def inquiry(self): def prop_changed(lst, adapter, key_value): key, value = key_value if key == "Discovering" and not value: prog.finalize() self.List.disconnect(s1) self.List.disconnect(s2) def on_progress(lst, frac): if abs(1.0 - frac) <= 0.00001: if not prog.started(): prog.start() else: prog.fraction(frac) prog = ManagerProgressbar(self, text=_("Searching")) prog.connect("cancelled", lambda x: self.List.stop_discovery()) try: self.List.discover_devices() except Exception as e: prog.finalize() MessageArea.show_message(*e_(e)) s1 = self.List.connect("discovery-progress", on_progress) s2 = self.List.connect("adapter-property-changed", prop_changed)
def fail(*args): prog.message(_("Failed")) self.unset_op(device) dprint("fail", args) MessageArea.show_message( _("Connection Failed: ") + e_(str(args[0])))
def fail(obj, result, _user_data): prog.message(_("Failed")) self.unset_op(device) logging.warning("fail %s" % result) msg, tb = e_(result.message) MessageArea.show_message(_("Connection Failed: ") + msg, tb)
def success(_obj: AppletService, _result: None, _user_data: None) -> None:"success") prog.message(_("Success!")) MessageArea.close() self.unset_op(device)
def _handle_error_message(self, error: GLib.Error) -> None: err = self._get_errno(error) if err == errno.ENOPROTOOPT: logging.warning( "No audio endpoints registered to bluetoothd. " "Pulseaudio Bluetooth module, bluez-alsa, PipeWire or other audio support missing." ) msg = _("No audio endpoints registered") elif err == errno.EIO: logging.warning( "bluetoothd reported input/output error. Check its logs for context." ) msg = _("Input/output error") elif err == errno.EHOSTDOWN: msg = _("Device did not respond") elif err == errno.EAGAIN: logging.warning( "bluetoothd reported resource temporarily unavailable. " "Retry or check its logs for context.") msg = _("Resource temporarily unavailable") else: msg = error.message.split(":", 3)[-1].strip() if msg != "Cancelled": MessageArea.show_message(_("Connection Failed: ") + msg)
def fail(_obj: AppletService, result: GLib.Error, _user_data: None) -> None:"fail: {result}") prog.message(_("Failed")) self.unset_op(device) msg, tb = e_(result.message) MessageArea.show_message(_("Connection Failed: ") + msg)
def _handle_error_message(self, msg: str) -> None: msg = msg.split(":", 3)[-1].strip() #;a=blob;f=sysdeps/gnu/errlist.h # # if msg == "Protocol not available": # ENOPROTOOPT logging.warning( "No audio endpoints registered to bluetoothd. " "Pulseaudio Bluetooth module, bluez-alsa, PipeWire or other audio support missing." ) msg = _("No audio endpoints registered") elif msg in ("Input/output error", "I/O error"): # EIO logging.warning( "bluetoothd reported input/output error. Check its logs for context." ) msg = _("Input/output error") elif msg == "Host is down": # EHOSTDOWN (Bluetooth errors 0x04 (Page Timeout) or 0x3c (Advertising Timeout)) msg = _("Device did not respond") elif msg == "Resource temporarily unavailable": # EAGAIN logging.warning( "bluetoothd reported resource temporarily unavailable. " "Retry or check its logs for context.") msg = _("Resource temporarily unavailable") if msg != "Cancelled": MessageArea.show_message(_("Connection Failed: ") + msg)
def fail(_obj: Optional[AppletService], result: GLib.Error, _user_data: None) -> None: prog.message(_("Failed")) self.unset_op(device) logging.warning(f"fail {result}") msg, tb = e_(result.message) MessageArea.show_message(_("Connection Failed: ") + msg, tb)
def success(obj, result, _user_data):"success") prog.message(_("Success!")) if isinstance(service, SerialPort) and SERIAL_PORT_SVCLASS_ID == service.short_uuid: MessageArea.show_message(_("Serial port connected to %s") % result, None, "dialog-information") else: MessageArea.close() self.unset_op(device)
def success(obj, result, _user_data): dprint("success") prog.message(_("Success!")) if isinstance(service, SerialPort) and SERIAL_PORT_SVCLASS_ID == uuid128_to_uuid16(service.uuid): MessageArea.show_message(_("Serial port connected to %s") % result, "dialog-information") else: MessageArea.close() self.unset_op(device)
