def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value, otherwise = "")
		argument = bm_extract.coerce_string(argument, otherwise = "")

		while value and argument:
			x = value.find(argument)
			if x == -1:

			value = value[:x] + value[x + len(argument):]

		return	value
Exemple #2
	def ScrubPerson(self, itemd, person_key):
		persons = bm_extract.as_list(itemd, person_key)
		if persons:
			npersons = []
			for persond in persons:
				person_name = bm_extract.coerce_string(persond)
				if not person_name:
					person_name = bm_extract.as_string(persond, "name")
				if not person_name:

				npersond = {
					"name" : person_name,

				for key in [ "uri", "email" ]:
					value = bm_extract.as_string(persond, key)
					if value:
						npersond[key] = value


			persons = npersons

		if not persons:
			try: del itemd[person_key]
			except: pass
			itemd[person_key] = persons
Exemple #3
	def Flatten(self, item, path = None):
		path = path or []

		children = bm_extract.as_list(item, "outline")

		nitem = dict()

		for key, value in item.iteritems():
			if key != "outline":
				nitem[key] = value

		item = nitem
		if path:
			item["tags"] = bm_extract.coerce_string(path, separator = ", ")

		item["@@children"] = len(children)

		if not self._leaf_only or len(children) == 0:
			yield item

		for child in children:
			for child_item in self.Flatten(child, list(path) + [ item.get("text", "") ]):
				yield	child_item
Exemple #4
	def Render(self, context = {}):
		if not isinstance(context, Context):
			assert(isinstance(context, dict)), "context must be a Context object or dict"
			context = Context(context)

		results = []
		self.node.Render(results, context)

		results = filter(lambda r: r != None, results)

		#	See Filter_raw
		#	- we need this complicated logic due to empty spaces
		#	sometimes being inserted into the template
		if len(results) > 0:
			for result in results:
				if isinstance(result, bm_extract.AsIs):
					return	result.value
				elif result != '':

		results = map(lambda x: bm_extract.coerce_string(x, separator = ", "), results)

		return	"".join(results)
Exemple #5
	def ScrubCategory(self, itemd):
		cats = bm_extract.as_list(itemd, "category")
		if cats:
			ncats = []
			for catd in cats:
				cat_name = bm_extract.coerce_string(catd)
				if not cat_name:
					cat_name = bm_extract.as_string(catd, "term")
				if not cat_name:

				ncatd = {
					"@term" : cat_name,

				for key in [ "scheme", "label" ]:
					value = bm_extract.as_string(catd, key)
					if value:
						ncatd["@" + key] = value


			cats = ncats

		if not cats:
			try: del itemd["category"]
			except: pass
			itemd["category"] = cats
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		Returns a plural suffix if the value is not 1. By default, this suffix is 's'.


			You have {{ num_messages }} message{{ num_messages|pluralize }}.

		For words that require a suffix other than 's', you can provide an alternate suffix as a parameter to the filter.


			You have {{ num_walruses }} walrus{{ num_walrus|pluralize:"es" }}.

		For words that don't pluralize by simple suffix, you can specify both a singular and plural suffix, separated by a comma.


			You have {{ num_cherries }} cherr{{ num_cherries|pluralize:"y,ies" }}.

		ivalue = bm_extract.coerce_int(value)

		plurals = filter(None, bm_extract.coerce_string(argument, otherwise = "").split(",", 1))
		if len(plurals) == 0:
			plurals = [ "", "s" ]
		elif len(plurals) == 1:
			plurals = [ "", plurals[0] ]

		if ivalue == 1:
			return	plurals[0]
			return	plurals[1]
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value)
		value = sluggie_rex.sub("_", value)
		value = underscore_rex.sub("_", value)
		value = value.strip("_")
		value = value.lower()

		return	value
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		Same as default, without the empty string rule

		bvalue = bm_extract.coerce_bool(value, otherwise = False)
		if bvalue:
			return	value
			return	bm_extract.coerce_string(argument, otherwise = "")
	def Render(self, results, context):
		import djolt

		value = context.get(self.path)
		indirection  = self.indirection
		while indirection > 0:
				indirection -= 1

				if not value:

				value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value, separator = None)

					context[SPECIAL_SAFE] = True
					value = djolt.Template(value).Render(context)
				results.append("<pre>\n" + Log(
					"Indirect template exception",
					exception = True,
					indirection = self.indirection,
					path = self.path,
				).replace("\n", "<br />") + "\n</pre>")

		is_safe = context.get(SPECIAL_SAFE, True)

		for filter_name, filter_argument in self.filters:
			if filter_name == "safe":
				is_safe = False
			elif filter_name == "escape":
				is_safe = True
			filter = djolt_base.Filter.Find(filter_name)
			if not filter:
				raise	djolt_base.DjoltNoSuchFilterError, filter_name

			value = filter.Filter(filter_name, filter_argument, value)

		if is_safe and type(value) in types.StringTypes:
			value = value.replace("&", "&amp;");
			value = value.replace("<", "&lt;");
			value = value.replace(">", "&gt;");
			value = value.replace("'", "&#39;");
			value = value.replace("\"", "&quot;");

	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		Converts a string into all lowercase.

