Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):

        # Traffic is the toplevel trafficarrays object

        self.ntraf = 0

        self.cond = Condition()  # Conditional commands list
        self.wind = WindSim()
        self.turbulence = Turbulence()
        self.translvl = 5000. * ft  # [m] Default transition level

        with self.settrafarrays():
            # Aircraft Info
            self.id = []  # identifier (string)
            self.type = []  # aircaft type (string)

            # Positions
            self.lat = np.array([])  # latitude [deg]
            self.lon = np.array([])  # longitude [deg]
            self.distflown = np.array([])  # distance travelled [m]
            self.alt = np.array([])  # altitude [m]
            self.hdg = np.array([])  # traffic heading [deg]
            self.trk = np.array([])  # track angle [deg]

            # Velocities
            self.tas = np.array([])  # true airspeed [m/s]
            self.gs = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.gsnorth = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.gseast = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.cas = np.array([])  # calibrated airspeed [m/s]
            self.M = np.array([])  # mach number
            self.vs = np.array([])  # vertical speed [m/s]

            # Acceleration
            self.ax = np.array([])  # [m/s2] current longitudinal acceleration

            # Atmosphere
            self.p = np.array([])  # air pressure [N/m2]
            self.rho = np.array([])  # air density [kg/m3]
            self.Temp = np.array([])  # air temperature [K]
            self.dtemp = np.array([])  # delta t for non-ISA conditions

            # Wind speeds
            self.windnorth = np.array(
                [])  # wind speed north component a/c pos [m/s]
            self.windeast = np.array(
                [])  # wind speed east component a/c pos [m/s]

            # Traffic autopilot settings
            self.selspd = np.array([])  # selected spd(CAS or Mach) [m/s or -]
            self.aptas = np.array([])  # just for initializing
            self.selalt = np.array([])  # selected alt[m]
            self.selvs = np.array([])  # selected vertical speed [m/s]

            # Whether to perform LNAV and VNAV
            self.swlnav = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)
            self.swvnav = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)
            self.swvnavspd = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)

            # Flight Models
            self.cd = ConflictDetection()
            self.cr = ConflictResolution()
            self.ap = Autopilot()
            self.aporasas = APorASAS()
            self.adsb = ADSB()
            self.trails = Trails()
            self.actwp = ActiveWaypoint()
            self.perf = PerfBase()

            # Group Logic
            self.groups = TrafficGroups()

            # Traffic autopilot data
            self.swhdgsel = np.array(
                [], dtype=np.bool)  # determines whether aircraft is turning

            # Traffic autothrottle settings
            self.swats = np.array(
                [], dtype=np.bool
            )  # Switch indicating whether autothrottle system is on/off
            self.thr = np.array(
                [])  # Thottle seeting (0.0-1.0), negative = non-valid/auto

            # Display information on label
            self.label = []  # Text and bitmap of traffic label

            # Miscallaneous
            self.coslat = np.array([])  # Cosine of latitude for computations
            self.eps = np.array([])  # Small nonzero numbers
            self.work = np.array([])  # Work done throughout the flight

        # Default bank angles per flight phase
        self.bphase = np.deg2rad(np.array([15, 35, 35, 35, 15, 45]))
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self):
        super(Traffic, self).__init__()

        # Traffic is the toplevel trafficarrays object

        self.ntraf = 0

        self.cond = Condition()  # Conditional commands list
        self.wind = WindSim()
        self.turbulence = Turbulence()
        self.translvl = 5000. * ft  # [m] Default transition level

        with RegisterElementParameters(self):
            # Aircraft Info
            self.id = []  # identifier (string)
            self.type = []  # aircaft type (string)
            self.dest_temp = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
            self.dest_hdg = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)

            # Positions
            self.lat = np.array([])  # latitude [deg]
            self.lon = np.array([])  # longitude [deg]
            self.distflown = np.array([])  # distance travelled [m]
            self.alt = np.array([])  # altitude [m]
            self.hdg = np.array([])  # traffic heading [deg]
            self.trk = np.array([])  # track angle [deg]

            # Velocities
            self.tas = np.array([])  # true airspeed [m/s]
            self.gs = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.gsnorth = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.gseast = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.cas = np.array([])  # calibrated airspeed [m/s]
            self.M = np.array([])  # mach number
            self.vs = np.array([])  # vertical speed [m/s]

            # Atmosphere
            self.p = np.array([])  # air pressure [N/m2]
            self.rho = np.array([])  # air density [kg/m3]
            self.Temp = np.array([])  # air temperature [K]
            self.dtemp = np.array([])  # delta t for non-ISA conditions

            # Wind speeds
            self.windnorth = np.array(
                [])  # wind speed north component a/c pos [m/s]
            self.windeast = np.array(
                [])  # wind speed east component a/c pos [m/s]

            # Traffic autopilot settings
            self.selspd = np.array([])  # selected spd(CAS or Mach) [m/s or -]
            self.aptas = np.array([])  # just for initializing
            self.selalt = np.array([])  # selected alt[m]
            self.selvs = np.array([])  # selected vertical speed [m/s]

            # Whether to perform LNAV and VNAV
            self.swlnav = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)
            self.swvnav = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)
            self.swvnavspd = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)

            # Flight Models
            self.cd = ConflictDetection()
            self.cr = ConflictResolution()
            self.ap = Autopilot()
            self.pilot = Pilot()
            self.adsb = ADSB()
            self.trails = Trails()
            self.actwp = ActiveWaypoint()
            self.perf = Perf()

            # Group Logic
            self.groups = TrafficGroups()

            # Traffic performance data
            self.apvsdef = np.array(
                [])  # [m/s]default vertical speed of autopilot
            self.aphi = np.array([])  # [rad] bank angle setting of autopilot
            self.ax = np.array(
                [])  # [m/s2] absolute value of longitudinal accelleration
            self.bank = np.array([])  # nominal bank angle, [radian]
            self.swhdgsel = np.array(
                [], dtype=np.bool)  # determines whether aircraft is turning

            # limit settings
            self.limspd = np.array([])  # limit speed
            self.limspd_flag = np.array(
                [], dtype=np.bool
            )  # flag for limit spd - we have to test for max and min
            self.limalt = np.array([])  # limit altitude
            self.limalt_flag = np.array(
                [])  # A need to limit altitude has been detected
            self.limvs = np.array(
                [])  # limit vertical speed due to thrust limitation
            self.limvs_flag = np.array([])  # A need to limit V/S detected

            # Display information on label
            self.label = []  # Text and bitmap of traffic label

            # Miscallaneous
            self.coslat = np.array([])  # Cosine of latitude for computations
            self.eps = np.array([])  # Small nonzero numbers

        # Default bank angles per flight phase
        self.bphase = np.deg2rad(np.array([15, 35, 35, 35, 15, 45]))
Exemple #3
class Traffic(Entity):
    Traffic class definition    : Traffic data
        Traffic()            :  constructor
        reset()              :  Reset traffic database w.r.t a/c data
        create(acid,actype,aclat,aclon,achdg,acalt,acspd) : create aircraft
        delete(acid)         : delete an aircraft from traffic data
        deletall()           : delete all traffic
        update(sim)          : do a numerical integration step
        id2idx(name)         : return index in traffic database of given call sign
        engchange(i,engtype) : change engine type of an aircraft
        setnoise(A)          : Add turbulence
    Members: see create
    Created by  : Jacco M. Hoekstra
    def __init__(self):