def success(*args2): dprint("success", " ".join(args2)) prog.message(_("Success!")) if isinstance(service, SerialPort) and SERIAL_PORT_SVCLASS_ID == uuid128_to_uuid16(service.uuid): MessageArea.show_message(_("Serial port connected to %s") % args2[0], "dialog-information") else: MessageArea.close() self.unset_op(device)
def success(*args2): try: uuid16 = sdp_get_serial_type(device.Address, args[0]) except: uuid16 = 0 dprint("success", args2) prog.message(_("Success!")) if service_id == "serial" and SERIAL_PORT_SVCLASS_ID in uuid16: MessageArea.show_message(_("Serial port connected to %s") % args2[0], "dialog-information") else: MessageArea.close() self.unset_op(device)
def success(*args2): try: uuid16 = sdp_get_serial_type(device.Address, args[0]) except: uuid16 = 0 dprint("success", args2) prog.message(_("Success!")) if service_id == "serial" and SERIAL_PORT_SVCLASS_ID in uuid16: MessageArea.show_message( _("Serial port connected to %s") % args2[0], gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_INFO) else: MessageArea.close() self.unset_op(device)
def reply(): self.unset_op(device) prog.message(_("Success!")) MessageArea.close()
def do_activate(self) -> None: if not self.window: self.window = Gtk.ApplicationWindow(application=self, name="BluemanManager", icon_name="blueman", title=_("Bluetooth Devices")) w, h, x, y = self.Config["window-properties"] if w and h: self.window.resize(w, h) if x and y: self.window.move(x, y) # Connect to configure event to store new window position and size self.window.connect("configure-event", self._on_configure) self.builder = Builder("manager-main.ui") box = self.builder.get_widget("box", Gtk.Box) self.window.add(box) grid = self.builder.get_widget("grid", Gtk.Grid) toolbar = self.builder.get_widget("toolbar", Gtk.Toolbar) statusbar = self.builder.get_widget("statusbar", Gtk.Box) self.Plugins = PluginManager(ManagerPlugin, blueman.plugins.manager, self) self.Plugins.load_plugin() area = MessageArea() grid.attach(area, 0, 1, 1, 1) self._applethandlerid: Optional[int] = None # Add margin for resize grip or it will overlap if self.window.get_has_resize_grip(): margin_right = statusbar.get_margin_right() statusbar.set_margin_right(margin_right + 10) def bt_status_changed(status: bool) -> None: assert self.window is not None if not status: self.window.hide() check_bluetooth_status( _("Bluetooth needs to be turned on for the device manager to function" ), self.quit) else: def on_applet_signal(_proxy: AppletService, _sender: str, signal_name: str, params: GLib.Variant) -> None: if signal_name == 'BluetoothStatusChanged': status = params.unpack() bt_status_changed(status) def on_dbus_name_vanished(_connection: Gio.DBusConnection, name: str) -> None: if self._applethandlerid: self.Applet.disconnect(self._applethandlerid) self._applethandlerid = None if self.window is not None: self.window.hide() d = ErrorDialog( _("Connection to BlueZ failed"), _("Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue.\n" "This probably means that there were no Bluetooth adapters detected " "or Bluetooth daemon was not started."), icon_name="blueman") d.destroy() # FIXME ui can handle BlueZ start/stop but we should inform user self.quit() def on_dbus_name_appeared(_connection: Gio.DBusConnection, name: str, owner: str) -> None:"{name} {owner}") setup_icon_path() try: self.Applet = AppletService() except DBusProxyFailed: print("Blueman applet needs to be running") bmexit() check_bluetooth_status( _("Bluetooth needs to be turned on for the device manager to function" ), lambda: self.quit()) manager = Manager() try: manager.get_adapter(self.Config['last-adapter']) except DBusNoSuchAdapterError: logging.error( 'Default adapter not found, trying first available.') try: manager.get_adapter(None) except DBusNoSuchAdapterError: logging.error('No adapter(s) found, exiting') bmexit() self._applethandlerid = self.Applet.connect( 'g-signal', on_applet_signal) sw = self.builder.get_widget("scrollview", Gtk.ScrolledWindow) # Disable overlay scrolling if Gtk.get_minor_version() >= 16: sw.props.overlay_scrolling = False self.List = ManagerDeviceList( adapter=self.Config["last-adapter"], inst=self) sw.add(self.List) self.Toolbar = ManagerToolbar(self) self.Menu = ManagerMenu(self) self.Stats = ManagerStats(self) if self.List.is_valid_adapter(): self.List.populate_devices() self.List.connect("adapter-changed", self.on_adapter_changed) self.Config.bind_to_widget("show-toolbar", toolbar, "visible") self.Config.bind_to_widget("show-statusbar", statusbar, "visible") Manager.watch_name_owner(on_dbus_name_appeared, on_dbus_name_vanished) self.window.present_with_time(Gtk.get_current_event_time())
