Exemple #1
def test_bottom_up_until_type_break():

    s = symbol('s', 'var * {name: string, amount: int}')
    data = np.array([('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200), ('Charlie', 300)],
                    dtype=[('name', 'S7'), ('amount', 'i4')])

    e = (s.amount + 1).distinct()
    expr, scope = bottom_up_until_type_break(e, {s: data})
    amount = symbol('amount', 'var * real', token=1)
    assert expr.isidentical(amount)
    assert len(scope) == 1
    assert amount in scope
    assert (scope[amount] == np.array([101, 201, 301], dtype='i4')).all()

    # This computation has a type change midstream, so we stop and get the
    # unfinished computation.

    e = s.amount.sum() + 1
    expr, scope = bottom_up_until_type_break(e, {s: data})
    amount_sum = symbol('amount_sum', 'int')
    assert expr.isidentical(amount_sum + 1)
    assert len(scope) == 1
    assert amount_sum in scope
    assert scope[amount_sum] == 600

    # ensure that we work on binops with one child
    x = symbol('x', 'real')
    expr, scope = bottom_up_until_type_break(x + x, {x: 1})
    assert len(scope) == 1
    x2 = list(scope.keys())[0]
    assert isinstance(x2, Symbol)
    assert isinstance(expr, Symbol)
    assert scope[x2] == 2
def test_bottom_up_until_type_break():

    s = symbol('s', 'var * {name: string, amount: int}')
    data = np.array([('Alice', 100), ('Bob', 200), ('Charlie', 300)],
                    dtype=[('name', 'S7'), ('amount', 'i4')])

    e = (s.amount + 1).distinct()
    expr, scope = bottom_up_until_type_break(e, {s: data})
    amount = symbol('amount', 'var * int64', token=expr._token)
    assert expr.isidentical(amount)
    assert len(scope) == 1
    assert amount in scope
    assert (scope[amount] == np.array([101, 201, 301], dtype='i4')).all()

    # This computation has a type change midstream, so we stop and get the
    # unfinished computation.

    e = s.amount.sum() + 1
    expr, scope = bottom_up_until_type_break(e, {s: data})
    amount_sum = symbol('amount_sum', 'int64', token=expr.lhs._token)
    assert expr.isidentical(amount_sum + 1)
    assert len(scope) == 1
    assert amount_sum in scope
    assert scope[amount_sum] == 600

    # ensure that we work on binops with one child
    x = symbol('x', 'real')
    expr, scope = bottom_up_until_type_break(x + x, {x: 1})
    assert len(scope) == 1
    x2 = list(scope.keys())[0]
    assert isinstance(x2, Symbol)
    assert isinstance(expr, Symbol)
    assert scope[x2] == 2