        # Traffic is the toplevel trafficarrays object

        self.ntraf = 0

        self.cond = Condition()  # Conditional commands list
        self.wind = WindSim()
        self.turbulence = Turbulence()
        self.translvl = 5000. * ft  # [m] Default transition level

        with self.settrafarrays():
            # Aircraft Info
            self.id = []  # identifier (string)
            self.type = []  # aircaft type (string)

            # Positions
            self.lat = np.array([])  # latitude [deg]
            self.lon = np.array([])  # longitude [deg]
            self.distflown = np.array([])  # distance travelled [m]
            self.alt = np.array([])  # altitude [m]
            self.hdg = np.array([])  # traffic heading [deg]
            self.trk = np.array([])  # track angle [deg]

            # Velocities
            self.tas = np.array([])  # true airspeed [m/s]
            self.gs = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.gsnorth = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.gseast = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.cas = np.array([])  # calibrated airspeed [m/s]
            self.M = np.array([])  # mach number
            self.vs = np.array([])  # vertical speed [m/s]

            # Acceleration
            self.ax = np.array([])  # [m/s2] current longitudinal acceleration

            # Atmosphere
            self.p = np.array([])  # air pressure [N/m2]
            self.rho = np.array([])  # air density [kg/m3]
            self.Temp = np.array([])  # air temperature [K]
            self.dtemp = np.array([])  # delta t for non-ISA conditions

            # Wind speeds
            self.windnorth = np.array(
                [])  # wind speed north component a/c pos [m/s]
            self.windeast = np.array(
                [])  # wind speed east component a/c pos [m/s]

            # Traffic autopilot settings
            self.selspd = np.array([])  # selected spd(CAS or Mach) [m/s or -]
            self.aptas = np.array([])  # just for initializing
            self.selalt = np.array([])  # selected alt[m]
            self.selvs = np.array([])  # selected vertical speed [m/s]

            # Whether to perform LNAV and VNAV
            self.swlnav = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)
            self.swvnav = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)
            self.swvnavspd = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)

            # Flight Models
            self.cd = ConflictDetection()
            self.cr = ConflictResolution()
            self.ap = Autopilot()
            self.aporasas = APorASAS()
            self.adsb = ADSB()
            self.trails = Trails()
            self.actwp = ActiveWaypoint()
            self.perf = PerfBase()

            # Group Logic
            self.groups = TrafficGroups()

            # Traffic autopilot data
            self.swhdgsel = np.array(
                [], dtype=np.bool)  # determines whether aircraft is turning

            # Traffic autothrottle settings
            self.swats = np.array(
                [], dtype=np.bool
            )  # Switch indicating whether autothrottle system is on/off
            self.thr = np.array(
                [])  # Thottle seeting (0.0-1.0), negative = non-valid/auto

            # Display information on label
            self.label = []  # Text and bitmap of traffic label

            # Miscallaneous
            self.coslat = np.array([])  # Cosine of latitude for computations
            self.eps = np.array([])  # Small nonzero numbers
            self.work = np.array([])  # Work done throughout the flight

        # Default bank angles per flight phase
        self.bphase = np.deg2rad(np.array([15, 35, 35, 35, 15, 45]))

    def reset(self):
        ''' Clear all traffic data upon simulation reset. '''
        # Some child reset functions depend on a correct value of self.ntraf
        self.ntraf = 0
        # This ensures that the traffic arrays (which size is dynamic)
        # are all reset as well, so all lat,lon,sdp etc but also objects adsb

        # reset performance model

        # Reset models

        # Build new modules for turbulence

        # Noise (turbulence, ADBS-transmission noise, ADSB-truncated effect)

        # Reset transition level to default value
        self.translvl = 5000. * ft

    def mcre(self, n, actype="B744", acalt=None, acspd=None, dest=None):
        """ Create one or more random aircraft in a specified area """
        area = bs.scr.getviewbounds()

        # Generate random callsigns
        idtmp = chr(randint(65, 90)) + chr(randint(65, 90)) + '{:>05}'
        acid = [idtmp.format(i) for i in range(n)]

        # Generate random positions
        aclat = np.random.rand(n) * (area[1] - area[0]) + area[0]
        aclon = np.random.rand(n) * (area[3] - area[2]) + area[2]
        achdg = np.random.randint(1, 360, n)
        acalt = acalt or np.random.randint(2000, 39000, n) * ft
        acspd = acspd or np.random.randint(250, 450, n) * kts

        self.cre(acid, actype, aclat, aclon, achdg, acalt, acspd)

    def cre(self,
        """ Create one or more aircraft. """
        # Determine number of aircraft to create from array length of acid
        n = 1 if isinstance(acid, str) else len(acid)

        if isinstance(acid, str):
            # Check if not already exist
            if self.id.count(acid.upper()) > 0:
                return False, acid + " already exists."  # already exists do nothing
            acid = n * [acid]

        # Adjust the size of all traffic arrays
        self.ntraf += n

        if isinstance(actype, str):
            actype = n * [actype]

        if isinstance(aclat, (float, int)):
            aclat = np.array(n * [aclat])

        if isinstance(aclon, (float, int)):
            aclon = np.array(n * [aclon])

        # Limit longitude to [-180.0, 180.0]
        aclon[aclon > 180.0] -= 360.0
        aclon[aclon < -180.0] += 360.0

        achdg = (refdata.hdg or 0.0) if achdg is None else achdg

        # Aircraft Info
        self.id[-n:] = acid
        self.type[-n:] = actype

        # Positions
        self.lat[-n:] = aclat
        self.lon[-n:] = aclon
        self.alt[-n:] = acalt

        self.hdg[-n:] = achdg
        self.trk[-n:] = achdg

        # Velocities
        self.tas[-n:], self.cas[-n:], self.M[-n:] = vcasormach(acspd, acalt)
        self.gs[-n:] = self.tas[-n:]
        hdgrad = np.radians(achdg)
        self.gsnorth[-n:] = self.tas[-n:] * np.cos(hdgrad)
        self.gseast[-n:] = self.tas[-n:] * np.sin(hdgrad)

        # Atmosphere
        self.p[-n:], self.rho[-n:], self.Temp[-n:] = vatmos(acalt)

        # Wind
        if self.wind.winddim > 0:
            applywind = self.alt[-n:] > 50. * ft
            self.windnorth[-n:], self.windeast[-n:] = self.wind.getdata(
                self.lat[-n:], self.lon[-n:], self.alt[-n:])
                -n:] = self.gsnorth[-n:] + self.windnorth[-n:] * applywind
                -n:] = self.gseast[-n:] + self.windeast[-n:] * applywind
            self.trk[-n:]     = np.logical_not(applywind)*achdg + \
                                applywind*np.degrees(np.arctan2(self.gseast[-n:], self.gsnorth[-n:]))
            self.gs[-n:] = np.sqrt(self.gsnorth[-n:]**2 + self.gseast[-n:]**2)
            self.windnorth[-n:] = 0.0
            self.windeast[-n:] = 0.0

        # Traffic autopilot settings
        self.selspd[-n:] = self.cas[-n:]
        self.aptas[-n:] = self.tas[-n:]
        self.selalt[-n:] = self.alt[-n:]

        # Display information on label
        self.label[-n:] = n * [['', '', '', 0]]

        # Miscallaneous
        self.coslat[-n:] = np.cos(np.radians(
            aclat))  # Cosine of latitude for flat-earth aproximations
        self.eps[-n:] = 0.01

        # Finally call create for child TrafficArrays. This only needs to be done
        # manually in Traffic.

        # Record as individual CRE commands for repeatability
        for j in range(self.ntraf - n, self.ntraf):
            # Reconstruct CRE command
            line = "CRE " + ",".join([
                self.id[j], self.type[j],
                str(round(self.alt[j] / ft)),
                str(round(self.cas[j] / kts))
            # Savecmd(cmd,line): line is saved, cmd is used to prevent recording PAN & ZOOM commands and CRE
            # So insert a dummy command to record the line
            savecmd("---", line)

    def creconfs(self,
        ''' Create an aircraft in conflict with target aircraft.

