Exemple #1
 def effective_max_meta_size(self, meta_size):
     if hasattr(self.max_meta_size, '__call__'):
         max_meta_size = self.max_meta_size(meta_size)
     elif isinstance(self.max_meta_size, int):  # TOOD: py3 compat
         max_meta_size = self.max_meta_size
     log.debug('max meta size is deemed to be: %d' % max_meta_size)
     return max_meta_size
Exemple #2
def _handle_max_apps(offsets, nchunks, max_app_chunks):
    """ Process and handle the 'max_app_chunks' argument

    offsets: bool
        if the offsets to the chunks are present
    nchunks : int
        the number of chunks
    max_app_chunks : callable or int
        the total number of possible append chunks

    max_app_chunks : int
        the int value

        if 'max_app_chunks' is neither a callable or an int
        if 'max_app_chunks' is a callable and returned either a non-int or a
        negative int.

    The 'max_app_chunks' parameter can either be a function of 'nchunks'
    (callable that takes a single int as argument and returns a single int) or
    an int.  The sum of the resulting value and 'nchunks' can not be larger
    than MAX_CHUNKS.  The value of 'max_app_chunks' must be '0' if there is not
    offsets section or if nchunks is unknown (has the value '-1').

    The function performs some silent optimisations. First, if there are no
    offsets or 'nchunks' is unknown any value for 'max_app_chunks' will be
    silently ignored. Secondly, if the resulting value of max_app_chunks would
    be too large, i.e. the sum of 'nchunks' and 'max_app_chunks' is larger than
    'MAX_CHUNKS', then 'max_app_chunks' is automatically set to the maximum
    permissible value.

    # first check that the args are actually valid
    check_range('nchunks',        nchunks,       -1, MAX_CHUNKS)
    # then check that we actually need to evaluate it
    if offsets and nchunks != -1:
        if hasattr(max_app_chunks, '__call__'):
            # it's a callable all right
            log.debug("max_app_chunks is a callable")
            max_app_chunks = max_app_chunks(nchunks)
            if not isinstance(max_app_chunks, (int, long)):
                raise ValueError(
                        "max_app_chunks callable returned a non integer "
                        "of type '%s'" % type(max_app_chunks))
            # check that the result is still positive, might be quite large
            if max_app_chunks < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                        'max_app_chunks callable returned a negative integer')
        elif isinstance(max_app_chunks, (int, long)):
            # it's a plain int, check its range
            log.debug("max_app_chunks is an int")
            check_range('max_app_chunks', max_app_chunks, 0, MAX_CHUNKS)
            raise TypeError('max_app_chunks was neither a callable or an int')
        # we managed to get a reasonable value, make sure it's not too large
        if nchunks + max_app_chunks > MAX_CHUNKS:
            max_app_chunks = MAX_CHUNKS - nchunks
                    "max_app_chunks was too large, setting to max value: %d"
                    % max_app_chunks)
        if max_app_chunks is not None:
            log.debug('max_app_chunks will be silently ignored')
        max_app_chunks = 0
    log.debug("max_app_chunks was set to: %d" % max_app_chunks)
    return max_app_chunks