_device: blatann.BleDevice
        :type peer: blatann.peer.Peer
        :type read_write_manager: GattcOperationManager
        :type nrf_characteristic: nrf_types.BLEGattCharacteristic
        char_uuid = ble_device.uuid_manager.nrf_uuid_to_uuid(
        properties = gatt.CharacteristicProperties.from_nrf_properties(

        # Create the declaration and value attributes to start
        decl_attr = GattcAttribute(DeclarationUuid.characteristic,
        value_attr = GattcAttribute(char_uuid, nrf_characteristic.handle_value,
        cccd_attr = None

        attributes = [decl_attr, value_attr]

        for nrf_desc in nrf_characteristic.descs:
            # Already added the handle and value attributes, skip them here
            if nrf_desc.handle in [

            attr_uuid = ble_device.uuid_manager.nrf_uuid_to_uuid(nrf_desc.uuid)
            attr = GattcAttribute(attr_uuid, nrf_desc.handle,

            if attr_uuid == DescriptorUuid.cccd:
                cccd_attr = attr

        return GattcCharacteristic(ble_device, peer, char_uuid, properties,
                                   decl_attr, value_attr, cccd_attr,