Exemple #1
    def outer(pyfn):
        assert callable(pyfn), "Lifted function must be callable"
        fname = pyfn.func_name

        except caterm.InvalidATerm as e:
            raise InvalidLibraryDefinton(*e.args + (fname,))

        # #effectful
        libcall = PythonFn(signature, pyfn)
        install(signature, libcall)

        sig = getargspec(pyfn)
        nargs = len(sig.args)

        # Return a new Fun() class that is a graph node
        # constructor.

        # Either we have a codomain annotation or we default to
        # the dynamic type.
        cod = params.pop('cod', dynamic)

        return type(pyfn.func_name, (Fun,), {
            'nargs'       : nargs,
            'fn'          : pyfn,
            'fname'       : fname,
            'typesig'     : typesig,
            'cod'         : cod,
            'constraints' : constraints,
Exemple #2
    def outer(pyfn):
        assert callable(pyfn), "Lifted function must be callable"
        fname = pyfn.func_name

        except caterm.InvalidATerm as e:
            raise InvalidLibraryDefinton(*e.args + (fname, ))

        # #effectful
        libcall = PythonFn(signature, pyfn)
        install(signature, libcall)

        sig = getargspec(pyfn)
        nargs = len(sig.args)

        # Return a new Fun() class that is a graph node
        # constructor.

        # Either we have a codomain annotation or we default to
        # the dynamic type.
        cod = params.pop('cod', dynamic)

        return type(
            pyfn.func_name, (Fun, ), {
                'nargs': nargs,
                'fn': pyfn,
                'fname': fname,
                'typesig': typesig,
                'cod': cod,
                'constraints': constraints,
Exemple #3
    def lookup(self, aterm):
        # convert into a C ATerm, inefficent but whatever
        ct = caterm.aterm(str(aterm))

        # canidate functions, functions matching the signature of
        # the term

        # Use the C libraries better pattern matching library,
        # find a function in the Blaze library that matches the
        # given aterm
        c = [f for f, sig in self.funs.iteritems() if ct.matches(sig)]

        if len(c) == 0:
            raise NoDispatch(aterm)

        # the canidate which has the minimal cost function
        costs = [(f, self.costs[f](aterm)) for f in c]

        return min(costs, key=lambda x: x[1])
Exemple #4
    def lookup(self, aterm):
        # convert into a C ATerm, inefficent but whatever
        aterm_str = str(aterm)
        ct = caterm.aterm(aterm_str)

        # canidate functions, functions matching the signature of
        # the term

        # Use the C libraries better pattern matching library,
        # find a function in the Blaze library that matches the
        # given aterm
        c = [f for f, sig in self.funs.iteritems() if ct.matches(sig)]

        if len(c) == 0:
            raise NoDispatch(aterm)

        # the canidate which has the minimal cost function
        costs = [(f, self.costs[f](aterm)) for f in c]

        return min(costs, key=lambda x: x[1])