            - acid: callsign of new aircraft
            - actype: aircraft type of new aircraft
            - targetidx: id (callsign) of target aircraft
            - dpsi: Conflict angle (angle between tracks of ownship and intruder) (deg)
            - cpa: Predicted distance at closest point of approach (NM)
            - tlosh: Horizontal time to loss of separation ((hh:mm:)sec)
            - dH: Vertical distance (ft)
            - tlosv: Vertical time to loss of separation
            - spd: Speed of new aircraft (CAS/Mach, kts/-)
        latref = self.lat[targetidx]  # deg
        lonref = self.lon[targetidx]  # deg
        altref = self.alt[targetidx]  # m
        trkref = radians(self.trk[targetidx])
        gsref = self.gs[targetidx]  # m/s
        tasref = self.tas[targetidx]  # m/s
        vsref = self.vs[targetidx]  # m/s
        cpa = dcpa * nm
        pzr = bs.settings.asas_pzr * nm
        pzh = bs.settings.asas_pzh * ft
        trk = trkref + radians(dpsi)

        if dH is None:
            acalt = altref
            acvs = 0.0
            acalt = altref + dH
            tlosv = tlosh if tlosv is None else tlosv
            acvs = vsref - np.sign(dH) * (abs(dH) - pzh) / tlosv

        if spd:
            # CAS or Mach provided: convert to groundspeed, assuming that
            # wind at intruder position is similar to wind at ownship position
            tas = tasref if spd is None else casormach2tas(spd, acalt)
            tasn, tase = tas * cos(trk), tas * sin(trk)
            wn, we = self.wind.getdata(latref, lonref, acalt)
            gsn, gse = tasn + wn, tase + we
            # Groundspeed is the same as ownship
            gsn, gse = gsref * cos(trk), gsref * sin(trk)

        # Horizontal relative velocity vector
        vreln, vrele = gsref * cos(trkref) - gsn, gsref * sin(trkref) - gse
        # Relative velocity magnitude
        vrel = sqrt(vreln * vreln + vrele * vrele)
        # Relative travel distance to closest point of approach
        drelcpa = tlosh * vrel + (0 if cpa > pzr else sqrt(pzr * pzr -
                                                           cpa * cpa))
        # Initial intruder distance
        dist = sqrt(drelcpa * drelcpa + cpa * cpa)
        # Rotation matrix diagonal and cross elements for distance vector
        rd = drelcpa / dist
        rx = cpa / dist
        # Rotate relative velocity vector to obtain intruder bearing
        brn = degrees(atan2(-rx * vreln + rd * vrele, rd * vreln + rx * vrele))

        # Calculate intruder lat/lon
        aclat, aclon = geo.kwikpos(latref, lonref, brn, dist / nm)
        # convert groundspeed to CAS, and track to heading using actual
        # intruder position
        wn, we = self.wind.getdata(aclat, aclon, acalt)
        tasn, tase = gsn - wn, gse - we
        acspd = tas2cas(sqrt(tasn * tasn + tase * tase), acalt)
        achdg = degrees(atan2(tase, tasn))

        # Create and, when necessary, set vertical speed
        self.cre(acid, actype, aclat, aclon, achdg, acalt, acspd)
        self.ap.selaltcmd(len(self.lat) - 1, altref, acvs)
        self.vs[-1] = acvs

    def delete(self, idx):
        """Delete an aircraft"""
        # If this is a multiple delete, sort first for list delete
        # (which will use list in reverse order to avoid index confusion)
        if isinstance(idx, Collection):
            idx = np.sort(idx)

        # Call the actual delete function

        # Update number of aircraft
        self.ntraf = len(self.lat)
        return True

    def update(self):
        # Update only if there is traffic ---------------------
        if self.ntraf == 0:

        #---------- Atmosphere --------------------------------
        self.p, self.rho, self.Temp = vatmos(self.alt)

        #---------- ADSB Update -------------------------------

        #---------- Fly the Aircraft --------------------------
        self.ap.update()  # Autopilot logic
        self.update_asas()  # Airborne Separation Assurance
        self.aporasas.update()  # Decide to use autopilot or ASAS for commands

        #---------- Performance Update ------------------------

        #---------- Limit commanded speeds based on performance ------------------------------
        self.aporasas.tas, self.aporasas.vs, self.aporasas.alt = \
            self.perf.limits(self.aporasas.tas, self.aporasas.vs,
                             self.aporasas.alt, self.ax)

        #---------- Kinematics --------------------------------

        #---------- Simulate Turbulence -----------------------

        # Check whether new traffic state triggers conditional commands

        #---------- Aftermath ---------------------------------

    @timed_function(name='asas', dt=bs.settings.asas_dt, manual=True)
    def update_asas(self):
        # Conflict detection and resolution
        self.cd.update(self, self)
        self.cr.update(self.cd, self, self)

    def update_airspeed(self):
        # Compute horizontal acceleration
        delta_spd = self.aporasas.tas - self.tas
        need_ax = np.abs(delta_spd) > np.abs(bs.sim.simdt * self.perf.axmax)
        self.ax = need_ax * np.sign(delta_spd) * self.perf.axmax
        # Update velocities
        self.tas = np.where(need_ax, self.tas + self.ax * bs.sim.simdt,
        self.cas = vtas2cas(self.tas, self.alt)
        self.M = vtas2mach(self.tas, self.alt)

        # Turning
        turnrate = np.degrees(g0 * np.tan(np.where(self.ap.turnphi>self.eps,self.ap.turnphi,self.ap.bankdef) \
                                          / np.maximum(self.tas, self.eps)))
        delhdg = (self.aporasas.hdg - self.hdg + 180) % 360 - 180  # [deg]
        self.swhdgsel = np.abs(delhdg) > np.abs(bs.sim.simdt * turnrate)

        # Update heading
        self.hdg = np.where(
            self.hdg + bs.sim.simdt * turnrate * np.sign(delhdg),
            self.aporasas.hdg) % 360.0

        # Update vertical speed (alt select, capture and hold autopilot mode)
        delta_alt = self.aporasas.alt - self.alt
        # Old dead band version:
        #        self.swaltsel = np.abs(delta_alt) > np.maximum(
        #            10 * ft, np.abs(2 * bs.sim.simdt * self.vs))

        # Update version: time based engage of altitude capture (to adapt for UAV vs airliner scale)
        self.swaltsel = np.abs(delta_alt) >  1.05*np.maximum(np.abs(bs.sim.simdt * self.aporasas.vs), \
                                                         np.abs(bs.sim.simdt * self.vs))
        target_vs = self.swaltsel * np.sign(delta_alt) * np.abs(
        delta_vs = target_vs - self.vs
        # print(delta_vs / fpm)
        need_az = np.abs(delta_vs) > 300 * fpm  # small threshold
        self.az = need_az * np.sign(delta_vs) * (
            300 * fpm)  # fixed vertical acc approx 1.6 m/s^2
        self.vs = np.where(need_az, self.vs + self.az * bs.sim.simdt,
        self.vs = np.where(np.isfinite(self.vs), self.vs,
                           0)  # fix vs nan issue

    def update_groundspeed(self):
        # Compute ground speed and track from heading, airspeed and wind
        if self.wind.winddim == 0:  # no wind
            self.gsnorth = self.tas * np.cos(np.radians(self.hdg))
            self.gseast = self.tas * np.sin(np.radians(self.hdg))

            self.gs = self.tas
            self.trk = self.hdg
            self.windnorth[:], self.windeast[:] = 0.0, 0.0

            applywind = self.alt > 50. * ft  # Only apply wind when airborne

            vnwnd, vewnd = self.wind.getdata(self.lat, self.lon, self.alt)
            self.windnorth[:], self.windeast[:] = vnwnd, vewnd
            self.gsnorth = self.tas * np.cos(np.radians(
                self.hdg)) + self.windnorth * applywind
            self.gseast = self.tas * np.sin(np.radians(
                self.hdg)) + self.windeast * applywind

            self.gs  = np.logical_not(applywind)*self.tas + \
                       applywind*np.sqrt(self.gsnorth**2 + self.gseast**2)

            self.trk = np.logical_not(applywind)*self.hdg + \
                       applywind*np.degrees(np.arctan2(self.gseast, self.gsnorth)) % 360.