def on_error(e: Exception) -> None: prog.finalize() MessageArea.show_message(*e_(e))
def on_result(res): if not res: MessageArea.show_message(_("Failed to change profile to %s" % profile))
def success(obj, result, user_data):"success") prog.message(_("Success!")) MessageArea.close() self.unset_op(device)
def err(obj, result, user_date): logging.warning("disconnect failed %s" % result) msg, tb = e_(result.message) MessageArea.show_message(_("Disconnection Failed: ") + msg, tb) self.generate()
def __init__(self): super().__init__(title=_("Bluetooth Devices")) self._applet_sig = None self.Config = Config("org.blueman.general") self.Builder = Gtk.Builder() self.Builder.set_translation_domain("blueman") # bind_textdomain_codeset("blueman", "UTF-8") self.Builder.add_from_file(UI_PATH + "/manager-main.ui") grid = self.Builder.get_object("grid") self.add(grid) self.set_name("BluemanManager") self.Plugins = PluginManager(ManagerPlugin, blueman.plugins.manager, self) self.Plugins.load_plugin() area = MessageArea() grid.attach(area, 0, 3, 1, 1) # Add margin for resize grip or it will overlap if self.get_has_resize_grip(): statusbar = self.Builder.get_object("statusbar") margin_right = statusbar.get_margin_right() statusbar.set_margin_right(margin_right + 10) def do_present(time): if self.props.visible: self.present_with_time(time) check_single_instance("blueman-manager", do_present) def on_window_delete(window, event): w, h = self.get_size() x, y = self.get_position() self.Config["window-properties"] = [w, h, x, y] Gtk.main_quit() def bt_status_changed(status): if not status: self.hide() check_bluetooth_status( _("Bluetooth needs to be turned on for the device manager to function" ), lambda: Gtk.main_quit()) else: def on_applet_signal(_proxy, _sender, signal_name, params): if signal_name == 'BluetoothStatusChanged': status = params.unpack() bt_status_changed(status) def on_dbus_name_vanished(_connection, name): if self._applet_sig is not None: self.Applet.disconnect(self._applet_sig) self._applet_sig = None self.hide() d = ErrorDialog( _("Connection to BlueZ failed"), _("Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue.\n" "This probably means that there were no Bluetooth adapters detected " "or Bluetooth daemon was not started."), icon_name="blueman") d.destroy() # FIXME ui can handle BlueZ start/stop but we should inform user Gtk.main_quit() def on_dbus_name_appeared(_connection, name, owner):"%s %s" % (name, owner)) setup_icon_path() try: self.Applet = AppletService() except DBusProxyFailed: print("Blueman applet needs to be running") exit() check_bluetooth_status( _("Bluetooth needs to be turned on for the device manager to function" ), lambda: Gtk.main_quit()) manager = bluez.Manager() try: manager.get_adapter(self.Config['last-adapter']) except bluez.errors.DBusNoSuchAdapterError: logging.error( 'Default adapter not found, trying first available.') try: manager.get_adapter(None) except bluez.errors.DBusNoSuchAdapterError: logging.error('No adapter(s) found, exiting') exit(1) self._applet_sig = self.Applet.connect('g-signal', on_applet_signal) self.connect("delete-event", on_window_delete) self.props.icon_name = "blueman" w, h, x, y = self.Config["window-properties"] if w and h: self.resize(w, h) if x and y: self.move(x, y) sw = self.Builder.get_object("scrollview") # Disable overlay scrolling if Gtk.get_minor_version() >= 16: sw.props.overlay_scrolling = False self.List = ManagerDeviceList(adapter=self.Config["last-adapter"], inst=self) sw.add(self.List) self.Toolbar = ManagerToolbar(self) self.Menu = ManagerMenu(self) self.Stats = ManagerStats(self) if self.List.is_valid_adapter(): self.List.display_known_devices(autoselect=True) self.List.connect("adapter-changed", self.on_adapter_changed) toolbar = self.Builder.get_object("toolbar") statusbar = self.Builder.get_object("statusbar") self.Config.bind_to_widget("show-toolbar", toolbar, "visible") self.Config.bind_to_widget("show-statusbar", statusbar, "visible") bluez.Manager.watch_name_owner(on_dbus_name_appeared, on_dbus_name_vanished)
