Exemple #1
 def per_shot(dets):
     nonlocal start, stop
     yield from bps.mv(motor.velocity, abs(stop - start) / exposure)
     gp = short_uid("rocker")
     yield from bps.abs_set(motor, stop, group=gp)
     yield from bps.trigger_and_read(dets)
     yield from bps.wait(group=gp)
     start, stop = stop, start
Exemple #2
 def x_motion_per_step(dets, stream_name):
     nonlocal last_group
     if last_group is not None:
         yield from bps.wait(last_group)
     yield from bps.trigger_and_read(dets, stream_name)
     last_group = short_uid()
     target = start + step_size * (next(j) % num_pos)
     yield from bps.abs_set(motor, target, group=last_group)
Exemple #3
 def move():
     yield from checkpoint()
     grp = short_uid('set')
     for motor, pos in step.items():
         if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
             # This step does not move this motor.
         yield from abs_set(motor, pos, group=grp)
         pos_cache[motor] = pos
     yield from wait(group=grp)
Exemple #4
 def move():
     yield from checkpoint()
     grp = short_uid("set")
     for motor, pos in step.items():
         if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
             # This step does not move this motor.
         yield from abs_set(motor, pos, group=grp)
         pos_cache[motor] = pos
     yield from wait(group=grp)
Exemple #5
        def move_to_start_fly():
            "See http://nsls-ii.github.io/bluesky/plans.html#the-per-step-hook"
            # row_str = short_uid('row')
            # yield from abs_set(xmotor, row_start, group=row_str)
            # yield from one_1d_step([temp_nanoKB], motor, step)
            # yield from bps.wait(group=row_str)

            row_str = short_uid('row')
            yield from bps.checkpoint()
            yield from bps.abs_set(xmotor, row_start, group=row_str)
            yield from bps.abs_set(motor, step, group=row_str)
            yield from bps.wait(group=row_str)
            yield from bps.trigger_and_read([temp_nanoKB, motor])
Exemple #6
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     # Get the initial positions of all the inputted devices
     initial_positions = {dev: dev.position for dev in devices}
         return (yield from func(*args, **kwargs))
         # Start returning all the devices to their initial positions
         if perform:
             group = short_uid('set')
             for dev, pos in initial_positions.items():
                 yield from abs_set(dev, pos, group=group)
             # Wait for all the moves to finish if they haven't already
             yield from plan_wait(group=group)
Exemple #7
        def move_to_start_fly():
            "See http://nsls-ii.github.io/bluesky/plans.html#the-per-step-hook"
            # row_str = short_uid('row')
            # yield from abs_set(xmotor, row_start, group=row_str)
            # yield from one_1d_step([temp_nanoKB], motor, step)
            # yield from bps.wait(group=row_str)

            print(f"Start moving to beginning of the row")
            row_str = short_uid('row')
            yield from bps.checkpoint()
            yield from bps.abs_set(xmotor, row_start, group=row_str)
            yield from bps.abs_set(motor, step, group=row_str)
            yield from bps.wait(group=row_str)
            # yield from bps.trigger_and_read([temp_nanoKB, motor])  ## Uncomment this
            print(f"Finished moving to the beginning of the row")
            print(f"Fast axis: {xmotor.read()} Slow axis: {motor.read()}")
    def _inner_Escan_list():
        yield from moveE(energy_list[0]+0.001)
        for energy, factor in zip(energy_list, factor_list):
            # Change counting time
            for detector, original_preset in zip(detectors, dets_preset):
                yield from mv(detector.preset_monitor, factor*original_preset)
            # Move and scan
            grp = short_uid('set')
            yield Msg('checkpoint')
            yield from moveE(energy, group=grp)

