Exemple #1
def RegisterCompanyPerson(companyAddr, personAddr):
    key = concatAll(['company_', companyAddr, '_persons'])
    keyM = concatAll(['company_', companyAddr, '_persons_map'])
    curVal = Get(ctx, keyM)
    curValList = []
    if curVal is not None:
        curValList = Deserialize(curVal)

    for i in range(0, len(curValList)):
        if personAddr == curValList[i]:
            return True

    val = makeValue(curValList, '$')

    # company address
    person = Deserialize(Get(ctx, concatAll(['person_', personAddr, '_map'])))
    person["company_address"] = companyAddr
    Put(ctx, concatAll(['person_', personAddr, '_map']), Serialize(person))

    Put(ctx, key, val)
    Put(ctx, keyM, Serialize(curValList))
    Put(ctx, concat("person_", personAddr), companyAddr)
    return True
Exemple #2
def buy(id, fromAcc):
    # 获取倒计时结束时间 并判断 是否已结束
    endTimeDeserialize = Get(GetContext(), ENDTIME)
    endTime = Deserialize(endTimeDeserialize)
    if GetTime() >= endTime:
        reset(2, id, fromAcc)
        # 获取所有国家
        regionDeserialize = Get(GetContext(), REGION)
        region = Deserialize(regionDeserialize)
        for item in region:
            if item[0] == id:
                # 拿到目标购买国家进行交易
                param = state(Base58ToAddress(fromAcc),
                              Base58ToAddress(item[2]), item[1] - 1)
                res = Invoke(0, OntContract, "transfer", [param])
                if res != b'\x01':
                    Notify("buy error.")
                    return False
                # 每一次给合约内部转1个币
                paramContract = state(Base58ToAddress(fromAcc),
                                      selfContractAddress, 1)
                resContract = Invoke(0, OntContract, 'transfer',
                # 倒计时增加用户消耗的币 * 10 秒
                endTime = endTime + item[1] * 10
                Put(GetContext(), ENDTIME, Serialize(endTime))
                # 将购买用户设置为最后一次购买人
                Put(GetContext(), LASTBUY, Serialize(fromAcc))
                # 更新国家信息以及价格
                item[1] = (item[1] - 1) * 2 + 1
                item[2] = fromAcc
        Put(GetContext(), REGION, Serialize(region))
        Notify("buy success.")
        return True
Exemple #3
def reset(type, id, fromAcc):
    # 获取所有国家
    regionDeserialize = Get(GetContext(), REGION)
    region = Deserialize(regionDeserialize)
    # 获取最后一个购买人
    lastBuyDeserialize = Get(GetContext(), LASTBUY)
    lastBuy = Deserialize(lastBuyDeserialize)
    # 计算下一次倒计时
    endTime = GetTime() + cycle
    # 获取合约内部的总金额
    param = state(selfContractAddress)
    unboundOngAmount = Invoke(0, OntContract, 'balanceOf', param)
    # 把合约内的所有币转给最后一个购买人
    paramContract = state(selfContractAddress, Base58ToAddress(lastBuy),
    resContract = Invoke(0, OntContract, 'transfer', [paramContract])
    # 重新设置倒计时
    Put(GetContext(), ENDTIME, Serialize(endTime))
    # 所有地区价格重置为2
    for item in region:
        item[1] = 2
    Put(GetContext(), REGION, Serialize(region))
    if type == 1:
    if type == 2:
        buy(id, fromAcc)
Exemple #4
def manualSetResult(date, index, gameid, hscore, vscore):
    _require(CheckWitness(operaterAddress) or CheckWitness(adminAddress))
    #update the bet
    betKey = _concatKey(BetPrefix, gameid)
    betmap = Deserialize(Get(ctx, betKey))
    if betmap[Finished] == True:
        return False
    gk = _concatKey(_concatKey(GamePrefix, date), index)
    gameMap = Deserialize(Get(ctx, gk))
    _require(gameid == gameMap[GameID])
    gameMap[HTeamScore] = hscore
    gameMap[VTeamScore] = vscore
    Put(ctx, gk, Serialize(gameMap))
    winnerkey = HomeList
    betinfos = betmap[winnerkey]
    winnerBets = betmap['HomeTotal']
    if hscore < vscore:
        winnerkey = VistorList
        winnerBets = betmap['VisitorTotal']
    betmap[Finished] = True

