Exemple #1
def Review(milestone_key, review_score):
    Method to signal result by SC owner or oracle

    :param milestone_key: the key of the milestone
    :type milestone_key: bytearray

    :param review_score: score that the reviewer assigned to this milestone
    :type review_score: int

    :return: whether a pay out to the assignee is done
    :rtype: bool
    # Check if the method is triggered by the SC owner or oracle
    context = GetContext()
    milestone_data_serialized = Get(context, milestone_key)
    milestone_data = deserialize_bytearray(milestone_data_serialized)
    oracle = milestone_data[6]

    if not CheckWitness(OWNER) and not CheckWitness(oracle):
        Notify("Must be SC owner or oracle to submit review")
        return False

    status = milestone_data[11]

    if not status == 'initialized':
        Notify("Contract has incorrect status to do a review")
        return False

    elif status == 'refunded':
        Notify("Contract is already refunded")
        return False

    milestone_data[11] = 'reviewed'
    milestone_data[12] = review_score
    assignee = milestone_data[2]
    threshold = milestone_data[10]
    pay_out = milestone_data[7]

    # Update storage
    Delete(context, milestone_key)
    milestone_data_serialized = serialize_array(milestone_data)
    Put(context, milestone_key, milestone_data_serialized)
    DispatchReviewEvent(milestone_key, review_score)

    if review_score >= threshold:
        Notify("Review score was above threshold, processing pay out")
        DoTransfer(OWNER, assignee, pay_out)
        DispatchTransferEvent(OWNER, assignee, pay_out)

    return True
Exemple #2
def TransferFromPool(addr_to, amount):
    if amount <= 0:
        return False

    if len(addr_to) != 20:
        return False

    # only the admin can transfer from pool
    if not CheckWitness(ADMIN):
        print("No privilege!")
        return False

    context = GetContext()
    balance_pool = Get(context, "balance/pool")
    if balance_pool < amount:
        print("Insufficient balance in pool!")
        return False

    balance_pool -= amount
    Put(context, "balance/pool", balance_pool)

    key_to = concat("balance/", addr_to)
    balance_to = Get(context, key_to) + amount
    Put(context, key_to, balance_to)
    OnTransfer(0, addr_to, amount)

    return True
Exemple #3
def Transfer(addr_from, addr_to, amount):
    if amount <= 0:
        print("Invalid amount!")
        return False

    if len(addr_to) != 20:
        print("Invalid addr_to!")
        return False

    if not CheckWitness(addr_from):
        print("No privilege!")
        return False

    context = GetContext()

    key_from = concat("balance/", addr_from)
    balance_from = Get(context, key_from)
    if balance_from < amount:
        print("Insufficient balance!")
        return False

    key_to = concat("balance/", addr_to)
    balance_to = Get(context, key_to)

    balance_from -= amount
    balance_to += amount
    Put(context, key_from, balance_from)
    Put(context, key_to, balance_to)

    OnTransfer(addr_from, addr_to, amount)

    return True
    def do_approve(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender, amount):

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Incorrect permission")
            return False

        if amount < 0:
            print("Negative amount")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get(t_owner)

        # cannot approve an amount that is
        # currently greater than the from balance
        if from_balance >= amount:

            approval_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

            if amount == 0:
                storage.put(approval_key, amount)

            OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

            return True

        return False
def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():

        if CheckWitness(owner):
            return True

        return False

    storage = StorageAPI()

    questions = Questions()
    questions.owner = owner

    if operation == 'get_clue':
        addr = get_addr(clue_gas_req)
        cluenum = args[0]
        return questions.get_clue(storage, cluenum, addr)

    elif operation == 'set_clue':
        cluenum = args[0]
        clueval = args[1]
        return questions.set_clue(storage, cluenum, clueval)

    elif operation == 'set_answer':
        cluenum = args[0]
        answer = args[1]
        return questions.set_answer(storage, cluenum, answer)

