def __init__(self, GUI, DEBUG, fps, stick_sens, saveFile): self.GUI = GUI self.DEBUG = DEBUG self.max_fps = fps self.stick_sens = stick_sens self.saveFile = saveFile pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() = True self.started = False self.main_throttle = 0 self.throttle = [0,0,0,0] self.holdPosition = 0 self.holdHeight = 0 self.isGamepad = 1 self.gamepad = Gamepad() self.gamepad_axes = [0,0,0] self.gamepad_throttle = 0 self.bno = BNO() self.m1 = Motor(15) self.m2 = Motor(27) self.m3 = Motor(10) self.m4 = Motor(7) self.motors = [self.m1, self.m2, self.m3, self.m4] if self.GUI: self.gui = Gui() if self.GUI: self.gui.showMessage("Press 'start'-Button to start!") if self.DEBUG: # Print system status and self test result. status, self_test, error = self.bno.get_system_status() print("DEBUG: System status: {0}".format(status)) print("DEBUG: Self test result (0x0F is normal): 0x{0:02X}".format(self_test)) # Print out an error if system status is in error mode. if status == 0x01: print("DEBUG: System error: {0}".format(error)) print("DEBUG: See datasheet section 4.3.59 for the meaning.") # Print BNO055 software revision and other diagnostic data. sw, bl, accel, mag, gyro = self.bno.get_revision() print("DEBUG: Software version: {0}".format(sw)) print("DEBUG: Bootloader version: {0}".format(bl)) print("DEBUG: Accelerometer ID: 0x{0:02X}".format(accel)) print("DEBUG: Magnetometer ID: 0x{0:02X}".format(mag)) print("DEBUG: Gyroscope ID: 0x{0:02X}\n".format(gyro)) self.load() if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: READY!") self.loop()
class Main(): def __init__(self, GUI, DEBUG, fps, stick_sens, saveFile): self.GUI = GUI self.DEBUG = DEBUG self.max_fps = fps self.stick_sens = stick_sens self.saveFile = saveFile pygame.init() self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() = True self.started = False self.main_throttle = 0 self.throttle = [0,0,0,0] self.holdPosition = 0 self.holdHeight = 0 self.isGamepad = 1 self.gamepad = Gamepad() self.gamepad_axes = [0,0,0] self.gamepad_throttle = 0 self.bno = BNO() self.m1 = Motor(15) self.m2 = Motor(27) self.m3 = Motor(10) self.m4 = Motor(7) self.motors = [self.m1, self.m2, self.m3, self.m4] if self.GUI: self.gui = Gui() if self.GUI: self.gui.showMessage("Press 'start'-Button to start!") if self.DEBUG: # Print system status and self test result. status, self_test, error = self.bno.get_system_status() print("DEBUG: System status: {0}".format(status)) print("DEBUG: Self test result (0x0F is normal): 0x{0:02X}".format(self_test)) # Print out an error if system status is in error mode. if status == 0x01: print("DEBUG: System error: {0}".format(error)) print("DEBUG: See datasheet section 4.3.59 for the meaning.") # Print BNO055 software revision and other diagnostic data. sw, bl, accel, mag, gyro = self.bno.get_revision() print("DEBUG: Software version: {0}".format(sw)) print("DEBUG: Bootloader version: {0}".format(bl)) print("DEBUG: Accelerometer ID: 0x{0:02X}".format(accel)) print("DEBUG: Magnetometer ID: 0x{0:02X}".format(mag)) print("DEBUG: Gyroscope ID: 0x{0:02X}\n".format(gyro)) self.load() if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: READY!") self.loop() def eventHandler(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: SHUTDOWN") pygame.quit() if self.GUI: curses.endwin() sys.exit() elif event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN: self.gamepad.handleButtonDown(event.button) elif event.type == JOYBUTTONUP: self.gamepad.handleButtonUp(event.button) def getGamepadValues(self): self.gamepad_throttle = self.gamepad.getThrottle() self.gamepad_axes = self.gamepad.getAxis() def checkCalibButtons(self): if self.gamepad.isSave: if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Save Calibration-Data") if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Data saved") if self.gamepad.isCalib: if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: calibrate BNO") self.bno.calibrateBNO() if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: new offset: {0}".format(self.bno.offset)) def save(self): if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Open File: "+self.saveFile) f = open(os.path.abspath(self.saveFile), "w") f.write(str(self.bno.offset)) f.write("\n") f.write(str(self.gamepad.offset)) f.close() self.gamepad.isSave = False def load(self): if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Open File: "+self.saveFile) try: f = open(os.path.abspath(self.saveFile), "r") except IOError: if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: No SaveFile - Nothing to load") return if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Loading...") loaded =" ", "").split("\n") loaded = [loaded[0][1:-1].split(","), loaded[1][1:-1].split(",")] self.bno.offset = [float(loaded[0][0]), float(loaded[0][1]), float(loaded[0][2])] self.gamepad.offset = [float(loaded[1][0]), float(loaded[1][1]), float(loaded[1][2])] if self.DEBUG: print("Loaded! - bno-offset: {0} - gamepad-offset: {1}".format(self.bno.offset, self.gamepad.offset)) f.close() def start_motors(self): if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Calibrate Throttle!") if self.GUI: self.gui.hideMessage() self.gui.showMessage("Calibrate Throttle!") while self.gamepad.getThrottle()<=50: pygame.event.pump() while self.gamepad.getThrottle()!=0: pygame.event.pump() if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Initializing motors") for m in self.motors: m.start() self.started = True if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: STARTED!") if self.GUI: self.gui.hideMessage() def stop_motors(self): if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: stopping motors") for m in self.motors: m.stop() self.started = False if self.DEBUG: print("DEBUG: STOPPED!") print("DEBUG: READY!") if self.GUI: self.gui.showMessage("Press 'start'-Button to start!") def changeMotorSpeed(self): self.throttle = [0,0,0,0] self.getGamepadValues() self.bno.tick() if (self.gamepad.isBNO): if self.DEBUG: print('DEBUG: Heading={0:0.2F} Roll={1:0.2F} Pitch={2:0.2F}'.format(self.bno.heading, self.bno.roll, self.bno.pitch)) pitch = self.bno.pitch roll = self.bno.roll if pitch > 10: pitch = 10 elif pitch < -10: pitch = -10 if roll > 10: roll = 10 elif roll < -10: roll = -10 self.throttle[0] += pitch-roll self.throttle[1] += pitch+roll self.throttle[2] += -pitch+roll self.throttle[3] += -pitch-roll #Pad-Motor-Steuerung self.throttle[0] += -self.gamepad_axes[0]*self.stick_sens+self.gamepad.offset[0] + self.gamepad_axes[1]*self.stick_sens+self.gamepad.offset[1] - self.gamepad.offset[2] self.throttle[1] += -self.gamepad_axes[0]*self.stick_sens+self.gamepad.offset[0] - self.gamepad_axes[1]*self.stick_sens-self.gamepad.offset[1] + self.gamepad.offset[2] self.throttle[2] += +self.gamepad_axes[0]*self.stick_sens-self.gamepad.offset[0] - self.gamepad_axes[1]*self.stick_sens-self.gamepad.offset[1] - self.gamepad.offset[2] self.throttle[3] += +self.gamepad_axes[0]*self.stick_sens-self.gamepad.offset[0] + self.gamepad_axes[1]*self.stick_sens+self.gamepad.offset[1] + self.gamepad.offset[2] self.throttle = [int(self.gamepad_throttle+self.throttle[i]) for i in range(4)] for i in range(4): if self.throttle[i] > 100: self.throttle[i] = 100 elif self.throttle[i] < 0: self.throttle[i] = 0 self.motors[i].setW(self.throttle[i]) def loop(self): while self.clock.tick(self.max_fps) pygame.event.pump() self.eventHandler() if self.GUI: self.gui.guiTick(self.clock.get_fps(), self.throttle, self.gamepad.isStart, self.gamepad.isBNO, [self.bno.heading, self.bno.pitch, self.bno.roll]) if self.gamepad.isStart: if not self.started: self.start_motors() self.changeMotorSpeed() else: self.checkCalibButtons() if self.started: self.stop_motors()