    totalBets = betmap['HomeTotal'] + betmap['VisitorTotal']
    _distributeRewards(totalBets, winnerBets, betinfos)
    Put(ctx, betKey, Serialize(betmap))
    return True
Exemple #5
def RegisterPerson(person_id, phone_number, cpr_cert=""):
    ctx = GetContext()

    cpr_status = cpr_cert and VerifyPerson(cpr_cert)
    person = {'cpr': cpr_status}
    Put(ctx, PERSON_KEY + person_id, Serialize(person))

    if cpr_status:
        # create persons list
        cpr_persons_list = Get(ctx, CPR_LIST_KEY)
        Notify(['in cpr_status', CPR_LIST_KEY])
        if cpr_persons_list is not None:
            cpr_persons_list = Deserialize(cpr_persons_list)
            cpr_persons_list = []
        cpr_persons_list.append([person_id, phone_number])

        Put(ctx, CPR_LIST_KEY, Serialize(cpr_persons_list))
    # persons_list = Get(ctx, PERSONS_LIST_KEY)
    # if persons_list is not None:
    #     persons_list = Deserialize(persons_list)
    # else:
    #     persons_list = []
    # persons_list.append(person_id)
    # Notify('Persons List')
    # Put(ctx, PERSONS_LIST_KEY, Serialize(persons_list))

    return True
Exemple #6
def init():
    # init list
    list1 = [1, 2, 3]
    list1Info = Serialize(list1)
    Put(GetContext(), LISTKEY, list1Info)
    # init map
    map1 = {"key1": 1, "key2": 2}
    map1Info = Serialize(map1)
    Put(GetContext(), MAPKEY, map1Info)

    Notify(["init list is ", list1])
    Notify(["init map is ", map1["key1"], map1["key2"]])

    return True
Exemple #7
def checkList(numberList, accountList):

    Notify(["111", numberList, accountList])
    numberListInfo = Serialize(numberList)
    Put(GetContext(), NUM_LIST_KEY, numberListInfo)
    accountListInfo = Serialize(accountList)
    Put(GetContext(), ACCOUNT_LIST_KEY, accountListInfo)

    numberListInfo1 = Get(GetContext(), NUM_LIST_KEY)
    numberList1 = Deserialize(numberListInfo1)
    accountListInfo1 = Get(GetContext(), ACCOUNT_LIST_KEY)
    accountList1 = Deserialize(accountListInfo1)
    Notify(["222", numberList1, accountList1])
    return [numberList, accountList]
Exemple #8
def update_prob(rarity, v):
    if (v < 0) or (v > 100):
        return v

    ctx = GetContext()
    prob_map_raw = Deserialize(Get(ctx, PROB_MAP_RAW))
    prob_map_raw = update_prob(prob_map_raw, rarity, v)
    prob_map_raw_s = Serialize(prob_map_raw)
    Put(ctx, PROB_MAP_RAW, prob_map_raw_s)

    prob_map = _sum_cum(prob_map_raw)
    s = Serialize(prob_map)
    Put(ctx, PROB_MAP, s)
    Notify(['update_prob', prob_map_raw])
    return True
Exemple #9
def Main(operation):