		For example:

			{{ value|lower }}

		value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value, separator = None)
		if value:
			return	value.lower()
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		URL encodes a string

		For example:

			{{ value|urlencode }}

		If value is "Joel is a/slug", the output will be "Joel%20is%20a%2Fslug".
		value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value, separator = None)
		if value:
			return	urllib.quote(value, safe = '')
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		Make the first letter uppercase, the rest lower

		For example:

			{{ value|capitalize }}

		If value is "Joel is a slug", the output will be "Joel is a slug".
		value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value, separator = None)
		if value:
			return	string.capwords(value)
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		Converts a string into all uppercase.

		For example:

			{{ value|upper }}

		If value is "Joel is a slug", the output will be "JOEL IS A SLUG".
		value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value, separator = None)
		if value:
			return	value.upper()
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		Converts a string into titlecase.

		For example:

			{{ value|title }}

		If value is "Joel is a slug", the output will be "Joel Is A Slug".
		value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value, separator = None)
		if value:
			return	string.capwords(value)
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		Joins a list with a string, like Python's str.join(list)

		For example:

			{{ value|join:" // " }}

		If value is the list ['a', 'b', 'c'], the output will be the string "a // b // c".

		value = bm_extract.coerce_list(value, separator = None)
		value = map(bm_extract.coerce_string, value)
		argument = bm_extract.coerce_string(argument, otherwise = "")

		if value:
			return	argument.join(value)
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		If (and only if) value is None, use given default. Otherwise, use the value.
		Note that if an empty string is given, the default value will not be used. 
		Use the default filter if you want to fallback for empty strings.

		For example:

			{{ value|default_if_none:"nothing" }}

		If value is None, the output will be the string "nothing".

		if value == None:
			return	bm_extract.coerce_string(argument, otherwise = "")
			return	value
Exemple #17
	def ScrubLinks(self, itemd):
		links = bm_extract.as_list(itemd, "links")
		if links:
			nlinks = []
			for linkd in links:
				link_href = bm_extract.coerce_string(linkd)
				if not link_href:
					link_href = bm_extract.as_string(linkd, "href")
				if not link_href:

				nlinkd = {
					"@href" : link_href,

				for key in [ "rel", "type", "hreflang", "title", "length", ]:
					value = bm_extract.as_string(linkd, key)
					if value:
						nlinkd["@" + key] = value


			links = nlinks

		link = bm_extract.as_string(itemd, "link")
		if link:
			found = False
			for linkd in links:
				if link == bm_extract.as_string(linkd, "@href"):
					found = True

			if not found:
					"@href" : link,
					"@rel" : "alternate",

		for key in [ "link", "links" ]:
			try: del itemd[key]
			except: pass

		if links:
			itemd["link"] = links
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		If value evaluates to False, use given default. Otherwise, use the value.

		For example:

			{{ value|default:"nothing" }}

		If value is "" (the empty string), the output will be nothing.

		if value == "":
			return	""

		bvalue = bm_extract.coerce_bool(value, otherwise = False)
		if bvalue:
			return	value
			return	bm_extract.coerce_string(argument, otherwise = "")
Exemple #19
	def as_string(self, path, **ad):
		return	bm_extract.coerce_string(self.get(path), **ad)
Exemple #20
	def ScrubEntry(self, itemd):
		if bm_extract.is_dict(itemd):
			nd = {}

			seen_html = False
			seen_rss = False
			seen_url = False

			for key, value in itemd.iteritems():
				if self.AtomLike():
					if key == "link":
						key = "htmlUrl"
					elif key == "feeds":
						key = "rssUrl"
					elif key == "content":
						key = "description"
					elif key == "title":
						key = "text"
					elif key == "category":
						key = "tags"
						value = ", ".join(map(lambda d: d["term"], value))
					elif key == "links":
						for ld in bm_extract.coerce_list(value):
							if bm_extract.as_string(ld, "rel") == "alternate":
								key = "rssUrl"
								value = bm_extract.as_string(ld, "href")