        self.work += (self.perf.thrust * bs.sim.simdt *
                      np.sqrt(self.gs * self.gs + self.vs * self.vs))

    def update_pos(self):
        # Update position
        self.alt = np.where(self.swaltsel,
                            np.round(self.alt + self.vs * bs.sim.simdt, 6),
        self.lat = self.lat + np.degrees(bs.sim.simdt * self.gsnorth / Rearth)
        self.coslat = np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.lat))
        self.lon = self.lon + np.degrees(
            bs.sim.simdt * self.gseast / self.coslat / Rearth)
        self.distflown += self.gs * bs.sim.simdt

    def id2idx(self, acid):
        """Find index of aircraft id"""
        if not isinstance(acid, str):
            # id2idx is called for multiple id's
            # Fast way of finding indices of all ACID's in a given list
            tmp = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(self.id))
            return [tmp.get(acidi, -1) for acidi in acid]
            # Catch last created id (* or # symbol)
            if acid in ('#', '*'):
                return self.ntraf - 1

                return self.id.index(acid.upper())
                return -1

    def setnoise(self, noise=None):
        """Noise (turbulence, ADBS-transmission noise, ADSB-truncated effect)"""
        if noise is None:
            return True, "Noise is currently " + (
                "on" if self.turbulence.active else "off")

        return True

    def engchange(self, acid, engid):
        """Change of engines"""
        self.perf.engchange(acid, engid)

    def move(self, idx, lat, lon, alt=None, hdg=None, casmach=None, vspd=None):
        self.lat[idx] = lat
        self.lon[idx] = lon

        if alt is not None:
            self.alt[idx] = alt
            self.selalt[idx] = alt

        if hdg is not None:
            self.hdg[idx] = hdg
            self.ap.trk[idx] = hdg

        if casmach is not None:
            self.tas[idx], self.selspd[idx], _ = vcasormach(casmach, alt)

        if vspd is not None:
            self.vs[idx] = vspd
            self.swvnav[idx] = False

    def poscommand(
            self, idxorwp
    ):  # Show info on aircraft(int) or waypoint or airport (str)
        """POS command: Show info or an aircraft, airport, waypoint or navaid"""
        # Aircraft index

        if type(idxorwp) == int and idxorwp >= 0:

            idx = idxorwp
            acid = self.id[idx]
            actype = self.type[idx]
            latlon = latlon2txt(self.lat[idx], self.lon[idx])
            alt = round(self.alt[idx] / ft)
            hdg = round(self.hdg[idx])
            trk = round(self.trk[idx])
            cas = round(self.cas[idx] / kts)
            tas = round(self.tas[idx] / kts)
            gs = round(self.gs[idx] / kts)
            M = self.M[idx]
            VS = round(self.vs[idx] / ft * 60.)
            route = self.ap.route[idx]

            # Position report
            lines = "Info on %s %s index = %d\n" %(acid, actype, idx)     \
                  + "Pos: "+latlon+ "\n"                                  \
                  + "Hdg: %03d   Trk: %03d\n"        %(hdg, trk)              \
                  + "Alt: %d ft  V/S: %d fpm\n"  %(alt,VS)                \
                  + "CAS/TAS/GS: %d/%d/%d kts   M: %.3f\n"%(cas,tas,gs,M)

            # FMS AP modes
            if self.swlnav[idx] and route.nwp > 0 and route.iactwp >= 0:

                if self.swvnav[idx]:
                    if self.swvnavspd[idx]:
                        lines = lines + "VNAV (incl.VNAVSPD), "
                        lines = lines + "VNAV (NOT VNAVSPD), "

                lines += "LNAV to " + route.wpname[route.iactwp] + "\n"

            # Flight info: Destination and origin
            if self.ap.orig[idx] != "" or self.ap.dest[idx] != "":
                lines = lines + "Flying"

                if self.ap.orig[idx] != "":
                    lines = lines + " from " + self.ap.orig[idx]

                if self.ap.dest[idx] != "":
                    lines = lines + " to " + self.ap.dest[idx]

            # Show a/c info and highlight route of aircraft in radar window
            # and pan to a/c (to show route)
            return True, lines

        # Waypoint: airport, navaid or fix
            wp = idxorwp.upper()

            # Reference position for finding nearest
            reflat, reflon = bs.scr.getviewctr()

            lines = "Info on " + wp + ":\n"

            # First try airports (most used and shorter, hence faster list)
            iap = bs.navdb.getaptidx(wp)
            if iap >= 0:
                aptypes = ["large", "medium", "small"]
                lines = lines + bs.navdb.aptname[iap]+"\n"                 \
                        + "is a "+ aptypes[max(-1,bs.navdb.aptype[iap]-1)] \
                        +" airport at:\n"                                    \
                        + latlon2txt(bs.navdb.aptlat[iap],                 \
                                     bs.navdb.aptlon[iap]) + "\n"          \
                        + "Elevation: "                                      \
                        + str(int(round(bs.navdb.aptelev[iap]/ft)))        \
                        + " ft \n"

                # Show country name
                    ico = bs.navdb.cocode2.index(bs.navdb.aptco[iap].upper())
                    lines = lines + "in "+bs.navdb.coname[ico]+" ("+      \
                    ico = -1
                    lines = lines + "Country code: " + bs.navdb.aptco[iap]
                    runways = bs.navdb.rwythresholds[
                    if runways:
                        lines = lines + "\nRunways: " + ", ".join(runways)
                except KeyError:

            # Not found as airport, try waypoints & navaids
                iwps = bs.navdb.getwpindices(wp, reflat, reflon)
                if iwps[0] >= 0:
                    typetxt = ""
                    desctxt = ""
                    lastdesc = "XXXXXXXX"
                    for i in iwps:

                        # One line type text
                        if typetxt == "":
                            typetxt = typetxt + bs.navdb.wptype[i]
                            typetxt = typetxt + " and " + bs.navdb.wptype[i]

                        # Description: multi-line
                        samedesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i] == lastdesc
                        if desctxt == "":
                            desctxt = desctxt + bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                            lastdesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                        elif not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + "\n" + bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                            lastdesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]

                        # Navaid: frequency
                        if bs.navdb.wptype[i] in ["VOR", "DME", "TACAN"
                                                  ] and not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + " " + str(
                                bs.navdb.wpfreq[i]) + " MHz"
                        elif bs.navdb.wptype[i] == "NDB" and not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + " " + str(
                                bs.navdb.wpfreq[i]) + " kHz"

                    iwp = iwps[0]

                    # Basic info
                    lines = lines + wp +" is a "+ typetxt       \
                           + " at\n"\
                           + latlon2txt(bs.navdb.wplat[iwp],  \
                    # Navaids have description
                    if len(desctxt) > 0:
                        lines = lines + "\n" + desctxt