    # create an array
    stuff = ["a", 3, ["j", 3, 5], "jk", "lmnopqr"]

    # serialize it
    to_save = Serialize(stuff)
    Put(ctx, "serialized", to_save)

    if operation == 1:
        return to_save

    elif operation == 2:

        to_retrieve = Get(ctx, "serialized")
        return to_retrieve

    elif operation == 3:

        to_retrieve = Get(ctx, "serialized")
        deserialized = Deserialize(to_retrieve)
        return deserialized

    elif operation == 4:

        to_retrieve = Get(ctx, "serialized")
        deserialized = Deserialize(to_retrieve)
        return deserialized[2]

    return False
Exemple #10
def placeBet(address, gameID, HorV, amount):
    _require(amount > 0)
    key = _concatKey(BetPrefix, gameID)
    game = Get(ctx, key)
    gameMap = Deserialize(game)

    if gameMap[BetEnd] == True:
        return False
    if gameMap[Finished] == True:
        return False

    _require(_transferONG(address, selfAddr, amount))

    listkey = HomeList
    if HorV == 'V':
        listkey = VistorList
        gameMap['VisitorTotal'] = gameMap['VisitorTotal'] + amount
        gameMap['HomeTotal'] = gameMap['HomeTotal'] + amount

    betmap = gameMap[listkey]
    betinfo = {'address': address, 'amount': amount}
    if len(betmap) == 0:
        gameMap[listkey] = [betinfo]

    Put(ctx, key, Serialize(gameMap))

    BetEvent(address, gameID, HorV, amount)
    return True
Exemple #11
def createOneToken(name, url, type):
    create a new token
    :param name:
    :param url:
    :param type:
    # Notify(["111_createOneToken begins"])
    # generate tokenID
    timestamp = GetTime()
    totalSupply = Get(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY)
    newTotalSupply = totalSupply + 1
    Put(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY, newTotalSupply)
    tmp = concatkey(concatkey(selfAddr, timestamp), newTotalSupply)
    tokenID = sha256(tmp)
    # construct token map
    token = {'ID': tokenID, 'Name': name, 'Image': url, 'Type': type}
    Notify(["111_createOneToken", newTotalSupply, tokenID, concatkey(TOKEN_ID_PREFIX, tokenID)])
    Put(ctx, concatkey(TOKEN_INDEX_PREFIX, newTotalSupply), tokenID)
    ownerKey = concatkey(OWNER_OF_TOKEN_PREFIX, tokenID)
    Put(ctx, ownerKey, admin)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(TOKEN_ID_PREFIX, tokenID), Serialize(token))
    # add to adminBalance
    adminBalance = Get(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, admin))
    Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, admin), adminBalance + 1)
    # Notify(["333_createOneToken ends"])
    return True
#################### For testing usage only ends ######################
Exemple #12
def sendMessage(from_addr, to_addr, encrypt, message):
    send message to some address
    :param from_addr:
    :param to_addr:
    :param encrypt:
    :param message:

    if CheckWitness(from_addr) == False:
        return False

    timestamp = GetTime()

    msg = {
        'FROM': from_addr,
        'ENCRYPT': encrypt,
        'MESSAGE': message,
        'TIMESTAMP': timestamp

    countkey = concatkey(messageCountPrefix, to_addr)
    count = Get(ctx, countkey)

    Put(ctx, concatkey(concatkey(messageboxPrefix, to_addr), count + 1),
    Put(ctx, countkey, count + 1)

    Notify(['sendMessage', from_addr, to_addr, count + 1])
    return True
Exemple #13
def createGameByOracleRes(gameId):

    # # make sure the result hasn't be saved before
    # Require(not getGameResult(gameId))

    # make sure the request has been sent out to the oracle contract
    sentReqTxhash = Get(GetContext(),
                        concatKey(SENTREQHASH_FORMGAME_PREFIX, gameId))
    response = OracleContract('GetOracleOutcome', [sentReqTxhash])

    res = Deserialize(response)

    # extract game and disk info from res
    # make sure gameId is consistent with that provided within response
    # gameId, diskIdList, betEndTime
    diskIdList = [1, 2, 3]
    betEndTime = 100

