def prod_check(cmd): puts('****************************************') puts(red(' P R O D U C T I O N ')) puts(' woah there cowboy! ') puts(red(' check ')) puts('****************************************') puts('Command Called => %s\n' % cyan(cmd)) proceed = prompt("Are you sure you want to do proceed?", default="no") if proceed.lower() != 'yes' and proceed.lower() != 'y': abort('change aborted!')
def up(self): """ Update a django environment with latest settings. This command does everything required to get a django project running. These are the steps that will be executed when the command is issued: 1. pip install requirements 2. syncdb 3. migrate 4. loaddata initial 5. collectstatic 6. assets build It has been designed with rerunning in mind and can be safely executed without any unwelcome side affects. For example, any pip packages that have already been installed will be skipped on rerun. Any database tables will be preserved (no dropping data), etc. Note that this must be run in a virtualenv. blt will detect if you are not using one and will barf with a helpful error. Usage: blt django.up """ django_root = self.cfg['django']['DJANGO_ROOT'] # install packages from pip's requirements.txt local('pip install -r requirements.txt') with cd(django_root): try: local('python syncdb') local('python migrate') except: msg = '\n'.join(["ERROR: Python couldn't find django. Are you in a virtualenv?" , "Try workon MY_SWEET_VIRTENV_HERE"]) abort(msg) with cd(django_root): # Load dev data local('python loaddata initial') # collect static files local('python collectstatic --noinput') # Compile static asset bundles local('python assets build')
def status(self, app=None): """ Check the status of outstanding database migrations. Sadly, south gives us no easy api access to get status of what models have changed on an app. It only spits out the summary of changes to stderr and the actual Migration classes to stdout. The status command tries to encapsulate and parse this out to be helpful, but it is obviously brittle and should be tested whenever we upgrade the south library. Args: app: django app to check status for Usage: blt south.status (app) Examples: blt south.status invest - displays status for the invest app """ if not app: msg = ("\nsouth status requires an *app* to check. for example:\n" , " blt south.status my_app\n" , "To check which apps have had model changes run:\n" , " git status | grep") abort("\n".join(msg)) with cd(self.cfg['django']['DJANGO_ROOT']): puts("-- Model Check -----------------------------------------------------------") out = local('python schemamigration %s --auto --stdout 2>&1' % app, collect_output=True, abort_on_stderr=False) if out.strip() == 'Nothing seems to have changed.': puts("Model is in sync with migrations") else: puts("Model changes found:\n\n%s" % out) puts("\n==> Run `blt %s` to create a migration set." % app) puts("\n-- Unapplied Migrations --------------------------------------------------") out = local('python migrate %s --list | grep -v "*" 2>&1' % app, collect_output=True) if out.strip() == app: puts("All migrations have been applied to db") else: puts("Migrations need to be applied to db:\n%s" % out.strip()) puts("\n==> Run `blt south.apply` to push to the database\n")
def create(self): """ Provisions a fully configured heroku app from scratch. Behind the scenes, you're getting the following: - heroku apps:create - git push heroku - heroku config - heroku addons - heroku domains - all post deploy hooks The command will handle creating a special git remote for the environment and can push from a non-master branch, things which are not easily accomplished with the heroku toolbelt. This is driven from the bltenv configuration. Usage: blt e:[env] heroku.create """ print "******** Creating New Heroku App ********" print "App Name: " + green(self.cfg['heroku']['app']) print "Environment: " + green(self.cfg['blt_envtype']) print "Branch: " + green(self.cfg['heroku']['git_branch']) proceed = prompt("\nLook good? ==>", default='no') if proceed.lower() != 'yes' and proceed.lower() != 'y': abort('Aborting heroku creation.') local('heroku apps:create %s --remote %s' % (self.cfg['heroku']['app'] , self.cfg['heroku']['git_remote'])) self.config('set') self.push() self.addon('add') # if we have domains configured, add them if 'domains' in self.cfg['heroku']: self.domain('add') # handle post deploy steps*self.cfg['heroku']['post_deploy']) print '\nHeroku Deploy Complete!' url = '==>' % self.cfg['heroku']['app'] print url
def delta(self, *apps): """ Creates a new schema changeset for an app. Unfortunately, south doesn't allow project-wide schemamigrations, you have to provide a specific app name. Args: apps: a list of apps to create changesets for Usage: blt (apps) Examples: blt invest payment - creates deltas for invest and payment apps """ if not apps: abort('\n\nPlease provide an app name, e.g. \n blt my_app') with cd(self.cfg['django']['DJANGO_ROOT']): for app in apps: local('python schemamigration %s --auto' % app)
def _precheck(self, env_type, command): if env_type == 'production': prod_check(command) if env_type not in self.config: abort('environment [%s] not defined in your beltenv file.' % env_type) if not command: abort('you did not specify a command, try again.') if command not in self.commands: abort('command [%s] not found in your beltenv file.' % command)