def PartialDynamicSystem(self,ieq,variable): """ returns dynamical system blocks associated to output variable """ # print(ieq, if ieq==0: # U1-U2=R(i1) if variable==self.physical_nodes[0].variable: # U1 is output # U1=R(i1)+U2 return [WeightedSum([self.physical_nodes[1].variable,self.variables[0]],variable,[1,self.R])] elif variable==self.physical_nodes[1].variable: # U2 is output # U2=-R(i1)+U2 return [WeightedSum([self.physical_nodes[0].variable,self.variables[0]],variable,[1,-self.R])] elif variable==self.variables[0]: # i1 is output # i1=(U1-U2)/R return [WeightedSum([self.physical_nodes[0].variable,self.physical_nodes[1].variable],variable,[1/self.R,-1/self.R])] elif ieq==1: # i1=-i2 if variable==self.variables[0]: #i1 as output return [Gain(self.variables[1],self.variables[0],-1)] elif variable==self.variables[1]: #i2 as output return [Gain(self.variables[0],self.variables[1],-1)]
def ConservativeLaw(self, flux_variables, output_variable): if output_variable == self.variable: v1 = Variable(hidden='True') b1 = WeightedSum(flux_variables, v1, [1] * len(flux_variables), -self.friction) b2 = ODE(v1, self.variable, [1], [self.SCx, self.mass]) return [b1, b2] else: v1 = Variable(hidden='True') b1 = ODE(self.variable, v1, [self.SCx, self.mass], [1]) b2 = WeightedSum([v1] + flux_variables, output_variable, [1] + [-1] * len(flux_variables), self.friction) return [b1, b2]
def PartialDynamicSystem(self,ieq,variable): """ returns dynamical system blocks associated to output variable """ if ieq==0: # U2-U1=signal if variable==self.physical_nodes[0].variable: # U1 is output # U1=U2-signal return [WeightedSum([self.physical_nodes[1].variable,self.voltage_signal],variable,[1,-1])] elif variable==self.physical_nodes[1].variable: # U2 is output # U2=U1+signal return [WeightedSum([self.physical_nodes[0].variable,self.voltage_signal],variable,[1,1])]
def partial_dynamic_system(self, ieq, variable): """ returns dynamical system blocks associated to output variable """ if ieq == 0: # Soc determination # soc=1-UI/CP v1 = Variable('UI', hidden=True) # UI v2 = Variable('UI/CP', hidden=True) # UI/CP v3 = Variable('soc0-UI/CP', hidden=True) # soc0-UI/CP b1 = Product(self.u, self.variables[0], v1) b2 = ODE(v1, v2, [1], [1, self.c]) b3 = WeightedSum([v2], v3, [-1], self.initial_soc) b4 = Saturation(v3, self.soc, 0, 1) b5 = WeightedSum([self.soc], self.u, [self.u_max - self.u_min], self.u_min) blocks = [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5] # U2-U1=U+Ri1 # U=soc(Umax-Umin)+Umin if variable == self.physical_nodes[0].variable: print('Bat0#1') # U1 is output # U1=-U-Ri1+U2 blocks.append( WeightedSum([ self.u, self.variables[0], self.physical_nodes[1].variable ], variable, [-1, -self.r, 1])) elif variable == self.physical_nodes[1].variable: print('Bat0#2') # U2 is output # U2=U1+Ri1+U blocks.append( WeightedSum([ self.physical_nodes[0].variable, self.variables[0], self.u ], variable, [1, self.r, 1])) elif variable == self.variables[0]: print('Bat0#3') # i1 is output # i1=(-U1+U2-U)/R blocks.append( WeightedSum([ self.physical_nodes[0].variable, self.physical_nodes[1].variable, self.u ], variable, [-1 / self.r, 1 / self.r, -1 / self.r])) return blocks
def PartialDynamicSystem(self, ieq, variable): """ returns dynamical system blocks associated to output variable """ if ieq == 0: # C1=-f*Tmax*sign(w1-w2) if variable == self.variables[0]: ut = Variable('unsigned clutch friction torque', hidden=True) b1 = Gain(self.commands[0], ut, self.Tmax) dw = Variable('Delta rotationnal speed', hidden=True) sdw = Variable('Sign of delta rotationnal speed') b2 = WeightedSum([ self.physical_nodes[0].variable, self.physical_nodes[1].variable ], dw, [-1, 1]) b3 = Sign(dw, sdw) b4 = Product(ut, sdw, variable) return [b1, b2, b3, b4] elif ieq == 1: # C1=-C2 if variable == self.variables[0]: return [Gain(self.variables[1], variable, -1)] if variable == self.variables[1]: return [Gain(self.variables[0], variable, -1)]
def ConservativeLaw(self,flux_variables,output_variable): return [WeightedSum(flux_variables,output_variable,[-1]*len(flux_variables))]