    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(GAME_DISKID_PREFIX, gameId),
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(GAME_BET_ENDTIME_PREFIX, gameId), betEndTime)

    return True
Exemple #14
def CloseAuction(personAddr):

    # get highest bid
    highestBids = getHighestBid(personAddr)

    amount = highestBids['price']
    nextCompanyAddress = highestBids['company_address']


    # check amount of next company address
    #    if amount > BalanceOf(nextCompanyAddress):
    #       return False

    # get current company address
    person = Get(ctx, concatAll(["person_", personAddr, '_map']))
    personData = Deserialize(person)
    currentCompanyAddress = personData['company_address']

    # transfer
    transfer(nextCompanyAddress, currentCompanyAddress, amount)

    # change company
    company = Get(ctx, concat('company_', nextCompanyAddress))
    personData['company'] = company

    Put(ctx, concatAll(["person_", personAddr, '_map']), Serialize(personData))

    return True
def _saveShareRecord(shareKey, shareData):
    _shareKey = concat(SHARE_PREFIX, shareKey)
    _saveData(_shareKey, Serialize(shareData))
        _shareKey, shareData['contract'], shareData['symbol'],
        shareData['amount'], shareData['sponsor']
Exemple #16
def feedPanda(assetID):
    feedPanda only recovery the HP loss
    :param assetID:
    owner = ownerOf(assetID)
    if not owner:
        return False
    if CheckWitness(owner) == False:
        return False

    pdata = Get(ctx, concatkey(ASSET_ID_PREFIX, assetID))
    panda = Deserialize(pdata)
    if panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP] == panda[ATTRIBUTE_HPMAX]:
        return True
        bamboo = Get(ctx, concatkey(BAMBOO_BALANCE, owner))
        if bamboo < 1:
            return False
        increaseHP = 10 + abs(getRandom()) % 3
        if panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP] + increaseHP >= panda[ATTRIBUTE_HPMAX]:
            panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP] = panda[ATTRIBUTE_HPMAX]
            panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP] = panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP] + increaseHP
        Put(ctx, concatkey(ASSET_ID_PREFIX, assetID), Serialize(panda))
    return True
Exemple #17
def put(key):
    a = {'index': 16, 'value': 16}
    # c = 16
    # Notify([c])
    # Put(ctx, _concatkey(testKey, 16), Serialize(a))
    Put(ctx, _concatkey(testKey, key), Serialize(a))
    return True
Exemple #18
def saveGameResultByOracleRes(gameId):

    # # make sure the result hasn't be saved before
    # Require(not getGameResult(gameId))

    # make sure the request has been sent out to the oracle contract
    sentReqTxhash = Get(GetContext(),
                        concatKey(SENTREQHASH_SAVERES_PREFIX, gameId))
    response = OracleContract('GetOracleOutcome', [sentReqTxhash])

    res = Deserialize(response)

    # save the match/game result requesting from oracle contract to this contract
    diskIdList = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    diskResList = [-1, 0, 1, 2]
    diskResMap = {
        diskIdList[0]: -1,
        diskIdList[1]: 0,
        diskIdList[2]: 1,
        diskIdList[3]: 2,