					#	datetimes (?)
						created = itemd.pop("created")
						itemd["created"] = bm_extract.coerce_datetime(created, otherwise = created, rfc822 = True)
					except KeyError:

				if key == "rssUrl":
					value = self.FirstInListLikeObject(value, value)
					if value == None:

					seen_rss = True
				elif key == "htmlUrl":
					value = self.FirstInListLikeObject(value, value)
					if value == None:

					seen_html = True
				elif key == "url":
					seen_url = True

				if key in [ "items", "outline" ]:
					nd["outline"] = self.ScrubEntry(value)
				elif value == None:
				elif bm_extract.is_atomic(value):
					nd['@%s' % key] = value

			if seen_rss:
				nd.setdefault("@type", "rss")
			elif seen_html:
				nd.setdefault("@type", "link")
			elif seen_url:
				nd.setdefault("@type", "link")

			nd.setdefault("@text", "")

			return	nd
		elif bm_extract.is_atomic(itemd):
			return	{
				"@title" : bm_extract.coerce_string(itemd)
		elif bm_extract.is_list(itemd) or bm_extract.is_list_like(itemd):
			return	map(self.ScrubEntry, itemd)
		return	itemd
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value)
		if argument:
			return	value.split(argument)
			return	value.split()
	def Filter(self, name, argument, value):
		value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value)
		value = json.dumps(value, cls = bm_work.IterEncoder)[1:-1]

		return	value
	def Execute(self, context):
		import bm_extract

		id =
		if id == ID_NAME:
			## Log("HERE:B", value = self.value, result = context.get(self.value))
			return	context.get(self.value)
		elif id == ID_LITERAL_STRING:
			return	self.value
		elif id == ID_LITERAL_NUMBER:
			if self.value.find('.') > -1:
				return	bm_extract.coerce_float(self.value)
				return	bm_extract.coerce_int(self.value)
		elif id == ID_LITERAL_TRUE:
			return	True
		elif id == ID_LITERAL_FALSE:
			return	False
		elif id == ID_LITERAL_NONE:
			return	False
		elif id == '==':
			return	self.first.Execute(context) == self.second.Execute(context)
		elif id == '!=':
			return	self.first.Execute(context) != self.second.Execute(context)
		elif id == '<':
##			Log("HERE:XXX",
##				first = self.first.Execute(context),
##				second = self.second.Execute(context),
##			)
			return	self.first.Execute(context) < self.second.Execute(context)
		elif id == '<=':
			return	self.first.Execute(context) <= self.second.Execute(context)
		elif id == '>':
			return	self.first.Execute(context) > self.second.Execute(context)
		elif id == '>=':
			return	self.first.Execute(context) >= self.second.Execute(context)
		elif id == '+':
			if self.second == None:
				return	self.first.Execute(context)

			return	self.first.Execute(context) + self.second.Execute(context)
		elif id == '-':
			if self.second == None:
				return	-self.first.Execute(context)

			return	self.first.Execute(context) - self.second.Execute(context)
		elif id == '.':
			## key = "%s.%s" % ( self.first.Literal(context), self.second.Literal(context), )
			## value = context.get(key)
			## print "<%s>/<%s>" % ( key, value )
			return	context.get("%s.%s" % ( self.first.Literal(context), self.second.Literal(context), ))
		elif id == '[':
			## key = "%s[%s]" % ( self.first.Literal(context), self.second.Literal(context), )
			## value = context.get(key)
			## print >> sys.stderr, "!!! <%s>/<%s>" % ( key, value )
			return	context.get("%s[%s]" % ( self.first.Literal(context), self.second.Literal(context), ))
		elif id == 'and':
			a = bm_extract.coerce_bool(self.first.Execute(context))
			b = bm_extract.coerce_bool(self.second.Execute(context))

			return	a and b
		elif id == 'or':
			a = bm_extract.coerce_bool(self.first.Execute(context))
			b = bm_extract.coerce_bool(self.second.Execute(context))

			return	a or b
		elif id == 'not':
			a = bm_extract.coerce_bool(self.first.Execute(context))

			return	not a
		elif id == '(':
			if len(self.second) != 1:
				raise	NotImplementedError, + ": functions take exactly one argument"

			if self.first.value == "int":
				b = bm_extract.coerce_int(self.second[0].Execute(context))
				## Log("HERE:A", b = b, first = self.first, second = self.second[0], valuewas = self.second[0].Execute(context))
			elif self.first.value == "string":
				b = bm_extract.coerce_string(self.second[0].Execute(context))
			elif self.first.value == "bool":
				b = bm_extract.coerce_bool(self.second[0].Execute(context))
			elif self.first.value == "float":
				b = bm_extract.coerce_float(self.second[0].Execute(context))
				raise	NotImplementedError, + ": function can only be int|string|bool|float"