#I2=Sinus(('input','i'),100.) #O2=bms.Variable(('Output','O'))# #b=ODE(I2,O2,[0,1],[1]) #ds2=bms.DynamicSystem(15,3000,[b]) #ds2.Simulate() #ds2.PlotVariables() #print(b.Mi,b.Mo) #print() #============================================================================== # Feedback with derivative for stability test #============================================================================== I = Step(('input', 'i'), 100.) AI = bms.Variable(('adapted input', 'ai'), [100.]) dI = bms.Variable(('error', 'dI')) O = bms.Variable(('Output', 'O')) # F = bms.Variable(('Feedback', 'F')) # b1 = Gain(I, AI, Ka) b2 = WeightedSum([AI, dI], F, [1, -1]) b3 = ODE(O, dI, [1, tau], [Kb]) b4 = Gain(F, O, 1 / Kc) # #ds. ds = bms.DynamicSystem(0.1, 20, [b1, b2, b3, b4]) ds.Simulate() ds.PlotVariables([[I, O, dI, F]])
def conservative_law(flux_variables, output_variable): return [ WeightedSum(flux_variables, output_variable, [-1] * len(flux_variables)) ]
fv2 = 0.01 #e=bmsp.Step(1.,'e') cc = Sinus(('Brake command', 'cc'), 0.5, 0.1, 0, 0.5) it = Step(('Input torque', 'it'), 100) rt = Step(('Resistant torque', 'rt'), -80) tc = bms.Variable(('brake Torque capacity', 'Tc')) bt = bms.Variable(('brake torque', 'bt')) w1 = bms.Variable(('Rotational speed shaft 1', 'w1')) #dw12=bms.Variable(('Clutch differential speed','dw12')) st1 = bms.Variable(('Sum torques on 1', 'st1')) et1 = bms.Variable(('Sum of ext torques on 1', 'et1')) b1 = Gain(cc, tc, Cmax) b2 = WeightedSum([it, rt], et1, [1, 1]) b3 = CoulombVariableValue(et1, w1, tc, bt, 0.1) #b3=Coulomb(it,dw12,ct,150) b4 = ODE(st1, w1, [1], [fv1, I1]) #b5=ODE(st2,w2,[1],[fv2,I2]) b6 = WeightedSum([it, rt, bt], st1, [1, 1, 1]) #b7=WeightedSum([it,rt],et1,[1,1]) ds = bms.DynamicSystem(100, 400, [b1, b2, b3, b4, b6]) #ds.DrawModel() r = ds.Simulate() ds.PlotVariables([[w1], [tc, bt, rt, it, st1, et1]]) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure()
Vb = 0.3 # Speed error at beginning of braking r1 = 0.05 crankshaft = RotationalNode(Ic, friction_c, 'crankshaft') shaft_gb1 = RotationalNode(Igb1, friction_c, 'shaft gb1') shaft_gb2 = RotationalNode(Igb2, friction_c, 'shaft gb2') vehicle = TranslationalNode(mass, SCx, friction_v, 'vehicle') engine = ThermalEngine(crankshaft, wmin, wmax, Tmax, fuel_flow) clutch = Clutch(crankshaft, shaft_gb1, Tmax_c) gr1 = GearRatio(shaft_gb1, shaft_gb2, 0.05) brake = Brake(shaft_gb2, Tmax_b) wheels = Wheel(shaft_gb2, vehicle, r) # Commands subs1 = WeightedSum([Vt, vehicle.variable], engine.commands[0], [Ge, -Ge]) v1 = bms.Variable('', hidden=True) subs2 = WeightedSum([Vt, vehicle.variable], v1, [-Gb, Gb], -Vb) sat1 = Saturation(v1, brake.commands[0], 0, 1) # clutch cc = bms.Variable('Clutch command') gc = Gain(crankshaft.variable, cc, 1/(wrc-wec), wec/(wec-wrc)) satc = Saturation(cc, clutch.commands[0], 0, 1) ps = bms.PhysicalSystem(600, 600, [engine, gr1, clutch, wheels, brake], [ subs1, subs2, sat1, gc, satc]) ds = ps.dynamic_system # ds._ResolutionOrder2() ds.Simulate()
# e=bmsp.Step(1.,'e') cc = Sinus(('Clutch command', 'cc'), 0.5, 0.1, 0, 0.5) it = Step(('Input torque', 'it'), 200) rt = Step(('Resistant torque', 'rt'), -180) tc = bms.Variable(('Clutch Torque capacity', 'Tc')) ct = bms.Variable(('clutch torque', 'ct')) w1 = bms.Variable(('Rotational speed shaft 1', 'w1')) w2 = bms.Variable(('Rotational speed shaft 2', 'w2')) dw12 = bms.Variable(('Clutch differential speed', 'dw12')) st1 = bms.Variable(('Sum torques on 1', 'st1')) st2 = bms.Variable(('Sum torques on 2', 'st2')) b1 = Gain(cc, tc, Cmax) b2 = WeightedSum([w1, w2], dw12, [1, -1]) b3 = CoulombVariableValue(it, dw12, tc, ct, 1) # b3=Coulomb(it,dw12,ct,150) b4 = ODE(st1, w1, [1], [fv1, I1]) b5 = ODE(st2, w2, [1], [fv2, I2]) b6 = WeightedSum([it, ct], st1, [1, 1]) b7 = WeightedSum([rt, ct], st2, [1, -1]) ds = bms.DynamicSystem(50, 150, [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7]) # ds.DrawModel() r = ds.Simulate() ds.PlotVariables([[dw12, w1, w2], [tc, ct, rt, it]]) # ds.PlotVariables([[cc]])