Exemple #1
def soft_light(img_in, img_layer, opacity, disable_type_checks: bool = False):
    """Apply soft light blending mode of a layer on an image.

        .. image:: ../tests/soft_light.png
            :width: 30%


            import cv2, numpy
            from blend_modes import soft_light
            img_in = cv2.imread('./orig.png', -1).astype(float)
            img_layer = cv2.imread('./layer.png', -1).astype(float)
            img_out = soft_light(img_in,img_layer,0.5)
            cv2.imshow('window', img_out.astype(numpy.uint8))

    See Also:
        Find more information on
        `Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Blend_modes&oldid=747749280#Soft_Light>`__.

      img_in(3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0-255.0): Image to be blended upon
      img_layer(3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0.0-255.0): Layer to be blended with image
      opacity(float): Desired opacity of layer for blending
      disable_type_checks(bool): Whether type checks within the function should be disabled. Disabling the checks may
        yield a slight performance improvement, but comes at the cost of user experience. If you are certain that
        you are passing in the right arguments, you may set this argument to 'True'. Defaults to 'False'.

      3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0.0-255.0: Blended image


    if not disable_type_checks:
        _fcn_name = 'soft_light'
        assert_image_format(img_in, _fcn_name, 'img_in')
        assert_image_format(img_layer, _fcn_name, 'img_layer')
        assert_opacity(opacity, _fcn_name)

    img_in_norm = img_in / 255.0
    img_layer_norm = img_layer / 255.0

    ratio = _compose_alpha(img_in_norm, img_layer_norm, opacity)

    # The following code does this:
    #   multiply = img_in_norm[:, :, :3]*img_layer[:, :, :3]
    #   screen = 1.0 - (1.0-img_in_norm[:, :, :3])*(1.0-img_layer[:, :, :3])
    #   comp = (1.0 - img_in_norm[:, :, :3]) * multiply + img_in_norm[:, :, :3] * screen
    #   ratio_rs = np.reshape(np.repeat(ratio,3),comp.shape)
    #   img_out = comp*ratio_rs + img_in_norm[:, :, :3] * (1.0-ratio_rs)

    comp = (1.0 - img_in_norm[:, :, :3]) * img_in_norm[:, :, :3] * img_layer_norm[:, :, :3] \
           + img_in_norm[:, :, :3] * (1.0 - (1.0 - img_in_norm[:, :, :3]) * (1.0 - img_layer_norm[:, :, :3]))

    ratio_rs = np.reshape(np.repeat(ratio, 3), [comp.shape[0], comp.shape[1], comp.shape[2]])
    img_out = comp * ratio_rs + img_in_norm[:, :, :3] * (1.0 - ratio_rs)
    img_out = np.nan_to_num(np.dstack((img_out, img_in_norm[:, :, 3])))  # add alpha channel and replace nans
    return img_out * 255.0
Exemple #2
def overlay(img_in, img_layer, opacity, disable_type_checks: bool = False):
    """Apply overlay blending mode of a layer on an image.

        The implementation of this method was changed in version 2.0.0. Previously, it would be identical to the
        soft light blending mode. Now, it resembles the implementation on Wikipedia. You can still use the soft light
        blending mode if you are looking for backwards compatibility.

        .. image:: ../tests/overlay.png
            :width: 30%


            import cv2, numpy
            from blend_modes import overlay
            img_in = cv2.imread('./orig.png', -1).astype(float)
            img_layer = cv2.imread('./layer.png', -1).astype(float)
            img_out = overlay(img_in,img_layer,0.5)
            cv2.imshow('window', img_out.astype(numpy.uint8))

    See Also:
        Find more information on
        `Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Blend_modes&oldid=868545948#Overlay>`__.

      img_in(3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0-255.0): Image to be blended upon
      img_layer(3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0.0-255.0): Layer to be blended with image
      opacity(float): Desired opacity of layer for blending
      disable_type_checks(bool): Whether type checks within the function should be disabled. Disabling the checks may
        yield a slight performance improvement, but comes at the cost of user experience. If you are certain that
        you are passing in the right arguments, you may set this argument to 'True'. Defaults to 'False'.

      3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0.0-255.0: Blended image


    if not disable_type_checks:
        _fcn_name = 'overlay'
        assert_image_format(img_in, _fcn_name, 'img_in')
        assert_image_format(img_layer, _fcn_name, 'img_layer')
        assert_opacity(opacity, _fcn_name)

    img_in_norm = img_in / 255.0
    img_layer_norm = img_layer / 255.0

    ratio = _compose_alpha(img_in_norm, img_layer_norm, opacity)

    comp = np.less(img_in_norm[:, :, :3], 0.5) * (2 * img_in_norm[:, :, :3] * img_layer_norm[:, :, :3]) \
           + np.greater_equal(img_in_norm[:, :, :3], 0.5) \
           * (1 - (2 * (1 - img_in_norm[:, :, :3]) * (1 - img_layer_norm[:, :, :3])))

    ratio_rs = np.reshape(np.repeat(ratio, 3), [comp.shape[0], comp.shape[1], comp.shape[2]])
    img_out = comp * ratio_rs + img_in_norm[:, :, :3] * (1.0 - ratio_rs)
    img_out = np.nan_to_num(np.dstack((img_out, img_in_norm[:, :, 3])))  # add alpha channel and replace nans
    return img_out * 255.0
Exemple #3
def grain_merge(img_in, img_layer, opacity, disable_type_checks: bool = False):
    """Apply grain merge blending mode of a layer on an image.

