Exemple #1
    def compute_blocks(self):
            Compute the set of blocks that C infer
            return: Topologically sorted blocks T_c

        timer_start('Compute blocks')

        T_c = list()
        T_unions = set()

        # iterate the combination sizes in reverse
        a = range(len(self.C)+1)[::-1]
        for i in a:
            choose = i
            for comb in combinations(self.C, choose):
                union = itemsets.union_of_itemsets(comb)

                if not union in T_unions:
                    T = Block()
                    T.union_of_itemsets = union
                    T.singletons = itemsets.singletons_of_itemsets(comb)
                    T.itemsets = set(comb)


        timer_stop('Compute blocks')
        return T_c