def update(self): """Get the latest data and updates the states.""" time_date = dt_util.utcnow() time = dt_util.as_local(time_date).strftime(TIME_STR_FORMAT) time_utc = time_date.strftime(TIME_STR_FORMAT) date = dt_util.as_local(time_date).date().isoformat() # Calculate Swatch Internet Time. time_bmt = time_date + timedelta(hours=1) delta = timedelta(hours=time_bmt.hour, minutes=time_bmt.minute, seconds=time_bmt.second, microseconds=time_bmt.microsecond) beat = int((delta.seconds + delta.microseconds / 1000000.0) / 86.4) if self.type == 'time': self._state = time elif self.type == 'date': self._state = date elif self.type == 'date_time': self._state = date + ', ' + time elif self.type == 'time_date': self._state = time + ', ' + date elif self.type == 'time_utc': self._state = time_utc elif self.type == 'beat': self._state = '@{0:03d}'.format(beat)
def update(self): """Get the latest data from""" response = requests.get( _RESOURCE + 'connections?' + 'from=' + self.start + '&' + 'to=' + self.destination + '&' + 'fields[]=connections/from/departureTimestamp/&' + 'fields[]=connections/', timeout=30) connections = response.json()['connections'][:2] try: self.times = [ dt_util.as_local( dt_util.utc_from_timestamp( item['from']['departureTimestamp'])).strftime( TIME_STR_FORMAT) for item in connections ] self.times.append( dt_util.as_local( dt_util.utc_from_timestamp( connections[0]['from']['departureTimestamp'])) - dt_util.as_local(dt_util.utcnow())) except KeyError: self.times = ['n/a']
def flux_update(self, now=dt_now()): """Update all the lights using flux.""" sunset = next_setting(self.hass, SUN).replace(, month=now.month, year=now.year) start_time = self.find_start_time(now) stop_time = now.replace(hour=self._stop_time.hour, minute=self._stop_time.minute, second=0) if start_time < now < sunset: # Daytime temp_range = abs(self._start_colortemp - self._sunset_colortemp) day_length = int(sunset.timestamp() - start_time.timestamp()) seconds_from_start = int(now.timestamp() - start_time.timestamp()) percentage_of_day_complete = seconds_from_start / day_length temp_offset = temp_range * percentage_of_day_complete if self._start_colortemp > self._sunset_colortemp: temp = self._start_colortemp - temp_offset else: temp = self._start_colortemp + temp_offset x_val, y_val, b_val = color_RGB_to_xy(*temp_to_rgb(temp)) brightness = self._brightness if self._brightness else b_val set_lights_xy(self.hass, self._lights, x_val, y_val, brightness) "Lights updated to x:%s y:%s brightness:%s, %s%%" " of day cycle complete at %s", x_val, y_val, brightness, round(percentage_of_day_complete * 100), as_local(now)) else: # Nightime if now < stop_time and now > start_time: now_time = now else: now_time = stop_time temp_range = abs(self._sunset_colortemp - self._stop_colortemp) night_length = int(stop_time.timestamp() - sunset.timestamp()) seconds_from_sunset = int(now_time.timestamp() - sunset.timestamp()) percentage_of_night_complete = seconds_from_sunset / night_length temp_offset = temp_range * percentage_of_night_complete if self._sunset_colortemp > self._stop_colortemp: temp = self._sunset_colortemp - temp_offset else: temp = self._sunset_colortemp + temp_offset x_val, y_val, b_val = color_RGB_to_xy(*temp_to_rgb(temp)) brightness = self._brightness if self._brightness else b_val set_lights_xy(self.hass, self._lights, x_val, y_val, brightness) "Lights updated to x:%s y:%s brightness:%s, %s%%" " of night cycle complete at %s", x_val, y_val, brightness, round(percentage_of_night_complete * 100), as_local(now))
def __repr__(self): """Return the representation of the states.""" attr = "; {}".format(util.repr_helper(self.attributes)) \ if self.attributes else "" return "<state {}={}{} @ {}>".format( self.entity_id, self.state, attr, dt_util.as_local(self.last_changed).isoformat())
def busy_callback(worker_count, current_jobs, pending_jobs_count): """Callback to be called when the pool queue gets too big.""" _LOGGER.warning( "WorkerPool:All %d threads are busy and %d jobs pending", worker_count, pending_jobs_count) for start, job in current_jobs: _LOGGER.warning("WorkerPool:Current job from %s: %s", dt_util.as_local(start).isoformat(), job)
def test_as_local_with_utc_object(self): """Test local time with UTC object.""" dt_util.set_default_time_zone(dt_util.get_time_zone(TEST_TIME_ZONE)) utcnow = dt_util.utcnow() localnow = dt_util.as_local(utcnow) self.assertEqual(localnow, utcnow) self.assertNotEqual(localnow.tzinfo, utcnow.tzinfo)