def fail(obj, result, user_date):"fail", result) prog.message(_("Failed")) self.unset_op(device) msg, tb = e_(result.message) MessageArea.show_message(_("Connection Failed: ") + msg)
def fail(obj, result, _user_data): prog.message(_("Failed")) self.unset_op(device) dprint("fail", result) MessageArea.show_message(_("Connection Failed: ") + e_(str(result.message)))
def __init__(self): super().__init__(title=_("Bluetooth Devices")) self.Config = Config("org.blueman.general") self.Builder = Gtk.Builder() self.Builder.set_translation_domain("blueman") bind_textdomain_codeset("blueman", "UTF-8") self.Builder.add_from_file(UI_PATH + "/manager-main.ui") grid = self.Builder.get_object("grid") self.add(grid) self.set_name("BluemanManager") self.Plugins = PluginManager(ManagerPlugin, blueman.plugins.manager, self) self.Plugins.load_plugin() area = MessageArea() grid.attach(area, 0, 3, 1, 1) self._applethandlerid: Optional[int] = None # Add margin for resize grip or it will overlap if self.get_has_resize_grip(): statusbar = self.Builder.get_object("statusbar") margin_right = statusbar.get_margin_right() statusbar.set_margin_right(margin_right + 10) def do_present(time): if self.props.visible: self.present_with_time(time) check_single_instance("blueman-manager", do_present) def on_window_delete(window, event): w, h = self.get_size() x, y = self.get_position() self.Config["window-properties"] = [w, h, x, y] Gtk.main_quit() setup_icon_path() try: self.Applet = AppletService() except DBusProxyFailed: print("Blueman applet needs to be running") exit() manager = Manager() try: manager.get_adapter(self.Config['last-adapter']) except DBusNoSuchAdapterError: logging.error('Default adapter not found, trying first available.') try: manager.get_adapter(None) except DBusNoSuchAdapterError: logging.error('No adapter(s) found') self.connect("delete-event", on_window_delete) self.props.icon_name = "blueman" w, h, x, y = self.Config["window-properties"] if w and h: self.resize(w, h) if x and y: self.move(x, y) sw = self.Builder.get_object("scrollview") # Disable overlay scrolling if Gtk.get_minor_version() >= 16: sw.props.overlay_scrolling = False self.List = ManagerDeviceList(adapter=self.Config["last-adapter"], inst=self) sw.add(self.List) self.Toolbar = ManagerToolbar(self) self.Menu = ManagerMenu(self) self.Stats = ManagerStats(self) if self.List.is_valid_adapter(): self.List.display_known_devices(autoselect=True) self.List.connect("adapter-changed", self.on_adapter_changed) toolbar = self.Builder.get_object("toolbar") statusbar = self.Builder.get_object("statusbar") self.Config.bind_to_widget("show-toolbar", toolbar, "visible") self.Config.bind_to_widget("show-statusbar", statusbar, "visible")
def err(_obj: Optional[AppletService], result: GLib.Error, _user_date: None) -> None: logging.warning(f"disconnect failed {result}") msg, tb = e_(result.message) MessageArea.show_message(_("Disconnection Failed: ") + msg, tb) self.generate()
def reply(): prog_msg(_("Success!")) MessageArea.close()
def error(*args): dprint("err", args) prog_msg(_("Fail")) MessageArea.show_message(e_(str(args[0])))
def on_result(res: int) -> None: if not res: MessageArea.show_message(_("Failed to change profile to %s" % profile))
def fail(*args): prog.message(_("Failed")) self.unset_op(device) dprint("fail", args) MessageArea.show_message(_("Connection Failed: ") + e_(str(args[0])))
def error(*args): self.unset_op(device) prog.message(_("Fail")) MessageArea.show_message(e_(str(args[0])))
def err(obj, result, user_date): logging.warning("disconnect failed %s" % result) msg, tb = e_(result.message) MessageArea.show_message(_("Disconnection Failed: ") + msg, tb) self.Generate()