            if dichro:
                yield from dichro_steps(detectors, _positioners,
                yield from trigger_and_read(list(detectors)+_positioners)
 def insert_dark_frame(force_read, msg=None):
     # Acquire a fresh Snapshot if we need one, or retrieve a cached one.
     state = {}
     for signal in self.locked_signals:
         reading = yield from bluesky.plan_stubs.read(signal)
         # Restructure
         # {'data_key': {'value': <value>, 'timestamp': <timestamp>}, ...}
         # into (('data_key', <value>) ...).
         values_only = tuple(
             (k, v['value']) for k, v in reading.items())
         state[signal.name] = values_only
         snapshot = self.get_snapshot(state)
     except NoMatchingSnapshot:
         # If we are here, we either haven't taken a reading when the
         # locked_signals were in this state, or the last such reading
         # we took has aged out of the cache. We have to trigger the
         # hardware and get a fresh snapshot.
         logger.info("Taking a new %r reading for state=%r",
                     self.stream_name, state)
         snapshot = yield from self._partialed_dark_plan()
         self.add_snapshot(snapshot, state)
     # If the Snapshot is the same as the one we most recently inserted,
     # then we don't need to create a new Event. The previous Event
     # still holds.
     snapshot_changed = snapshot is not self._current_snapshot.get_snapshot(
     if snapshot_changed or force_read:
         logger.info("Creating a %r Event for state=%r",
                     self.stream_name, state)
         # Read the Snapshot. This does not actually trigger hardware,
         # but it goes through all the bluesky steps to generate new
         # Event.
         # The reason we handle self._current_snapshot here instead of
         # snapshot itself is the bluesky RunEngine notices if you give
         # it a different object than you had given it earlier. Thus,
         # bluesky will always see the "Device" self._current_snapshot
         # here, and it will be satisfied.
         yield from bps.stage(self._current_snapshot)
         yield from trigger_and_read([self._current_snapshot],
         yield from bps.unstage(self._current_snapshot)
     self._latch = False
     if msg is not None:
         return (yield msg)
Exemple #10
    def x_motion_per_step(dets, stream_name):
        nonlocal last_group
        nonlocal last_pos
        nonlocal step_size

        if last_group is not None:
            yield from bps.wait(last_group)

        yield from bps.trigger_and_read(dets, stream_name)

        last_group = short_uid()

        if not start < last_pos + step_size < stop:
            step_size *= -1
        last_pos += step_size

        yield from bps.abs_set(motor, last_pos, group=last_group)
    def stage(self):
        file_stem = short_uid()
        self._datum_counter = itertools.count()
        self._path_stem = os.path.join(self.save_path, file_stem)

        self._resource_uid = new_uid()
        resource = {
            'spec': 'NPY_SEQ',
            'root': self.save_path,
            'resource_path': file_stem,
            'resource_kwargs': {},
            'uid': self._resource_uid,
            'path_semantics': {
                'posix': 'posix',
                'nt': 'windows'
        self._asset_docs_cache.append(('resource', resource))
Exemple #12
    def flash_ramp_inner():
        # set everything to zero at the top
        yield from bps.mv(flash_power.current_sp, 0, flash_power.voltage_sp, 0,
                          flash_power.ramp_rate, ramp_rate)
        # put in "Duty Cycle" mode so current changes immediately
        yield from bps.mv(flash_power.mode, 'Duty-Cycle')
        # take one shot on the way in
        yield from per_step(all_dets, 'primary')
        # turn it on!
        yield from bps.mv(flash_power.enabled, 1)

        # TODO
        # what voltage limit to start with ?!
        yield from bps.mv(flash_power.current_sp, start_I,
                          flash_power.voltage_sp, voltage)
        # put in "Current Ramp" to start the ramp
        yield from bps.mv(flash_power.mode, 'Current Ramping')
        # set the target to let it go
        gid = short_uid()
        yield from bps.abs_set(flash_power.current_sp, stop_I, group=gid)
        yield from bps.mv(flash_power.voltage_sp, voltage)

        yield from _inner_loop(all_dets,
                               time.monotonic() + expected_time * 1.1,

        if hold_time > 0:
            yield from _inner_loop(all_dets, int(max(1, hold_time // delay)),
                                   time.monotonic() + hold_time, per_step,