def update(self): """Get the latest system information.""" import psutil if self.type == 'disk_use_percent': self._state = psutil.disk_usage(self.argument).percent elif self.type == 'disk_use': self._state = round(psutil.disk_usage(self.argument).used / 1024**3, 1) elif self.type == 'disk_free': self._state = round(psutil.disk_usage(self.argument).free / 1024**3, 1) elif self.type == 'memory_use_percent': self._state = psutil.virtual_memory().percent elif self.type == 'memory_use': self._state = round((psutil.virtual_memory().total - psutil.virtual_memory().available) / 1024**2, 1) elif self.type == 'memory_free': self._state = round(psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1024**2, 1) elif self.type == 'swap_use_percent': self._state = psutil.swap_memory().percent elif self.type == 'swap_use': self._state = round(psutil.swap_memory().used / 1024**3, 1) elif self.type == 'swap_free': self._state = round(psutil.swap_memory().free / 1024**3, 1) elif self.type == 'processor_use': self._state = round(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None)) elif self.type == 'process': if any(self.argument in for l in psutil.process_iter()): self._state = STATE_ON else: self._state = STATE_OFF elif self.type == 'network_out': self._state = round(psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True) [self.argument][0] / 1024**2, 1) elif self.type == 'network_in': self._state = round(psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True) [self.argument][1] / 1024**2, 1) elif self.type == 'packets_out': self._state = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[self.argument][2] elif self.type == 'packets_in': self._state = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)[self.argument][3] elif self.type == 'ipv4_address': self._state = psutil.net_if_addrs()[self.argument][0][1] elif self.type == 'ipv6_address': self._state = psutil.net_if_addrs()[self.argument][1][1] elif self.type == 'last_boot': self._state = dt_util.as_local( dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(psutil.boot_time()) ).date().isoformat() elif self.type == 'since_last_boot': self._state = dt_util.utcnow() - dt_util.utc_from_timestamp( psutil.boot_time())
def update(self): """Get the latest data from""" response = requests.get( _RESOURCE + 'connections?' + 'from=' + self.start + '&' + 'to=' + self.destination + '&' + 'fields[]=connections/from/departureTimestamp/&' + 'fields[]=connections/', timeout=30) connections = response.json()['connections'][:2] try: self.times = [ dt_util.as_local( dt_util.utc_from_timestamp( item['from']['departureTimestamp'])).strftime( TIME_STR_FORMAT) for item in connections ] self.times.append( dt_util.as_local( dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(connections[0]['from'] ['departureTimestamp'])) - dt_util.as_local(dt_util.utcnow())) except KeyError: self.times = ['n/a']
def render(hass, template, variables=None, **kwargs): """Render given template.""" if variables is not None: kwargs.update(variables) location_methods = LocationMethods(hass) utcnow = dt_util.utcnow() try: return ENV.from_string(template, { 'closest': location_methods.closest, 'distance': location_methods.distance, 'float': forgiving_float, 'is_state': hass.states.is_state, 'is_state_attr': hass.states.is_state_attr, 'now': dt_util.as_local(utcnow), 'states': AllStates(hass), 'utcnow': utcnow, 'as_timestamp': dt_util.as_timestamp, 'relative_time': dt_util.get_age }).render(kwargs).strip() except jinja2.TemplateError as err: raise TemplateError(err)
def render(hass, template, variables=None, **kwargs): """Render given template.""" if variables is not None: kwargs.update(variables) location_methods = LocationMethods(hass) utcnow = dt_util.utcnow() try: return ENV.from_string( template, { 'closest': location_methods.closest, 'distance': location_methods.distance, 'float': forgiving_float, 'is_state': hass.states.is_state, 'is_state_attr': hass.states.is_state_attr, 'now': dt_util.as_local(utcnow), 'states': AllStates(hass), 'utcnow': utcnow, 'as_timestamp': dt_util.as_timestamp, 'relative_time': dt_util.get_age }).render(kwargs).strip() except jinja2.TemplateError as err: raise TemplateError(err)
def test_as_local_with_naive_object(self): """Test local time with native object.""" now = self.assertAlmostEqual( now, dt_util.as_local(datetime.utcnow()), delta=timedelta(seconds=1))
def next_rising(hass, entity_id=None): """Local datetime object of the next sun rising.""" utc_next = next_rising_utc(hass, entity_id) return dt_util.as_local(utc_next) if utc_next else None