    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(GAME_RES_PREFIX, gameId),
    Notify(["saveGameResultByOracleRes", gameId, diskIdList, diskResList])
    return True
Exemple #19
def Save_Manufacture_Data(manufacture_date,manufacture_time,manufacture_origin,manufacture_company,manufacture_people,manufacture_medicine_name,manufacture_expiry_date,manufacture_ingredient1,manufacture_amount1,manufacture_ingredient2,manufacture_amount2,manufacture_ingredient3,manufacture_amount3,manufacture_ingredient4,manufacture_amount4,manufacture_ingredient5,manufacture_amount5,manufacture_ingredient6,manufacture_amount6,manufacture_ingredient7,manufacture_amount7,manufacture_ingredient8,manufacture_amount8):
    context = GetContext()
    manufacture_data = {
    manufacture_data2 = Serialize(manufacture_data)
    Put(context, "manufacture_data", manufacture_data2)
    return True
Exemple #20
def put(key):
    a = {'index': 16, 'value': 16}
    # base_ = 0xffffffff
    base_ = 4294967295
    c = key + base_
    # c = 4294967296
    Put(ctx, _concatkey(testKey, c), Serialize(a))
    Notify(["111", c])
    return True
Exemple #21
def init():
    # 此函数只执行一次,如果已初始化就什么也不做,没初始化就初始化
    mapList = Get(GetContext(), REGION)
    if not mapList:
        regionList = []
        i = 0
        while i <= 220:
            regionList.append([i, 2, developerAcc])
            i += 1
        Put(GetContext(), REGION, Serialize(regionList))
        endTime = GetTime() + cycle
        Put(GetContext(), ENDTIME, Serialize(endTime))
        Put(GetContext(), LASTBUY, Serialize(developerAcc))
        Notify(["init region List success "])
        return True
        Notify('already inited')
        return False
Exemple #22
def save():
    #a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    c = {'a':1,'b':2}

    b = Serialize(c)

    return True
Exemple #23
def add_storage(key, value):
    ctx = GetContext()
    prob_map = Deserialize(Get(ctx, PROB_MAP))

    prob_map[key] = value
    serialized_map = Serialize(prob_map)
    Put(ctx, PROB_MAP, serialized_map)
    return True
Exemple #24
def GeneratorRandom(id):
    txid = GetTransactionHash(GetScriptContainer())

    blockHeigt = GetHeight() + 1
    blockTime = GetTime()
    blockHash = GetCurrentBlockHash()

    sysseed = [0, id, blockHeigt, blockTime, blockHash]
    sysseed = sha256(Serialize(sysseed))

    resseed = sha256(Serialize([txid, sysseed]))

    resseed = sha256(Serialize([resseed, resseed]))

    res = abs(resseed)
    number = res % 100
    number = number + 1
    return number
def add_key_value_in_dict(key, value):
    new_dict = {}
    new_dict_info = Get(CTX, 'new_dict')
    if new_dict_info:
        new_dict = Deserialize(new_dict_info)
    new_dict[key] = value
    new_dict_info = Serialize(new_dict)
    Put(CTX, 'new_dict', new_dict_info)
    Notify(['add key value in dict', key, value, new_dict_info])
Exemple #26
def adventure(assetID, lv):
    owner = ownerOf(assetID)
    if not owner:
        return False
    if CheckWitness(owner) == False:
        return False

    lastADTime = Get(ctx, concatkey(LAST_ADVENTURE_TIME, assetID))
    currentTime = GetTime()
    period = currentTime - lastADTime

    pdata = Get(ctx, concatkey(ASSET_ID_PREFIX, assetID))
    panda = Deserialize(pdata)
    if panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP] == 0:
        return False
    pandaLV = panda[ATTRIBUTE_LEVEL]
    qty = panda[ATTRIBUTE_Qty]
    # canAD = False
    # if qty == QUANLITY_GOLD:
    #     if period > 5 * 60:
    #         canAD = True
    # elif qty == QUANLITY_SILVER:
    #     if period > 10 * 60:
    #         canAD = True
    # elif qty == QUANLITY_COPPER:
    #     if period > 30 * 60:
    #         canAD = True
    # elif qty == QUANLITY_IRON:
    #     if period > 60 * 60:
    #         canAD = True
    # elif qty == QUANLITY_WOOD:
    #     if period > 90 * 60:
    #         canAD = True
    # if canAD == False:
    #     return False

    tmpRandom = (abs(getRandom()) >> (lv % 5 + 1)) % (panda[ATTRIBUTE_HPMAX] + lv + pandaLV)
    magicno = abs(sha1(getRandom() >> (lv % 8 + 1))) % (pandaLV + lv)