                    # VOR give variation
                    if bs.navdb.wptype[iwp] == "VOR":
                        lines = lines + "\nVariation: "+ \
                                     str(bs.navdb.wpvar[iwp])+" deg"

                    # How many others?
                    nother = bs.navdb.wpid.count(wp) - len(iwps)
                    if nother > 0:
                        verb = ["is ", "are "][min(1, max(0, nother - 1))]
                        lines = lines +"\nThere "+verb + str(nother) +\
                                   " other waypoint(s) also named " + wp

                    # In which airways?
                    connect = bs.navdb.listconnections(wp, \
                    if len(connect) > 0:
                        awset = set([])
                        for c in connect:

                        lines = lines + "\nAirways: " + "-".join(awset)

            # Try airway id
                else:  # airway
                    awid = wp
                    airway = bs.navdb.listairway(awid)
                    if len(airway) > 0:
                        lines = ""
                        for segment in airway:
                            lines = lines+"Airway "+ awid + ": " + \
                                    " - ".join(segment)+"\n"
                        lines = lines[:-1]  # cut off final newline
                        return False, idxorwp + " not found as a/c, airport, navaid or waypoint"

            # Show what we found on airport and navaid/waypoint
            return True, lines

    def airwaycmd(self, key):
        ''' Show conections of a waypoint or airway. '''
        reflat, reflon = bs.scr.getviewctr()

        if bs.navdb.awid.count(key) > 0:
            return self.poscommand(key)

        # Find connecting airway legs
        wpid = key
        iwp = bs.navdb.getwpidx(wpid, reflat, reflon)
        if iwp < 0:
            return False, key + " not found."

        wplat = bs.navdb.wplat[iwp]
        wplon = bs.navdb.wplon[iwp]
        connect = bs.navdb.listconnections(key, wplat, wplon)
        if connect:
            lines = ""
            for c in connect:
                if len(c) >= 2:
                    # Add airway, direction, waypoint
                    lines = lines + c[0] + ": to " + c[1] + "\n"
            return True, lines[:-1]  # exclude final newline
        return False, f"No airway legs found for {key}"

    def settrans(self, alt=-999.):
        """ Set or show transition level"""
        # in case a valid value is ginve set it
        if alt > -900.:
            if alt > 0.:
                self.translvl = alt
                return True
            return False, "Transition level needs to be ft/FL and larger than zero"

        # In case no value is given, show it
        tlvl = int(round(self.translvl / ft))
        return True, f"Transition level = {tlvl}/FL{int(round(tlvl/100.))}"

    def setbanklim(self, idx, bankangle=None):
        ''' Set bank limit for given aircraft. '''
        if bankangle:
            self.ap.bankdef[idx] = np.radians(bankangle)  # [rad]
            return True
        return True, f"Banklimit of {self.id[idx]} is {int(np.degrees(self.ap.bankdef[idx]))} deg"

    def setthrottle(self, idx, throttle=""):
        """Set throttle to given value or AUTO, meaning autothrottle on (default)"""

        if throttle:
            if throttle in ('AUTO', 'OFF'):  # throttle mode off, ATS on
                self.swats[idx] = True  # Autothrottle on
                self.thr[idx] = -999.  # Set to invalid

            elif throttle == "IDLE":
                self.swats[idx] = False
                self.thr[idx] = 0.0

                # Check for percent unit
                if throttle.count("%") == 1:
                    throttle = throttle.replace("%", "")
                    factor = 0.01
                    factor = 1.0

                # Remaining option is that it is a float, so try conversion
                    x = factor * float(throttle)
                    return False, "THR invalid argument " + throttle

                # Check whether value makes sense
                if x < 0.0 or x > 1.0:
                    return False, "THR invalid value " + throttle + ". Needs to be [0.0 , 1.0]"

                # Valid value, set throttle and disable autothrottle
                self.swats[idx] = False
                self.thr[idx] = x

            return True

        if self.swats[idx]:
            return True, "ATS of " + self.id[idx] + " is ON"
        return True, "ATS of " + self.id[idx] + " is OFF. THR is " + str(
Exemple #4
class Traffic(TrafficArrays):
    Traffic class definition    : Traffic data
        Traffic()            :  constructor
        reset()              :  Reset traffic database w.r.t a/c data
        create(acid,actype,aclat,aclon,achdg,acalt,acspd) : create aircraft
        delete(acid)         : delete an aircraft from traffic data
        deletall()           : delete all traffic
        update(sim)          : do a numerical integration step
        id2idx(name)         : return index in traffic database of given call sign
        engchange(i,engtype) : change engine type of an aircraft
        setnoise(A)          : Add turbulence
    Members: see create
    Created by  : Jacco M. Hoekstra
    def __init__(self):
        super(Traffic, self).__init__()

        # Traffic is the toplevel trafficarrays object

        self.ntraf = 0

        self.cond = Condition()  # Conditional commands list
        self.wind = WindSim()
        self.turbulence = Turbulence()
        self.translvl = 5000. * ft  # [m] Default transition level

        with RegisterElementParameters(self):
            # Aircraft Info
            self.id = []  # identifier (string)
            self.type = []  # aircaft type (string)
            self.dest_temp = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
            self.dest_hdg = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)

            # Positions
            self.lat = np.array([])  # latitude [deg]
            self.lon = np.array([])  # longitude [deg]
            self.distflown = np.array([])  # distance travelled [m]
            self.alt = np.array([])  # altitude [m]
            self.hdg = np.array([])  # traffic heading [deg]
            self.trk = np.array([])  # track angle [deg]

            # Velocities
            self.tas = np.array([])  # true airspeed [m/s]
            self.gs = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.gsnorth = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.gseast = np.array([])  # ground speed [m/s]
            self.cas = np.array([])  # calibrated airspeed [m/s]
            self.M = np.array([])  # mach number
            self.vs = np.array([])  # vertical speed [m/s]

            # Atmosphere
            self.p = np.array([])  # air pressure [N/m2]
            self.rho = np.array([])  # air density [kg/m3]
            self.Temp = np.array([])  # air temperature [K]
            self.dtemp = np.array([])  # delta t for non-ISA conditions

            # Wind speeds
            self.windnorth = np.array(
                [])  # wind speed north component a/c pos [m/s]
            self.windeast = np.array(
                [])  # wind speed east component a/c pos [m/s]

            # Traffic autopilot settings
            self.selspd = np.array([])  # selected spd(CAS or Mach) [m/s or -]
            self.aptas = np.array([])  # just for initializing
            self.selalt = np.array([])  # selected alt[m]
            self.selvs = np.array([])  # selected vertical speed [m/s]

            # Whether to perform LNAV and VNAV
            self.swlnav = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)
            self.swvnav = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)
            self.swvnavspd = np.array([], dtype=np.bool)

            # Flight Models
            self.cd = ConflictDetection()
            self.cr = ConflictResolution()
            self.ap = Autopilot()
            self.pilot = Pilot()
            self.adsb = ADSB()
            self.trails = Trails()
            self.actwp = ActiveWaypoint()
            self.perf = Perf()

            # Group Logic
            self.groups = TrafficGroups()

            # Traffic performance data
            self.apvsdef = np.array(
                [])  # [m/s]default vertical speed of autopilot
            self.aphi = np.array([])  # [rad] bank angle setting of autopilot
            self.ax = np.array(
                [])  # [m/s2] absolute value of longitudinal accelleration
            self.bank = np.array([])  # nominal bank angle, [radian]
            self.swhdgsel = np.array(
                [], dtype=np.bool)  # determines whether aircraft is turning