    elif operation == 'submit_answer':
        addr = get_addr(answer_gas_req)
        if len(args) < 2:
            return b'Not enough arguments'
        cluenum = args[0]
        answer = args[1]
        return questions.submit_answer(storage, cluenum, answer, addr)

    elif operation == 'total_questions':
        return total_q

    elif operation == 'progress':
        addr = get_addr(progress_gas_req)
        key = concat('progress_', addr)
        return storage.getitem(key)

    elif operation == 'total_winners':
        return storage.getitem('total_winners')

    elif operation == 'first_place':
        return storage.getitem('first_place')

    elif operation == 'second_place':
        return storage.getitem('second_place')

    elif operation == 'third_place':
        return storage.getitem('third_place')

    return b'Method not found'
Exemple #6
def remove_item(marketplace, address, item_id):
    Remove an item from an address on a marketplace.

    :param marketplace:str The name of the marketplace to access.
    :param address:str The address to remove the item from.
    :param item_id:int The id of the item to remove from the address.
        bool: Whether the item is removed.

    # Check marketplace permissions.
    owner = marketplace_owner(marketplace)
    if not CheckWitness(owner):
        print("Operation Forbidden: Only the owner of this marketplace may invoke the operation - remove_item")
        return False

    # Get the address's inventory.
    inventory_s = get_inventory(marketplace, address)
    inventory = deserialize_bytearray(inventory_s)

    current_index = 0
    # TODO: Remove manually searching for the index once list method "indexOf" is added.
    for item in inventory:
        # If the player has the item, we can remove the item at the current index,
        # save the modified inventory to storage and return True.
        if item == item_id:
            inventory_s = serialize_array(inventory)
            save_inventory(marketplace, address, inventory_s)
            return True
        current_index += 1
    return False
Exemple #7
def transfer_item(marketplace, address_from, address_to, item_id):
    Transfer an item from an address, to an address on a marketplace.

    :param marketplace:str The name of the marketplace to access.
    :param address_to:str The address receiving the item.
    :param address_from:str The address sending the item.
    :param item_id:int The id of the item being sent.
        bool:Whether the transfer of the item was successful.
    # Check marketplace permissions.
    owner = marketplace_owner(marketplace)
    if not CheckWitness(owner):
        print("Operation Forbidden: Only the owner of this marketplace may invoke the operation - transfer_item")
        return False

    # If the item is being transferred to the same address, don't waste gas and return True.
    if address_from == address_to:
        return True

    # If the removal of the item from the address sending is successful, give the item to the address receiving.
    if remove_item(marketplace, address_from, item_id):
        # Give the item to the address receiving and return True.
        args = [marketplace, address_to, item_id]
        return True

    return False
Exemple #8
def Deploy():
    Method for the NEP5 Token owner to use in order to deploy an initial amount of tokens to their own address

    :return: whether the deploy was successful
    :rtype: bool

    isowner = CheckWitness(OWNER)

    if isowner:

        print("ok to deploy")
        context = GetContext()

        total = Get(context, 'totalSupply')

        if len(total) == 0:

            Log("WILL DEPLOY!")

            Put(context, OWNER, PRE_ICO_CAP)

            Put(context, "totalSupply", PRE_ICO_CAP)

            OnTransfer(0, OWNER, PRE_ICO_CAP)

            return True
            print("ALREADY DEPLOYED, wont do it again")

    print("only owner can deploy")
    return False
Exemple #9
def Deploy(provider, location):
    Deploy a new SIP provider to the KRYPTON network

    :param provider: the address of the SIP provider wallet
    :type provider: str

    :param location: the (DNS SRV) location of the outbound proxy
    :type location: str

    :return: whether the deploy was successful
    :rtype: bool

    if not CheckWitness(provider):
        return False

    context = GetContext()
    address = Get(context, provider)

    # Deploy the provider
    if (address == 0):
        Put(context, provider, location)
        return True

    return False
def cancel_change_owner(token: Token):
    Cancel a pending ownership transfer request
    :param token: Token The token to cancel the ownership transfer for
        bool: Whether the operation was successful
    storage = StorageAPI()

    new_owner = storage.get(token.new_owner_key)
    if not new_owner:
            "Can't cancel_change_owner unless an owner change is already pending"
        return False

    owner = storage.get(token.owner_key)
    if not CheckWitness(owner):
        print("Must be owner to cancel change_owner")
        return False