    resist = (panda[ATTRIBUTE_ATK] * 35 + panda[ATTRIBUTE_HPMAX] / 10 * 50 + magicno * 20) / (panda[ATTRIBUTE_ATK] + panda[ATTRIBUTE_HPMAX] / 10 + pandaLV - lv)
    injuredHP = (tmpRandom * 100 - resist) / 100

    passed = False
    if injuredHP >= panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP]:
        panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP] = 0
        passed = True
        panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP] = panda[ATTRIBUTE_HP] - injuredHP
        gotExp = abs(sha1(getRandom() >> (lv % 8 + 1))) % 10
        newExp = panda[ATTRIBUTE_EXP] + gotExp
        if newExp >= panda[ATTRIBUTE_EXPCAP]:
            panda = levelUp(panda, panda[ATTRIBUTE_EXP] + gotExp - panda[ATTRIBUTE_EXPCAP])
            panda[ATTRIBUTE_EXP] = newExp
    Put(ctx, concatkey(ASSET_ID_PREFIX, assetID), Serialize(panda))
Exemple #27
def random(min,max,salt):# min>=x and x<=max
    txid = GetTransactionHash(GetScriptContainer())
    blockTime = GetTime()
    blockHash = GetCurrentBlockHash()
    sysseed = [txid,blockHash, salt, blockTime]
    sysseed = sha256(Serialize(sysseed))
    res = abs(sysseed)
    number = res % (max-min+1)
    number = number + min
    return number
Exemple #28
def init():
    ctx = GetContext()
    prob = [
        ['SSR', 1],
        ['SR', 5],
        ['R', 10],
        ['N', 84],
    prob_map = _sum_cum(prob)

    prob_s = Serialize(prob)
    Put(ctx, PROB_MAP_RAW, prob_s)
    #    add_card('SSR', 1)
    #    remove_card('SSR', 1)
    #    change_prob('SSR', 80)
    s = Serialize(prob_map)
    Put(ctx, PROB_MAP, s)
    Notify(['prob', prob_map])
    return True
def put_grants(copyright, address, expired):
    key = get_key(GRANTS_KEY_PREFIX, copyright)

    grants = get_grants(copyright)
    if not grants:
        grants = []

    grants.append([address, GetTime() + expired if expired != 0 else None])
    serialized = [Serialize(x) for x in grants]
    return Put(ctx, key, serialized)
Exemple #30
def RegisterBid(personAddr, companyAddr, price):
    # check date
    auction = Get(ctx, concatAll(['auction_', personAddr, '_map']))
    if auction is not None:
        auction = Deserialize(auction)
    now = GetTime()  # TODO

    # read last bids
    bidsStrKey = concatAll(['bids_', personAddr])
    bidsListKey = concatAll([bidsStrKey, '_list'])

    bidsTmp = Get(ctx, bidsListKey)
    bidsList = []
    if bidsTmp is not None:
        bidsList = Deserialize(bidsTmp)

    # create value
    bidStr = makeValue([companyAddr, price], '$')
    bidsStr = makeValue(bidsList, '#')
    Put(ctx, bidsStrKey, bidsStr)
    Put(ctx, bidsListKey, Serialize(bidsList))

    # register highest bid
    curBid = {'company_address': companyAddr, 'price': price}
    hKey = concat('highest_bid_', personAddr)
    hMapKey = concat(hKey, '_map')
    if (len(bidsList) == 0):
        Put(ctx, hKey, bidStr)
        Put(ctx, hMapKey, Serialize(curBid))
        highestBid = Get(ctx, hMapKey)
        if highestBid is not None:
            highestBid = Deserialize(highestBid)
            if highestBid['price'] <= price:
                Put(ctx, hKey, bidStr)
                Put(ctx, hMapKey, Serialize(curBid))
            Put(ctx, hKey, bidStr)
            Put(ctx, hMapKey, Serialize(curBid))

    return True