            # limit settings
            self.limspd = np.array([])  # limit speed
            self.limspd_flag = np.array(
                [], dtype=np.bool
            )  # flag for limit spd - we have to test for max and min
            self.limalt = np.array([])  # limit altitude
            self.limalt_flag = np.array(
                [])  # A need to limit altitude has been detected
            self.limvs = np.array(
                [])  # limit vertical speed due to thrust limitation
            self.limvs_flag = np.array([])  # A need to limit V/S detected

            # Display information on label
            self.label = []  # Text and bitmap of traffic label

            # Miscallaneous
            self.coslat = np.array([])  # Cosine of latitude for computations
            self.eps = np.array([])  # Small nonzero numbers

        # Default bank angles per flight phase
        self.bphase = np.deg2rad(np.array([15, 35, 35, 35, 15, 45]))

    def reset(self):
        ''' Clear all traffic data upon simulation reset. '''
        # Some child reset functions depend on a correct value of self.ntraf
        self.ntraf = 0
        # This ensures that the traffic arrays (which size is dynamic)
        # are all reset as well, so all lat,lon,sdp etc but also objects adsb
        super(Traffic, self).reset()

        # reset performance model

        # Reset models

        # Build new modules for turbulence

        # Noise (turbulence, ADBS-transmission noise, ADSB-truncated effect)

        # Reset transition level to default value
        self.translvl = 5000. * ft

    def create(self,
               acalt=5000 * ft,
               acspd=250 * kts,
        """ Create multiple random aircraft in a specified area """
        area = bs.scr.getviewbounds()
        # acid = None
        if acid is None or acid == 'NONE':
            # print('aids')
            idtmp = chr(randint(65, 90)) + chr(randint(65, 90)) + chr(
                randint(65, 90)) + '{:>05}'
            acid = [idtmp.format(i) for i in range(n)]

        elif isinstance(acid, str):
            # Check if not already exist
            if self.id.count(acid.upper()) > 0:
                return False, acid + " already exists."  # already exists do nothing
            acid = [acid]
            # TODO: for a list of a/c, check each callsign

        super(Traffic, self).create(n)

        # Increase number of aircraft
        self.ntraf += n

        if aclat is None:
            aclat = np.random.rand(n) * (area[1] - area[0]) + area[0]
        elif isinstance(aclat, (float, int)):
            aclat = np.array(n * [aclat])

        if aclon is None:
            aclon = np.random.rand(n) * (area[3] - area[2]) + area[2]
        elif isinstance(aclon, (float, int)):
            aclon = np.array(n * [aclon])

        # Limit longitude to [-180.0, 180.0]
        if n == 1:
            aclon = aclon - 360 if aclon > 180 else \
                    aclon + 360 if aclon < -180.0 else aclon
            aclon[aclon > 180.0] -= 360.0
            aclon[aclon < -180.0] += 360.0

        if achdg is None:

            achdg = np.random.randint(1, 360, n)
        elif isinstance(achdg, (float, int)):
            achdg = np.array(n * [achdg])

        if acalt is None:
            acalt = np.random.randint(2000, 39000, n) * ft
        elif isinstance(acalt, (float, int)):
            acalt = np.array(n * [acalt])

        if acspd is None:
            acspd = np.random.randint(250, 450, n) * kts
        elif isinstance(acspd, (float, int)):
            acspd = np.array(n * [acspd])

        actype = n * [actype] if isinstance(actype, str) else actype
        # dest = n * [dest] if isinstance(dest, str) else dest
        if dest is None:
            dest = np.random.randint(1, 7, n)

        # SAVEIC: save cre command when filled in
        # Special provision in case SAVEIC is on: then save individual CRE commands
        # Names of aircraft (acid) need to be recorded for saved future commands
        # And positions need to be the same in case of *MCRE"
        for i in range(n):
            bs.stack.savecmd(" ".join([
                "CRE", acid[i], actype[i],
                str(int(round(acalt[i] / ft))),
                str(int(round(acspd[i] / kts)))

        # Aircraft Info
        self.id[-n:] = acid
        self.type[-n:] = actype
        self.dest_temp[-n:] = dest
        # self.dest_hdg[-n:] = dest_hdg

        # Positions
        self.lat[-n:] = aclat
        self.lon[-n:] = aclon
        self.alt[-n:] = acalt

        self.hdg[-n:] = achdg
        self.trk[-n:] = achdg

        # Velocities
        self.tas[-n:], self.cas[-n:], self.M[-n:] = vcasormach(acspd, acalt)
        self.gs[-n:] = self.tas[-n:]
        hdgrad = np.radians(achdg)
        self.gsnorth[-n:] = self.tas[-n:] * np.cos(hdgrad)
        self.gseast[-n:] = self.tas[-n:] * np.sin(hdgrad)

        # Atmosphere
        self.p[-n:], self.rho[-n:], self.Temp[-n:] = vatmos(acalt)

        # Wind
        if self.wind.winddim > 0:
            applywind = self.alt[-n:] > 50. * ft
            self.windnorth[-n:], self.windeast[-n:] = self.wind.getdata(
                self.lat[-n:], self.lon[-n:], self.alt[-n:])
                -n:] = self.gsnorth[-n:] + self.windnorth[-n:] * applywind
                -n:] = self.gseast[-n:] + self.windeast[-n:] * applywind
            self.trk[-n:]     = np.logical_not(applywind)*achdg + \
                                applywind*np.degrees(np.arctan2(self.gseast[-n:], self.gsnorth[-n:]))
            self.gs[-n:] = np.sqrt(self.gsnorth[-n:]**2 + self.gseast[-n:]**2)
            self.windnorth[-n:] = 0.0
            self.windeast[-n:] = 0.0

        # Traffic performance data
        #(temporarily default values)
        self.apvsdef[-n:] = 1500. * fpm  # default vertical speed of autopilot
        self.aphi[-n:] = np.radians(25.)  # bank angle setting of autopilot
        self.ax[-n:] = kts  # absolute value of longitudinal accelleration
        self.bank[-n:] = np.radians(25.)

        # Traffic autopilot settings
        self.selspd[-n:] = self.cas[-n:]
        self.aptas[-n:] = self.tas[-n:]
        self.selalt[-n:] = self.alt[-n:]

        # Display information on label
        self.label[-n:] = n * [['', '', '', 0]]

        # Miscallaneous
        self.coslat[-n:] = np.cos(np.radians(
            aclat))  # Cosine of latitude for flat-earth aproximations
        self.eps[-n:] = 0.01

        # Finally call create for child TrafficArrays. This only needs to be done
        # manually in Traffic.

    def creconfs(self,
        latref = self.lat[targetidx]  # deg
        lonref = self.lon[targetidx]  # deg
        altref = self.alt[targetidx]  # m
        trkref = radians(self.trk[targetidx])
        gsref = self.gs[targetidx]  # m/s
        vsref = self.vs[targetidx]  # m/s
        cpa = cpa * nm
        pzr = bs.settings.asas_pzr * nm
        pzh = bs.settings.asas_pzh * ft

        trk = trkref + radians(dpsi)
        gs = gsref if spd is None else spd
        if dH is None:
            acalt = altref
            acvs = 0.0
            acalt = altref + dH
            tlosv = tlosh if tlosv is None else tlosv
            acvs = vsref - np.sign(dH) * (abs(dH) - pzh) / tlosv

