Exemple #1
@author: Steven Masfaraud

import bms
from bms.signals.functions import Ramp
from bms.blocks.continuous import ODE

K = 1.
tau = 1.254

e = Ramp('e', 1.)
s = bms.Variable('s', [0])

block = ODE(e, s, [K], [1, tau])
ds = bms.DynamicSystem(10, 100, [block])


## External plot for verification
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(ds.t, e.values)
plt.plot(ds.t, s.values)
s_inf = K * (ds.t.copy() - tau)
plt.plot(ds.t, e.values)
plt.plot(ds.t, s_inf)
Exemple #2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Dec 22 18:42:33 2015

@author: steven

import bms
from bms.signals.functions import Sinus
from bms.blocks.continuous import ODE

K = 1
Q = 0.3
w0 = 3

e = Sinus('e', 4., 5)
s = bms.Variable('s', [0])

block = ODE(e, s, [1], [1, 2 * Q / w0, 1 / w0**2])
ds = bms.DynamicSystem(5, 200, [block])

Exemple #3


#  Feedback with derivative for stability test

I = Step(('input', 'i'), 100.)
AI = bms.Variable(('adapted input', 'ai'), [100.])
dI = bms.Variable(('error', 'dI'))
O = bms.Variable(('Output', 'O'))  #
F = bms.Variable(('Feedback', 'F'))  #

b1 = Gain(I, AI, Ka)
b2 = WeightedSum([AI, dI], F, [1, -1])
b3 = ODE(O, dI, [1, tau], [Kb])
b4 = Gain(F, O, 1 / Kc)
ds = bms.DynamicSystem(0.1, 20, [b1, b2, b3, b4])
ds.PlotVariables([[I, O, dI, F]])
Exemple #4
cc = Sinus(('Brake command', 'cc'), 0.5, 0.1, 0, 0.5)
it = Step(('Input torque', 'it'), 100)
rt = Step(('Resistant torque', 'rt'), -80)

tc = bms.Variable(('brake Torque capacity', 'Tc'))
bt = bms.Variable(('brake torque', 'bt'))
w1 = bms.Variable(('Rotational speed shaft 1', 'w1'))
#dw12=bms.Variable(('Clutch differential speed','dw12'))
st1 = bms.Variable(('Sum torques on 1', 'st1'))
et1 = bms.Variable(('Sum of ext torques on 1', 'et1'))

b1 = Gain(cc, tc, Cmax)
b2 = WeightedSum([it, rt], et1, [1, 1])
b3 = CoulombVariableValue(et1, w1, tc, bt, 0.1)

b4 = ODE(st1, w1, [1], [fv1, I1])
b6 = WeightedSum([it, rt, bt], st1, [1, 1, 1])

ds = bms.DynamicSystem(100, 400, [b1, b2, b3, b4, b6])

r = ds.Simulate()
ds.PlotVariables([[w1], [tc, bt, rt, it, st1, et1]])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Exemple #5
Pm = bms.Variable(('Mechanical power', 'Pm'))

block1 = Subtraction(Wc, W, dW)
block2 = ODE(dW, Ui, [1], [0, tau_i])
block3 = Gain(dW, Up, Gc)
block4 = Sum([Up, Ui], Uc)
block4a = Saturation(Uc, Um, -Umax, Umax)
block5 = Subtraction(Um, e, Uind)
block6 = ODE(Uind, Iind, [1], [R, L])
block7 = Gain(Iind, Tm, k)
block8 = Sum([Tm, Text], T)
block8a = Coulomb(Tm, W, Text, Tr, 2)
block9 = ODE(T, W, [1], [0, J])
block10 = Gain(W, e, k)
block11 = Product(Um, Iind, Pe)
block11a = Product(Tm, W, Pm)
ds = bms.DynamicSystem(10, 1000, [
    block1, block2, block3, block4, block4a, block5, block6, block7, block8,
    block8a, block9, block10, block11, block11a

# ds.DrawModel()
r = ds.Simulate()
# r=ds._ResolutionOrder()
# print(ba)
    [Wc, W, dW],
    [Tm, Text, T],
ds.PlotVariables([[Um, e, Uind], [Pe, Pm], [Iind]])
Exemple #6
import bms
from bms.signals.functions import Step
from bms.blocks.continuous import Gain, ODE, Sum, Subtraction, Product

Ka = 3
Kb = 4
Kc = 3
tau = 1

I = Step(('input', 'i'), 100.)
AI = bms.Variable(('adapted input', 'ai'), [100.])
dI = bms.Variable(('error', 'dI'))
O = bms.Variable(('Output', 'O'))
F = bms.Variable(('Feedback', 'F'))

b1 = Gain(I, AI, Ka)
b2 = Subtraction(AI, F, dI)
b3 = ODE(dI, O, [Kb], [1, tau])
b4 = Gain(O, F, Kc)

ds = bms.DynamicSystem(3, 1000, [b1, b2, b3, b4])
r = ds.Simulate()
ds.PlotVariables([[I, O, dI, F]])

# I2=Step(('input','i'),100.)
# ds2=bms.DynamicSystem(3,600,[ODE(I2,O2,[Ka*Kb],[1+Kc*Kb,tau])])
# ds2.Simulate()
# ds2.PlotVariables()
Exemple #7
# e=bmsp.Step(1.,'e')

cc = Sinus(('Clutch command', 'cc'), 0.5, 0.1, 0, 0.5)
it = Step(('Input torque', 'it'), 200)
rt = Step(('Resistant torque', 'rt'), -180)

tc = bms.Variable(('Clutch Torque capacity', 'Tc'))
ct = bms.Variable(('clutch torque', 'ct'))
w1 = bms.Variable(('Rotational speed shaft 1', 'w1'))
w2 = bms.Variable(('Rotational speed shaft 2', 'w2'))
dw12 = bms.Variable(('Clutch differential speed', 'dw12'))
st1 = bms.Variable(('Sum torques on 1', 'st1'))
st2 = bms.Variable(('Sum torques on 2', 'st2'))

b1 = Gain(cc, tc, Cmax)
b2 = WeightedSum([w1, w2], dw12, [1, -1])
b3 = CoulombVariableValue(it, dw12, tc, ct, 1)
# b3=Coulomb(it,dw12,ct,150)

b4 = ODE(st1, w1, [1], [fv1, I1])
b5 = ODE(st2, w2, [1], [fv2, I2])
b6 = WeightedSum([it, ct], st1, [1, 1])
b7 = WeightedSum([rt, ct], st2, [1, -1])

ds = bms.DynamicSystem(50, 150, [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7])

# ds.DrawModel()
r = ds.Simulate()
ds.PlotVariables([[dw12, w1, w2], [tc, ct, rt, it]])
# ds.PlotVariables([[cc]])