        .. image:: ../tests/grain_merge.png
            :width: 30%


            import cv2, numpy
            from blend_modes import grain_merge
            img_in = cv2.imread('./orig.png', -1).astype(float)
            img_layer = cv2.imread('./layer.png', -1).astype(float)
            img_out = grain_merge(img_in,img_layer,0.5)
            cv2.imshow('window', img_out.astype(numpy.uint8))

    See Also:
        Find more information in the `GIMP Documentation <https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-concepts-layer-modes.html>`__.

      img_in(3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0-255.0): Image to be blended upon
      img_layer(3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0.0-255.0): Layer to be blended with image
      opacity(float): Desired opacity of layer for blending
      disable_type_checks(bool): Whether type checks within the function should be disabled. Disabling the checks may
        yield a slight performance improvement, but comes at the cost of user experience. If you are certain that
        you are passing in the right arguments, you may set this argument to 'True'. Defaults to 'False'.

      3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0.0-255.0: Blended image


    if not disable_type_checks:
        _fcn_name = 'grain_merge'
        assert_image_format(img_in, _fcn_name, 'img_in')
        assert_image_format(img_layer, _fcn_name, 'img_layer')
        assert_opacity(opacity, _fcn_name)

    img_in_norm = img_in / 255.0
    img_layer_norm = img_layer / 255.0

    ratio = _compose_alpha(img_in_norm, img_layer_norm, opacity)

    comp = np.clip(img_in_norm[:, :, :3] + img_layer_norm[:, :, :3] - 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)

    ratio_rs = np.reshape(np.repeat(ratio, 3), [comp.shape[0], comp.shape[1], comp.shape[2]])
    img_out = comp * ratio_rs + img_in_norm[:, :, :3] * (1.0 - ratio_rs)
    img_out = np.nan_to_num(np.dstack((img_out, img_in_norm[:, :, 3])))  # add alpha channel and replace nans
    return img_out * 255.0
Exemple #4
def test_assert_opacity_wrong_variable_range(opacity):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert assert_opacity(opacity, '')
Exemple #5
def test_assert_opacity_right_variable_type():
    assert_opacity(0.5, '')
Exemple #6
def test_assert_opacity_wrong_variable_type():
    opacity = '0.5'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert assert_opacity(opacity, '')
Exemple #7
def normal(img_in, img_layer, opacity, disable_type_checks: bool = False):
    """Apply "normal" blending mode of a layer on an image.

        .. image:: ../tests/normal_50p.png
            :width: 30%


            import cv2, numpy
            from blend_modes import normal
            img_in = cv2.imread('./orig.png', -1).astype(float)
            img_layer = cv2.imread('./layer.png', -1).astype(float)
            img_out = normal(img_in,img_layer,0.5)
            cv2.imshow('window', img_out.astype(numpy.uint8))

    See Also:
        Find more information on `Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing#Description>`__.

      img_in(3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0.0-255.0): Layer to be blended with image
      img_layer(3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0-255.0): Image to be blended upon
      opacity(float): Desired opacity of layer for blending
      disable_type_checks(bool): Whether type checks within the function should be disabled. Disabling the checks may
        yield a slight performance improvement, but comes at the cost of user experience. If you are certain that
        you are passing in the right arguments, you may set this argument to 'True'. Defaults to 'False'.

      3-dimensional numpy array of floats (r/g/b/a) in range 0.0-255.0: Blended image

    if not disable_type_checks:
        _fcn_name = 'normal'
        assert_image_format(img_in, _fcn_name, 'img_in', force_alpha=False)
        assert_image_format(img_layer, _fcn_name, 'img_layer', force_alpha=False)
        assert_opacity(opacity, _fcn_name)

    img_in_norm = img_in / 255.0
    img_layer_norm = img_layer / 255.0

    # Add alpha-channels, if they are not provided
    if img_in_norm.shape[2] == 3:
        img_in_norm = np.dstack((img_in_norm, np.zeros(img_in_norm.shape[:2] + (3,))))
    if img_layer_norm.shape[2] == 3:
        img_layer_norm = np.dstack((img_layer_norm, np.zeros(img_layer_norm.shape[:2] + (3,))))

    # Extract alpha-channels and apply opacity
    img_in_alp = np.expand_dims(img_in_norm[:, :, 3], 2)  # alpha of b, prepared for broadcasting
    img_layer_alp = np.expand_dims(img_layer_norm[:, :, 3], 2) * opacity  # alpha of a, prepared for broadcasting

    # Blend images
    c_out = (img_layer_norm[:, :, :3] * img_layer_alp + img_in_norm[:, :, :3] * img_in_alp * (1 - img_layer_alp)) \
            / (img_layer_alp + img_in_alp * (1 - img_layer_alp))

    # Blend alpha
    cout_alp = img_layer_alp + img_in_alp * (1 - img_layer_alp)

    # Combine image and alpha
    c_out = np.dstack((c_out, cout_alp))

    np.nan_to_num(c_out, copy=False)

    return c_out * 255.0