        # Horizontal relative velocity vector
        gsn, gse = gs * cos(trk), gs * sin(trk)
        vreln, vrele = gsref * cos(trkref) - gsn, gsref * sin(trkref) - gse
        # Relative velocity magnitude
        vrel = sqrt(vreln * vreln + vrele * vrele)
        # Relative travel distance to closest point of approach
        drelcpa = tlosh * vrel + (0 if cpa > pzr else sqrt(pzr * pzr -
                                                           cpa * cpa))
        # Initial intruder distance
        dist = sqrt(drelcpa * drelcpa + cpa * cpa)
        # Rotation matrix diagonal and cross elements for distance vector
        rd = drelcpa / dist
        rx = cpa / dist
        # Rotate relative velocity vector to obtain intruder bearing
        brn = degrees(atan2(-rx * vreln + rd * vrele, rd * vreln + rx * vrele))

        # Calculate intruder lat/lon
        aclat, aclon = geo.kwikpos(latref, lonref, brn, dist / nm)

        # convert groundspeed to CAS, and track to heading
        wn, we = self.wind.getdata(aclat, aclon, acalt)
        tasn, tase = gsn - wn, gse - we
        acspd = tas2cas(sqrt(tasn * tasn + tase * tase), acalt)
        achdg = degrees(atan2(tase, tasn))

        # Create and, when necessary, set vertical speed
        self.create(1, actype, acalt, acspd, None, aclat, aclon, achdg, acid)
        self.ap.selaltcmd(len(self.lat) - 1, altref, acvs)
        self.vs[-1] = acvs

    def delete(self, idx):
        """Delete an aircraft"""
        # If this is a multiple delete, sort first for list delete
        # (which will use list in reverse order to avoid index confusion)
        if isinstance(idx, Collection):
            idx = np.sort(idx)

        # Call the actual delete function
        super(Traffic, self).delete(idx)

        # Update conditions list

        # Update number of aircraft
        self.ntraf = len(self.lat)
        return True

    def update(self):
        # Update only if there is traffic ---------------------
        if self.ntraf == 0:

        #---------- Atmosphere --------------------------------
        self.p, self.rho, self.Temp = vatmos(self.alt)

        #---------- ADSB Update -------------------------------

        #---------- Fly the Aircraft --------------------------
        self.ap.update()  # Autopilot logic
        self.update_asas()  # Airborne Separation Assurance
        self.pilot.APorASAS()  # Decide autopilot or ASAS

        #---------- Performance Update ------------------------

        #---------- Limit Speeds ------------------------------

        #---------- Kinematics --------------------------------

        #---------- Simulate Turbulence -----------------------

        # Check whether new traffic state triggers conditional commands

        #---------- Aftermath ---------------------------------

    @timed_function('asas', dt=bs.settings.asas_dt)
    def update_asas(self):
        # Conflict detection and resolution
        self.cd.update(self, self)
        self.cr.update(self.cd, self, self)

    def update_airspeed(self):
        # Compute horizontal acceleration
        delta_spd = self.pilot.tas - self.tas
        ax = self.perf.acceleration()
        need_ax = np.abs(delta_spd) > np.abs(bs.sim.simdt * ax)
        self.ax = need_ax * np.sign(delta_spd) * ax
        # Update velocities
        self.tas = np.where(need_ax, self.tas + self.ax * bs.sim.simdt,
        self.cas = vtas2cas(self.tas, self.alt)
        self.M = vtas2mach(self.tas, self.alt)

        # Turning
        turnrate = np.degrees(g0 * np.tan(self.bank) /
                              np.maximum(self.tas, self.eps))
        delhdg = (self.pilot.hdg - self.hdg + 180) % 360 - 180  # [deg]
        self.swhdgsel = np.abs(delhdg) > np.abs(bs.sim.simdt * turnrate)

        # Update heading
        self.hdg = np.where(
            self.swhdgsel, self.hdg +
            bs.sim.simdt * turnrate * np.sign(delhdg), self.pilot.hdg) % 360.0

        # Update vertical speed
        delta_alt = self.pilot.alt - self.alt
        self.swaltsel = np.abs(delta_alt) > np.maximum(
            10 * ft, np.abs(2 * np.abs(bs.sim.simdt * self.vs)))
        target_vs = self.swaltsel * np.sign(delta_alt) * np.abs(self.pilot.vs)
        delta_vs = target_vs - self.vs
        # print(delta_vs / fpm)
        need_az = np.abs(delta_vs) > 300 * fpm  # small threshold
        self.az = need_az * np.sign(delta_vs) * (
            300 * fpm)  # fixed vertical acc approx 1.6 m/s^2
        self.vs = np.where(need_az, self.vs + self.az * bs.sim.simdt,
        self.vs = np.where(np.isfinite(self.vs), self.vs,
                           0)  # fix vs nan issue

    def update_groundspeed(self):
        # Compute ground speed and track from heading, airspeed and wind
        if self.wind.winddim == 0:  # no wind
            self.gsnorth = self.tas * np.cos(np.radians(self.hdg))
            self.gseast = self.tas * np.sin(np.radians(self.hdg))

            self.gs = self.tas
            self.trk = self.hdg
            self.windnorth[:], self.windeast[:] = 0.0, 0.0

            applywind = self.alt > 50. * ft  # Only apply wind when airborne

            vnwnd, vewnd = self.wind.getdata(self.lat, self.lon, self.alt)
            self.windnorth[:], self.windeast[:] = vnwnd, vewnd
            self.gsnorth = self.tas * np.cos(np.radians(
                self.hdg)) + self.windnorth * applywind
            self.gseast = self.tas * np.sin(np.radians(
                self.hdg)) + self.windeast * applywind

            self.gs  = np.logical_not(applywind)*self.tas + \
                       applywind*np.sqrt(self.gsnorth**2 + self.gseast**2)

            self.trk = np.logical_not(applywind)*self.hdg + \
                       applywind*np.degrees(np.arctan2(self.gseast, self.gsnorth)) % 360.

    def update_pos(self):
        # Update position
        self.alt = np.where(self.swaltsel,
                            np.round(self.alt + self.vs * bs.sim.simdt, 6),
        self.lat = self.lat + np.degrees(bs.sim.simdt * self.gsnorth / Rearth)
        self.coslat = np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.lat))
        self.lon = self.lon + np.degrees(
            bs.sim.simdt * self.gseast / self.coslat / Rearth)
        self.distflown += self.gs * bs.sim.simdt

    def id2idx(self, acid):
        """Find index of aircraft id"""
        if not isinstance(acid, str):
            # id2idx is called for multiple id's
            # Fast way of finding indices of all ACID's in a given list
            tmp = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(self.id))
            return [tmp.get(acidi, -1) for acidi in acid]
            # Catch last created id (* or # symbol)
            if acid in ('#', '*'):
                return self.ntraf - 1

                return self.id.index(acid.upper())
                return -1

    def setnoise(self, noise=None):
        """Noise (turbulence, ADBS-transmission noise, ADSB-truncated effect)"""
        if noise is None:
            return True, "Noise is currently " + (
                "on" if self.turbulence.active else "off")

        return True

    def engchange(self, acid, engid):
        """Change of engines"""
        self.perf.engchange(acid, engid)

    def move(self, idx, lat, lon, alt=None, hdg=None, casmach=None, vspd=None):
        self.lat[idx] = lat
        self.lon[idx] = lon

        if alt is not None:
            self.alt[idx] = alt
            self.selalt[idx] = alt

        if hdg is not None:
            self.hdg[idx] = hdg
            self.ap.trk[idx] = hdg

        if casmach is not None:
            self.tas[idx], self.selspd[idx], _ = vcasormach(casmach, alt)

        if vspd is not None:
            self.vs[idx] = vspd
            self.swvnav[idx] = False

    def nom(self, idx):
        """ Reset acceleration back to nominal (1 kt/s^2): NOM acid """
        self.ax[idx] = kts  #[m/s2]

    def poscommand(
            self, idxorwp
    ):  # Show info on aircraft(int) or waypoint or airport (str)
        """POS command: Show info or an aircraft, airport, waypoint or navaid"""
        # Aircraft index
        if type(idxorwp) == int and idxorwp >= 0:

            idx = idxorwp
            acid = self.id[idx]
            actype = self.type[idx]
            latlon = latlon2txt(self.lat[idx], self.lon[idx])
            alt = round(self.alt[idx] / ft)
            hdg = round(self.hdg[idx])
            trk = round(self.trk[idx])
            cas = round(self.cas[idx] / kts)
            tas = round(self.tas[idx] / kts)
            gs = round(self.gs[idx] / kts)
            M = self.M[idx]
            VS = round(self.vs[idx] / ft * 60.)
            route = self.ap.route[idx]