        # take one shot on the way out
        yield from per_step(all_dets, 'primary')
        yield from bps.wait(gid)
        # turn it off!
        # there are several other places we turn this off, but better safe
        yield from bps.mv(flash_power.enabled, 0)
Exemple #13
 def inner_trigger_and_read():
     nonlocal group
     if group is None:
         group = short_uid('trigger')
     no_wait = True
     for obj in devices:
         if hasattr(obj, 'trigger'):
             no_wait = False
             yield from bps.trigger(obj, group=group)
     # Skip 'wait' if none of the devices implemented a trigger method.
     if not no_wait:
         yield from bps.wait(group=group)
     yield from bps.create(name)
     ret = {}  # collect and return readings to give plan access to them
     for obj in devices:
         reading = (yield from bps.read(obj))
         if reading is not None:
     yield from bps.save()
     return ret
Exemple #14
 def stage(self):
     self._file_stem = short_uid()
     self._path_stem = os.path.join(self.save_path, self._file_stem)
     self._resource_id = self.fs.insert_resource(self.filestore_spec,
                                                 self._file_stem, {},
Exemple #15
 def stage(self):
     self._file_stem = short_uid()
     self._path_stem = os.path.join(self.save_path, self._file_stem)
     self._resource_id = self.fs.insert_resource(self.filestore_spec,
                                                 self._path_stem, {})
Exemple #16
    def fly_each_step(motor, step, row_start, row_stop):
        def move_to_start_fly():
            "See http://nsls-ii.github.io/bluesky/plans.html#the-per-step-hook"
            # row_str = short_uid('row')
            # yield from abs_set(xmotor, row_start, group=row_str)
            # yield from one_1d_step([temp_nanoKB], motor, step)
            # yield from bps.wait(group=row_str)

            row_str = short_uid('row')
            yield from bps.checkpoint()
            yield from bps.abs_set(xmotor, row_start, group=row_str)
            yield from bps.abs_set(motor, step, group=row_str)
            yield from bps.wait(group=row_str)
            yield from bps.trigger_and_read([temp_nanoKB, motor])

        if verbose:
            t_mvstartfly = tic()
        yield from move_to_start_fly()

        # TODO  Why are we re-trying the move?  This should be fixed at
        # a lower level
        # yield from bps.sleep(1.0)  # wait for the "x motor" to move
        x_set = row_start
        x_dial = xmotor.user_readback.get()
        # Get retry deadband value and check against that
        i = 0
        DEADBAND = 0.050  # retry deadband of nPoint scanner
        while (np.abs(x_set - x_dial) > DEADBAND):
            if (i == 0):
                print('Waiting for motor to reach starting position...',
            i = i + 1
            yield from mv(xmotor, row_start)
            yield from bps.sleep(0.1)
            x_dial = xmotor.user_readback.get()
        if (i != 0):

        if verbose:
            toc(t_mvstartfly, str='Move to start fly each')

        # Set the scan speed
        # Is abs_set(wait=True) or mv() faster?
        v = ((xstop - xstart) / (xnum - 1)) / dwell  # compute "stage speed"
        # yield from abs_set(xmotor.velocity, v, wait=True)  # set the "stage speed"
        if (v > xmotor.velocity.high_limit):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Desired motor velocity too high\nMax velocity: {xmotor.velocity.high_limit}'
        elif (v < xmotor.velocity.low_limit):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Desired motor velocity too low\nMin velocity: {xmotor.velocity.low_limit}'
            yield from mv(xmotor.velocity, v)

