Exemple #1
class Game:
    # TODO: check if new tetromino is not added to non-existing rows (above board)

    def __init__(self, gene: Genes):
        self.board = Board()
        self.tetromino_spawner = TetrominoSpawner()
        self.is_game_over = False
        self.score = 0
        self.gene = gene

    def play(self, tetromino_seq):
        self.tetromino_spawner = TetrominoSpawner(tetromino_seq)

        for i in range(
        ):  # this range changes the number of times single game is played (more games are better in case of random spawning)
            self.is_game_over = False  # TODO
            self.board = Board()

            while not self.is_game_over:
                # get situation of top two rows
                situation = self.board.get_situation()

                # get new tetromino
                tetromino: Tetromino = self.tetromino_spawner.spawn()
                rotations_num = self.gene.get_rotation(situation,

                # check if last row is empty and end if not
                if not self.board.can_place_next_tetromino(tetromino):
                    self.is_game_over = True

                # place tetromino
                position = self.gene.get_position(situation,
                self.board.add_tetromino(tetromino, position)

                # remove full rows and add score
                removed_count = self.board.remove_full_rows_and_return_count()
                self.score += removed_count * 10000  # give 1000 pts for each row
                self.score += 1  # give score for each dropped tetromino 30 pieces > 1 row

    def restart(self):
        self.board = Board()
        self.tetromino_spawner = TetrominoSpawner()
        self.is_game_over = False
        self.score = 0

    def get_score(self):
        return self.score

    def get_gene(self):
        return self.gene