            # Position report
            lines = "Info on %s %s index = %d\n" %(acid, actype, idx)     \
                  + "Pos: "+latlon+ "\n"                                  \
                  + "Hdg: %03d   Trk: %03d\n"        %(hdg, trk)              \
                  + "Alt: %d ft  V/S: %d fpm\n"  %(alt,VS)                \
                  + "CAS/TAS/GS: %d/%d/%d kts   M: %.3f\n"%(cas,tas,gs,M)

            # FMS AP modes
            if self.swlnav[idx] and route.nwp > 0 and route.iactwp >= 0:

                if self.swvnav[idx]:
                    if self.swvnavspd[idx]:
                        lines = lines + "VNAV (incl.VNAVSPD), "
                        lines = lines + "VNAV (NOT VNAVSPD), "

                lines += "LNAV to " + route.wpname[route.iactwp] + "\n"

            # Flight info: Destination and origin
            if self.ap.orig[idx] != "" or self.ap.dest[idx] != "":
                lines = lines + "Flying"

                if self.ap.orig[idx] != "":
                    lines = lines + " from " + self.ap.orig[idx]

                if self.ap.dest[idx] != "":
                    lines = lines + " to " + self.ap.dest[idx]

            # Show a/c info and highlight route of aircraft in radar window
            # and pan to a/c (to show route)
            return True, lines

        # Waypoint: airport, navaid or fix
            wp = idxorwp.upper()

            # Reference position for finding nearest
            reflat, reflon = bs.scr.getviewctr()

            lines = "Info on " + wp + ":\n"

            # First try airports (most used and shorter, hence faster list)
            iap = bs.navdb.getaptidx(wp)
            if iap >= 0:
                aptypes = ["large", "medium", "small"]
                lines = lines + bs.navdb.aptname[iap]+"\n"                 \
                        + "is a "+ aptypes[max(-1,bs.navdb.aptype[iap]-1)] \
                        +" airport at:\n"                                    \
                        + latlon2txt(bs.navdb.aptlat[iap],                 \
                                     bs.navdb.aptlon[iap]) + "\n"          \
                        + "Elevation: "                                      \
                        + str(int(round(bs.navdb.aptelev[iap]/ft)))        \
                        + " ft \n"

                # Show country name
                    ico = bs.navdb.cocode2.index(bs.navdb.aptco[iap].upper())
                    lines = lines + "in "+bs.navdb.coname[ico]+" ("+      \
                    ico = -1
                    lines = lines + "Country code: " + bs.navdb.aptco[iap]
                    runways = bs.navdb.rwythresholds[
                    if runways:
                        lines = lines + "\nRunways: " + ", ".join(runways)

            # Not found as airport, try waypoints & navaids
                iwps = bs.navdb.getwpindices(wp, reflat, reflon)
                if iwps[0] >= 0:
                    typetxt = ""
                    desctxt = ""
                    lastdesc = "XXXXXXXX"
                    for i in iwps:

                        # One line type text
                        if typetxt == "":
                            typetxt = typetxt + bs.navdb.wptype[i]
                            typetxt = typetxt + " and " + bs.navdb.wptype[i]

                        # Description: multi-line
                        samedesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i] == lastdesc
                        if desctxt == "":
                            desctxt = desctxt + bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                            lastdesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                        elif not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + "\n" + bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]
                            lastdesc = bs.navdb.wpdesc[i]

                        # Navaid: frequency
                        if bs.navdb.wptype[i] in ["VOR", "DME", "TACAN"
                                                  ] and not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + " " + str(
                                bs.navdb.wpfreq[i]) + " MHz"
                        elif bs.navdb.wptype[i] == "NDB" and not samedesc:
                            desctxt = desctxt + " " + str(
                                bs.navdb.wpfreq[i]) + " kHz"

                    iwp = iwps[0]

                    # Basic info
                    lines = lines + wp +" is a "+ typetxt       \
                           + " at\n"\
                           + latlon2txt(bs.navdb.wplat[iwp],  \
                    # Navaids have description
                    if len(desctxt) > 0:
                        lines = lines + "\n" + desctxt

                    # VOR give variation
                    if bs.navdb.wptype[iwp] == "VOR":
                        lines = lines + "\nVariation: "+ \
                                     str(bs.navdb.wpvar[iwp])+" deg"

                    # How many others?
                    nother = bs.navdb.wpid.count(wp) - len(iwps)
                    if nother > 0:
                        verb = ["is ", "are "][min(1, max(0, nother - 1))]
                        lines = lines +"\nThere "+verb + str(nother) +\
                                   " other waypoint(s) also named " + wp

                    # In which airways?
                    connect = bs.navdb.listconnections(wp, \
                    if len(connect) > 0:
                        awset = set([])
                        for c in connect:

                        lines = lines + "\nAirways: " + "-".join(awset)

            # Try airway id
                else:  # airway
                    awid = wp
                    airway = bs.navdb.listairway(awid)
                    if len(airway) > 0:
                        lines = ""
                        for segment in airway:
                            lines = lines+"Airway "+ awid + ": " + \
                                    " - ".join(segment)+"\n"
                        lines = lines[:-1]  # cut off final newline
                        return False, idxorwp + " not found as a/c, airport, navaid or waypoint"

            # Show what we found on airport and navaid/waypoint
            return True, lines

    def airwaycmd(self, key=""):
        # Show conections of a waypoint
        reflat, reflon = bs.scr.getviewctr()

        if key == "":
            return False, 'AIRWAY needs waypoint or airway'

        if bs.navdb.awid.count(key) > 0:
            return self.poscommand(key.upper())
            # Find connecting airway legs
            wpid = key.upper()
            iwp = bs.navdb.getwpidx(wpid, reflat, reflon)
            if iwp < 0:
                return False, key + " not found."

            wplat = bs.navdb.wplat[iwp]
            wplon = bs.navdb.wplon[iwp]
            connect = bs.navdb.listconnections(key.upper(), wplat, wplon)
            if len(connect) > 0:
                lines = ""
                for c in connect:
                    if len(c) >= 2:
                        # Add airway, direction, waypoint
                        lines = lines + c[0] + ": to " + c[1] + "\n"
                return True, lines[:-1]  # exclude final newline
                return False, "No airway legs found for ", key

    def settrans(self, alt=-999.):
        """ Set or show transition level"""

        # in case a valid value is ginve set it
        if alt > -900.:
            if alt > 0.:
                self.translvl = alt
                return True
                return False, "Transition level needs to be ft/FL and larger than zero"

        # In case no value is given, show it
            tlvl = int(round(self.translvl / ft))
            return True,"Transition level = " + \
                          str(tlvl) + "/FL" +  str(int(round(tlvl/100.)))