        # set up all of the detectors
        # TODO we should be able to move this out of the per-line call?!
        if ('xs' in dets_by_name):
            xs = dets_by_name['xs']
            yield from abs_set(xs.hdf5.num_capture, xnum, group='set')
            yield from abs_set(xs.settings.num_images, xnum, group='set')
            yield from bps.wait(group='set')
            # yield from mv(xs.hdf5.num_capture, xnum,
            #               xs.settings.num_images, xnum)
            # xs.hdf5.num_capture.put(xnum)
            # xs.settings.num_images.put(xnum)

        if ('xs2' in dets_by_name):
            xs2 = dets_by_name['xs2']
            # yield from abs_set(xs2.hdf5.num_capture, xnum, wait=True)
            # yield from abs_set(xs2.settings.num_images, xnum, wait=True)
            yield from mv(xs2.hdf5.num_capture, xnum, xs2.settings.num_images,

        if ('merlin' in dets_by_name):
            merlin = dets_by_name['merlin']
            yield from abs_set(merlin.hdf5.num_capture, xnum, wait=True)
            yield from abs_set(merlin.cam.num_images, xnum, wait=True)

        if ('dexela' in dets_by_name):
            dexela = dets_by_name['dexela']
            yield from abs_set(dexela.hdf5.num_capture, xnum, wait=True)
            # yield from abs_set(dexela.hdf5.num_frames_chunks, xnum, wait=True)
            yield from abs_set(dexela.cam.num_images, xnum, wait=True)

        ion = flying_zebra.sclr
        yield from abs_set(ion.nuse_all, 2 * xnum)

        # arm the Zebra (start caching x positions)
        # @timer_wrapper
        def zebra_kickoff():
            if row_start < row_stop:
                yield from kickoff(flying_zebra,
                yield from kickoff(flying_zebra,

        if verbose:
            t_zebkickoff = tic()
        yield from zebra_kickoff()
        if verbose:
            toc(t_zebkickoff, str='Zebra kickoff')

        if verbose:
            t_datacollect = tic()
        # arm SIS3820, note that there is a 1 sec delay in setting X
        # into motion so the first point *in each row* won't
        # normalize...
        yield from abs_set(ion.erase_start, 1)
        if verbose:
            toc(t_datacollect, str='  reset scaler')

        # trigger all of the detectors
        row_str = short_uid('row')
        if verbose:
            print('Data collection:')
        for d in flying_zebra.detectors:
            if verbose:
                print(f'  triggering {d.name}')
            st = yield from bps.trigger(d, group=row_str)
            st.add_callback(lambda x: toc(
                f"  status object  {datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')}"
            if (d.name == 'dexela'):
                yield from bps.sleep(1)
        if verbose:
            toc(t_datacollect, str='  trigger detectors')

        # yield from bps.sleep(1.5)
        if verbose:
            toc(t_datacollect, str='  sleep')

        # start the 'fly'
        def print_watch(*args, **kwargs):
            with open('/home/xf05id1/bluesky_output.txt', 'a') as f:
                                               '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f\n'))
                # print(args)

        st = yield from abs_set(xmotor, row_stop, group=row_str)
        # st.watch(print_watch)

        if verbose:
            toc(t_datacollect, str='  move start')

        if verbose and False:
            while (xmotor.motor_is_moving.get()):
            toc(t_datacollect, str='  move end')
            while (xs.settings.detector_state.get()):
            toc(t_datacollect, str='  xs done')
            while (sclr1.acquiring.get()):
            toc(t_datacollect, str='  sclr1 done')
        # wait for the motor and detectors to all agree they are done
        yield from bps.wait(group=row_str)

        if verbose:
            toc(t_datacollect, str='Total time')

        # we still know about ion from above
        yield from abs_set(ion.stop_all, 1)  # stop acquiring scaler

        # set speed back

        # @timer_wrapper
        def zebra_complete():
            yield from complete(flying_zebra)  # tell the Zebra we are done

        if verbose:
            t_zebcomplete = tic()
        yield from zebra_complete()
        if verbose:
            toc(t_zebcomplete, str='Zebra complete')

        # @timer_wrapper
        def zebra_collect():
            yield from collect(flying_zebra)  # extract data from Zebra

        if verbose:
            t_zebcollect = tic()
        yield from zebra_collect()
        if verbose:
            toc(t_zebcollect, str='Zebra collect')