    # delete the new owner to cancel the transfer.

    return True
Exemple #11
def PostGeolocation(addr, geolocation, timestamp):
    if len(addr) != 20:
        print("Invalid address!")
        return False

    if not CheckWitness(addr):
        print("No privilege!")
        return False

    context = GetContext()
    b = Get(context, "block/NRC")

    key = concat(b, "/cnt")
    cnt = Get(context, key) + 1
    Put(context, key, cnt)

    key = Concat4(b, "/", cnt, "/ts")
    Put(context, key, timestamp)

    key = Concat4(b, "/", cnt, "/addr")
    Put(context, key, addr)

    key = Concat4(b, "/", cnt, "/geo")
    Put(context, key, geolocation)

    return True
Exemple #12
    def ValidateOwner(self):
        isOwner = CheckWitness(self.OWNER)
        if isOwner == False:
            Log("Sender is not the owner")
            return False

        return True
Exemple #13
def Main(operation, args):
  Main for SC

    :param operation: The function performed
    :type operation: str

    :param args: list of arguments
      args[0] always sender hash
    :param type: str


    user = args[0]
    authorized = CheckWitness(user)

    if not authorized:
        Notify("Not authorized")
        return False

    if operation != None:
        # Requires: user, postHash, category
        if operation == 'submitPost' and len(args) == 3:

        # Requires: user, postHash, category - optionally more categories
        # if operation == 'addPostToCategory' and len(args) >= 3:
        # addPostToCategory(args)

        # Requires: user, userName
        if operation == 'manageUser' and len(args) == 3:

    return False
Exemple #14
    def do_approve(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender, amount):

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Incorrect permission")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get(t_owner)

        # Kann keinen Betrag bestätigen der momentan
        # größer ist als der von "from balance"
        if from_balance >= amount:

            approval_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

            current_approved_balance = storage.get(approval_key)

            new_approved_balance = current_approved_balance + amount

            storage.put(approval_key, new_approved_balance)

            OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

            return True

        return False
Exemple #15
def DeleteAgreement(agreement_key):
    Method for the dApp owner to delete claimed or refunded agreements

    :param agreement_key: agreement_key
    :type agreement_key: str

    :return: whether the deletion succeeded
    :rtype: bool

    if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
        Log("Must be owner to delete an agreement")
        return False

    context = GetContext
    agreement_data = Get(context, agreement_key)
    status = agreement_data[12]

    if status == 'claimed':
        Delete(context, agreement_key)

    elif status == 'refunded':
        Delete(context, agreement_key)

    return False
Exemple #16
def Unregister(user):
    Unregister a user from the KRYPTON network

    :param user: the public address of the user
    :type user: str

    :return: whether the registration was successful
    :rtype: bool

    # Check if the user is validating the transaction
    if not CheckWitness(user):
        return False

    context = GetContext()
    uuid = Get(context, user)

    if not (uuid == 0):
        # Remove registration
        Delete(context, user)
        Delete(context, uuid)
        return True

    # No registration found
    return False
Exemple #17
    def do_approve(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender, amount):

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Incorrect permission")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get(t_owner)

        # cannot approve an amount that is
        # currently greater than the from balance
        if from_balance >= amount:

            approval_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

            current_approved_balance = storage.get(approval_key)

            new_approved_balance = current_approved_balance + amount

            storage.put(approval_key, new_approved_balance)

            OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

            return True

        return False
Exemple #18
def Deploy():
    This is used to distribute the initial tokens to the owner

    :return: whether the deploy was successful
    :rtype: bool


    if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
        Log("Must be owner to deploy")
        return False

    context = GetContext()
    has_deployed = Get(context, 'initialized')

    if has_deployed == 0:

        # do deploy logic
        Put(context, 'initialized', 1)
        Put(context, OWNER, TOTAL_SUPPLY)

        return True

    Log('Could not deploy')
    return False
Exemple #19
def Main(a, b, c, d):

    :param a:
    :param b:
    :param c:
    :param d:
    print("Executing Four Param Verification code")
    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():

        print("Running verification")
        is_owner = CheckWitness(OWNER)
        return is_owner

    print("runnig app routine")

    result = a + b - c + d


    return result
def buy_product(buyer_address , p_hash):
    if not CheckWitness(buyer_address):
        return False

    return False
Exemple #21
    def kyc_deregister(self, args, token: Token):

        :param args:list a list of addresses to deregister
        :param token: Token A token object with your ICO settings
            int: The number of addresses deregistered from KYC
        ok_count = 0

        storage = StorageAPI()

        owner = storage.get(token.owner_key)
        if CheckWitness(owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
Exemple #22
def Main(arr):
    :return: Whether the invoker is defined as owner of this contract
    :rtype: bool
    is_owner = CheckWitness(OWNER)  # Built-in CheckWitness() function able to determine whether the contract invoker matches to the provided address in byte array
    return is_owner
Exemple #23
    def kyc_register(self, args, token:Token):

        :param args:List Eine Liste der Adressen die zu registrieren sind
        :param token:Token Ein Token Objekt mit Ihren ICO Einstellungen
            int: Die Nummer der Adressen die mit KYC registriert werden
        ok_count = 0

        if CheckWitness(token.owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    storage = StorageAPI()

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)
                    storage.put(kyc_storage_key, True)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
Exemple #24
def DeleteMilestone(milestone_key):
    Method for the dApp owner to delete claimed or refunded agreements

    :param milestone_key: milestone_key
    :type milestone_key: str

    :return: whether the deletion succeeded
    :rtype: bool
    if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
        Notify("Must be owner to delete an agreement")
        return False

    context = GetContext
    milestone_data_serialized = Get(context, milestone_key)
    milestone_data = deserialize_bytearray(milestone_data_serialized)
    status = milestone_data[11]

    if status == 'reviewed':
        Delete(context, milestone_key)
        return True

    elif status == 'refunded':
        Delete(context, milestone_key)
        return True

    return False
    def kyc_register(self, args, token: Token):

        :param args:list a list of addresses to register
        :param token:Token A token object with your ICO settings
            int: The number of addresses to register for KYC
        ok_count = 0

        if CheckWitness(token.owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    storage = StorageAPI()

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)
                    storage.put(kyc_storage_key, True)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
Exemple #26
def Undeploy(provider):
    Undeploy a provider from the KRYPTON network

    :param provider: the address of the SIP provider wallet
    :type provider: str

    :return: whether the deploy was successful
    :rtype: bool

    if not CheckWitness(provider):
        return False

    context = GetContext()
    address = Get(context, provider)

    # Remove deployment
    if not (address == 0):
        Delete(context, provider)
        return True

    # No deployment found
    return False
Exemple #27
def Main():
    Owner = b'031a6c6fbbdf02ca351745fa86b9ba5a9452d785ac4f7fc2b7548ca2a46c4fcf4a'

    result = CheckWitness(Owner)
    if result:
        print("Owner is caller")
        return True
    return False
Exemple #28
def set_owner(context, to):
    previous = owner(context)
    if not previous:
        previous = to
    if not CheckWitness(previous):
        return "Only current owner can transfer ownership"
    Put(context, "owner", to)
    return True
Exemple #29
def plot_transfer(context, x, y, to):
    key = plot_owner_key(x, y)
    owner = plot_owner(context, x, y)
    if owner and not CheckWitness(owner):
        return "You are not allowed to transfer this plot"
    Put(context, key, to)
    OnPlotTransfer(owner, to, x, y)
    return True
Exemple #30
def Deploy():
    print('checking if its the owner')
    isowner = CheckWitness(OWNER)
    if isowner:
        print('it is the owner')
        time = SetTime()
        return time
    return 0