			return	b
			print, self.first, self.second, self.third
			raise	NotImplementedError,
Exemple #24
	def TranscribeNode(self, e_node, o):
		"""Convert a dictionary into XML"""

		if bm_extract.is_list(o):
			for sub in o:
				self.TranscribeNode(e_node, sub)
		elif bm_extract.is_dict(o):
			#	Get the attributes
			ad = {}
			for key, sub in o.iteritems():
				if key.startswith("@@") or key.find(":@@") > -1:

				if key == '@':
					e_node.text = bm_extract.coerce_string(sub, separator = ",")

				if key.startswith("@") or key.find(":@") > -1:
					if bm_extract.is_atomic(sub):
						e_node.set(key.replace('@', ''), bm_extract.coerce_string(sub))
						## ad[key.replace('@', '')] = bm_extract.coerce_string(sub)
					elif bm_extract.is_list(sub) or bm_extract.is_list_like(sub):
						e_node.set(key.replace('@', ''), bm_extract.coerce_string(sub, separator = ","))
						## ad[key.replace('@', '')] = bm_extract.coerce_string(sub, separator = ",")

			#	Note here that:
			#	- @@ means an attribute it hidden
			#	- @ are attributes, and are found in the previous step
			#	- lists are processed specially, as they result in repeated children
			for key, sub in o.iteritems():
				if key.startswith("@@") or key.find(":@@") > -1:

				if key.startswith("@") or key.find(":@") > -1:

				if bm_extract.is_list_like(sub):
					sub = list(sub)

				if bm_extract.is_list(sub):
					any = False
					for subsub in sub:
						any = True

						e_child = ElementTree.SubElement(e_node, key)
						self.TranscribeNode(e_child, subsub)

					if any:

					sub = None

				e_child = ElementTree.SubElement(e_node, key)
				self.TranscribeNode(e_child, sub)
		elif bm_extract.is_list_like(o):
			for sub in list(o):
				self.TranscribeNode(e_node, sub)
		elif bm_extract.is_none(o):
			if e_node.text:
				e_node.text += "\n"
				e_node.text += bm_extract.coerce_string(o)
				e_node.text = bm_extract.coerce_string(o)
Exemple #25
	def ScrubEntry(self, itemd):
		"""Make sure we look like an RSS entry"""

		#	Look for known items and namespaced items
		nd, xd = self.Separate(itemd, self._known_item, "rss")

		#	atom links
			links = xd.pop('links')
			if links:
				nd["atom:links"] = links

				#	default an RSS value
				if not nd.get("link"):
					ld = dict([ ( l["rel"], l ) for l in links ])
					v = ld.get("alternate") or ld.get("self")
					if v:
						nd["link"] = v["href"]
		except KeyError:

		#	author.uri
			value = bm_extract.as_string(xd, 'author.uri')
			if value:
				nd["source"] = value
		except KeyError:
		#	author
			value = xd.pop('author')
			if value:
				value = bm_extract.coerce_string(value)
			if value:
				nd["atom:author"] = value
				nd["dc:creator"] = value
		except KeyError:

		#	atom published/updated
		#	 'updated': '2009-01-09T12:20:02+00:00'}
		for key in [ 'updated', 'published' ]:
			#	atom updated / published
			#	 'updated': '2009-01-09T12:20:02+00:00'}
				value = xd.pop('%s' % key)
				if value:
					nd["atom:%s" % key] = value
			except KeyError:

		#	default a pubDate
		if not nd.get("pubDate"):
			dts = nd.get("atom:updated") or nd.get("atom:published")
			if dts:
					import dateutil.parser

					dt = dateutil.parser.parse(dts)
					if dt:
						nd["pubDate"] = dt.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
					Log("date could not be parsed - maybe a missing module?", exception = True, dts = dts)

		#	Our fake composite value, body
			value = xd.pop("body")
			if value:
				nd["description"] = value
		except KeyError:

		#	Atom content
			value = xd.pop("content")
			if value:
				nd.setdefault("description", value)
				nd["atom:content"] = value
		except KeyError:

		#	Atom summary
			value = xd.pop("summary")
			if value:
				nd.setdefault("description", value)
				nd["atom:summary"] = value
		except KeyError:

		#	Atom ID
			value = xd.pop("id")
			if value:
				nd.setdefault("guid", value)
				nd["atom:id"] = value
		except KeyError:

		#	Required item elements
		nd.setdefault("title", "");
		nd.setdefault("link", "#");
		nd.setdefault("description", "");

		#	Remaining items
		if xd:
			for key, item in xd.iteritems():
				nd["unknown:%s" % key] =  item

		return	nd